Supervised Learning : Identifying Contributing Factors for Countries With High Cancer Rates Using Classification Algorithms With Class Imbalance Treatment¶
- 1. Table of Contents
- 1.1 Introduction
- 1.2 Methodology
- 1.3 Results
- 1.3.1 Data Preparation
- 1.3.2 Data Quality Assessment
- 1.3.3 Data Preprocessing
- 1.3.4 Data Exploration
- 1.3.5 Model Development With Hyperparameter Tuning
- 1.3.6 Model Development With Class Weights
- 1.3.7 Model Development With SMOTE Upsampling
- 1.3.8 Model Development With CNN Downsampling
- 1.3.9 Model Development With Stacking Ensemble Learning
- 1.3.10 Model Selection
- 1.3.11 Model Presentation
- 2. Summary
- 3. References
1. Table of Contents ¶
1.1 Introduction ¶
Age-standardized cancer rates are measures used to compare cancer incidence between countries while accounting for differences in age distribution. They allow for a more accurate assessment of the relative risk of cancer across populations with diverse demographic and socio-economic characteristics - enabling a more nuanced understanding of the global burden of cancer and facilitating evidence-based public health interventions.
Datasets used for the analysis were separately gathered and consolidated from various sources including:
- Cancer Rates from World Population Review
- Social Protection and Labor Indicator from World Bank
- Education Indicator from World Bank
- Economy and Growth Indicator from World Bank
- Environment Indicator from World Bank
- Climate Change Indicator from World Bank
- Agricultural and Rural Development Indicator from World Bank
- Social Development Indicator from World Bank
- Health Indicator from World Bank
- Science and Technology Indicator from World Bank
- Urban Development Indicator from World Bank
- Human Development Indices from Human Development Reports
- Environmental Performance Indices from Yale Center for Environmental Law and Policy
This study hypothesized that various global development indicators and indices influence cancer rates across countries.
Subsequent analysis and modelling steps involving data understanding, data preparation, data exploration, model development, model validation and model presentation were individually detailed below, with all the results consolidated in a Summary provided at the end of the document.
1.1.1 Study Objectives ¶
The main objective of the study is to develop an interpretable classification model which could provide robust and reliable predictions of belonging to a group of countries with high cancer rates from an optimal set of observations and predictors, while addressing class imbalance and delivering accurate predictions when applied to new unseen data.
Specific objectives are given as follows:
Obtain an optimal subset of observations and predictors by conducting data quality assessment and feature selection, excluding cases or variables noted with irregularities and applying preprocessing operations most suitable for the downstream analysis
Develop multiple classification models with remedial measures applied to address class imbalance and with optimized hyperparameters through internal resampling validation
Select the final classification model among candidates based on robust performance estimates
Evaluate the final model performance and generalization ability through external validation in an independent set
Conduct a post-hoc exploration of the model results to provide general insights on the importance, contribution and effect of the various predictors to model prediction
1.1.2 Outcome ¶
The analysis endpoint for the study is described below:
- CANRAT (categorical): Age-standardized cancer rates of countries dichotomized to two categories pertaining to those classified in the upper 25th percentile and lower 75th percentile, per 100K population (2022)
1.1.3 Predictors ¶
Detailed descriptions for each individual predictor used in the study are provided as follows:
- GDPPER (numeric): GDP per person employed, current US Dollars (2020)
- URBPOP (numeric): Urban population, % of total population (2020)
- PATRES (numeric): Patent applications by residents, total count (2020)
- RNDGDP (numeric): Research and development expenditure, % of GDP (2020)
- POPGRO (numeric): Population growth, annual % (2020)
- LIFEXP (numeric): Life expectancy at birth, total in years (2020)
- TUBINC (numeric): Incidence of tuberculosis, per 100K population (2020)
- DTHCMD (numeric): Cause of death by communicable diseases and maternal, prenatal and nutrition conditions, % of total (2019)
- AGRLND (numeric): Agricultural land, % of land area (2020)
- GHGEMI (numeric): Total greenhouse gas emissions, kt of CO2 equivalent (2020)
- RELOUT (numeric): Renewable electricity output, % of total electricity output (2015)
- METEMI (numeric): Methane emissions, kt of CO2 equivalent (2020)
- FORARE (numeric): Forest area, % of land area (2020)
- CO2EMI (numeric): CO2 emissions, metric tons per capita (2020)
- PM2EXP (numeric): PM2.5 air pollution, population exposed to levels exceeding WHO guideline value, % of total (2017)
- POPDEN (numeric): Population density, people per sq. km of land area (2020)
- GDPCAP (numeric): GDP per capita, current US Dollars (2020)
- ENRTER (numeric): Tertiary school enrollment, % gross (2020)
- HDICAT (categorical): Human development index, ordered category (2020)
- EPISCO (numeric): Environment performance index , score (2022)
1.2 Methodology ¶
1.2.1 Data Assessment ¶
Preliminary data used in the study was evaluated and prepared for analysis and modelling using the following methods:
Data Quality Assessment involves profiling and assessing the data to understand its suitability for machine learning tasks. The quality of training data has a huge impact on the efficiency, accuracy and complexity of machine learning tasks. Data remains susceptible to errors or irregularities that may be introduced during collection, aggregation or annotation stage. Issues such as incorrect labels, synonymous categories in a categorical variable or heterogeneity in columns, among others, which might go undetected by standard pre-processing modules in these frameworks can lead to sub-optimal model performance, inaccurate analysis and unreliable decisions.
Data Preprocessing involves changing the raw feature vectors into a representation that is more suitable for the downstream modelling and estimation processes, including data cleaning, integration, reduction and transformation. Data cleaning aims to identify and correct errors in the dataset that may negatively impact a predictive model such as removing outliers, replacing missing values, smoothing noisy data, and correcting inconsistent data. Data integration addresses potential issues with redundant and inconsistent data obtained from multiple sources through approaches such as detection of tuple duplication and data conflict. The purpose of data reduction is to have a condensed representation of the data set that is smaller in volume, while maintaining the integrity of the original data set. Data transformation converts the data into the most appropriate form for data modeling.
Data Exploration involves analyzing and investigating data sets to summarize their main characteristics, often employing data visualization methods. It helps determine how best to manipulate data sources to discover patterns, spot anomalies, test a hypothesis, or check assumptions. This process is primarily used to see what data can reveal beyond the formal modeling or hypothesis testing task and provides a better understanding of data set variables and the relationships between them.
Iterative Imputer is based on the Multivariate Imputation by Chained Equations (MICE) algorithm - an imputation method based on fully conditional specification, where each incomplete variable is imputed by a separate model. As a sequential regression imputation technique, the algorithm imputes an incomplete column (target column) by generating plausible synthetic values given other columns in the data. Each incomplete column must act as a target column, and has its own specific set of predictors. For predictors that are incomplete themselves, the most recently generated imputations are used to complete the predictors prior to imputation of the target columns. The Linear Regression model was formulated for imputation - which explores the linear relationship between a scalar response and one or more covariates by having the conditional mean of the dependent variable be an affine function of the independent variables. The relationship is modeled through a disturbance term which represents an unobserved random variable that adds noise. The algorithm is typically formulated from the data using the least squares method which seeks to estimate the coefficients by minimizing the squared residual function. The linear equation assigns one scale factor represented by a coefficient to each covariate and an additional coefficient called the intercept or the bias coefficient which gives the line an additional degree of freedom allowing to move up and down a two-dimensional plot.
Yeo-Johnson Transformation applies a new family of distributions that can be used without restrictions, extending many of the good properties of the Box-Cox power family. Similar to the Box-Cox transformation, the method also estimates the optimal value of lambda but has the ability to transform both positive and negative values by inflating low variance data and deflating high variance data to create a more uniform data set. While there are no restrictions in terms of the applicable values, the interpretability of the transformed values is more diminished as compared to the other methods.
1.2.2 Feature Selection ¶
Statistical test measures were assessed for the numeric and categorical predictors in the study to determine the most optimal subset of variables for the subsequent modelling process which included the following:
Pearson’s Correlation Coefficient is a parametric measure of the linear correlation for a pair of features by calculating the ratio between their covariance and the product of their standard deviations. The presence of high absolute correlation values indicate the univariate association between the numeric predictors and the numeric response.
Two-Sample T-Test Statistic is used to determine whether there is a significant difference between the means of two independent groups. It is calculated as the difference between the means of the two groups divided by the standard error of the difference. The test statistic follows a t-distribution with degrees of freedom calculated based on the sample sizes and assumptions about the variances.
Chi-square Test Statistic is used to assess whether there is a significant association between two categorical variables. It is calculated by comparing the observed frequencies of the contingency table with the frequencies that would be expected if the variables were independent. The test statistic follows a chi-square distribution, and the degrees of freedom are determined by the number of categories in the variables being analyzed.
1.2.3 Model Formulation ¶
Machine Learning Classification Models are algorithms that learn to assign predefined categories or labels to input data based on patterns and relationships identified during the training phase. Classification is a supervised learning task, meaning the models are trained on a labeled dataset where the correct output (class or label) is known for each input. Once trained, these models can predict the class of new, unseen instances.
This study implemented both glass-box and black-box classification modelling procedures with simple to complex structures involving moderate to large numbers of model coefficients or mathematical transformations which lacked transparency in terms of the internal processes and weighted factors used in reaching a decision. Models applied in the analysis for predicting the categorical target were the following:
Logistic Regression models the relationship between the probability of an event (among two outcome levels) by having the log-odds of the event be a linear combination of a set of predictors weighted by their respective parameter estimates. The parameters are estimated via maximum likelihood estimation by testing different values through multiple iterations to optimize for the best fit of log odds. All of these iterations produce the log likelihood function, and logistic regression seeks to maximize this function to find the best parameter estimates. Given the optimal parameters, the conditional probabilities for each observation can be calculated, logged, and summed together to yield a predicted probability.
