# Loading R libraries
# Loading source and
# formulating the train set
<- as.data.frame(peakVO2)
# Converting survival time
# to discrete monthly data
$ttodead <- ceiling(peakVO2$ttodead*12)
peakVO2<- peakVO2
# Setting the appropriate data types
# for exploratory data analysis
<- (as.data.frame(sapply(peakVO2, function(x) max(x))))
peakVO2.Assessment names(peakVO2.Assessment) <- c("Max.Value")
$Variables <- rownames(peakVO2.Assessment)
peakVO2.Assessment peakVO2.Assessment
## Max.Value Variables
## age 82.00000 age
## betablok 1.00000 betablok
## dilver 1.00000 dilver
## nifed 1.00000 nifed
## acei 1.00000 acei
## angioten.II 1.00000 angioten.II
## anti.arrhy 1.00000 anti.arrhy
## anti.coag 1.00000 anti.coag
## aspirin 1.00000 aspirin
## digoxin 1.00000 digoxin
## nitrates 1.00000 nitrates
## vasodilator 1.00000 vasodilator
## diuretic.loop 1.00000 diuretic.loop
## diuretic.thiazide 1.00000 diuretic.thiazide
## diuretic.potassium.spar 1.00000 diuretic.potassium.spar
## lipidrx.statin 1.00000 lipidrx.statin
## insulin 1.00000 insulin
## surgery.pacemaker 1.00000 surgery.pacemaker
## surgery.cabg 1.00000 surgery.cabg
## surgery.pci 1.00000 surgery.pci
## surgery.aicd.implant 1.00000 surgery.aicd.implant
## resting.systolic.bp 184.00000 resting.systolic.bp
## resting.hr 124.00000 resting.hr
## smknow 1.00000 smknow
## q.wave.mi 1.00000 q.wave.mi
## bmi 59.61593 bmi
## niddm 1.00000 niddm
## lvef.metabl 40.00000 lvef.metabl
## peak.rer 1.80000 peak.rer
## peak.vo2 43.80000 peak.vo2
## interval 1415.00000 interval
## cad 1.00000 cad
## died 1.00000 died
## ttodead 127.00000 ttodead
## bun 129.00000 bun
## sodium 152.00000 sodium
## hgb 19.20000 hgb
## glucose 424.00000 glucose
## male 1.00000 male
## black 1.00000 black
## crcl 385.84097 crcl
<- peakVO2.Assessment[peakVO2.Assessment[,1]==1,2]) (peakVO2.FactorNames
## [1] "betablok" "dilver"
## [3] "nifed" "acei"
## [5] "angioten.II" "anti.arrhy"
## [7] "anti.coag" "aspirin"
## [9] "digoxin" "nitrates"
## [11] "vasodilator" "diuretic.loop"
## [13] "diuretic.thiazide" "diuretic.potassium.spar"
## [15] "lipidrx.statin" "insulin"
## [17] "surgery.pacemaker" "surgery.cabg"
## [19] "surgery.pci" "surgery.aicd.implant"
## [21] "smknow" "q.wave.mi"
## [23] "niddm" "cad"
## [25] "died" "male"
## [27] "black"
<- peakVO2[,peakVO2.FactorNames]
peakVO2.Factor <- as.data.frame(lapply(peakVO2.Factor, factor))
<- as.data.frame(peakVO2[,!names(peakVO2) %in% peakVO2.FactorNames])
<- data.frame(peakVO2.Numeric,peakVO2.Factor)
# Performing a general exploration of the data set
## [1] 2231 41
## 'data.frame': 2231 obs. of 41 variables:
## $ age : int 74 77 79 67 79 51 56 69 41 45 ...
## $ resting.systolic.bp : int 90 134 108 122 130 122 100 104 108 100 ...
## $ resting.hr : int 74 53 104 96 94 62 79 72 71 84 ...
## $ bmi : num 26.1 20.8 20.7 26.7 23.6 ...
## $ lvef.metabl : num 15 20 40 25 20 10 10 15 20 25 ...
## $ peak.rer : num 1.12 0.98 1.15 1.21 1.06 0.98 0.91 1.2 1.17 0.89 ...
## $ peak.vo2 : num 11.9 24 11.2 15.6 17.2 15.7 6 15.9 23.8 15 ...
## $ interval : int 374 755 225 405 580 635 145 480 840 453 ...
## $ ttodead : num 15 44 3 127 45 15 13 11 122 9 ...
## $ bun : num 25 20 29.7 27.9 39 ...
## $ sodium : num 141 138 140 139 143 ...
## $ hgb : num 14.6 13.1 12.9 13.2 12.5 ...
## $ glucose : num 89 90 98.7 136.9 104 ...
## $ crcl : num 49.9 60.4 33.6 69.3 44.7 ...
## $ betablok : Factor w/ 2 levels "0","1": 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 ...
## $ dilver : Factor w/ 2 levels "0","1": 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
## $ nifed : Factor w/ 2 levels "0","1": 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
## $ acei : Factor w/ 2 levels "0","1": 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 ...
## $ angioten.II : Factor w/ 2 levels "0","1": 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 ...
## $ anti.arrhy : Factor w/ 2 levels "0","1": 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 ...
## $ anti.coag : Factor w/ 2 levels "0","1": 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 ...
## $ aspirin : Factor w/ 2 levels "0","1": 2 2 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 ...
## $ digoxin : Factor w/ 2 levels "0","1": 1 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 ...
## $ nitrates : Factor w/ 2 levels "0","1": 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 ...
## $ vasodilator : Factor w/ 2 levels "0","1": 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
## $ diuretic.loop : Factor w/ 2 levels "0","1": 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 ...
## $ diuretic.thiazide : Factor w/ 2 levels "0","1": 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
## $ diuretic.potassium.spar: Factor w/ 2 levels "0","1": 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 ...
## $ lipidrx.statin : Factor w/ 2 levels "0","1": 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 ...
## $ insulin : Factor w/ 2 levels "0","1": 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
## $ surgery.pacemaker : Factor w/ 2 levels "0","1": 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 ...
## $ surgery.cabg : Factor w/ 2 levels "0","1": 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 ...
## $ surgery.pci : Factor w/ 2 levels "0","1": 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 ...
## $ surgery.aicd.implant : Factor w/ 2 levels "0","1": 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 ...
## $ smknow : Factor w/ 2 levels "0","1": 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
## $ q.wave.mi : Factor w/ 2 levels "0","1": 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
## $ niddm : Factor w/ 2 levels "0","1": 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 ...
## $ cad : Factor w/ 2 levels "0","1": 2 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 ...
## $ died : Factor w/ 2 levels "0","1": 1 1 2 1 2 2 2 2 1 2 ...
## $ male : Factor w/ 2 levels "0","1": 2 1 2 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 ...
## $ black : Factor w/ 2 levels "0","1": 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 ...
## age resting.systolic.bp resting.hr bmi
## Min. :18.00 Min. : 80.0 Min. : 39.00 Min. :14.18
## 1st Qu.:48.00 1st Qu.: 98.0 1st Qu.: 66.00 1st Qu.:24.52
## Median :55.00 Median :110.0 Median : 75.00 Median :27.78
## Mean :54.22 Mean :110.5 Mean : 76.18 Mean :28.50
## 3rd Qu.:62.00 3rd Qu.:122.0 3rd Qu.: 86.00 3rd Qu.:31.89
## Max. :82.00 Max. :184.0 Max. :124.00 Max. :59.62
## lvef.metabl peak.rer peak.vo2 interval
## Min. : 5.00 Min. :0.079 Min. : 4.20 Min. : 21.0
## 1st Qu.:15.00 1st Qu.:1.020 1st Qu.:12.80 1st Qu.: 345.0
## Median :20.00 Median :1.100 Median :15.70 Median : 480.0
## Mean :20.26 Mean :1.079 Mean :16.27 Mean : 503.3
## 3rd Qu.:25.00 3rd Qu.:1.140 3rd Qu.:19.30 3rd Qu.: 641.0
## Max. :40.00 Max. :1.800 Max. :43.80 Max. :1415.0
## ttodead bun sodium hgb
## Min. : 1.00 Min. : 4.322 Min. :120.0 Min. : 7.20
## 1st Qu.: 30.00 1st Qu.: 17.000 1st Qu.:138.0 1st Qu.:12.80
## Median : 62.00 Median : 23.000 Median :139.8 Median :13.58
## Mean : 62.75 Mean : 25.278 Mean :139.5 Mean :13.54
## 3rd Qu.: 95.00 3rd Qu.: 29.334 3rd Qu.:141.0 3rd Qu.:14.40
## Max. :127.00 Max. :129.000 Max. :152.0 Max. :19.20
## glucose crcl betablok dilver nifed acei
## Min. : 37.00 Min. : 5.76 0: 802 0:2215 0:2132 0: 520
## 1st Qu.: 87.00 1st Qu.: 60.93 1:1429 1: 16 1: 99 1:1711
## Median : 96.93 Median : 83.13
## Mean :109.35 Mean : 90.71
## 3rd Qu.:114.88 3rd Qu.:110.33
## Max. :424.00 Max. :385.84
## angioten.II anti.arrhy anti.coag aspirin digoxin nitrates vasodilator
## 0:1941 0:1722 0:1332 0:1193 0: 661 0:1492 0:2095
## 1: 290 1: 509 1: 899 1:1038 1:1570 1: 739 1: 136
## diuretic.loop diuretic.thiazide diuretic.potassium.spar lipidrx.statin
## 0: 351 0:1952 0:1582 0:1381
## 1:1880 1: 279 1: 649 1: 850
## insulin surgery.pacemaker surgery.cabg surgery.pci surgery.aicd.implant
## 0:2016 0:1729 0:1637 0:1755 0:1584
## 1: 215 1: 502 1: 594 1: 476 1: 647
## smknow q.wave.mi niddm cad died male black
## 0:1772 0:1952 0:1881 0:1325 0:1505 0: 602 0:1965
## 1: 459 1: 279 1: 350 1: 906 1: 726 1:1629 1: 266
# Formulating a data type assessment summary
<- peakVO2
PDA <- data.frame(
(PDA.Summary Column.Index=c(1:length(names(PDA))),
Column.Name= names(PDA),
Column.Type=sapply(PDA, function(x) class(x)),
## Column.Index Column.Name Column.Type
## 1 1 age integer
## 2 2 resting.systolic.bp integer
## 3 3 resting.hr integer
## 4 4 bmi numeric
## 5 5 lvef.metabl numeric
## 6 6 peak.rer numeric
## 7 7 peak.vo2 numeric
## 8 8 interval integer
## 9 9 ttodead numeric
## 10 10 bun numeric
## 11 11 sodium numeric
## 12 12 hgb numeric
## 13 13 glucose numeric
## 14 14 crcl numeric
## 15 15 betablok factor
## 16 16 dilver factor
## 17 17 nifed factor
## 18 18 acei factor
## 19 19 angioten.II factor
## 20 20 anti.arrhy factor
## 21 21 anti.coag factor
## 22 22 aspirin factor
## 23 23 digoxin factor
## 24 24 nitrates factor
## 25 25 vasodilator factor
## 26 26 diuretic.loop factor
## 27 27 diuretic.thiazide factor
## 28 28 diuretic.potassium.spar factor
## 29 29 lipidrx.statin factor
## 30 30 insulin factor
## 31 31 surgery.pacemaker factor
## 32 32 surgery.cabg factor
## 33 33 surgery.pci factor
## 34 34 surgery.aicd.implant factor
## 35 35 smknow factor
## 36 36 q.wave.mi factor
## 37 37 niddm factor
## 38 38 cad factor
## 39 39 died factor
## 40 40 male factor
## 41 41 black factor
# Loading dataset
<- peakVO2
# Formulating an overall data quality assessment summary
<- data.frame(
(DQA.Summary Column.Index=c(1:length(names(DQA))),
Column.Name= names(DQA),
Column.Type=sapply(DQA, function(x) class(x)),
Row.Count=sapply(DQA, function(x) nrow(DQA)),
## Column.Index Column.Name Column.Type Row.Count NA.Count
## 1 1 age integer 2231 0
## 2 2 resting.systolic.bp integer 2231 0
## 3 3 resting.hr integer 2231 0
## 4 4 bmi numeric 2231 0
## 5 5 lvef.metabl numeric 2231 0
## 6 6 peak.rer numeric 2231 0
## 7 7 peak.vo2 numeric 2231 0
## 8 8 interval integer 2231 0
## 9 9 ttodead numeric 2231 0
## 10 10 bun numeric 2231 0
## 11 11 sodium numeric 2231 0
## 12 12 hgb numeric 2231 0
## 13 13 glucose numeric 2231 0
## 14 14 crcl numeric 2231 0
## 15 15 betablok factor 2231 0
## 16 16 dilver factor 2231 0
## 17 17 nifed factor 2231 0
## 18 18 acei factor 2231 0
## 19 19 angioten.II factor 2231 0
## 20 20 anti.arrhy factor 2231 0
## 21 21 anti.coag factor 2231 0
## 22 22 aspirin factor 2231 0
## 23 23 digoxin factor 2231 0
## 24 24 nitrates factor 2231 0
## 25 25 vasodilator factor 2231 0
## 26 26 diuretic.loop factor 2231 0
## 27 27 diuretic.thiazide factor 2231 0
## 28 28 diuretic.potassium.spar factor 2231 0
## 29 29 lipidrx.statin factor 2231 0
## 30 30 insulin factor 2231 0
## 31 31 surgery.pacemaker factor 2231 0
## 32 32 surgery.cabg factor 2231 0
## 33 33 surgery.pci factor 2231 0
## 34 34 surgery.aicd.implant factor 2231 0
## 35 35 smknow factor 2231 0
## 36 36 q.wave.mi factor 2231 0
## 37 37 niddm factor 2231 0
## 38 38 cad factor 2231 0
## 39 39 died factor 2231 0
## 40 40 male factor 2231 0
## 41 41 black factor 2231 0
## Fill.Rate
## 1 1.000
## 2 1.000
## 3 1.000
## 4 1.000
## 5 1.000
## 6 1.000
## 7 1.000
## 8 1.000
## 9 1.000
## 10 1.000
## 11 1.000
## 12 1.000
## 13 1.000
## 14 1.000
## 15 1.000
## 16 1.000
## 17 1.000
## 18 1.000
## 19 1.000
## 20 1.000
## 21 1.000
## 22 1.000
## 23 1.000
## 24 1.000
## 25 1.000
## 26 1.000
## 27 1.000
## 28 1.000
## 29 1.000
## 30 1.000
## 31 1.000
## 32 1.000
## 33 1.000
## 34 1.000
## 35 1.000
## 36 1.000
## 37 1.000
## 38 1.000
## 39 1.000
## 40 1.000
## 41 1.000
# Listing all descriptors
<- DQA
# Listing all numeric Descriptors
<- DQA.Descriptors[,sapply(DQA.Descriptors, is.numeric)]
if (length(names(DQA.Descriptors.Numeric))>0) {
print(paste0("There are ",
(" numeric descriptor variable(s)."))
else {
} print("There are no numeric descriptor variables.")
## [1] "There are 14 numeric descriptor variable(s)."
# Listing all factor Descriptors
<- DQA.Descriptors[,sapply(DQA.Descriptors, is.factor)]
if (length(names(DQA.Descriptors.Factor))>0) {
print(paste0("There are ",
(" factor descriptor variable(s)."))
else {
} print("There are no factor descriptor variables.")
## [1] "There are 27 factor descriptor variable(s)."
# Formulating a data quality assessment summary for factor Descriptors
if (length(names(DQA.Descriptors.Factor))>0) {
# Formulating a function to determine the first mode
<- function(x) {
FirstModes <- unique(na.omit(x))
ux <- tabulate(match(x, ux))
tab == max(tab)]
# Formulating a function to determine the second mode
<- function(x) {
SecondModes <- unique(na.omit(x))
ux <- tabulate(match(x, ux))
tab = ux[tab == max(tab)]
fm = x[!(x %in% fm)]
sm <- unique(sm)
usm <- tabulate(match(sm, usm))
tabsm ifelse(is.na(usm[tabsm == max(tabsm)])==TRUE,
return(usm[tabsm == max(tabsm)]))
<- data.frame(
(DQA.Descriptors.Factor.Summary Column.Name= names(DQA.Descriptors.Factor),
Column.Type=sapply(DQA.Descriptors.Factor, function(x) class(x)),
Unique.Count=sapply(DQA.Descriptors.Factor, function(x) length(unique(x))),
First.Mode.Value=sapply(DQA.Descriptors.Factor, function(x) as.character(FirstModes(x)[1])),
Second.Mode.Value=sapply(DQA.Descriptors.Factor, function(x) as.character(SecondModes(x)[1])),
First.Mode.Count=sapply(DQA.Descriptors.Factor, function(x) sum(na.omit(x) == FirstModes(x)[1])),
Second.Mode.Count=sapply(DQA.Descriptors.Factor, function(x) sum(na.omit(x) == SecondModes(x)[1])),
Unique.Count.Ratio=sapply(DQA.Descriptors.Factor, function(x) format(round((length(unique(x))/nrow(DQA.Descriptors.Factor)),3), nsmall=3)),
First.Second.Mode.Ratio=sapply(DQA.Descriptors.Factor, function(x) format(round((sum(na.omit(x) == FirstModes(x)[1])/sum(na.omit(x) == SecondModes(x)[1])),3), nsmall=3)),
## Column.Name Column.Type Unique.Count First.Mode.Value
## 1 betablok factor 2 1
## 2 dilver factor 2 0
## 3 nifed factor 2 0
## 4 acei factor 2 1
## 5 angioten.II factor 2 0
## 6 anti.arrhy factor 2 0
## 7 anti.coag factor 2 0
## 8 aspirin factor 2 0
## 9 digoxin factor 2 1
## 10 nitrates factor 2 0
## 11 vasodilator factor 2 0
## 12 diuretic.loop factor 2 1
## 13 diuretic.thiazide factor 2 0
## 14 diuretic.potassium.spar factor 2 0
## 15 lipidrx.statin factor 2 0
## 16 insulin factor 2 0
## 17 surgery.pacemaker factor 2 0
## 18 surgery.cabg factor 2 0
## 19 surgery.pci factor 2 0
## 20 surgery.aicd.implant factor 2 0
## 21 smknow factor 2 0
## 22 q.wave.mi factor 2 0
## 23 niddm factor 2 0
## 24 cad factor 2 0
## 25 died factor 2 0
## 26 male factor 2 1
## 27 black factor 2 0
## Second.Mode.Value First.Mode.Count Second.Mode.Count Unique.Count.Ratio
## 1 0 1429 802 0.001
## 2 1 2215 16 0.001
## 3 1 2132 99 0.001
## 4 0 1711 520 0.001
## 5 1 1941 290 0.001
## 6 1 1722 509 0.001
## 7 1 1332 899 0.001
## 8 1 1193 1038 0.001
## 9 0 1570 661 0.001
## 10 1 1492 739 0.001
## 11 1 2095 136 0.001
## 12 0 1880 351 0.001
## 13 1 1952 279 0.001
## 14 1 1582 649 0.001
## 15 1 1381 850 0.001
## 16 1 2016 215 0.001
## 17 1 1729 502 0.001
## 18 1 1637 594 0.001
## 19 1 1755 476 0.001
## 20 1 1584 647 0.001
## 21 1 1772 459 0.001
## 22 1 1952 279 0.001
## 23 1 1881 350 0.001
## 24 1 1325 906 0.001
## 25 1 1505 726 0.001
## 26 0 1629 602 0.001
## 27 1 1965 266 0.001
## First.Second.Mode.Ratio
## 1 1.782
## 2 138.438
## 3 21.535
## 4 3.290
## 5 6.693
## 6 3.383
## 7 1.482
## 8 1.149
## 9 2.375
## 10 2.019
## 11 15.404
## 12 5.356
## 13 6.996
## 14 2.438
## 15 1.625
## 16 9.377
## 17 3.444
## 18 2.756
## 19 3.687
## 20 2.448
## 21 3.861
## 22 6.996
## 23 5.374
## 24 1.462
## 25 2.073
## 26 2.706
## 27 7.387
# Formulating a data quality assessment summary for numeric Descriptors
if (length(names(DQA.Descriptors.Numeric))>0) {
# Formulating a function to determine the first mode
<- function(x) {
FirstModes <- unique(na.omit(x))
ux <- tabulate(match(x, ux))
tab == max(tab)]
# Formulating a function to determine the second mode
<- function(x) {
SecondModes <- unique(na.omit(x))
ux <- tabulate(match(x, ux))
tab = ux[tab == max(tab)]
fm = na.omit(x)[!(na.omit(x) %in% fm)]
sm <- unique(sm)
usm <- tabulate(match(sm, usm))
tabsm ifelse(is.na(usm[tabsm == max(tabsm)])==TRUE,
return(usm[tabsm == max(tabsm)]))
<- data.frame(
(DQA.Descriptors.Numeric.Summary Column.Name= names(DQA.Descriptors.Numeric),
Column.Type=sapply(DQA.Descriptors.Numeric, function(x) class(x)),
Unique.Count=sapply(DQA.Descriptors.Numeric, function(x) length(unique(x))),
Unique.Count.Ratio=sapply(DQA.Descriptors.Numeric, function(x) format(round((length(unique(x))/nrow(DQA.Descriptors.Numeric)),3), nsmall=3)),
First.Mode.Value=sapply(DQA.Descriptors.Numeric, function(x) format(round((FirstModes(x)[1]),3),nsmall=3)),
Second.Mode.Value=sapply(DQA.Descriptors.Numeric, function(x) format(round((SecondModes(x)[1]),3),nsmall=3)),
First.Mode.Count=sapply(DQA.Descriptors.Numeric, function(x) sum(na.omit(x) == FirstModes(x)[1])),
Second.Mode.Count=sapply(DQA.Descriptors.Numeric, function(x) sum(na.omit(x) == SecondModes(x)[1])),
First.Second.Mode.Ratio=sapply(DQA.Descriptors.Numeric, function(x) format(round((sum(na.omit(x) == FirstModes(x)[1])/sum(na.omit(x) == SecondModes(x)[1])),3), nsmall=3)),
Minimum=sapply(DQA.Descriptors.Numeric, function(x) format(round(min(x,na.rm = TRUE),3), nsmall=3)),
Mean=sapply(DQA.Descriptors.Numeric, function(x) format(round(mean(x,na.rm = TRUE),3), nsmall=3)),
Median=sapply(DQA.Descriptors.Numeric, function(x) format(round(median(x,na.rm = TRUE),3), nsmall=3)),
Maximum=sapply(DQA.Descriptors.Numeric, function(x) format(round(max(x,na.rm = TRUE),3), nsmall=3)),
Skewness=sapply(DQA.Descriptors.Numeric, function(x) format(round(skewness(x,na.rm = TRUE),3), nsmall=3)),
Kurtosis=sapply(DQA.Descriptors.Numeric, function(x) format(round(kurtosis(x,na.rm = TRUE),3), nsmall=3)),
Percentile25th=sapply(DQA.Descriptors.Numeric, function(x) format(round(quantile(x,probs=0.25,na.rm = TRUE),3), nsmall=3)),
Percentile75th=sapply(DQA.Descriptors.Numeric, function(x) format(round(quantile(x,probs=0.75,na.rm = TRUE),3), nsmall=3)),
## Column.Name Column.Type Unique.Count Unique.Count.Ratio
## 1 age integer 65 0.029
## 2 resting.systolic.bp integer 55 0.025
## 3 resting.hr integer 82 0.037
## 4 bmi numeric 2144 0.961
## 5 lvef.metabl numeric 38 0.017
## 6 peak.rer numeric 75 0.034
## 7 peak.vo2 numeric 252 0.113
## 8 interval integer 594 0.266
## 9 ttodead numeric 127 0.057
## 10 bun numeric 936 0.420
## 11 sodium numeric 881 0.395
## 12 hgb numeric 1004 0.450
## 13 glucose numeric 1060 0.475
## 14 crcl numeric 2213 0.992
## First.Mode.Value Second.Mode.Value First.Mode.Count Second.Mode.Count
## 1 55.000 60.000 94 90
## 2 110.000 100.000 174 173
## 3 70.000 75.000 87 81
## 4 27.070 25.417 3 2
## 5 20.000 15.000 565 529
## 6 1.100 1.120 173 157
## 7 14.800 16.000 28 25
## 8 480.000 600.000 146 129
## 9 14.000 96.000 30 29
## 10 18.000 14.000 78 76
## 11 139.000 140.000 173 163
## 12 13.500 14.300 45 34
## 13 94.000 87.000 40 34
## 14 94.444 104.833 3 2
## First.Second.Mode.Ratio Minimum Mean Median Maximum Skewness Kurtosis
## 1 1.044 18.000 54.223 55.000 82.000 -0.428 3.045
## 2 1.006 80.000 110.509 110.000 184.000 0.650 3.336
## 3 1.074 39.000 76.182 75.000 124.000 0.352 2.887
## 4 1.500 14.183 28.499 27.777 59.616 0.782 4.113
## 5 1.068 5.000 20.261 20.000 40.000 0.655 3.067
## 6 1.102 0.079 1.079 1.100 1.800 -1.490 12.741
## 7 1.120 4.200 16.275 15.700 43.800 0.732 4.113
## 8 1.132 21.000 503.255 480.000 1415.000 0.514 3.219
## 9 1.034 1.000 62.750 62.000 127.000 0.049 1.771
## 10 1.026 4.322 25.278 23.000 129.000 2.250 11.535
## 11 1.061 120.000 139.451 139.804 152.000 -0.834 7.204
## 12 1.324 7.200 13.542 13.585 19.200 -0.395 4.308
## 13 1.176 37.000 109.352 96.929 424.000 2.814 13.907
## 14 1.500 5.760 90.709 83.131 385.841 1.453 6.734
## Percentile25th Percentile75th
## 1 48.000 62.000
## 2 98.000 122.000
## 3 66.000 86.000
## 4 24.523 31.888
## 5 15.000 25.000
## 6 1.020 1.140
## 7 12.800 19.300
## 8 345.000 641.000
## 9 30.000 95.000
## 10 17.000 29.334
## 11 138.000 141.000
## 12 12.803 14.400
## 13 87.000 114.880
## 14 60.935 110.333
# Identifying potential data quality issues
# Checking for missing observations
if ((nrow(DQA.Summary[DQA.Summary$NA.Count>0,]))>0){
print(paste0("Missing observations noted for ",
(" variable(s) with NA.Count>0 and Fill.Rate<1.0."))