Decision Trees create a model that predicts the class label of a sample based on input features. A decision tree consists of nodes that represent decisions or choices, edges which connect nodes and represent the possible outcomes of a decision and leaf (or terminal) nodes which represent the final decision or the predicted class label. The decision-making process involves feature selection (at each internal node, the algorithm decides which feature to split on based on a certain criterion including gini impurity or entropy), splitting criteria (the splitting criteria aim to find the feature and its corresponding threshold that best separates the data into different classes. The goal is to increase homogeneity within each resulting subset), recursive splitting (the process of feature selection and splitting continues recursively, creating a tree structure. The dataset is partitioned at each internal node based on the chosen feature, and the process repeats for each subset) and stopping criteria (the recursion stops when a certain condition is met, known as a stopping criterion. Common stopping criteria include a maximum depth for the tree, a minimum number of samples required to split a node, or a minimum number of samples in a leaf node.)
Random Forest is an ensemble learning method made up of a large set of small decision trees called estimators, with each producing its own prediction. The random forest model aggregates the predictions of the estimators to produce a more accurate prediction. The algorithm involves bootstrap aggregating (where smaller subsets of the training data are repeatedly subsampled with replacement), random subspacing (where a subset of features are sampled and used to train each individual estimator), estimator training (where unpruned decision trees are formulated for each estimator) and inference by aggregating the predictions of all estimators.
Support Vector Machine plots each observation in an N-dimensional space corresponding to the number of features in the data set and finds a hyperplane that maximally separates the different classes by a maximally large margin (which is defined as the distance between the hyperplane and the closest data points from each class). The algorithm applies kernel transformation by mapping non-linearly separable data using the similarities between the points in a high-dimensional feature space for improved discrimination.
Different versions of the individual models were formulated following remedial measures to address class imbalance described as follows:
Hyperparameter Tuning is an iterative process that involves experimenting with different hyperparameter combinations, evaluating the model's performance, and refining the hyperparameter values to achieve the best possible performance on new, unseen data - aimed at building effective and well-generalizing machine learning models. A model's performance depends not only on the learned parameters (weights) during training but also on hyperparameters, which are external configuration settings that cannot be learned from the data.
Class Weights are used to assign different levels of importance to different classes when the distribution of instances across different classes in a classification problem is not equal. By assigning higher weights to the minority class, the model is encouraged to give more attention to correctly predicting instances from the minority class. Class weights are incorporated into the loss function during training. The loss for each instance is multiplied by its corresponding class weight. This means that misclassifying an instance from the minority class will have a greater impact on the overall loss than misclassifying an instance from the majority class. The use of class weights helps balance the influence of each class during training, mitigating the impact of class imbalance. It provides a way to focus the learning process on the classes that are underrepresented in the training data.
Synthetic Minority Oversampling Technique is specifically designed to increase the representation of the minority class by generating new minority instances between existing instances. The new instances created are not just the copy of existing minority cases, instead for each minority class instance, the algorithm generates synthetic examples by creating linear combinations of the feature vectors between that instance and its k nearest neighbors. The synthetic samples are placed along the line segments connecting the original instance to its neighbors.
Condensed Nearest Neighbors is a prototype selection algorithm that aims to select a subset of instances from the original dataset, discarding redundant and less informative instances. The algorithm works by iteratively adding instances to the subset, starting with an empty set. At each iteration, an instance is added if it is not correctly classified by the current subset. The decision to add or discard an instance is based on its performance on a k-nearest neighbors classifier. If an instance is misclassified by the current subset's k-nearest neighbors, it is added to the subset. The process is repeated until no new instances are added to the subset. The resulting subset is a condensed representation of the dataset that retains the essential information needed for classification.
An additional iteration of the modelling process applying an ensemble structure was carried out for comparison:
Model Stacking - also known as stacked generalization, is an ensemble approach which involves creating a variety of base learners and using them to create intermediate predictions, one for each learned model. A meta-model is incorporated that gains knowledge of the same target from intermediate predictions. Unlike bagging, in stacking, the models are typically different (e.g. not all decision trees) and fit on the same dataset (e.g. instead of samples of the training dataset). Unlike boosting, in stacking, a single model is used to learn how to best combine the predictions from the contributing models (e.g. instead of a sequence of models that correct the predictions of prior models). Stacking is appropriate when the predictions made by the base learners or the errors in predictions made by the models have minimal correlation. Achieving an improvement in performance is dependent upon the choice of base learners and whether they are sufficiently skillful in their predictions.
1.2.4 Model Hyperparameter Tuning ¶
The optimal combination of hyperparameter values which maximized the performance of the various classification models in the study used the following hyperparameter tuning strategy:
K-Fold Cross-Validation involves dividing the training set after a random shuffle into a user-defined K number of smaller non-overlapping sets called folds. Each unique fold is assigned as the hold-out test data to assess the model trained from the data set collected from all the remaining K-1 folds. The evaluation score is retained but the model is discarded. The process is recursively performed resulting to a total of K fitted models and evaluated on the K hold-out test sets. All K-computed performance measures reported from the process are then averaged to represent the estimated performance of the model. This approach can be computationally expensive and may be highly dependent on how the data was randomly assigned to their respective folds, but does not waste too much data which is a major advantage in problems where the number of samples is very small.
1.2.5 Model Performance Evaluation ¶
The predictive performance of the formulated classification models in the study were compared and evaluated using the following metrics:
Accuracy is the ratio of correctly predicted instances to the total instances. It provides an overall measure of model performance which is easy to understand and interpret, but can be misleading in imbalanced datasets when one class dominates.
Precision is the ratio of correctly predicted positive observations to the total predicted positives. It is useful when the cost of false positives is high but does not consider false negatives, so might not be suitable for imbalanced datasets.
Recall is the ratio of correctly predicted positive observations to all the actual positives. It is useful when the cost of false negatives is high but does not consider false positives, so might not be suitable for imbalanced datasets.
F1 Score is the harmonic mean of precision and recall. It balances precision and recall, providing a single metric for performance evaluation which is suitable for imbalanced datasets.Although, it might not be the best metric in situations where precision or recall is more critical.
AUROC measures the area under the receiver operating characteristic curve, which illustrates the trade-off between true positive rate (sensitivity) and false positive rate at various classification thresholds. It provides a comprehensive evaluation of the model's ability to discriminate between classes and is robust to imbalanced datasets. Compared to other metrics, it may not be as directly interpretable as well as not being sensitive to class distribution changes.
1.2.6 Model Presentation ¶
Model presentation was conducted post-hoc and focused on both model-specific and model-agnostic techniques which did not consider any assumptions about the model structures. These methods were described as follows:
Odds Ratios aid in interpreting the relationship between the independent variables and the probability of an event occurring in a logistic regression model by quantifying the change in odds associated with a one-unit change in the independent variable. An estimated value greater than one indicates that the odds of the event are expected to increase by a factor equal to the odds ratio for a one-unit increase in the independent variable. While a an estimated value less than one indicates that The odds of the event are expected to decrease by the reciprocal of the odds ratio for a one-unit increase in the independent variable.
Shapley Additive Explanations are based on Shapley values developed in the cooperative game theory. The process involves explaining a prediction by assuming that each explanatory variable for an instance is a player in a game where the prediction is the payout. The game is the prediction task for a single instance of the data set. The gain is the actual prediction for this instance minus the average prediction for all instances. The players are the explanatory variable values of the instance that collaborate to receive the gain (predict a certain value). The determined value is the average marginal contribution of an explanatory variable across all possible coalitions.
1.3. Results ¶
1.3.1. Data Preparation ¶
- The initial tabular dataset was comprised of 177 observations and 22 variables (including 1 metadata, 1 target and 20 predictors).
- 177 rows (observations)
- 22 columns (variables)
- 1/22 metadata (object)
- 1/22 target (categorical)
- 19/22 predictor (numeric)
- 1/22 predictor (categorical)
- 1/22 metadata (object)
# Loading Python Libraries
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import itertools
import os
%matplotlib inline
from operator import add,mul,truediv
from imblearn.over_sampling import SMOTE
from imblearn.under_sampling import CondensedNearestNeighbour
from scipy import stats
from sklearn.experimental import enable_iterative_imputer
from sklearn.impute import IterativeImputer
from sklearn.preprocessing import PowerTransformer, StandardScaler
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression, LogisticRegression
from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeClassifier
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier, StackingClassifier
from sklearn.svm import SVC
from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score, precision_score, recall_score, f1_score, roc_auc_score, confusion_matrix, ConfusionMatrixDisplay
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split, GridSearchCV
import shap
# Filtering out unncessary warnings
import warnings
# Defining file paths
DATASETS_ORIGINAL_PATH = r"datasets\original"
# Loading the dataset
cancer_rate = pd.read_csv(os.path.join("..", DATASETS_ORIGINAL_PATH, "CategoricalCancerRates.csv"))
# Performing a general exploration of the dataset
print('Dataset Dimensions: ')
Dataset Dimensions:
(177, 22)
# Listing the column names and data types
print('Column Names and Data Types:')
Column Names and Data Types:
COUNTRY object CANRAT object GDPPER float64 URBPOP float64 PATRES float64 RNDGDP float64 POPGRO float64 LIFEXP float64 TUBINC float64 DTHCMD float64 AGRLND float64 GHGEMI float64 RELOUT float64 METEMI float64 FORARE float64 CO2EMI float64 PM2EXP float64 POPDEN float64 ENRTER float64 GDPCAP float64 HDICAT object EPISCO float64 dtype: object
# Taking a snapshot of the dataset
0 | Australia | High | 98380.63601 | 86.241 | 2368.0 | NaN | 1.235701 | 83.200000 | 7.2 | 4.941054 | ... | 13.637841 | 131484.763200 | 17.421315 | 14.772658 | 24.893584 | 3.335312 | 110.139221 | 51722.06900 | VH | 60.1 |
1 | New Zealand | High | 77541.76438 | 86.699 | 348.0 | NaN | 2.204789 | 82.256098 | 7.2 | 4.354730 | ... | 80.081439 | 32241.937000 | 37.570126 | 6.160799 | NaN | 19.331586 | 75.734833 | 41760.59478 | VH | 56.7 |
2 | Ireland | High | 198405.87500 | 63.653 | 75.0 | 1.23244 | 1.029111 | 82.556098 | 5.3 | 5.684596 | ... | 27.965408 | 15252.824630 | 11.351720 | 6.768228 | 0.274092 | 72.367281 | 74.680313 | 85420.19086 | VH | 57.4 |
3 | United States | High | 130941.63690 | 82.664 | 269586.0 | 3.42287 | 0.964348 | 76.980488 | 2.3 | 5.302060 | ... | 13.228593 | 748241.402900 | 33.866926 | 13.032828 | 3.343170 | 36.240985 | 87.567657 | 63528.63430 | VH | 51.1 |
4 | Denmark | High | 113300.60110 | 88.116 | 1261.0 | 2.96873 | 0.291641 | 81.602439 | 4.1 | 6.826140 | ... | 65.505925 | 7778.773921 | 15.711000 | 4.691237 | 56.914456 | 145.785100 | 82.664330 | 60915.42440 | VH | 77.9 |
5 rows × 22 columns
# Setting the levels of the categorical variables
cancer_rate['CANRAT'] = cancer_rate['CANRAT'].astype('category')
cancer_rate['CANRAT'] = cancer_rate['CANRAT'].cat.set_categories(['Low', 'High'], ordered=True)
cancer_rate['HDICAT'] = cancer_rate['HDICAT'].astype('category')
cancer_rate['HDICAT'] = cancer_rate['HDICAT'].cat.set_categories(['L', 'M', 'H', 'VH'], ordered=True)
# Performing a general exploration of the numeric variables
print('Numeric Variable Summary:')
Numeric Variable Summary:
count | mean | std | min | 25% | 50% | 75% | max | |
GDPPER | 165.0 | 45284.424283 | 3.941794e+04 | 1718.804896 | 13545.254510 | 34024.900890 | 66778.416050 | 2.346469e+05 |
URBPOP | 174.0 | 59.788121 | 2.280640e+01 | 13.345000 | 42.432750 | 61.701500 | 79.186500 | 1.000000e+02 |
PATRES | 108.0 | 20607.388889 | 1.340683e+05 | 1.000000 | 35.250000 | 244.500000 | 1297.750000 | 1.344817e+06 |
RNDGDP | 74.0 | 1.197474 | 1.189956e+00 | 0.039770 | 0.256372 | 0.873660 | 1.608842 | 5.354510e+00 |
POPGRO | 174.0 | 1.127028 | 1.197718e+00 | -2.079337 | 0.236900 | 1.179959 | 2.031154 | 3.727101e+00 |
LIFEXP | 174.0 | 71.746113 | 7.606209e+00 | 52.777000 | 65.907500 | 72.464610 | 77.523500 | 8.456000e+01 |
TUBINC | 174.0 | 105.005862 | 1.367229e+02 | 0.770000 | 12.000000 | 44.500000 | 147.750000 | 5.920000e+02 |
DTHCMD | 170.0 | 21.260521 | 1.927333e+01 | 1.283611 | 6.078009 | 12.456279 | 36.980457 | 6.520789e+01 |
AGRLND | 174.0 | 38.793456 | 2.171551e+01 | 0.512821 | 20.130276 | 40.386649 | 54.013754 | 8.084112e+01 |
GHGEMI | 170.0 | 259582.709895 | 1.118550e+06 | 179.725150 | 12527.487367 | 41009.275980 | 116482.578575 | 1.294287e+07 |
RELOUT | 153.0 | 39.760036 | 3.191492e+01 | 0.000296 | 10.582691 | 32.381668 | 63.011450 | 1.000000e+02 |
METEMI | 170.0 | 47876.133575 | 1.346611e+05 | 11.596147 | 3662.884908 | 11118.976025 | 32368.909040 | 1.186285e+06 |
FORARE | 173.0 | 32.218177 | 2.312001e+01 | 0.008078 | 11.604388 | 31.509048 | 49.071780 | 9.741212e+01 |
CO2EMI | 170.0 | 3.751097 | 4.606479e+00 | 0.032585 | 0.631924 | 2.298368 | 4.823496 | 3.172684e+01 |
PM2EXP | 167.0 | 91.940595 | 2.206003e+01 | 0.274092 | 99.627134 | 100.000000 | 100.000000 | 1.000000e+02 |
POPDEN | 174.0 | 200.886765 | 6.453834e+02 | 2.115134 | 27.454539 | 77.983133 | 153.993650 | 7.918951e+03 |
ENRTER | 116.0 | 49.994997 | 2.970619e+01 | 2.432581 | 22.107195 | 53.392460 | 71.057467 | 1.433107e+02 |
GDPCAP | 170.0 | 13992.095610 | 1.957954e+04 | 216.827417 | 1870.503029 | 5348.192875 | 17421.116227 | 1.173705e+05 |
EPISCO | 165.0 | 42.946667 | 1.249086e+01 | 18.900000 | 33.000000 | 40.900000 | 50.500000 | 7.790000e+01 |
# Performing a general exploration of the object variable
print('Object Variable Summary:')
Object Variable Summary:
count | unique | top | freq | |
COUNTRY | 177 | 177 | Australia | 1 |
# Performing a general exploration of the categorical variables
print('Categorical Variable Summary:')
Categorical Variable Summary:
count | unique | top | freq | |
CANRAT | 177 | 2 | Low | 132 |
HDICAT | 167 | 4 | VH | 59 |
# Performing a general exploration of the categorical variable
cancer_rate.HDICAT.value_counts(normalize = True)
HDICAT VH 0.353293 H 0.233533 M 0.221557 L 0.191617 Name: proportion, dtype: float64
# Performing a general exploration of the response variable
cancer_rate.CANRAT.value_counts(normalize = True)
CANRAT Low 0.745763 High 0.254237 Name: proportion, dtype: float64
1.3.2 Data Quality Assessment ¶
Data quality findings based on assessment are as follows:
- No duplicated rows observed.
- Missing data noted for 20 variables with Null.Count>0 and Fill.Rate<1.0.
- RNDGDP: Null.Count = 103, Fill.Rate = 0.418
- PATRES: Null.Count = 69, Fill.Rate = 0.610
- ENRTER: Null.Count = 61, Fill.Rate = 0.655
- RELOUT: Null.Count = 24, Fill.Rate = 0.864
- GDPPER: Null.Count = 12, Fill.Rate = 0.932
- EPISCO: Null.Count = 12, Fill.Rate = 0.932
- HDICAT: Null.Count = 10, Fill.Rate = 0.943
- PM2EXP: Null.Count = 10, Fill.Rate = 0.943
- DTHCMD: Null.Count = 7, Fill.Rate = 0.960
- METEMI: Null.Count = 7, Fill.Rate = 0.960
- CO2EMI: Null.Count = 7, Fill.Rate = 0.960
- GDPCAP: Null.Count = 7, Fill.Rate = 0.960
- GHGEMI: Null.Count = 7, Fill.Rate = 0.960
- FORARE: Null.Count = 4, Fill.Rate = 0.977
- TUBINC: Null.Count = 3, Fill.Rate = 0.983
- AGRLND: Null.Count = 3, Fill.Rate = 0.983
- POPGRO: Null.Count = 3, Fill.Rate = 0.983
- POPDEN: Null.Count = 3, Fill.Rate = 0.983
- URBPOP: Null.Count = 3, Fill.Rate = 0.983
- LIFEXP: Null.Count = 3, Fill.Rate = 0.983
- 120 observations noted with at least 1 missing data. From this number, 14 observations reported high Missing.Rate>0.2.
- COUNTRY=Guadeloupe: Missing.Rate= 0.909
- COUNTRY=Martinique: Missing.Rate= 0.909
- COUNTRY=French Guiana: Missing.Rate= 0.909
- COUNTRY=New Caledonia: Missing.Rate= 0.500
- COUNTRY=French Polynesia: Missing.Rate= 0.500
- COUNTRY=Guam: Missing.Rate= 0.500
- COUNTRY=Puerto Rico: Missing.Rate= 0.409
- COUNTRY=North Korea: Missing.Rate= 0.227
- COUNTRY=Somalia: Missing.Rate= 0.227
- COUNTRY=South Sudan: Missing.Rate= 0.227
- COUNTRY=Venezuela: Missing.Rate= 0.227
- COUNTRY=Libya: Missing.Rate= 0.227
- COUNTRY=Eritrea: Missing.Rate= 0.227
- COUNTRY=Yemen: Missing.Rate= 0.227
- Low variance observed for 1 variable with First.Second.Mode.Ratio>5.
- PM2EXP: First.Second.Mode.Ratio = 53.000
- No low variance observed for any variable with Unique.Count.Ratio>10.
- High skewness observed for 5 variables with Skewness>3 or Skewness<(-3).