DQA.Summary[DQA.Summaryelse {
} print("No missing observations noted.")
## [1] "No missing observations noted."
# Checking for zero or near-zero variance Descriptors
if (length(names(DQA.Descriptors.Factor))==0) {
print("No factor descriptors noted.")
else if (nrow(DQA.Descriptors.Factor.Summary[as.numeric(as.character(DQA.Descriptors.Factor.Summary$First.Second.Mode.Ratio))>5,])>0){
} print(paste0("Low variance observed for ",
(" factor variable(s) with First.Second.Mode.Ratio>5."))
DQA.Descriptors.Factor.Summary[else {
} print("No low variance factor descriptors due to high first-second mode ratio noted.")
## [1] "Low variance observed for 10 factor variable(s) with First.Second.Mode.Ratio>5."
## Column.Name Column.Type Unique.Count First.Mode.Value
## 2 dilver factor 2 0
## 3 nifed factor 2 0
## 5 angioten.II factor 2 0
## 11 vasodilator factor 2 0
## 12 diuretic.loop factor 2 1
## 13 diuretic.thiazide factor 2 0
## 16 insulin factor 2 0
## 22 q.wave.mi factor 2 0
## 23 niddm factor 2 0
## 27 black factor 2 0
## Second.Mode.Value First.Mode.Count Second.Mode.Count Unique.Count.Ratio
## 2 1 2215 16 0.001
## 3 1 2132 99 0.001
## 5 1 1941 290 0.001
## 11 1 2095 136 0.001
## 12 0 1880 351 0.001
## 13 1 1952 279 0.001
## 16 1 2016 215 0.001
## 22 1 1952 279 0.001
## 23 1 1881 350 0.001
## 27 1 1965 266 0.001
## First.Second.Mode.Ratio
## 2 138.438
## 3 21.535
## 5 6.693
## 11 15.404
## 12 5.356
## 13 6.996
## 16 9.377
## 22 6.996
## 23 5.374
## 27 7.387
if (length(names(DQA.Descriptors.Numeric))==0) {
print("No numeric descriptors noted.")
else if (nrow(DQA.Descriptors.Numeric.Summary[as.numeric(as.character(DQA.Descriptors.Numeric.Summary$First.Second.Mode.Ratio))>5,])>0){
} print(paste0("Low variance observed for ",
(" numeric variable(s) with First.Second.Mode.Ratio>5."))
DQA.Descriptors.Numeric.Summary[else {
} print("No low variance numeric descriptors due to high first-second mode ratio noted.")
## [1] "No low variance numeric descriptors due to high first-second mode ratio noted."
if (length(names(DQA.Descriptors.Numeric))==0) {
print("No numeric descriptors noted.")
else if (nrow(DQA.Descriptors.Numeric.Summary[as.numeric(as.character(DQA.Descriptors.Numeric.Summary$Unique.Count.Ratio))<0.01,])>0){
} print(paste0("Low variance observed for ",
(" numeric variable(s) with Unique.Count.Ratio<0.01."))
DQA.Descriptors.Numeric.Summary[else {
} print("No low variance numeric descriptors due to low unique count ratio noted.")
## [1] "No low variance numeric descriptors due to low unique count ratio noted."
# Checking for skewed Descriptors
if (length(names(DQA.Descriptors.Numeric))==0) {
print("No numeric descriptors noted.")
else if (nrow(DQA.Descriptors.Numeric.Summary[as.numeric(as.character(DQA.Descriptors.Numeric.Summary$Skewness))>3 |
} as.numeric(as.character(DQA.Descriptors.Numeric.Summary$Skewness))<(-3),])>0){
print(paste0("High skewness observed for ",
nrow(DQA.Descriptors.Numeric.Summary[as.numeric(as.character(DQA.Descriptors.Numeric.Summary$Skewness))>3 |
" numeric variable(s) with Skewness>3 or Skewness<(-3)."))
as.numeric(as.character(DQA.Descriptors.Numeric.Summary$Skewness))>3 |
else {
} print("No skewed numeric descriptors noted.")
## [1] "No skewed numeric descriptors noted."
# Loading dataset
<- peakVO2
# Listing all predictors
<- DPA[,!names(DPA) %in% c("died","ttodead")]
# Listing all numeric predictors
<- DPA.Predictors[,sapply(DPA.Predictors, is.numeric)]
# Identifying outliers for the numeric predictors
<- c()
for (i in 1:ncol(DPA.Predictors.Numeric)) {
<- boxplot.stats(DPA.Predictors.Numeric[,i])$out
Outliers <- length(Outliers)
OutlierCount <- append(OutlierCountList,OutlierCount)
OutlierCountList <- which(DPA.Predictors.Numeric[,i] %in% c(Outliers))
OutlierIndices boxplot(DPA.Predictors.Numeric[,i],
ylab = names(DPA.Predictors.Numeric)[i],
main = names(DPA.Predictors.Numeric)[i],
mtext(paste0(OutlierCount, " Outlier(s) Detected"))
<- as.data.frame(cbind(names(DPA.Predictors.Numeric),(OutlierCountList)))
OutlierCountSummary names(OutlierCountSummary) <- c("NumericPredictors","OutlierCount")
$OutlierCount <- as.numeric(as.character(OutlierCountSummary$OutlierCount))
OutlierCountSummary<- nrow(OutlierCountSummary[OutlierCountSummary$OutlierCount>0,])
NumericPredictorWithOutlierCount print(paste0(NumericPredictorWithOutlierCount, " numeric variable(s) were noted with outlier(s)." ))
## [1] "12 numeric variable(s) were noted with outlier(s)."
# Gathering descriptive statistics
<- skim(DPA.Predictors.Numeric)) (DPA_Skimmed
Name | DPA.Predictors.Numeric |
Number of rows | 2231 |
Number of columns | 13 |
_______________________ | |
Column type frequency: | |
numeric | 13 |
________________________ | |
Group variables | None |
Variable type: numeric
skim_variable | n_missing | complete_rate | mean | sd | p0 | p25 | p50 | p75 | p100 | hist |
age | 0 | 1 | 54.22 | 11.03 | 18.00 | 48.00 | 55.00 | 62.00 | 82.00 | ▁▃▇▇▂ |
resting.systolic.bp | 0 | 1 | 110.51 | 17.93 | 80.00 | 98.00 | 110.00 | 122.00 | 184.00 | ▇▇▅▁▁ |
resting.hr | 0 | 1 | 76.18 | 14.39 | 39.00 | 66.00 | 75.00 | 86.00 | 124.00 | ▂▇▇▃▁ |
bmi | 0 | 1 | 28.50 | 5.69 | 14.18 | 24.52 | 27.78 | 31.89 | 59.62 | ▂▇▃▁▁ |
lvef.metabl | 0 | 1 | 20.26 | 7.34 | 5.00 | 15.00 | 20.00 | 25.00 | 40.00 | ▂▅▇▂▁ |
peak.rer | 0 | 1 | 1.08 | 0.12 | 0.08 | 1.02 | 1.10 | 1.14 | 1.80 | ▁▁▇▆▁ |
peak.vo2 | 0 | 1 | 16.27 | 5.03 | 4.20 | 12.80 | 15.70 | 19.30 | 43.80 | ▃▇▂▁▁ |
interval | 0 | 1 | 503.26 | 220.86 | 21.00 | 345.00 | 480.00 | 641.00 | 1415.00 | ▃▇▅▁▁ |
bun | 0 | 1 | 25.28 | 12.57 | 4.32 | 17.00 | 23.00 | 29.33 | 129.00 | ▇▂▁▁▁ |
sodium | 0 | 1 | 139.45 | 3.09 | 120.00 | 138.00 | 139.80 | 141.00 | 152.00 | ▁▁▆▇▁ |
hgb | 0 | 1 | 13.54 | 1.41 | 7.20 | 12.80 | 13.58 | 14.40 | 19.20 | ▁▂▇▃▁ |
glucose | 0 | 1 | 109.35 | 42.56 | 37.00 | 87.00 | 96.93 | 114.88 | 424.00 | ▇▂▁▁▁ |
crcl | 0 | 1 | 90.71 | 43.05 | 5.76 | 60.93 | 83.13 | 110.33 | 385.84 | ▇▇▁▁▁ |
# Verifying the data dimensions
## [1] 2231 13
# Loading dataset
<- peakVO2
# Gathering descriptive statistics
<- skim(DPA)) (DPA_Skimmed
Name | DPA |
Number of rows | 2231 |
Number of columns | 41 |
_______________________ | |
Column type frequency: | |
factor | 27 |
numeric | 14 |
________________________ | |
Group variables | None |
Variable type: factor
skim_variable | n_missing | complete_rate | ordered | n_unique | top_counts |
betablok | 0 | 1 | FALSE | 2 | 1: 1429, 0: 802 |
dilver | 0 | 1 | FALSE | 2 | 0: 2215, 1: 16 |
nifed | 0 | 1 | FALSE | 2 | 0: 2132, 1: 99 |
acei | 0 | 1 | FALSE | 2 | 1: 1711, 0: 520 |
angioten.II | 0 | 1 | FALSE | 2 | 0: 1941, 1: 290 |
anti.arrhy | 0 | 1 | FALSE | 2 | 0: 1722, 1: 509 |
anti.coag | 0 | 1 | FALSE | 2 | 0: 1332, 1: 899 |
aspirin | 0 | 1 | FALSE | 2 | 0: 1193, 1: 1038 |
digoxin | 0 | 1 | FALSE | 2 | 1: 1570, 0: 661 |
nitrates | 0 | 1 | FALSE | 2 | 0: 1492, 1: 739 |
vasodilator | 0 | 1 | FALSE | 2 | 0: 2095, 1: 136 |
diuretic.loop | 0 | 1 | FALSE | 2 | 1: 1880, 0: 351 |
diuretic.thiazide | 0 | 1 | FALSE | 2 | 0: 1952, 1: 279 |
diuretic.potassium.spar | 0 | 1 | FALSE | 2 | 0: 1582, 1: 649 |
lipidrx.statin | 0 | 1 | FALSE | 2 | 0: 1381, 1: 850 |
insulin | 0 | 1 | FALSE | 2 | 0: 2016, 1: 215 |
surgery.pacemaker | 0 | 1 | FALSE | 2 | 0: 1729, 1: 502 |
surgery.cabg | 0 | 1 | FALSE | 2 | 0: 1637, 1: 594 |
surgery.pci | 0 | 1 | FALSE | 2 | 0: 1755, 1: 476 |
surgery.aicd.implant | 0 | 1 | FALSE | 2 | 0: 1584, 1: 647 |
smknow | 0 | 1 | FALSE | 2 | 0: 1772, 1: 459 |
q.wave.mi | 0 | 1 | FALSE | 2 | 0: 1952, 1: 279 |
niddm | 0 | 1 | FALSE | 2 | 0: 1881, 1: 350 |
cad | 0 | 1 | FALSE | 2 | 0: 1325, 1: 906 |
died | 0 | 1 | FALSE | 2 | 0: 1505, 1: 726 |
male | 0 | 1 | FALSE | 2 | 1: 1629, 0: 602 |
black | 0 | 1 | FALSE | 2 | 0: 1965, 1: 266 |
Variable type: numeric
skim_variable | n_missing | complete_rate | mean | sd | p0 | p25 | p50 | p75 | p100 | hist |
age | 0 | 1 | 54.22 | 11.03 | 18.00 | 48.00 | 55.00 | 62.00 | 82.00 | ▁▃▇▇▂ |
resting.systolic.bp | 0 | 1 | 110.51 | 17.93 | 80.00 | 98.00 | 110.00 | 122.00 | 184.00 | ▇▇▅▁▁ |
resting.hr | 0 | 1 | 76.18 | 14.39 | 39.00 | 66.00 | 75.00 | 86.00 | 124.00 | ▂▇▇▃▁ |
bmi | 0 | 1 | 28.50 | 5.69 | 14.18 | 24.52 | 27.78 | 31.89 | 59.62 | ▂▇▃▁▁ |
lvef.metabl | 0 | 1 | 20.26 | 7.34 | 5.00 | 15.00 | 20.00 | 25.00 | 40.00 | ▂▅▇▂▁ |
peak.rer | 0 | 1 | 1.08 | 0.12 | 0.08 | 1.02 | 1.10 | 1.14 | 1.80 | ▁▁▇▆▁ |
peak.vo2 | 0 | 1 | 16.27 | 5.03 | 4.20 | 12.80 | 15.70 | 19.30 | 43.80 | ▃▇▂▁▁ |
interval | 0 | 1 | 503.26 | 220.86 | 21.00 | 345.00 | 480.00 | 641.00 | 1415.00 | ▃▇▅▁▁ |
ttodead | 0 | 1 | 62.75 | 36.77 | 1.00 | 30.00 | 62.00 | 95.00 | 127.00 | ▇▇▇▇▇ |
bun | 0 | 1 | 25.28 | 12.57 | 4.32 | 17.00 | 23.00 | 29.33 | 129.00 | ▇▂▁▁▁ |
sodium | 0 | 1 | 139.45 | 3.09 | 120.00 | 138.00 | 139.80 | 141.00 | 152.00 | ▁▁▆▇▁ |
hgb | 0 | 1 | 13.54 | 1.41 | 7.20 | 12.80 | 13.58 | 14.40 | 19.20 | ▁▂▇▃▁ |
glucose | 0 | 1 | 109.35 | 42.56 | 37.00 | 87.00 | 96.93 | 114.88 | 424.00 | ▇▂▁▁▁ |
crcl | 0 | 1 | 90.71 | 43.05 | 5.76 | 60.93 | 83.13 | 110.33 | 385.84 | ▇▇▁▁▁ |
# Identifying columns with low variance
<- nearZeroVar(DPA,
DPA_LowVariance freqCut = 95/5,
uniqueCut = 10,
saveMetrics= TRUE)
$nzv,]) (DPA_LowVariance[DPA_LowVariance
## freqRatio percentUnique zeroVar nzv
## dilver 138.43750 0.0896459 FALSE TRUE
## nifed 21.53535 0.0896459 FALSE TRUE
if ((nrow(DPA_LowVariance[DPA_LowVariance$nzv,]))==0){
print("No low variance predictors noted.")
else {
print(paste0("Low variance observed for ",
(" numeric variable(s) with First.Second.Mode.Ratio>4 and Unique.Count.Ratio<0.10."))
<- (nrow(DPA_LowVariance[DPA_LowVariance$nzv,]))
print(paste0("Low variance can be resolved by removing ",
(" numeric variable(s)."))
for (j in 1:DPA_LowVarianceForRemoval) {
<- rownames(DPA_LowVariance[DPA_LowVariance$nzv,])[j]
DPA_LowVarianceRemovedVariable print(paste0("Variable ",
j," for removal: ",
DPA skim() %>%
::filter(skim_variable %in% rownames(DPA_LowVariance[DPA_LowVariance$nzv,]))
# Filtering out columns with low variance
<- DPA[,!names(DPA) %in% rownames(DPA_LowVariance[DPA_LowVariance$nzv,])]
# Gathering descriptive statistics
<- skim(DPA_ExcludedLowVariance))
(DPA_ExcludedLowVariance_Skimmed }
## [1] "Low variance observed for 2 numeric variable(s) with First.Second.Mode.Ratio>4 and Unique.Count.Ratio<0.10."
## [1] "Low variance can be resolved by removing 2 numeric variable(s)."
## [1] "Variable 1 for removal: dilver"
## [1] "Variable 2 for removal: nifed"
Name | DPA_ExcludedLowVariance |
Number of rows | 2231 |
Number of columns | 39 |
_______________________ | |
Column type frequency: | |
factor | 25 |
numeric | 14 |
________________________ | |
Group variables | None |
Variable type: factor
skim_variable | n_missing | complete_rate | ordered | n_unique | top_counts |
betablok | 0 | 1 | FALSE | 2 | 1: 1429, 0: 802 |
acei | 0 | 1 | FALSE | 2 | 1: 1711, 0: 520 |
angioten.II | 0 | 1 | FALSE | 2 | 0: 1941, 1: 290 |
anti.arrhy | 0 | 1 | FALSE | 2 | 0: 1722, 1: 509 |
anti.coag | 0 | 1 | FALSE | 2 | 0: 1332, 1: 899 |
aspirin | 0 | 1 | FALSE | 2 | 0: 1193, 1: 1038 |
digoxin | 0 | 1 | FALSE | 2 | 1: 1570, 0: 661 |
nitrates | 0 | 1 | FALSE | 2 | 0: 1492, 1: 739 |
vasodilator | 0 | 1 | FALSE | 2 | 0: 2095, 1: 136 |
diuretic.loop | 0 | 1 | FALSE | 2 | 1: 1880, 0: 351 |
diuretic.thiazide | 0 | 1 | FALSE | 2 | 0: 1952, 1: 279 |
diuretic.potassium.spar | 0 | 1 | FALSE | 2 | 0: 1582, 1: 649 |
lipidrx.statin | 0 | 1 | FALSE | 2 | 0: 1381, 1: 850 |
insulin | 0 | 1 | FALSE | 2 | 0: 2016, 1: 215 |
surgery.pacemaker | 0 | 1 | FALSE | 2 | 0: 1729, 1: 502 |
surgery.cabg | 0 | 1 | FALSE | 2 | 0: 1637, 1: 594 |
surgery.pci | 0 | 1 | FALSE | 2 | 0: 1755, 1: 476 |
surgery.aicd.implant | 0 | 1 | FALSE | 2 | 0: 1584, 1: 647 |
smknow | 0 | 1 | FALSE | 2 | 0: 1772, 1: 459 |
q.wave.mi | 0 | 1 | FALSE | 2 | 0: 1952, 1: 279 |
niddm | 0 | 1 | FALSE | 2 | 0: 1881, 1: 350 |
cad | 0 | 1 | FALSE | 2 | 0: 1325, 1: 906 |
died | 0 | 1 | FALSE | 2 | 0: 1505, 1: 726 |
male | 0 | 1 | FALSE | 2 | 1: 1629, 0: 602 |
black | 0 | 1 | FALSE | 2 | 0: 1965, 1: 266 |
Variable type: numeric
skim_variable | n_missing | complete_rate | mean | sd | p0 | p25 | p50 | p75 | p100 | hist |
age | 0 | 1 | 54.22 | 11.03 | 18.00 | 48.00 | 55.00 | 62.00 | 82.00 | ▁▃▇▇▂ |
resting.systolic.bp | 0 | 1 | 110.51 | 17.93 | 80.00 | 98.00 | 110.00 | 122.00 | 184.00 | ▇▇▅▁▁ |
resting.hr | 0 | 1 | 76.18 | 14.39 | 39.00 | 66.00 | 75.00 | 86.00 | 124.00 | ▂▇▇▃▁ |
bmi | 0 | 1 | 28.50 | 5.69 | 14.18 | 24.52 | 27.78 | 31.89 | 59.62 | ▂▇▃▁▁ |
lvef.metabl | 0 | 1 | 20.26 | 7.34 | 5.00 | 15.00 | 20.00 | 25.00 | 40.00 | ▂▅▇▂▁ |
peak.rer | 0 | 1 | 1.08 | 0.12 | 0.08 | 1.02 | 1.10 | 1.14 | 1.80 | ▁▁▇▆▁ |
peak.vo2 | 0 | 1 | 16.27 | 5.03 | 4.20 | 12.80 | 15.70 | 19.30 | 43.80 | ▃▇▂▁▁ |
interval | 0 | 1 | 503.26 | 220.86 | 21.00 | 345.00 | 480.00 | 641.00 | 1415.00 | ▃▇▅▁▁ |
ttodead | 0 | 1 | 62.75 | 36.77 | 1.00 | 30.00 | 62.00 | 95.00 | 127.00 | ▇▇▇▇▇ |
bun | 0 | 1 | 25.28 | 12.57 | 4.32 | 17.00 | 23.00 | 29.33 | 129.00 | ▇▂▁▁▁ |
sodium | 0 | 1 | 139.45 | 3.09 | 120.00 | 138.00 | 139.80 | 141.00 | 152.00 | ▁▁▆▇▁ |
hgb | 0 | 1 | 13.54 | 1.41 | 7.20 | 12.80 | 13.58 | 14.40 | 19.20 | ▁▂▇▃▁ |
glucose | 0 | 1 | 109.35 | 42.56 | 37.00 | 87.00 | 96.93 | 114.88 | 424.00 | ▇▂▁▁▁ |
crcl | 0 | 1 | 90.71 | 43.05 | 5.76 | 60.93 | 83.13 | 110.33 | 385.84 | ▇▇▁▁▁ |
# Loading dataset
<- peakVO2
# Listing all predictors
<- DPA[,!names(DPA) %in% c("died","ttodead")]
# Listing all numeric predictors
<- DPA.Predictors[,sapply(DPA.Predictors, is.numeric)]
# Visualizing pairwise correlation between predictors
<- cor.mtest(DPA.Predictors.Numeric,
DPA_CorrelationTest method = "pearson",
conf.level = .95)
method = "pearson",
method = "circle",
type = "upper",
order = "original",
tl.col = "black",
tl.cex = 0.75,
tl.srt = 90,
sig.level = 0.05,
p.mat = DPA_CorrelationTest$p,
insig = "blank")
# Identifying the highly correlated variables
<- cor(DPA.Predictors.Numeric,
DPA_Correlation method = "pearson",
<- sum(abs(DPA_Correlation[upper.tri(DPA_Correlation)]) > 0.95)) (DPA_HighlyCorrelatedCount
## [1] 0
if (DPA_HighlyCorrelatedCount == 0) {
print("No highly correlated predictors noted.")
else {
} print(paste0("High correlation observed for ",
(DPA_HighlyCorrelatedCount)," pairs of numeric variable(s) with Correlation.Coefficient>0.95."))