- POPDEN: Skewness = +10.267
- GHGEMI: Skewness = +9.496
- PATRES: Skewness = +9.284
- METEMI: Skewness = +5.801
- PM2EXP: Skewness = -3.141
# Counting the number of duplicated rows
# Gathering the data types for each column
data_type_list = list(cancer_rate.dtypes)
# Gathering the variable names for each column
variable_name_list = list(cancer_rate.columns)
# Gathering the number of observations for each column
row_count_list = list([len(cancer_rate)] * len(cancer_rate.columns))
# Gathering the number of missing data for each column
null_count_list = list(cancer_rate.isna().sum(axis=0))
# Gathering the number of non-missing data for each column
non_null_count_list = list(cancer_rate.count())
# Gathering the missing data percentage for each column
fill_rate_list = map(truediv, non_null_count_list, row_count_list)
# Formulating the summary
# for all columns
all_column_quality_summary = pd.DataFrame(zip(variable_name_list,
Column.Name | Column.Type | Row.Count | Non.Null.Count | Null.Count | Fill.Rate | |
0 | COUNTRY | object | 177 | 177 | 0 | 1.000000 |
1 | CANRAT | category | 177 | 177 | 0 | 1.000000 |
2 | GDPPER | float64 | 177 | 165 | 12 | 0.932203 |
3 | URBPOP | float64 | 177 | 174 | 3 | 0.983051 |
4 | PATRES | float64 | 177 | 108 | 69 | 0.610169 |
5 | RNDGDP | float64 | 177 | 74 | 103 | 0.418079 |
6 | POPGRO | float64 | 177 | 174 | 3 | 0.983051 |
7 | LIFEXP | float64 | 177 | 174 | 3 | 0.983051 |
8 | TUBINC | float64 | 177 | 174 | 3 | 0.983051 |
9 | DTHCMD | float64 | 177 | 170 | 7 | 0.960452 |
10 | AGRLND | float64 | 177 | 174 | 3 | 0.983051 |
11 | GHGEMI | float64 | 177 | 170 | 7 | 0.960452 |
12 | RELOUT | float64 | 177 | 153 | 24 | 0.864407 |
13 | METEMI | float64 | 177 | 170 | 7 | 0.960452 |
14 | FORARE | float64 | 177 | 173 | 4 | 0.977401 |
15 | CO2EMI | float64 | 177 | 170 | 7 | 0.960452 |
16 | PM2EXP | float64 | 177 | 167 | 10 | 0.943503 |
17 | POPDEN | float64 | 177 | 174 | 3 | 0.983051 |
18 | ENRTER | float64 | 177 | 116 | 61 | 0.655367 |
19 | GDPCAP | float64 | 177 | 170 | 7 | 0.960452 |
20 | HDICAT | category | 177 | 167 | 10 | 0.943503 |
21 | EPISCO | float64 | 177 | 165 | 12 | 0.932203 |
# Counting the number of columns
# with Fill.Rate < 1.00
# Identifying the columns
# with Fill.Rate < 1.00
display(all_column_quality_summary[(all_column_quality_summary['Fill.Rate']<1)].sort_values(by=['Fill.Rate'], ascending=True))
Column.Name | Column.Type | Row.Count | Non.Null.Count | Null.Count | Fill.Rate | |
5 | RNDGDP | float64 | 177 | 74 | 103 | 0.418079 |
4 | PATRES | float64 | 177 | 108 | 69 | 0.610169 |
18 | ENRTER | float64 | 177 | 116 | 61 | 0.655367 |
12 | RELOUT | float64 | 177 | 153 | 24 | 0.864407 |
21 | EPISCO | float64 | 177 | 165 | 12 | 0.932203 |
2 | GDPPER | float64 | 177 | 165 | 12 | 0.932203 |
16 | PM2EXP | float64 | 177 | 167 | 10 | 0.943503 |
20 | HDICAT | category | 177 | 167 | 10 | 0.943503 |
15 | CO2EMI | float64 | 177 | 170 | 7 | 0.960452 |
13 | METEMI | float64 | 177 | 170 | 7 | 0.960452 |
11 | GHGEMI | float64 | 177 | 170 | 7 | 0.960452 |
9 | DTHCMD | float64 | 177 | 170 | 7 | 0.960452 |
19 | GDPCAP | float64 | 177 | 170 | 7 | 0.960452 |
14 | FORARE | float64 | 177 | 173 | 4 | 0.977401 |
6 | POPGRO | float64 | 177 | 174 | 3 | 0.983051 |
3 | URBPOP | float64 | 177 | 174 | 3 | 0.983051 |
17 | POPDEN | float64 | 177 | 174 | 3 | 0.983051 |
10 | AGRLND | float64 | 177 | 174 | 3 | 0.983051 |
7 | LIFEXP | float64 | 177 | 174 | 3 | 0.983051 |
8 | TUBINC | float64 | 177 | 174 | 3 | 0.983051 |
# Identifying the rows
# with Fill.Rate < 0.90
column_low_fill_rate = all_column_quality_summary[(all_column_quality_summary['Fill.Rate']<0.90)]
# Gathering the metadata labels for each observation
row_metadata_list = cancer_rate["COUNTRY"].values.tolist()
# Gathering the number of columns for each observation
column_count_list = list([len(cancer_rate.columns)] * len(cancer_rate))
# Gathering the number of missing data for each row
null_row_list = list(cancer_rate.isna().sum(axis=1))
# Gathering the missing data percentage for each column
missing_rate_list = map(truediv, null_row_list, column_count_list)
# Identifying the rows
# with missing data
all_row_quality_summary = pd.DataFrame(zip(row_metadata_list,
Row.Name | Column.Count | Null.Count | Missing.Rate | |
0 | Australia | 22 | 1 | 0.045455 |
1 | New Zealand | 22 | 2 | 0.090909 |
2 | Ireland | 22 | 0 | 0.000000 |
3 | United States | 22 | 0 | 0.000000 |
4 | Denmark | 22 | 0 | 0.000000 |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
172 | Congo Republic | 22 | 3 | 0.136364 |
173 | Bhutan | 22 | 2 | 0.090909 |
174 | Nepal | 22 | 2 | 0.090909 |
175 | Gambia | 22 | 4 | 0.181818 |
176 | Niger | 22 | 2 | 0.090909 |
177 rows × 4 columns
# Counting the number of rows
# with Missing.Rate > 0.00
# Counting the number of rows
# with Missing.Rate > 0.20
# Identifying the rows
# with Missing.Rate > 0.20
row_high_missing_rate = all_row_quality_summary[(all_row_quality_summary['Missing.Rate']>0.20)]
# Identifying the rows
# with Missing.Rate > 0.20
display(all_row_quality_summary[(all_row_quality_summary['Missing.Rate']>0.20)].sort_values(by=['Missing.Rate'], ascending=False))
Row.Name | Column.Count | Null.Count | Missing.Rate | |
35 | Guadeloupe | 22 | 20 | 0.909091 |
39 | Martinique | 22 | 20 | 0.909091 |
56 | French Guiana | 22 | 20 | 0.909091 |
13 | New Caledonia | 22 | 11 | 0.500000 |
44 | French Polynesia | 22 | 11 | 0.500000 |
75 | Guam | 22 | 11 | 0.500000 |
53 | Puerto Rico | 22 | 9 | 0.409091 |
85 | North Korea | 22 | 6 | 0.272727 |
168 | South Sudan | 22 | 6 | 0.272727 |
132 | Somalia | 22 | 6 | 0.272727 |
117 | Libya | 22 | 5 | 0.227273 |
73 | Venezuela | 22 | 5 | 0.227273 |
161 | Eritrea | 22 | 5 | 0.227273 |
164 | Yemen | 22 | 5 | 0.227273 |
# Formulating the dataset
# with numeric columns only
cancer_rate_numeric = cancer_rate.select_dtypes(include='number')
# Gathering the variable names for each numeric column
numeric_variable_name_list = cancer_rate_numeric.columns
# Gathering the minimum value for each numeric column
numeric_minimum_list = cancer_rate_numeric.min()
# Gathering the mean value for each numeric column
numeric_mean_list = cancer_rate_numeric.mean()
# Gathering the median value for each numeric column
numeric_median_list = cancer_rate_numeric.median()
# Gathering the maximum value for each numeric column
numeric_maximum_list = cancer_rate_numeric.max()
# Gathering the first mode values for each numeric column
numeric_first_mode_list = [cancer_rate[x].value_counts(dropna=True).index.tolist()[0] for x in cancer_rate_numeric]
# Gathering the second mode values for each numeric column
numeric_second_mode_list = [cancer_rate[x].value_counts(dropna=True).index.tolist()[1] for x in cancer_rate_numeric]
# Gathering the count of first mode values for each numeric column
numeric_first_mode_count_list = [cancer_rate_numeric[x].isin([cancer_rate[x].value_counts(dropna=True).index.tolist()[0]]).sum() for x in cancer_rate_numeric]
# Gathering the count of second mode values for each numeric column
numeric_second_mode_count_list = [cancer_rate_numeric[x].isin([cancer_rate[x].value_counts(dropna=True).index.tolist()[1]]).sum() for x in cancer_rate_numeric]
# Gathering the first mode to second mode ratio for each numeric column
numeric_first_second_mode_ratio_list = map(truediv, numeric_first_mode_count_list, numeric_second_mode_count_list)
# Gathering the count of unique values for each numeric column
numeric_unique_count_list = cancer_rate_numeric.nunique(dropna=True)
# Gathering the number of observations for each numeric column
numeric_row_count_list = list([len(cancer_rate_numeric)] * len(cancer_rate_numeric.columns))
# Gathering the unique to count ratio for each numeric column
numeric_unique_count_ratio_list = map(truediv, numeric_unique_count_list, numeric_row_count_list)
# Gathering the skewness value for each numeric column
numeric_skewness_list = cancer_rate_numeric.skew()
# Gathering the kurtosis value for each numeric column
numeric_kurtosis_list = cancer_rate_numeric.kurtosis()
numeric_column_quality_summary = pd.DataFrame(zip(numeric_variable_name_list,
Numeric.Column.Name | Minimum | Mean | Median | Maximum | First.Mode | Second.Mode | First.Mode.Count | Second.Mode.Count | First.Second.Mode.Ratio | Unique.Count | Row.Count | Unique.Count.Ratio | Skewness | Kurtosis | |
0 | GDPPER | 1718.804896 | 45284.424283 | 34024.900890 | 2.346469e+05 | 98380.636010 | 77541.764380 | 1 | 1 | 1.000000 | 165 | 177 | 0.932203 | 1.517574 | 3.471992 |
1 | URBPOP | 13.345000 | 59.788121 | 61.701500 | 1.000000e+02 | 100.000000 | 86.699000 | 2 | 1 | 2.000000 | 173 | 177 | 0.977401 | -0.210702 | -0.962847 |
2 | PATRES | 1.000000 | 20607.388889 | 244.500000 | 1.344817e+06 | 6.000000 | 2.000000 | 4 | 3 | 1.333333 | 97 | 177 | 0.548023 | 9.284436 | 91.187178 |
3 | RNDGDP | 0.039770 | 1.197474 | 0.873660 | 5.354510e+00 | 1.232440 | 3.422870 | 1 | 1 | 1.000000 | 74 | 177 | 0.418079 | 1.396742 | 1.695957 |
4 | POPGRO | -2.079337 | 1.127028 | 1.179959 | 3.727101e+00 | 1.235701 | 2.204789 | 1 | 1 | 1.000000 | 174 | 177 | 0.983051 | -0.195161 | -0.423580 |
5 | LIFEXP | 52.777000 | 71.746113 | 72.464610 | 8.456000e+01 | 83.200000 | 82.256098 | 1 | 1 | 1.000000 | 174 | 177 | 0.983051 | -0.357965 | -0.649601 |
6 | TUBINC | 0.770000 | 105.005862 | 44.500000 | 5.920000e+02 | 12.000000 | 4.100000 | 4 | 3 | 1.333333 | 131 | 177 | 0.740113 | 1.746333 | 2.429368 |
7 | DTHCMD | 1.283611 | 21.260521 | 12.456279 | 6.520789e+01 | 4.941054 | 4.354730 | 1 | 1 | 1.000000 | 170 | 177 | 0.960452 | 0.900509 | -0.691541 |
8 | AGRLND | 0.512821 | 38.793456 | 40.386649 | 8.084112e+01 | 46.252480 | 38.562911 | 1 | 1 | 1.000000 | 174 | 177 | 0.983051 | 0.074000 | -0.926249 |
9 | GHGEMI | 179.725150 | 259582.709895 | 41009.275980 | 1.294287e+07 | 571903.119900 | 80158.025830 | 1 | 1 | 1.000000 | 170 | 177 | 0.960452 | 9.496120 | 101.637308 |
10 | RELOUT | 0.000296 | 39.760036 | 32.381668 | 1.000000e+02 | 100.000000 | 80.081439 | 3 | 1 | 3.000000 | 151 | 177 | 0.853107 | 0.501088 | -0.981774 |
11 | METEMI | 11.596147 | 47876.133575 | 11118.976025 | 1.186285e+06 | 131484.763200 | 32241.937000 | 1 | 1 | 1.000000 | 170 | 177 | 0.960452 | 5.801014 | 38.661386 |
12 | FORARE | 0.008078 | 32.218177 | 31.509048 | 9.741212e+01 | 17.421315 | 37.570126 | 1 | 1 | 1.000000 | 173 | 177 | 0.977401 | 0.519277 | -0.322589 |
13 | CO2EMI | 0.032585 | 3.751097 | 2.298368 | 3.172684e+01 | 14.772658 | 6.160799 | 1 | 1 | 1.000000 | 170 | 177 | 0.960452 | 2.721552 | 10.311574 |
14 | PM2EXP | 0.274092 | 91.940595 | 100.000000 | 1.000000e+02 | 100.000000 | 100.000000 | 106 | 2 | 53.000000 | 61 | 177 | 0.344633 | -3.141557 | 9.032386 |
15 | POPDEN | 2.115134 | 200.886765 | 77.983133 | 7.918951e+03 | 3.335312 | 19.331586 | 1 | 1 | 1.000000 | 174 | 177 | 0.983051 | 10.267750 | 119.995256 |
16 | ENRTER | 2.432581 | 49.994997 | 53.392460 | 1.433107e+02 | 110.139221 | 75.734833 | 1 | 1 | 1.000000 | 116 | 177 | 0.655367 | 0.275863 | -0.392895 |
17 | GDPCAP | 216.827417 | 13992.095610 | 5348.192875 | 1.173705e+05 | 51722.069000 | 41760.594780 | 1 | 1 | 1.000000 | 170 | 177 | 0.960452 | 2.258568 | 5.938690 |
18 | EPISCO | 18.900000 | 42.946667 | 40.900000 | 7.790000e+01 | 29.600000 | 43.600000 | 3 | 3 | 1.000000 | 137 | 177 | 0.774011 | 0.641799 | 0.035208 |
# Counting the number of numeric columns
# with First.Second.Mode.Ratio > 5.00
# Identifying the numeric columns
# with First.Second.Mode.Ratio > 5.00
display(numeric_column_quality_summary[(numeric_column_quality_summary['First.Second.Mode.Ratio']>5)].sort_values(by=['First.Second.Mode.Ratio'], ascending=False))
Numeric.Column.Name | Minimum | Mean | Median | Maximum | First.Mode | Second.Mode | First.Mode.Count | Second.Mode.Count | First.Second.Mode.Ratio | Unique.Count | Row.Count | Unique.Count.Ratio | Skewness | Kurtosis | |
14 | PM2EXP | 0.274092 | 91.940595 | 100.0 | 100.0 | 100.0 | 100.0 | 106 | 2 | 53.0 | 61 | 177 | 0.344633 | -3.141557 | 9.032386 |
# Counting the number of numeric columns
# with Unique.Count.Ratio > 10.00
# Counting the number of numeric columns
# with Skewness > 3.00 or Skewness < -3.00
len(numeric_column_quality_summary[(numeric_column_quality_summary['Skewness']>3) | (numeric_column_quality_summary['Skewness']<(-3))])
# Identifying the numeric columns
# with Skewness > 3.00 or Skewness < -3.00
display(numeric_column_quality_summary[(numeric_column_quality_summary['Skewness']>3) | (numeric_column_quality_summary['Skewness']<(-3))].sort_values(by=['Skewness'], ascending=False))
Numeric.Column.Name | Minimum | Mean | Median | Maximum | First.Mode | Second.Mode | First.Mode.Count | Second.Mode.Count | First.Second.Mode.Ratio | Unique.Count | Row.Count | Unique.Count.Ratio | Skewness | Kurtosis | |
15 | POPDEN | 2.115134 | 200.886765 | 77.983133 | 7.918951e+03 | 3.335312 | 19.331586 | 1 | 1 | 1.000000 | 174 | 177 | 0.983051 | 10.267750 | 119.995256 |
9 | GHGEMI | 179.725150 | 259582.709895 | 41009.275980 | 1.294287e+07 | 571903.119900 | 80158.025830 | 1 | 1 | 1.000000 | 170 | 177 | 0.960452 | 9.496120 | 101.637308 |
2 | PATRES | 1.000000 | 20607.388889 | 244.500000 | 1.344817e+06 | 6.000000 | 2.000000 | 4 | 3 | 1.333333 | 97 | 177 | 0.548023 | 9.284436 | 91.187178 |
11 | METEMI | 11.596147 | 47876.133575 | 11118.976025 | 1.186285e+06 | 131484.763200 | 32241.937000 | 1 | 1 | 1.000000 | 170 | 177 | 0.960452 | 5.801014 | 38.661386 |
14 | PM2EXP | 0.274092 | 91.940595 | 100.000000 | 1.000000e+02 | 100.000000 | 100.000000 | 106 | 2 | 53.000000 | 61 | 177 | 0.344633 | -3.141557 | 9.032386 |
# Formulating the dataset
# with object column only
cancer_rate_object = cancer_rate.select_dtypes(include='object')
# Gathering the variable names for the object column
object_variable_name_list = cancer_rate_object.columns
# Gathering the first mode values for the object column
object_first_mode_list = [cancer_rate[x].value_counts().index.tolist()[0] for x in cancer_rate_object]
# Gathering the second mode values for each object column
object_second_mode_list = [cancer_rate[x].value_counts().index.tolist()[1] for x in cancer_rate_object]
# Gathering the count of first mode values for each object column
object_first_mode_count_list = [cancer_rate_object[x].isin([cancer_rate[x].value_counts(dropna=True).index.tolist()[0]]).sum() for x in cancer_rate_object]
# Gathering the count of second mode values for each object column
object_second_mode_count_list = [cancer_rate_object[x].isin([cancer_rate[x].value_counts(dropna=True).index.tolist()[1]]).sum() for x in cancer_rate_object]
# Gathering the first mode to second mode ratio for each object column
object_first_second_mode_ratio_list = map(truediv, object_first_mode_count_list, object_second_mode_count_list)
# Gathering the count of unique values for each object column
object_unique_count_list = cancer_rate_object.nunique(dropna=True)
# Gathering the number of observations for each object column
object_row_count_list = list([len(cancer_rate_object)] * len(cancer_rate_object.columns))
# Gathering the unique to count ratio for each object column
object_unique_count_ratio_list = map(truediv, object_unique_count_list, object_row_count_list)
object_column_quality_summary = pd.DataFrame(zip(object_variable_name_list,
Object.Column.Name | First.Mode | Second.Mode | First.Mode.Count | Second.Mode.Count | First.Second.Mode.Ratio | Unique.Count | Row.Count | Unique.Count.Ratio | |
0 | COUNTRY | Australia | New Zealand | 1 | 1 | 1.0 | 177 | 177 | 1.0 |
# Counting the number of object columns
# with First.Second.Mode.Ratio > 5.00
# Counting the number of object columns
# with Unique.Count.Ratio > 10.00
# Formulating the dataset
# with categorical columns only
cancer_rate_categorical = cancer_rate.select_dtypes(include='category')
# Gathering the variable names for the categorical column
categorical_variable_name_list = cancer_rate_categorical.columns
# Gathering the first mode values for each categorical column
categorical_first_mode_list = [cancer_rate[x].value_counts().index.tolist()[0] for x in cancer_rate_categorical]
# Gathering the second mode values for each categorical column
categorical_second_mode_list = [cancer_rate[x].value_counts().index.tolist()[1] for x in cancer_rate_categorical]
# Gathering the count of first mode values for each categorical column
categorical_first_mode_count_list = [cancer_rate_categorical[x].isin([cancer_rate[x].value_counts(dropna=True).index.tolist()[0]]).sum() for x in cancer_rate_categorical]
# Gathering the count of second mode values for each categorical column
categorical_second_mode_count_list = [cancer_rate_categorical[x].isin([cancer_rate[x].value_counts(dropna=True).index.tolist()[1]]).sum() for x in cancer_rate_categorical]
# Gathering the first mode to second mode ratio for each categorical column
categorical_first_second_mode_ratio_list = map(truediv, categorical_first_mode_count_list, categorical_second_mode_count_list)
# Gathering the count of unique values for each categorical column
categorical_unique_count_list = cancer_rate_categorical.nunique(dropna=True)
# Gathering the number of observations for each categorical column
categorical_row_count_list = list([len(cancer_rate_categorical)] * len(cancer_rate_categorical.columns))
# Gathering the unique to count ratio for each categorical column
categorical_unique_count_ratio_list = map(truediv, categorical_unique_count_list, categorical_row_count_list)
categorical_column_quality_summary = pd.DataFrame(zip(categorical_variable_name_list,
Categorical.Column.Name | First.Mode | Second.Mode | First.Mode.Count | Second.Mode.Count | First.Second.Mode.Ratio | Unique.Count | Row.Count | Unique.Count.Ratio | |
0 | CANRAT | Low | High | 132 | 45 | 2.933333 | 2 | 177 | 0.011299 |
1 | HDICAT | VH | H | 59 | 39 | 1.512821 | 4 | 177 | 0.022599 |
# Counting the number of categorical columns
# with First.Second.Mode.Ratio > 5.00
# Counting the number of categorical columns
# with Unique.Count.Ratio > 10.00
1.3.3. Data Preprocessing ¶ Data Cleaning ¶
- Subsets of rows and columns with high rates of missing data were removed from the dataset:
- 4 variables with Fill.Rate<0.9 were excluded for subsequent analysis.