<- corr_cross(DPA.Predictors.Numeric,
(DPA_HighlyCorrelatedPairs max_pvalue = 0.05,
top = DPA_HighlyCorrelatedCount,
rm.na = TRUE,
grid = FALSE
## [1] "No highly correlated predictors noted."
if (DPA_HighlyCorrelatedCount > 0) {
<- findCorrelation(DPA_Correlation, cutoff = 0.95)
<- length(DPA_HighlyCorrelated))
print(paste0("High correlation can be resolved by removing ",
(DPA_HighlyCorrelatedForRemoval)," numeric variable(s)."))
for (j in 1:DPA_HighlyCorrelatedForRemoval) {
<- colnames(DPA.Predictors.Numeric)[DPA_HighlyCorrelated[j]]
DPA_HighlyCorrelatedRemovedVariable print(paste0("Variable ",
j," for removal: ",
# Filtering out columns with high correlation
<- DPA[,-DPA_HighlyCorrelated]
# Gathering descriptive statistics
<- skim(DPA_ExcludedHighCorrelation))
# Loading dataset
<- peakVO2
# Listing all predictors
<- DPA[,!names(DPA) %in% c("died","ttodead")]
# Listing all numeric predictors
<- DPA.Predictors[,sapply(DPA.Predictors, is.numeric)]
# Identifying the linearly dependent variables
<- findLinearCombos(DPA.Predictors.Numeric)
<- length(DPA_LinearlyDependent$linearCombos)) (DPA_LinearlyDependentCount
## [1] 0
if (DPA_LinearlyDependentCount == 0) {
print("No linearly dependent predictors noted.")
else {
} print(paste0("Linear dependency observed for ",
(DPA_LinearlyDependentCount)," subset(s) of numeric variable(s)."))
for (i in 1:DPA_LinearlyDependentCount) {
<- colnames(DPA.Predictors.Numeric)[DPA_LinearlyDependent$linearCombos[[i]]]
DPA_LinearlyDependentSubset print(paste0("Linear dependent variable(s) for subset ",
i," include: ",
## [1] "No linearly dependent predictors noted."
# Identifying the linearly dependent variables for removal
if (DPA_LinearlyDependentCount > 0) {
<- findLinearCombos(DPA.Predictors.Numeric)
<- length(DPA_LinearlyDependent$remove)
print(paste0("Linear dependency can be resolved by removing ",
(DPA_LinearlyDependentForRemoval)," numeric variable(s)."))
for (j in 1:DPA_LinearlyDependentForRemoval) {
<- colnames(DPA.Predictors.Numeric)[DPA_LinearlyDependent$remove[j]]
DPA_LinearlyDependentRemovedVariable print(paste0("Variable ",
j," for removal: ",
# Filtering out columns with linear dependency
<- DPA[,-DPA_LinearlyDependent$remove]
# Gathering descriptive statistics
<- skim(DPA_ExcludedLinearlyDependent))
# Filtering out columns noted with data quality issues including
# zero and near-zero variance,
# to create the pre-modelling dataset
<- peakVO2[,!names(peakVO2) %in% c("dilver","nifed")]
<- PMA_ExcludedLowVariance
# Gathering descriptive statistics
<- skim(PMA_PreModelling_Train)) (PMA_PreModelling_Train_Skimmed
Name | PMA_PreModelling_Train |
Number of rows | 2231 |
Number of columns | 39 |
_______________________ | |
Column type frequency: | |
factor | 25 |
numeric | 14 |
________________________ | |
Group variables | None |
Variable type: factor
skim_variable | n_missing | complete_rate | ordered | n_unique | top_counts |
betablok | 0 | 1 | FALSE | 2 | 1: 1429, 0: 802 |
acei | 0 | 1 | FALSE | 2 | 1: 1711, 0: 520 |
angioten.II | 0 | 1 | FALSE | 2 | 0: 1941, 1: 290 |
anti.arrhy | 0 | 1 | FALSE | 2 | 0: 1722, 1: 509 |
anti.coag | 0 | 1 | FALSE | 2 | 0: 1332, 1: 899 |
aspirin | 0 | 1 | FALSE | 2 | 0: 1193, 1: 1038 |
digoxin | 0 | 1 | FALSE | 2 | 1: 1570, 0: 661 |
nitrates | 0 | 1 | FALSE | 2 | 0: 1492, 1: 739 |
vasodilator | 0 | 1 | FALSE | 2 | 0: 2095, 1: 136 |
diuretic.loop | 0 | 1 | FALSE | 2 | 1: 1880, 0: 351 |
diuretic.thiazide | 0 | 1 | FALSE | 2 | 0: 1952, 1: 279 |
diuretic.potassium.spar | 0 | 1 | FALSE | 2 | 0: 1582, 1: 649 |
lipidrx.statin | 0 | 1 | FALSE | 2 | 0: 1381, 1: 850 |
insulin | 0 | 1 | FALSE | 2 | 0: 2016, 1: 215 |
surgery.pacemaker | 0 | 1 | FALSE | 2 | 0: 1729, 1: 502 |
surgery.cabg | 0 | 1 | FALSE | 2 | 0: 1637, 1: 594 |
surgery.pci | 0 | 1 | FALSE | 2 | 0: 1755, 1: 476 |
surgery.aicd.implant | 0 | 1 | FALSE | 2 | 0: 1584, 1: 647 |
smknow | 0 | 1 | FALSE | 2 | 0: 1772, 1: 459 |
q.wave.mi | 0 | 1 | FALSE | 2 | 0: 1952, 1: 279 |
niddm | 0 | 1 | FALSE | 2 | 0: 1881, 1: 350 |
cad | 0 | 1 | FALSE | 2 | 0: 1325, 1: 906 |
died | 0 | 1 | FALSE | 2 | 0: 1505, 1: 726 |
male | 0 | 1 | FALSE | 2 | 1: 1629, 0: 602 |
black | 0 | 1 | FALSE | 2 | 0: 1965, 1: 266 |
Variable type: numeric
skim_variable | n_missing | complete_rate | mean | sd | p0 | p25 | p50 | p75 | p100 | hist |
age | 0 | 1 | 54.22 | 11.03 | 18.00 | 48.00 | 55.00 | 62.00 | 82.00 | ▁▃▇▇▂ |
resting.systolic.bp | 0 | 1 | 110.51 | 17.93 | 80.00 | 98.00 | 110.00 | 122.00 | 184.00 | ▇▇▅▁▁ |
resting.hr | 0 | 1 | 76.18 | 14.39 | 39.00 | 66.00 | 75.00 | 86.00 | 124.00 | ▂▇▇▃▁ |
bmi | 0 | 1 | 28.50 | 5.69 | 14.18 | 24.52 | 27.78 | 31.89 | 59.62 | ▂▇▃▁▁ |
lvef.metabl | 0 | 1 | 20.26 | 7.34 | 5.00 | 15.00 | 20.00 | 25.00 | 40.00 | ▂▅▇▂▁ |
peak.rer | 0 | 1 | 1.08 | 0.12 | 0.08 | 1.02 | 1.10 | 1.14 | 1.80 | ▁▁▇▆▁ |
peak.vo2 | 0 | 1 | 16.27 | 5.03 | 4.20 | 12.80 | 15.70 | 19.30 | 43.80 | ▃▇▂▁▁ |
interval | 0 | 1 | 503.26 | 220.86 | 21.00 | 345.00 | 480.00 | 641.00 | 1415.00 | ▃▇▅▁▁ |
ttodead | 0 | 1 | 62.75 | 36.77 | 1.00 | 30.00 | 62.00 | 95.00 | 127.00 | ▇▇▇▇▇ |
bun | 0 | 1 | 25.28 | 12.57 | 4.32 | 17.00 | 23.00 | 29.33 | 129.00 | ▇▂▁▁▁ |
sodium | 0 | 1 | 139.45 | 3.09 | 120.00 | 138.00 | 139.80 | 141.00 | 152.00 | ▁▁▆▇▁ |
hgb | 0 | 1 | 13.54 | 1.41 | 7.20 | 12.80 | 13.58 | 14.40 | 19.20 | ▁▂▇▃▁ |
glucose | 0 | 1 | 109.35 | 42.56 | 37.00 | 87.00 | 96.93 | 114.88 | 424.00 | ▇▂▁▁▁ |
crcl | 0 | 1 | 90.71 | 43.05 | 5.76 | 60.93 | 83.13 | 110.33 | 385.84 | ▇▇▁▁▁ |
# Verifying the data dimensions
# for the train set
## [1] 2231 39
# Loading dataset
<- PMA_PreModelling_Train
# Loading dataset
<- EDA
$died <- ifelse(EDA.DescriptiveStatistics$died=="0","Survived+Censored","Died")
# Formulating a preliminary summary
# of descriptive statistics
EDA.DescriptiveStatistics tbl_summary(
by = died,
type = all_continuous() ~ "continuous2",
statistic = all_continuous() ~ c("{N_nonmiss}",
"{mean} ({sd})",
"{median} ({p25}, {p75})",
"{min}, {max}"),
missing = "no") %>%
add_overall() %>%
Characteristic | Overall N = 2,2311 |
Died N = 7261 |
Survived+Censored N = 1,5051 |
p-value2 |
age | <0.001 | |||
N Non-missing | 2,231 | 726 | 1,505 | |
Mean (SD) | 54 (11) | 56 (11) | 53 (11) | |
Median (Q1, Q3) | 55 (48, 62) | 58 (50, 64) | 54 (46, 61) | |
Min, Max | 18, 82 | 18, 82 | 19, 82 | |
resting.systolic.bp | <0.001 | |||
N Non-missing | 2,231 | 726 | 1,505 | |
Mean (SD) | 111 (18) | 108 (18) | 112 (18) | |
Median (Q1, Q3) | 110 (98, 122) | 108 (94, 120) | 110 (100, 122) | |
Min, Max | 80, 184 | 80, 184 | 80, 184 | |
resting.hr | <0.001 | |||
N Non-missing | 2,231 | 726 | 1,505 | |
Mean (SD) | 76 (14) | 79 (14) | 75 (14) | |
Median (Q1, Q3) | 75 (66, 86) | 78 (68, 88) | 74 (65, 84) | |
Min, Max | 39, 124 | 41, 121 | 39, 124 | |
bmi | 0.031 | |||
N Non-missing | 2,231 | 726 | 1,505 | |
Mean (SD) | 28.5 (5.7) | 28.1 (5.5) | 28.7 (5.8) | |
Median (Q1, Q3) | 27.8 (24.5, 31.9) | 27.5 (24.4, 31.1) | 27.9 (24.6, 32.2) | |
Min, Max | 14.2, 59.6 | 15.8, 51.9 | 14.2, 59.6 | |
lvef.metabl | <0.001 | |||
N Non-missing | 2,231 | 726 | 1,505 | |
Mean (SD) | 20 (7) | 19 (7) | 21 (7) | |
Median (Q1, Q3) | 20 (15, 25) | 20 (15, 25) | 20 (15, 25) | |
Min, Max | 5, 40 | 5, 40 | 5, 40 | |
peak.rer | 0.028 | |||
N Non-missing | 2,231 | 726 | 1,505 | |
Mean (SD) | 1.08 (0.12) | 1.08 (0.11) | 1.08 (0.12) | |
Median (Q1, Q3) | 1.10 (1.02, 1.14) | 1.11 (1.03, 1.15) | 1.10 (1.02, 1.14) | |
Min, Max | 0.08, 1.80 | 0.08, 1.35 | 0.08, 1.80 | |
peak.vo2 | <0.001 | |||
N Non-missing | 2,231 | 726 | 1,505 | |
Mean (SD) | 16.3 (5.0) | 14.3 (4.5) | 17.2 (5.0) | |
Median (Q1, Q3) | 15.7 (12.8, 19.3) | 13.9 (11.2, 16.6) | 16.7 (13.6, 20.2) | |
Min, Max | 4.2, 43.8 | 5.2, 43.4 | 4.2, 43.8 | |
interval | <0.001 | |||
N Non-missing | 2,231 | 726 | 1,505 | |
Mean (SD) | 503 (221) | 424 (192) | 542 (224) | |
Median (Q1, Q3) | 480 (345, 642) | 415 (282, 540) | 532 (375, 700) | |
Min, Max | 21, 1,415 | 35, 1,250 | 21, 1,415 | |
ttodead | <0.001 | |||
N Non-missing | 2,231 | 726 | 1,505 | |
Mean (SD) | 63 (37) | 37 (29) | 75 (34) | |
Median (Q1, Q3) | 62 (30, 95) | 33 (12, 57) | 79 (48, 104) | |
Min, Max | 1, 127 | 1, 119 | 11, 127 | |
bun | <0.001 | |||
N Non-missing | 2,231 | 726 | 1,505 | |
Mean (SD) | 25 (13) | 30 (15) | 23 (11) | |
Median (Q1, Q3) | 23 (17, 29) | 27 (20, 35) | 21 (16, 27) | |
Min, Max | 4, 129 | 6, 129 | 4, 104 | |
sodium | <0.001 | |||
N Non-missing | 2,231 | 726 | 1,505 | |
Mean (SD) | 139.5 (3.1) | 139.1 (3.1) | 139.6 (3.1) | |
Median (Q1, Q3) | 139.8 (138.0, 141.0) | 139.4 (138.0, 140.6) | 140.0 (138.0, 141.0) | |
Min, Max | 120.0, 152.0 | 122.0, 152.0 | 120.0, 150.0 | |
hgb | <0.001 | |||
N Non-missing | 2,231 | 726 | 1,505 | |
Mean (SD) | 13.54 (1.41) | 13.28 (1.41) | 13.67 (1.39) | |
Median (Q1, Q3) | 13.58 (12.80, 14.40) | 13.35 (12.60, 14.08) | 13.70 (12.96, 14.59) | |
Min, Max | 7.20, 19.20 | 7.90, 18.80 | 7.20, 19.20 | |
glucose | 0.001 | |||
N Non-missing | 2,231 | 726 | 1,505 | |
Mean (SD) | 109 (43) | 113 (47) | 108 (40) | |
Median (Q1, Q3) | 97 (87, 115) | 98 (89, 122) | 96 (87, 112) | |
Min, Max | 37, 424 | 37, 424 | 42, 403 | |
crcl | <0.001 | |||
N Non-missing | 2,231 | 726 | 1,505 | |
Mean (SD) | 91 (43) | 80 (40) | 96 (44) | |
Median (Q1, Q3) | 83 (61, 110) | 71 (53, 96) | 88 (66, 116) | |
Min, Max | 6, 386 | 8, 386 | 6, 329 | |
betablok | <0.001 | |||
0 | 802 (36%) | 349 (48%) | 453 (30%) | |
1 | 1,429 (64%) | 377 (52%) | 1,052 (70%) | |
acei | 0.3 | |||
0 | 520 (23%) | 178 (25%) | 342 (23%) | |
1 | 1,711 (77%) | 548 (75%) | 1,163 (77%) | |
angioten.II | 0.3 | |||
0 | 1,941 (87%) | 624 (86%) | 1,317 (88%) | |
1 | 290 (13%) | 102 (14%) | 188 (12%) | |
anti.arrhy | 0.002 | |||
0 | 1,722 (77%) | 531 (73%) | 1,191 (79%) | |
1 | 509 (23%) | 195 (27%) | 314 (21%) | |
anti.coag | <0.001 | |||
0 | 1,332 (60%) | 391 (54%) | 941 (63%) | |
1 | 899 (40%) | 335 (46%) | 564 (37%) | |
aspirin | <0.001 | |||
0 | 1,193 (53%) | 430 (59%) | 763 (51%) | |
1 | 1,038 (47%) | 296 (41%) | 742 (49%) | |
digoxin | <0.001 | |||
0 | 661 (30%) | 150 (21%) | 511 (34%) | |
1 | 1,570 (70%) | 576 (79%) | 994 (66%) | |
nitrates | 0.039 | |||
0 | 1,492 (67%) | 464 (64%) | 1,028 (68%) | |
1 | 739 (33%) | 262 (36%) | 477 (32%) | |
vasodilator | 0.14 | |||
0 | 2,095 (94%) | 674 (93%) | 1,421 (94%) | |
1 | 136 (6.1%) | 52 (7.2%) | 84 (5.6%) | |
diuretic.loop | <0.001 | |||
0 | 351 (16%) | 82 (11%) | 269 (18%) | |
1 | 1,880 (84%) | 644 (89%) | 1,236 (82%) | |
diuretic.thiazide | <0.001 | |||
0 | 1,952 (87%) | 601 (83%) | 1,351 (90%) | |
1 | 279 (13%) | 125 (17%) | 154 (10%) | |
diuretic.potassium.spar | 0.012 | |||
0 | 1,582 (71%) | 540 (74%) | 1,042 (69%) | |
1 | 649 (29%) | 186 (26%) | 463 (31%) | |
lipidrx.statin | 0.068 | |||
0 | 1,381 (62%) | 469 (65%) | 912 (61%) | |
1 | 850 (38%) | 257 (35%) | 593 (39%) | |
insulin | <0.001 | |||
0 | 2,016 (90%) | 631 (87%) | 1,385 (92%) | |
1 | 215 (9.6%) | 95 (13%) | 120 (8.0%) | |
surgery.pacemaker | 0.8 | |||
0 | 1,729 (77%) | 560 (77%) | 1,169 (78%) | |
1 | 502 (23%) | 166 (23%) | 336 (22%) | |
surgery.cabg | <0.001 | |||
0 | 1,637 (73%) | 490 (67%) | 1,147 (76%) | |
1 | 594 (27%) | 236 (33%) | 358 (24%) | |
surgery.pci | >0.9 | |||
0 | 1,755 (79%) | 571 (79%) | 1,184 (79%) | |
1 | 476 (21%) | 155 (21%) | 321 (21%) | |
surgery.aicd.implant | 0.041 | |||
0 | 1,584 (71%) | 536 (74%) | 1,048 (70%) | |
1 | 647 (29%) | 190 (26%) | 457 (30%) | |
smknow | 0.14 | |||
0 | 1,772 (79%) | 590 (81%) | 1,182 (79%) | |
1 | 459 (21%) | 136 (19%) | 323 (21%) | |
q.wave.mi | 0.2 | |||
0 | 1,952 (87%) | 625 (86%) | 1,327 (88%) | |
1 | 279 (13%) | 101 (14%) | 178 (12%) | |
niddm | 0.2 | |||
0 | 1,881 (84%) | 601 (83%) | 1,280 (85%) | |
1 | 350 (16%) | 125 (17%) | 225 (15%) | |
cad | <0.001 | |||
0 | 1,325 (59%) | 378 (52%) | 947 (63%) | |
1 | 906 (41%) | 348 (48%) | 558 (37%) | |
male | <0.001 | |||
0 | 602 (27%) | 149 (21%) | 453 (30%) | |
1 | 1,629 (73%) | 577 (79%) | 1,052 (70%) | |
black | 0.8 | |||
0 | 1,965 (88%) | 638 (88%) | 1,327 (88%) | |
1 | 266 (12%) | 88 (12%) | 178 (12%) | |
1 n (%) | ||||
2 Wilcoxon rank sum test; Pearson’s Chi-squared test |
# Listing all predictors
<- EDA[,!names(EDA) %in% c("died","ttodead")]
# Listing all numeric predictors
<- EDA.Predictors[,sapply(EDA.Predictors, is.numeric)]
EDA.Predictors.Numeric ncol(EDA.Predictors.Numeric)
## [1] 13
## [1] "age" "resting.systolic.bp" "resting.hr"
## [4] "bmi" "lvef.metabl" "peak.rer"
## [7] "peak.vo2" "interval" "bun"
## [10] "sodium" "hgb" "glucose"
## [13] "crcl"
# Listing all factor predictors
<- EDA.Predictors[,sapply(EDA.Predictors, is.factor)]
EDA.Predictors.Factor ncol(EDA.Predictors.Factor)
## [1] 24
## [1] "betablok" "acei"
## [3] "angioten.II" "anti.arrhy"
## [5] "anti.coag" "aspirin"
## [7] "digoxin" "nitrates"
## [9] "vasodilator" "diuretic.loop"
## [11] "diuretic.thiazide" "diuretic.potassium.spar"
## [13] "lipidrx.statin" "insulin"
## [15] "surgery.pacemaker" "surgery.cabg"
## [17] "surgery.pci" "surgery.aicd.implant"
## [19] "smknow" "q.wave.mi"
## [21] "niddm" "cad"
## [23] "male" "black"
# Formulating the box plots
featurePlot(x = EDA.Predictors.Numeric,
y = EDA$died,
plot = "box",
scales = list(x = list(relation="free", rot = 90),
y = list(relation="free")),
adjust = 1.5,
pch = "|")
# Formulating the scatter plot
featurePlot(x = EDA.Predictors.Numeric,
y = EDA$ttodead,
plot = "scatter",
type = c("p", "smooth"),
span = .5)
# Restructuring the dataset for
# for barchart analysis
<- EDA$died
died <- as.data.frame(cbind(died,
## [1] 25
## [1] "died" "betablok"
## [3] "acei" "angioten.II"
## [5] "anti.arrhy" "anti.coag"
## [7] "aspirin" "digoxin"
## [9] "nitrates" "vasodilator"
## [11] "diuretic.loop" "diuretic.thiazide"
## [13] "diuretic.potassium.spar" "lipidrx.statin"
## [15] "insulin" "surgery.pacemaker"
## [17] "surgery.cabg" "surgery.pci"
## [19] "surgery.aicd.implant" "smknow"
## [21] "q.wave.mi" "niddm"
## [23] "cad" "male"
## [25] "black"
# Creating a function to formulate
# the proportions table
<- function(FactorVar) {
EDA.PropTable.Function <- EDA.Bar.Source[,c("died",
FactorVar)]<- as.data.frame(prop.table(table(EDA.Bar.Source.FactorVar), 2))
EDA.Bar.Source.FactorVar.Prop names(EDA.Bar.Source.FactorVar.Prop)[2] <- "Structure"
$Variable <- rep(FactorVar,nrow(EDA.Bar.Source.FactorVar.Prop))
<- rbind(EDA.PropTable.Function(names(EDA.Bar.Source)[2]),
EDA.Bar.Source.FactorVar.Prop.Group EDA.PropTable.Function(names(EDA.Bar.Source)[3]),
<- barchart(EDA.Bar.Source.FactorVar.Prop.Group[,3] ~
(EDA.Barchart.FactorVar 2] | EDA.Bar.Source.FactorVar.Prop.Group[,4],
groups = EDA.Bar.Source.FactorVar.Prop.Group[,1],
ylab = "Proportion",
xlab = "Structure",
auto.key = list(adj=1, space="top", columns=2),
# Formulating the Kaplan-Meier plots
# for the categorical variables
<- PMA_PreModelling_Train
KM_PreModelling_Train $died <- as.numeric(KM_PreModelling_Train$died )
<- survfit(Surv(ttodead, died) ~ betablok,
KM_betablok data=KM_PreModelling_Train)
<- ggsurvplot(KM_betablok,
KMPlot_betablok xlab="Survival Time",
ylab="Survival Probability",
<- survfit(Surv(ttodead, died) ~ aspirin,
KM_aspirin data=KM_PreModelling_Train)
<- ggsurvplot(KM_aspirin,
KMPlot_aspirin xlab="Survival Time",
ylab="Survival Probability",
<- survfit(Surv(ttodead, died) ~ anti.coag,
KM_anti.coag data=KM_PreModelling_Train)
<- ggsurvplot(KM_anti.coag,
KMPlot_anti.coag xlab="Survival Time",
ylab="Survival Probability",
<- survfit(Surv(ttodead, died) ~ anti.arrhy,
KM_anti.arrhy data=KM_PreModelling_Train)
<- ggsurvplot(KM_anti.arrhy,
KMPlot_anti.arrhy xlab="Survival Time",
ylab="Survival Probability",
<- survfit(Surv(ttodead, died) ~ angioten.II,
KM_angioten.II data=KM_PreModelling_Train)
<- ggsurvplot(KM_angioten.II,
KMPlot_angioten.II xlab="Survival Time",
ylab="Survival Probability",
<- survfit(Surv(ttodead, died) ~ acei,
KM_acei data=KM_PreModelling_Train)
<- ggsurvplot(KM_acei,
KMPlot_acei xlab="Survival Time",
ylab="Survival Probability",
<- survfit(Surv(ttodead, died) ~ diuretic.thiazide,