- RNDGDP: Null.Count = 103, Fill.Rate = 0.418
- PATRES: Null.Count = 69, Fill.Rate = 0.610
- ENRTER: Null.Count = 61, Fill.Rate = 0.655
- RELOUT: Null.Count = 24, Fill.Rate = 0.864
- 14 rows with Missing.Rate>0.2 were exluded for subsequent analysis.
- COUNTRY=Guadeloupe: Missing.Rate= 0.909
- COUNTRY=Martinique: Missing.Rate= 0.909
- COUNTRY=French Guiana: Missing.Rate= 0.909
- COUNTRY=New Caledonia: Missing.Rate= 0.500
- COUNTRY=French Polynesia: Missing.Rate= 0.500
- COUNTRY=Guam: Missing.Rate= 0.500
- COUNTRY=Puerto Rico: Missing.Rate= 0.409
- COUNTRY=North Korea: Missing.Rate= 0.227
- COUNTRY=Somalia: Missing.Rate= 0.227
- COUNTRY=South Sudan: Missing.Rate= 0.227
- COUNTRY=Venezuela: Missing.Rate= 0.227
- COUNTRY=Libya: Missing.Rate= 0.227
- COUNTRY=Eritrea: Missing.Rate= 0.227
- COUNTRY=Yemen: Missing.Rate= 0.227
- 4 variables with Fill.Rate<0.9 were excluded for subsequent analysis.
- No variables were removed due to zero or near-zero variance.
- The cleaned dataset is comprised of:
- 163 rows (observations)
- 18 columns (variables)
- 1/18 metadata (object)
- 1/18 target (categorical)
- 15/18 predictor (numeric)
- 1/18 predictor (categorical)
- 1/18 metadata (object)
# Performing a general exploration of the original dataset
print('Dataset Dimensions: ')
Dataset Dimensions:
(177, 22)
# Filtering out the rows with
# with Missing.Rate > 0.20
cancer_rate_filtered_row = cancer_rate.drop(cancer_rate[cancer_rate.COUNTRY.isin(row_high_missing_rate['Row.Name'].values.tolist())].index)
# Performing a general exploration of the filtered dataset
print('Dataset Dimensions: ')
Dataset Dimensions:
(163, 22)
# Filtering out the columns with
# with Fill.Rate < 0.90
cancer_rate_filtered_row_column = cancer_rate_filtered_row.drop(column_low_fill_rate['Column.Name'].values.tolist(), axis=1)
# Formulating a new dataset object
# for the cleaned data
cancer_rate_cleaned = cancer_rate_filtered_row_column
# Performing a general exploration of the filtered dataset
print('Dataset Dimensions: ')
Dataset Dimensions:
(163, 18) Missing Data Imputation ¶
- Missing data for numeric variables were imputed using the iterative imputer algorithm with a linear regression estimator.
- GDPPER: Null.Count = 1
- FORARE: Null.Count = 1
- PM2EXP: Null.Count = 5
- Missing data for categorical variables were imputed using the most frequent value.
- HDICAP: Null.Count = 1
# Formulating the summary
# for all cleaned columns
cleaned_column_quality_summary = pd.DataFrame(zip(list(cancer_rate_cleaned.columns),
list([len(cancer_rate_cleaned)] * len(cancer_rate_cleaned.columns)),
Column.Name | Column.Type | Row.Count | Non.Null.Count | Null.Count | |
0 | COUNTRY | object | 163 | 163 | 0 |
1 | CANRAT | category | 163 | 163 | 0 |
2 | GDPPER | float64 | 163 | 162 | 1 |
3 | URBPOP | float64 | 163 | 163 | 0 |
4 | POPGRO | float64 | 163 | 163 | 0 |
5 | LIFEXP | float64 | 163 | 163 | 0 |
6 | TUBINC | float64 | 163 | 163 | 0 |
7 | DTHCMD | float64 | 163 | 163 | 0 |
8 | AGRLND | float64 | 163 | 163 | 0 |
9 | GHGEMI | float64 | 163 | 163 | 0 |
10 | METEMI | float64 | 163 | 163 | 0 |
11 | FORARE | float64 | 163 | 162 | 1 |
12 | CO2EMI | float64 | 163 | 163 | 0 |
13 | PM2EXP | float64 | 163 | 158 | 5 |
14 | POPDEN | float64 | 163 | 163 | 0 |
15 | GDPCAP | float64 | 163 | 163 | 0 |
16 | HDICAT | category | 163 | 162 | 1 |
17 | EPISCO | float64 | 163 | 163 | 0 |
# Formulating the cleaned dataset
# with categorical columns only
cancer_rate_cleaned_categorical = cancer_rate_cleaned.select_dtypes(include='object')
# Formulating the cleaned dataset
# with numeric columns only
cancer_rate_cleaned_numeric = cancer_rate_cleaned.select_dtypes(include='number')
# Taking a snapshot of the cleaned dataset
0 | 98380.63601 | 86.241 | 1.235701 | 83.200000 | 7.2 | 4.941054 | 46.252480 | 5.719031e+05 | 131484.763200 | 17.421315 | 14.772658 | 24.893584 | 3.335312 | 51722.06900 | 60.1 |
1 | 77541.76438 | 86.699 | 2.204789 | 82.256098 | 7.2 | 4.354730 | 38.562911 | 8.015803e+04 | 32241.937000 | 37.570126 | 6.160799 | NaN | 19.331586 | 41760.59478 | 56.7 |
2 | 198405.87500 | 63.653 | 1.029111 | 82.556098 | 5.3 | 5.684596 | 65.495718 | 5.949773e+04 | 15252.824630 | 11.351720 | 6.768228 | 0.274092 | 72.367281 | 85420.19086 | 57.4 |
3 | 130941.63690 | 82.664 | 0.964348 | 76.980488 | 2.3 | 5.302060 | 44.363367 | 5.505181e+06 | 748241.402900 | 33.866926 | 13.032828 | 3.343170 | 36.240985 | 63528.63430 | 51.1 |
4 | 113300.60110 | 88.116 | 0.291641 | 81.602439 | 4.1 | 6.826140 | 65.499675 | 4.113555e+04 | 7778.773921 | 15.711000 | 4.691237 | 56.914456 | 145.785100 | 60915.42440 | 77.9 |
# Defining the estimator to be used
# at each step of the round-robin imputation
lr = LinearRegression()
# Defining the parameter of the
# iterative imputer which will estimate
# the columns with missing values
# as a function of the other columns
# in a round-robin fashion
iterative_imputer = IterativeImputer(
estimator = lr,
max_iter = 10,
tol = 1e-10,
imputation_order = 'ascending',
# Implementing the iterative imputer
cancer_rate_imputed_numeric_array = iterative_imputer.fit_transform(cancer_rate_cleaned_numeric)
# Transforming the imputed data
# from an array to a dataframe
cancer_rate_imputed_numeric = pd.DataFrame(cancer_rate_imputed_numeric_array,
columns = cancer_rate_cleaned_numeric.columns)
# Taking a snapshot of the imputed dataset
0 | 98380.63601 | 86.241 | 1.235701 | 83.200000 | 7.2 | 4.941054 | 46.252480 | 5.719031e+05 | 131484.763200 | 17.421315 | 14.772658 | 24.893584 | 3.335312 | 51722.06900 | 60.1 |
1 | 77541.76438 | 86.699 | 2.204789 | 82.256098 | 7.2 | 4.354730 | 38.562911 | 8.015803e+04 | 32241.937000 | 37.570126 | 6.160799 | 65.867296 | 19.331586 | 41760.59478 | 56.7 |
2 | 198405.87500 | 63.653 | 1.029111 | 82.556098 | 5.3 | 5.684596 | 65.495718 | 5.949773e+04 | 15252.824630 | 11.351720 | 6.768228 | 0.274092 | 72.367281 | 85420.19086 | 57.4 |
3 | 130941.63690 | 82.664 | 0.964348 | 76.980488 | 2.3 | 5.302060 | 44.363367 | 5.505181e+06 | 748241.402900 | 33.866926 | 13.032828 | 3.343170 | 36.240985 | 63528.63430 | 51.1 |
4 | 113300.60110 | 88.116 | 0.291641 | 81.602439 | 4.1 | 6.826140 | 65.499675 | 4.113555e+04 | 7778.773921 | 15.711000 | 4.691237 | 56.914456 | 145.785100 | 60915.42440 | 77.9 |