KM_diuretic.thiazide data=KM_PreModelling_Train)
<- ggsurvplot(KM_diuretic.thiazide,
KMPlot_diuretic.thiazide xlab="Survival Time",
ylab="Survival Probability",
<- survfit(Surv(ttodead, died) ~ diuretic.potassium.spar,
KM_diuretic.potassium.spar data=KM_PreModelling_Train)
<- ggsurvplot(KM_diuretic.potassium.spar,
KMPlot_diuretic.potassium.spar xlab="Survival Time",
ylab="Survival Probability",
<- survfit(Surv(ttodead, died) ~ diuretic.loop,
KM_diuretic.loop data=KM_PreModelling_Train)
<- ggsurvplot(KM_diuretic.loop,
KMPlot_diuretic.loop xlab="Survival Time",
ylab="Survival Probability",
<- survfit(Surv(ttodead, died) ~ digoxin,
KM_digoxin data=KM_PreModelling_Train)
<- ggsurvplot(KM_digoxin,
KMPlot_digoxin xlab="Survival Time",
ylab="Survival Probability",
<- survfit(Surv(ttodead, died) ~ cad,
KM_cad data=KM_PreModelling_Train)
<- ggsurvplot(KM_cad,
KMPlot_cad xlab="Survival Time",
ylab="Survival Probability",
<- survfit(Surv(ttodead, died) ~ black,
KM_black data=KM_PreModelling_Train)
<- ggsurvplot(KM_black,
KMPlot_black xlab="Survival Time",
ylab="Survival Probability",
<- survfit(Surv(ttodead, died) ~ q.wave.mi,
KM_q.wave.mi data=KM_PreModelling_Train)
<- ggsurvplot(KM_q.wave.mi,
KMPlot_q.wave.mi xlab="Survival Time",
ylab="Survival Probability",
<- survfit(Surv(ttodead, died) ~ nitrates,
KM_nitrates data=KM_PreModelling_Train)
<- ggsurvplot(KM_nitrates,
KMPlot_nitrates xlab="Survival Time",
ylab="Survival Probability",
<- survfit(Surv(ttodead, died) ~ niddm,
KM_niddm data=KM_PreModelling_Train)
<- ggsurvplot(KM_niddm,
KMPlot_niddm xlab="Survival Time",
ylab="Survival Probability",
<- survfit(Surv(ttodead, died) ~ male,
KM_male data=KM_PreModelling_Train)
<- ggsurvplot(KM_male,
KMPlot_male xlab="Survival Time",
ylab="Survival Probability",
<- survfit(Surv(ttodead, died) ~ lipidrx.statin,
KM_lipidrx.statin data=KM_PreModelling_Train)
<- ggsurvplot(KM_lipidrx.statin,
KMPlot_lipidrx.statin xlab="Survival Time",
ylab="Survival Probability",
<- survfit(Surv(ttodead, died) ~ insulin,
KM_insulin data=KM_PreModelling_Train)
<- ggsurvplot(KM_insulin,
KMPlot_insulin xlab="Survival Time",
ylab="Survival Probability",
<- survfit(Surv(ttodead, died) ~ vasodilator,
KM_vasodilator data=KM_PreModelling_Train)
<- ggsurvplot(KM_vasodilator,
KMPlot_vasodilator xlab="Survival Time",
ylab="Survival Probability",
<- survfit(Surv(ttodead, died) ~ surgery.pci,
KM_surgery.pci data=KM_PreModelling_Train)
<- ggsurvplot(KM_surgery.pci,
KMPlot_surgery.pci xlab="Survival Time",
ylab="Survival Probability",
<- survfit(Surv(ttodead, died) ~ surgery.pacemaker,
KM_surgery.pacemaker data=KM_PreModelling_Train)
<- ggsurvplot(KM_surgery.pacemaker,
KMPlot_surgery.pacemaker xlab="Survival Time",
ylab="Survival Probability",
<- survfit(Surv(ttodead, died) ~ surgery.cabg,
KM_surgery.cabg data=KM_PreModelling_Train)
<- ggsurvplot(KM_surgery.cabg,
KMPlot_surgery.cabg xlab="Survival Time",
ylab="Survival Probability",
<- survfit(Surv(ttodead, died) ~ surgery.aicd.implant,
KM_surgery.aicd.implant data=KM_PreModelling_Train)
<- ggsurvplot(KM_surgery.aicd.implant,
KMPlot_surgery.aicd.implant xlab="Survival Time",
ylab="Survival Probability",
<- survfit(Surv(ttodead, died) ~ smknow,
KM_smknow data=KM_PreModelling_Train)
<- ggsurvplot(KM_smknow,
KMPlot_smknow xlab="Survival Time",
ylab="Survival Probability",
<- list()
KMPlot_List 1]] <- KMPlot_betablok
KMPlot_List[[2]] <- KMPlot_aspirin
KMPlot_List[[3]] <- KMPlot_anti.coag
KMPlot_List[[4]] <- KMPlot_anti.arrhy
KMPlot_List[[5]] <- KMPlot_angioten.II
KMPlot_List[[6]] <- KMPlot_acei
KMPlot_List[[7]] <- KMPlot_diuretic.thiazide
KMPlot_List[[8]] <- KMPlot_diuretic.potassium.spar
KMPlot_List[[9]] <- KMPlot_diuretic.loop
KMPlot_List[[10]] <- KMPlot_digoxin
KMPlot_List[[11]] <- KMPlot_cad
KMPlot_List[[12]] <- KMPlot_black
<- list()
KMPlot_List 1]] <- KMPlot_q.wave.mi
KMPlot_List[[2]] <- KMPlot_nitrates
KMPlot_List[[3]] <- KMPlot_niddm
KMPlot_List[[4]] <- KMPlot_male
KMPlot_List[[5]] <- KMPlot_lipidrx.statin
KMPlot_List[[6]] <- KMPlot_insulin
KMPlot_List[[7]] <- KMPlot_vasodilator
KMPlot_List[[8]] <- KMPlot_surgery.pci
KMPlot_List[[9]] <- KMPlot_surgery.pacemaker
KMPlot_List[[10]] <- KMPlot_surgery.cabg
KMPlot_List[[11]] <- KMPlot_surgery.aicd.implant
KMPlot_List[[12]] <- KMPlot_smknow
# Creating a local object
# for the train set
# using a numeric data type
# for all variables
<- peakVO2.Source[,names(peakVO2.Source) %in% c("ttodead",
MA_CIN "died",
# Initializing data containers
# and random seed
= 0
RSF_Model_CIN = 0
for (i in 1:25) {
# Formulating the train and test sets
= createFolds(1:nrow(MA_CIN), 2)
MA_CIN_Index = MA_CIN[MA_CIN_Index[[1]],]
MA_CIN_Train = MA_CIN[MA_CIN_Index[[2]],]
# Formulating the Random Survival Forest model
# and generating model predictions
<- rfsrc(Surv(ttodead, died)~.,
RSF_Model data = MA_CIN_Train,
nsplit = 3,
ntree = 500)
<- predict(RSF_Model, MA_CIN_Test)
<- RSF_Model_PredObject$survival
# Consolidating the ordered unique death times
= RSF_Model$time.interest
# Formulating the Cox Proportional Hazards model
# and generating model predictions
<- coxph(Surv(ttodead, died)~.,
CPH_Model data = MA_CIN_Train,
x = TRUE)
= predictSurvProb(CPH_Model,
# Calculating the Concordance Indices
<- median(1:length(Ordered_Unique_Death_Time))
Median_Index <- Surv(MA_CIN_Test$ttodead, MA_CIN_Test$died)
<- Cindex(Survival_Object,
RSF_Model_CIN[i] predicted = RSF_Model_Pred[,Median_Index])
<- Cindex(Survival_Object,
CPH_Model_CIN[i] predicted = CPH_Model_Pred[,Median_Index])
# Consolidating the repeated
# split-sample validated Concordance Indices
SplitValidation_CIN = data.frame('CIN' = c(CPH_Model_CIN, RSF_Model_CIN),
('Model' = c(rep('CPH', 25), rep('RSF', 25)),
'Metric' = c(rep('CIN', 50))))
## CIN Model Metric
## 1 0.700112 CPH CIN
## 2 0.714396 CPH CIN
## 3 0.702251 CPH CIN
## 4 0.702791 CPH CIN
## 5 0.677873 CPH CIN
## 6 0.711866 CPH CIN
## 7 0.689449 CPH CIN
## 8 0.682214 CPH CIN
## 9 0.709481 CPH CIN
## 10 0.703413 CPH CIN
## 11 0.713824 CPH CIN
## 12 0.698661 CPH CIN
## 13 0.717211 CPH CIN
## 14 0.698832 CPH CIN
## 15 0.687337 CPH CIN
## 16 0.699212 CPH CIN
## 17 0.707390 CPH CIN
## 18 0.688120 CPH CIN
## 19 0.686792 CPH CIN
## 20 0.696447 CPH CIN
## 21 0.694751 CPH CIN
## 22 0.700993 CPH CIN
## 23 0.712135 CPH CIN
## 24 0.691864 CPH CIN
## 25 0.694867 CPH CIN
## 26 0.689888 RSF CIN
## 27 0.692314 RSF CIN
## 28 0.688001 RSF CIN
## 29 0.699220 RSF CIN
## 30 0.670046 RSF CIN
## 31 0.714271 RSF CIN
## 32 0.680497 RSF CIN
## 33 0.672799 RSF CIN
## 34 0.688503 RSF CIN
## 35 0.681141 RSF CIN
## 36 0.707463 RSF CIN
## 37 0.691930 RSF CIN
## 38 0.696516 RSF CIN
## 39 0.691147 RSF CIN
## 40 0.662421 RSF CIN
## 41 0.696633 RSF CIN
## 42 0.694339 RSF CIN
## 43 0.679218 RSF CIN
## 44 0.680564 RSF CIN
## 45 0.667703 RSF CIN
## 46 0.665116 RSF CIN
## 47 0.683106 RSF CIN
## 48 0.696414 RSF CIN
## 49 0.683141 RSF CIN
## 50 0.686914 RSF CIN
<- mean(SplitValidation_CIN[SplitValidation_CIN$Model=="CPH",1])) (CPH_Model_CIN_CV
## [1] 0.6992913
<- mean(SplitValidation_CIN[SplitValidation_CIN$Model=="RSF",1])) (RSF_Model_CIN_CV
## [1] 0.6863722
<- bwplot(CIN ~ Model | Metric,
(CIN_Boxplot data = SplitValidation_CIN,
xlab = "Survival Model",
ylab = "Concordance Index"))
# Creating a local object
# for the train set
# using a numeric data type
# for all variables
<- peakVO2.Source[,names(peakVO2.Source) %in% c("ttodead",
MA_BSC "died",
# Initializing data containers
# and random seed
= 0
RSF_Model_BSC = 0
for (i in 1:25) {
# Formulating the train and test sets
= createFolds(1:nrow(MA_BSC), 2)
MA_BSC_Index = MA_BSC[MA_BSC_Index[[1]],]
MA_BSC_Train = MA_BSC[MA_BSC_Index[[2]],]
# Formulating the Random Survival Forest model
# and generating model predictions
<- rfsrc(Surv(ttodead, died)~.,
RSF_Model data = MA_BSC_Train,
nsplit = 3,
ntree = 500)
<- predict(RSF_Model, MA_BSC_Test)
<- RSF_Model_PredObject$survival
# Consolidating the ordered unique death times
= RSF_Model$time.interest
# Formulating the Cox Proportional Hazards model
# and generating model predictions
<- coxph(Surv(ttodead, died)~.,