# Formulating the cleaned dataset
# with categorical columns only
cancer_rate_cleaned_categorical = cancer_rate_cleaned.select_dtypes(include='category')
# Imputing the missing data
# for categorical columns with
# the most frequent category
cancer_rate_cleaned_categorical['HDICAT'] = cancer_rate_cleaned_categorical['HDICAT'].fillna(cancer_rate_cleaned_categorical['HDICAT'].mode()[0])
cancer_rate_imputed_categorical = cancer_rate_cleaned_categorical.reset_index(drop=True)
# Formulating the imputed dataset
cancer_rate_imputed = pd.concat([cancer_rate_imputed_numeric,cancer_rate_imputed_categorical], axis=1, join='inner')
# Gathering the data types for each column
data_type_list = list(cancer_rate_imputed.dtypes)
# Gathering the variable names for each column
variable_name_list = list(cancer_rate_imputed.columns)
# Gathering the number of observations for each column
row_count_list = list([len(cancer_rate_imputed)] * len(cancer_rate_imputed.columns))
# Gathering the number of missing data for each column
null_count_list = list(cancer_rate_imputed.isna().sum(axis=0))
# Gathering the number of non-missing data for each column
non_null_count_list = list(cancer_rate_imputed.count())
# Gathering the missing data percentage for each column
fill_rate_list = map(truediv, non_null_count_list, row_count_list)
# Formulating the summary
# for all imputed columns
imputed_column_quality_summary = pd.DataFrame(zip(variable_name_list,
Column.Name | Column.Type | Row.Count | Non.Null.Count | Null.Count | Fill.Rate | |
0 | GDPPER | float64 | 163 | 163 | 0 | 1.0 |
1 | URBPOP | float64 | 163 | 163 | 0 | 1.0 |
2 | POPGRO | float64 | 163 | 163 | 0 | 1.0 |
3 | LIFEXP | float64 | 163 | 163 | 0 | 1.0 |
4 | TUBINC | float64 | 163 | 163 | 0 | 1.0 |
5 | DTHCMD | float64 | 163 | 163 | 0 | 1.0 |
6 | AGRLND | float64 | 163 | 163 | 0 | 1.0 |
7 | GHGEMI | float64 | 163 | 163 | 0 | 1.0 |
8 | METEMI | float64 | 163 | 163 | 0 | 1.0 |
9 | FORARE | float64 | 163 | 163 | 0 | 1.0 |
10 | CO2EMI | float64 | 163 | 163 | 0 | 1.0 |
11 | PM2EXP | float64 | 163 | 163 | 0 | 1.0 |
12 | POPDEN | float64 | 163 | 163 | 0 | 1.0 |
13 | GDPCAP | float64 | 163 | 163 | 0 | 1.0 |
14 | EPISCO | float64 | 163 | 163 | 0 | 1.0 |
15 | CANRAT | category | 163 | 163 | 0 | 1.0 |
16 | HDICAT | category | 163 | 163 | 0 | 1.0 | Outlier Detection ¶
- High number of outliers observed for 5 numeric variables with Outlier.Ratio>0.10 and marginal to high Skewness.
- PM2EXP: Outlier.Count = 37, Outlier.Ratio = 0.226, Skewness=-3.061
- GHGEMI: Outlier.Count = 27, Outlier.Ratio = 0.165, Skewness=+9.299
- GDPCAP: Outlier.Count = 22, Outlier.Ratio = 0.134, Skewness=+2.311
- POPDEN: Outlier.Count = 20, Outlier.Ratio = 0.122, Skewness=+9.972
- METEMI: Outlier.Count = 20, Outlier.Ratio = 0.122, Skewness=+5.688
- Minimal number of outliers observed for 5 numeric variables with Outlier.Ratio<0.10 and normal Skewness.
- TUBINC: Outlier.Count = 12, Outlier.Ratio = 0.073, Skewness=+1.747
- CO2EMI: Outlier.Count = 11, Outlier.Ratio = 0.067, Skewness=+2.693
- GDPPER: Outlier.Count = 3, Outlier.Ratio = 0.018, Skewness=+1.554
- EPISCO: Outlier.Count = 3, Outlier.Ratio = 0.018, Skewness=+0.635
- CANRAT: Outlier.Count = 2, Outlier.Ratio = 0.012, Skewness=+0.910
# Formulating the imputed dataset
# with numeric columns only
cancer_rate_imputed_numeric = cancer_rate_imputed.select_dtypes(include='number')
# Gathering the variable names for each numeric column
numeric_variable_name_list = list(cancer_rate_imputed_numeric.columns)
# Gathering the skewness value for each numeric column
numeric_skewness_list = cancer_rate_imputed_numeric.skew()
# Computing the interquartile range
# for all columns
cancer_rate_imputed_numeric_q1 = cancer_rate_imputed_numeric.quantile(0.25)
cancer_rate_imputed_numeric_q3 = cancer_rate_imputed_numeric.quantile(0.75)
cancer_rate_imputed_numeric_iqr = cancer_rate_imputed_numeric_q3 - cancer_rate_imputed_numeric_q1
# Gathering the outlier count for each numeric column
# based on the interquartile range criterion
numeric_outlier_count_list = ((cancer_rate_imputed_numeric < (cancer_rate_imputed_numeric_q1 - 1.5 * cancer_rate_imputed_numeric_iqr)) | (cancer_rate_imputed_numeric > (cancer_rate_imputed_numeric_q3 + 1.5 * cancer_rate_imputed_numeric_iqr))).sum()
# Gathering the number of observations for each column
numeric_row_count_list = list([len(cancer_rate_imputed_numeric)] * len(cancer_rate_imputed_numeric.columns))
# Gathering the unique to count ratio for each categorical column
numeric_outlier_ratio_list = map(truediv, numeric_outlier_count_list, numeric_row_count_list)
# Formulating the outlier summary
# for all numeric columns
numeric_column_outlier_summary = pd.DataFrame(zip(numeric_variable_name_list,
Numeric.Column.Name | Skewness | Outlier.Count | Row.Count | Outlier.Ratio | |
0 | GDPPER | 1.554457 | 3 | 163 | 0.018405 |
1 | URBPOP | -0.212327 | 0 | 163 | 0.000000 |
2 | POPGRO | -0.181666 | 0 | 163 | 0.000000 |
3 | LIFEXP | -0.329704 | 0 | 163 | 0.000000 |
4 | TUBINC | 1.747962 | 12 | 163 | 0.073620 |
5 | DTHCMD | 0.930709 | 0 | 163 | 0.000000 |
6 | AGRLND | 0.035315 | 0 | 163 | 0.000000 |
7 | GHGEMI | 9.299960 | 27 | 163 | 0.165644 |
8 | METEMI | 5.688689 | 20 | 163 | 0.122699 |
9 | FORARE | 0.563015 | 0 | 163 | 0.000000 |
10 | CO2EMI | 2.693585 | 11 | 163 | 0.067485 |
11 | PM2EXP | -3.088403 | 37 | 163 | 0.226994 |
12 | POPDEN | 9.972806 | 20 | 163 | 0.122699 |
13 | GDPCAP | 2.311079 | 22 | 163 | 0.134969 |
14 | EPISCO | 0.635994 | 3 | 163 | 0.018405 |
# Formulating the individual boxplots
# for all numeric columns
for column in cancer_rate_imputed_numeric:
sns.boxplot(data=cancer_rate_imputed_numeric, x=column) Collinearity ¶
- Majority of the numeric variables reported moderate to high correlation which were statistically significant.
- Among pairwise combinations of numeric variables, high Pearson.Correlation.Coefficient values were noted for:
- GDPPER and GDPCAP: Pearson.Correlation.Coefficient = +0.921
- GHGEMI and METEMI: Pearson.Correlation.Coefficient = +0.905
- Among the highly correlated pairs, variables with the lowest correlation against the target variable were removed.