CPH_Model data = MA_BSC_Train,
x = TRUE)
= predictSurvProb(CPH_Model,
# Calculating the Brier Scores
<- median(1:length(Ordered_Unique_Death_Time))
Median_Index <- Surv(MA_BSC_Test$ttodead, MA_BSC_Test$died)
Survival_Object <- median(Ordered_Unique_Death_Time)
<- Brier(Survival_Object,
RSF_Model_BSC[i] pre_sp = RSF_Model_Pred[,Median_Index],
<- Brier(Survival_Object,
CPH_Model_BSC[i] pre_sp = CPH_Model_Pred[,Median_Index],
# Consolidating the repeated
# split-sample validated Brier Scores
SplitValidation_BSC = data.frame('BSC' = c(CPH_Model_BSC, RSF_Model_BSC),
('Model' = c(rep('CPH', 25), rep('RSF', 25)),
'Metric' = c(rep('BSC', 50))))
## BSC Model Metric
## 1 3.042685 CPH BSC
## 2 2.823948 CPH BSC
## 3 0.163000 CPH BSC
## 4 5.653142 CPH BSC
## 5 2.479632 CPH BSC
## 6 0.154938 CPH BSC
## 7 0.158088 CPH BSC
## 8 0.158927 CPH BSC
## 9 4.230457 CPH BSC
## 10 6.025826 CPH BSC
## 11 0.150234 CPH BSC
## 12 0.167676 CPH BSC
## 13 5.691130 CPH BSC
## 14 0.160928 CPH BSC
## 15 4.188327 CPH BSC
## 16 5.096415 CPH BSC
## 17 4.592601 CPH BSC
## 18 0.171468 CPH BSC
## 19 0.181396 CPH BSC
## 20 0.161536 CPH BSC
## 21 0.163480 CPH BSC
## 22 0.156256 CPH BSC
## 23 0.154343 CPH BSC
## 24 3.652654 CPH BSC
## 25 0.170667 CPH BSC
## 26 3.411727 RSF BSC
## 27 2.930870 RSF BSC
## 28 0.165677 RSF BSC
## 29 5.745821 RSF BSC
## 30 2.514371 RSF BSC
## 31 0.154984 RSF BSC
## 32 0.161796 RSF BSC
## 33 0.162158 RSF BSC
## 34 4.250684 RSF BSC
## 35 6.372230 RSF BSC
## 36 0.152816 RSF BSC
## 37 0.170807 RSF BSC
## 38 6.167940 RSF BSC
## 39 0.164670 RSF BSC
## 40 4.438374 RSF BSC
## 41 5.242487 RSF BSC
## 42 4.558322 RSF BSC
## 43 0.172799 RSF BSC
## 44 0.185103 RSF BSC
## 45 0.168630 RSF BSC
## 46 0.170620 RSF BSC
## 47 0.160568 RSF BSC
## 48 0.156635 RSF BSC
## 49 3.910247 RSF BSC
## 50 0.171887 RSF BSC
<- mean(SplitValidation_BSC[SplitValidation_BSC$Model=="CPH",1])) (CPH_Model_BSC_CV
## [1] 1.98999
<- mean(SplitValidation_BSC[SplitValidation_BSC$Model=="RSF",1])) (RSF_Model_BSC_CV
## [1] 2.074489
<- bwplot(BSC ~ Model | Metric,
(BSC_Boxplot data = SplitValidation_BSC,
xlab = "Survival Model",
ylab = "Brier Score"))
# Creating a local object
# for the train set
# using a numeric data type
# for all variables
<- peakVO2.Source[,names(peakVO2.Source) %in% c("ttodead",
MA_IAE "died",
# Initializing data containers
# and random seed
= 0
RSF_Model_IAE = 0
for (i in 1:25) {
# Formulating the train and test sets
= createFolds(1:nrow(MA_IAE), 2)
MA_IAE_Index = MA_IAE[MA_IAE_Index[[1]],]
MA_IAE_Train = MA_IAE[MA_IAE_Index[[2]],]
# Formulating the Random Survival Forest model
# and generating model predictions
<- rfsrc(Surv(ttodead, died)~.,
RSF_Model data = MA_IAE_Train,
nsplit = 3,
ntree = 500)
<- predict(RSF_Model, MA_IAE_Test)
<- RSF_Model_PredObject$survival
# Consolidating the ordered unique death times
= RSF_Model$time.interest
# Formulating the Cox Proportional Hazards model
# and generating model predictions
<- coxph(Surv(ttodead, died)~.,
CPH_Model data = MA_IAE_Train,
x = TRUE)
= predictSurvProb(CPH_Model,
# Calculating the Integrated Absolute Errors
<- median(1:length(Ordered_Unique_Death_Time))
Median_Index <- Surv(MA_IAE_Test$ttodead, MA_IAE_Test$died)
<- IAEISE(Survival_Object,
RSF_Model_IE sp_matrix = RSF_Model_Pred,
<- RSF_Model_IE[1]
<- IAEISE(Survival_Object,
CPH_Model_IE sp_matrix = CPH_Model_Pred,
<- CPH_Model_IE[1]
# Consolidating the repeated
# split-sample validated Integrated Absolute Errors
SplitValidation_IAE = data.frame('IAE' = c(CPH_Model_IAE, RSF_Model_IAE),
('Model' = c(rep('CPH', 25), rep('RSF', 25)),
'Metric' = c(rep('IAE', 50))))
## IAE Model Metric
## 1 3.7202 CPH IAE
## 2 1.9355 CPH IAE
## 3 1.2259 CPH IAE
## 4 1.9123 CPH IAE
## 5 0.6668 CPH IAE
## 6 1.2670 CPH IAE
## 7 2.0430 CPH IAE
## 8 1.1436 CPH IAE
## 9 1.8833 CPH IAE
## 10 1.5042 CPH IAE
## 11 2.7417 CPH IAE
## 12 2.4253 CPH IAE
## 13 1.5415 CPH IAE
## 14 1.6989 CPH IAE
## 15 1.7323 CPH IAE
## 16 1.3642 CPH IAE
## 17 2.9995 CPH IAE
## 18 1.0918 CPH IAE
## 19 1.3910 CPH IAE
## 20 1.4217 CPH IAE
## 21 0.7612 CPH IAE
## 22 0.9284 CPH IAE
## 23 3.4032 CPH IAE
## 24 0.7453 CPH IAE
## 25 0.9154 CPH IAE
## 26 3.8247 RSF IAE
## 27 1.8812 RSF IAE
## 28 1.2173 RSF IAE
## 29 2.1966 RSF IAE
## 30 1.1124 RSF IAE
## 31 1.3252 RSF IAE
## 32 2.1907 RSF IAE
## 33 1.7358 RSF IAE
## 34 2.0110 RSF IAE
## 35 1.6630 RSF IAE
## 36 2.1929 RSF IAE
## 37 3.2396 RSF IAE
## 38 1.3760 RSF IAE
## 39 1.5616 RSF IAE
## 40 1.2727 RSF IAE
## 41 1.2661 RSF IAE
## 42 2.3665 RSF IAE
## 43 1.3245 RSF IAE
## 44 1.4609 RSF IAE
## 45 1.6619 RSF IAE
## 46 0.9673 RSF IAE
## 47 1.3053 RSF IAE
## 48 2.5815 RSF IAE
## 49 1.0318 RSF IAE
## 50 1.2482 RSF IAE
<- mean(SplitValidation_IAE[SplitValidation_IAE$Model=="CPH",1])) (CPH_Model_IAE_CV
## [1] 1.698528
<- mean(SplitValidation_IAE[SplitValidation_IAE$Model=="RSF",1])) (RSF_Model_IAE_CV
## [1] 1.760588
<- bwplot(IAE ~ Model | Metric,
(IAE_Boxplot data = SplitValidation_IAE,
xlab = "Survival Model",
ylab = "Integrated Absolute Error"))
# Creating a local object
# for the train set
# using a numeric data type
# for all variables
<- peakVO2.Source[,names(peakVO2.Source) %in% c("ttodead",
MA_ISE "died",
# Initializing data containers
# and random seed
= 0
RSF_Model_ISE = 0
for (i in 1:25) {
# Formulating the train and test sets
= createFolds(1:nrow(MA_ISE), 2)
MA_ISE_Index = MA_ISE[MA_ISE_Index[[1]],]
MA_ISE_Train = MA_ISE[MA_ISE_Index[[2]],]
# Formulating the Random Survival Forest model
# and generating model predictions
<- rfsrc(Surv(ttodead, died)~.,
RSF_Model data = MA_ISE_Train,
nsplit = 3,
ntree = 500)
<- predict(RSF_Model, MA_ISE_Test)
<- RSF_Model_PredObject$survival
# Consolidating the ordered unique death times
= RSF_Model$time.interest
# Formulating the Cox Proportional Hazards model
# and generating model predictions
<- coxph(Surv(ttodead, died)~.,
CPH_Model data = MA_ISE_Train,
x = TRUE)
= predictSurvProb(CPH_Model,
# Calculating the Integrated Square Error
<- median(1:length(Ordered_Unique_Death_Time))
Median_Index <- Surv(MA_ISE_Test$ttodead, MA_ISE_Test$died)
<- IAEISE(Survival_Object,
RSF_Model_IE sp_matrix = RSF_Model_Pred,
<- RSF_Model_IE[2]
<- IAEISE(Survival_Object,
CPH_Model_IE sp_matrix = CPH_Model_Pred,
<- CPH_Model_IE[2]
# Consolidating the repeated
# split-sample validated Integrated Square Error
SplitValidation_ISE = data.frame('ISE' = c(CPH_Model_ISE, RSF_Model_ISE),
('Model' = c(rep('CPH', 25), rep('RSF', 25)),
'Metric' = c(rep('ISE', 50))))
## ISE Model Metric
## 1 0.1511 CPH ISE
## 2 0.0435 CPH ISE
## 3 0.0211 CPH ISE
## 4 0.0496 CPH ISE
## 5 0.0067 CPH ISE
## 6 0.0186 CPH ISE
## 7 0.0500 CPH ISE
## 8 0.0199 CPH ISE
## 9 0.0358 CPH ISE
## 10 0.0236 CPH ISE
## 11 0.0805 CPH ISE
## 12 0.0672 CPH ISE
## 13 0.0265 CPH ISE
## 14 0.0433 CPH ISE
## 15 0.0435 CPH ISE
## 16 0.0280 CPH ISE
## 17 0.1072 CPH ISE
## 18 0.0150 CPH ISE
## 19 0.0228 CPH ISE
## 20 0.0324 CPH ISE
## 21 0.0076 CPH ISE
## 22 0.0111 CPH ISE
## 23 0.1233 CPH ISE
## 24 0.0096 CPH ISE
## 25 0.0100 CPH ISE
## 26 0.1621 RSF ISE
## 27 0.0420 RSF ISE
## 28 0.0260 RSF ISE
## 29 0.0670 RSF ISE
## 30 0.0166 RSF ISE
## 31 0.0205 RSF ISE
## 32 0.0528 RSF ISE
## 33 0.0405 RSF ISE
## 34 0.0415 RSF ISE
## 35 0.0282 RSF ISE
## 36 0.0569 RSF ISE
## 37 0.1174 RSF ISE
## 38 0.0217 RSF ISE
## 39 0.0412 RSF ISE
## 40 0.0215 RSF ISE
## 41 0.0217 RSF ISE
## 42 0.0672 RSF ISE
## 43 0.0229 RSF ISE
## 44 0.0292 RSF ISE
## 45 0.0448 RSF ISE
## 46 0.0118 RSF ISE
## 47 0.0242 RSF ISE
## 48 0.0719 RSF ISE
## 49 0.0174 RSF ISE
## 50 0.0186 RSF ISE
<- mean(SplitValidation_ISE[SplitValidation_ISE$Model=="CPH",1])) (CPH_Model_ISE_CV
## [1] 0.041916
<- mean(SplitValidation_ISE[SplitValidation_ISE$Model=="RSF",1])) (RSF_Model_ISE_CV
## [1] 0.043424
<- bwplot(ISE ~ Model | Metric,
(ISE_Boxplot data = SplitValidation_ISE,
xlab = "Survival Model",
ylab = "Integrated Square Error"))
# Consolidating all performance metric results
ISE_Boxplot,ncol = 2)