- GDPPER: Pearson.Correlation.Coefficient = +0.690
- METEMI: Pearson.Correlation.Coefficient = +0.062
- The cleaned dataset is comprised of:
- 163 rows (observations)
- 16 columns (variables)
- 1/16 metadata (object)
- 1/16 target (categorical)
- 13/16 predictor (numeric)
- 1/16 predictor (categorical)
- 1/16 metadata (object)
# Formulating a function
# to plot the correlation matrix
# for all pairwise combinations
# of numeric columns
def plot_correlation_matrix(corr, mask=None):
f, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(11, 9))
cbar_kws={'orientation': 'horizontal'})
# Computing the correlation coefficients
# and correlation p-values
# among pairs of numeric columns
cancer_rate_imputed_numeric_correlation_pairs = {}
cancer_rate_imputed_numeric_columns = cancer_rate_imputed_numeric.columns.tolist()
for numeric_column_a, numeric_column_b in itertools.combinations(cancer_rate_imputed_numeric_columns, 2):
cancer_rate_imputed_numeric_correlation_pairs[numeric_column_a + '_' + numeric_column_b] = stats.pearsonr(
cancer_rate_imputed_numeric.loc[:, numeric_column_a],
cancer_rate_imputed_numeric.loc[:, numeric_column_b])
# Formulating the pairwise correlation summary
# for all numeric columns
cancer_rate_imputed_numeric_summary = cancer_rate_imputed_numeric.from_dict(cancer_rate_imputed_numeric_correlation_pairs, orient='index')
cancer_rate_imputed_numeric_summary.columns = ['Pearson.Correlation.Coefficient', 'Correlation.PValue']
display(cancer_rate_imputed_numeric_summary.sort_values(by=['Pearson.Correlation.Coefficient'], ascending=False).head(20))
Pearson.Correlation.Coefficient | Correlation.PValue | |
GDPPER_GDPCAP | 0.921010 | 8.158179e-68 |
GHGEMI_METEMI | 0.905121 | 1.087643e-61 |
POPGRO_DTHCMD | 0.759470 | 7.124695e-32 |
GDPPER_LIFEXP | 0.755787 | 2.055178e-31 |
GDPCAP_EPISCO | 0.696707 | 5.312642e-25 |
LIFEXP_GDPCAP | 0.683834 | 8.321371e-24 |
GDPPER_EPISCO | 0.680812 | 1.555304e-23 |
GDPPER_URBPOP | 0.666394 | 2.781623e-22 |
GDPPER_CO2EMI | 0.654958 | 2.450029e-21 |
TUBINC_DTHCMD | 0.643615 | 1.936081e-20 |
URBPOP_LIFEXP | 0.623997 | 5.669778e-19 |
LIFEXP_EPISCO | 0.620271 | 1.048393e-18 |
URBPOP_GDPCAP | 0.559181 | 8.624533e-15 |
CO2EMI_GDPCAP | 0.550221 | 2.782997e-14 |
URBPOP_CO2EMI | 0.550046 | 2.846393e-14 |
LIFEXP_CO2EMI | 0.531305 | 2.951829e-13 |
URBPOP_EPISCO | 0.510131 | 3.507463e-12 |
POPGRO_TUBINC | 0.442339 | 3.384403e-09 |
DTHCMD_PM2EXP | 0.283199 | 2.491837e-04 |
CO2EMI_EPISCO | 0.282734 | 2.553620e-04 |
# Plotting the correlation matrix
# for all pairwise combinations
# of numeric columns
cancer_rate_imputed_numeric_correlation = cancer_rate_imputed_numeric.corr()
mask = np.triu(cancer_rate_imputed_numeric_correlation)
# Formulating a function
# to plot the correlation matrix
# for all pairwise combinations
# of numeric columns
# with significant p-values only
def correlation_significance(df=None):
p_matrix = np.zeros(shape=(df.shape[1],df.shape[1]))
for col in df.columns:
for col2 in df.drop(col,axis=1).columns:
_ , p = stats.pearsonr(df[col],df[col2])
p_matrix[df.columns.to_list().index(col),df.columns.to_list().index(col2)] = p
return p_matrix
# Plotting the correlation matrix
# for all pairwise combinations
# of numeric columns
# with significant p-values only
cancer_rate_imputed_numeric_correlation_p_values = correlation_significance(cancer_rate_imputed_numeric)
mask = np.invert(np.tril(cancer_rate_imputed_numeric_correlation_p_values<0.05))
# Filtering out one among the
# highly correlated variable pairs with
# lesser Pearson.Correlation.Coefficient
# when compared to the target variable
cancer_rate_imputed_numeric.drop(['GDPPER','METEMI'], inplace=True, axis=1)
# Performing a general exploration of the filtered dataset
print('Dataset Dimensions: ')
Dataset Dimensions:
(163, 13) Shape Transformation ¶
- A Yeo-Johnson transformation was applied to all numeric variables to improve distributional shape.
- Most variables achieved symmetrical distributions with minimal outliers after transformation.
- One variable which remained skewed even after applying shape transformation was removed.
- The transformed dataset is comprised of:
- 163 rows (observations)
- 15 columns (variables)
- 1/15 metadata (object)
- 1/15 target (categorical)
- 12/15 predictor (numeric)
- 1/15 predictor (categorical)
- 1/15 metadata (object)
# Conducting a Yeo-Johnson Transformation
# to address the distributional
# shape of the variables
yeo_johnson_transformer = PowerTransformer(method='yeo-johnson',
cancer_rate_imputed_numeric_array = yeo_johnson_transformer.fit_transform(cancer_rate_imputed_numeric)
# Formulating a new dataset object
# for the transformed data
cancer_rate_transformed_numeric = pd.DataFrame(cancer_rate_imputed_numeric_array,
# Formulating the individual boxplots
# for all transformed numeric columns
for column in cancer_rate_transformed_numeric:
sns.boxplot(data=cancer_rate_transformed_numeric, x=column)
# Filtering out the column
# which remained skewed even
# after applying shape transformation
cancer_rate_transformed_numeric.drop(['PM2EXP'], inplace=True, axis=1)
# Performing a general exploration of the filtered dataset
print('Dataset Dimensions: ')
Dataset Dimensions:
(163, 12) Centering and Scaling ¶
- All numeric variables were transformed using the standardization method to achieve a comparable scale between values.
- The scaled dataset is comprised of:
- 163 rows (observations)
- 15 columns (variables)
- 1/15 metadata (object)
- 1/15 target (categorical)
- 12/15 predictor (numeric)
- 1/15 predictor (categorical)
- 1/15 metadata (object)
# Conducting standardization
# to transform the values of the
# variables into comparable scale
standardization_scaler = StandardScaler()
cancer_rate_transformed_numeric_array = standardization_scaler.fit_transform(cancer_rate_transformed_numeric)
# Formulating a new dataset object
# for the scaled data
cancer_rate_scaled_numeric = pd.DataFrame(cancer_rate_transformed_numeric_array,
# Formulating the individual boxplots
# for all transformed numeric columns
for column in cancer_rate_scaled_numeric:
sns.boxplot(data=cancer_rate_scaled_numeric, x=column) Data Encoding ¶
- One-hot encoding was applied to the HDICAP_VH variable resulting to 4 additional columns in the dataset:
# Formulating the categorical column
# for encoding transformation
cancer_rate_categorical_encoded = pd.DataFrame(cancer_rate_cleaned_categorical.loc[:, 'HDICAT'].to_list(),
# Applying a one-hot encoding transformation
# for the categorical column
cancer_rate_categorical_encoded = pd.get_dummies(cancer_rate_categorical_encoded, columns=['HDICAT']) Preprocessed Data Description ¶
- The preprocessed dataset is comprised of:
- 163 rows (observations)
- 18 columns (variables)
- 1/18 metadata (object)
- 1/18 target (categorical)
- 12/18 predictor (numeric)
- 4/18 predictor (categorical)
- 1/18 metadata (object)
# Consolidating both numeric columns
# and encoded categorical columns
cancer_rate_preprocessed = pd.concat([cancer_rate_scaled_numeric,cancer_rate_categorical_encoded], axis=1, join='inner')
# Performing a general exploration of the consolidated dataset
print('Dataset Dimensions: ')
Dataset Dimensions:
(163, 16)
1.3.4 Data Exploration ¶ Exploratory Data Analysis ¶
- Bivariate analysis identified individual predictors with generally positive association to the target variable based on visual inspection.
- Higher values or higher proportions for the following predictors are associated with the CANRAT HIGH category:
- Decreasing values or smaller proportions for the following predictors are associated with the CANRAT LOW category:
- Values for the following predictors are not associated with the CANRAT HIGH or LOW categories:
# Segregating the target
# and predictor variable lists
cancer_rate_preprocessed_target = cancer_rate_filtered_row['CANRAT'].to_frame()
cancer_rate_preprocessed_target.reset_index(inplace=True, drop=True)
cancer_rate_preprocessed_categorical = cancer_rate_preprocessed[cancer_rate_categorical_encoded.columns]
cancer_rate_preprocessed_categorical_combined = cancer_rate_preprocessed_categorical.join(cancer_rate_preprocessed_target)
cancer_rate_preprocessed = cancer_rate_preprocessed.drop(cancer_rate_categorical_encoded.columns, axis=1)
cancer_rate_preprocessed_predictors = cancer_rate_preprocessed.columns
cancer_rate_preprocessed_combined = cancer_rate_preprocessed.join(cancer_rate_preprocessed_target)
cancer_rate_preprocessed_all = cancer_rate_preprocessed_combined.join(cancer_rate_categorical_encoded)
# Segregating the target
# and predictor variable names
y_variable = 'CANRAT'
x_variables = cancer_rate_preprocessed_predictors
# Defining the number of
# rows and columns for the subplots
num_rows = 6
num_cols = 2
# Formulating the subplot structure
fig, axes = plt.subplots(num_rows, num_cols, figsize=(15, 30))
# Flattening the multi-row and
# multi-column axes
axes = axes.ravel()
# Formulating the individual boxplots
# for all scaled numeric columns
for i, x_variable in enumerate(x_variables):
ax = axes[i]
ax.boxplot([group[x_variable] for name, group in cancer_rate_preprocessed_combined.groupby(y_variable, observed=True)])
ax.set_title(f'{y_variable} Versus {x_variable}')
ax.set_xticks(range(1, len(cancer_rate_preprocessed_combined[y_variable].unique()) + 1), ['Low', 'High'])
# Adjusting the subplot layout
# Presenting the subplots
# Segregating the target
# and predictor variable names
y_variables = cancer_rate_preprocessed_categorical.columns
x_variable = 'CANRAT'
# Defining the number of
# rows and columns for the subplots
num_rows = 2
num_cols = 2
# Formulating the subplot structure
fig, axes = plt.subplots(num_rows, num_cols, figsize=(15, 10))
# Flattening the multi-row and
# multi-column axes
axes = axes.ravel()
# Formulating the individual stacked column plots
# for all categorical columns
for i, y_variable in enumerate(y_variables):
ax = axes[i]
category_counts = cancer_rate_preprocessed_categorical_combined.groupby([x_variable, y_variable], observed=True).size().unstack(fill_value=0)
category_proportions = category_counts.div(category_counts.sum(axis=1), axis=0)
category_proportions.plot(kind='bar', stacked=True, ax=ax)
ax.set_title(f'{x_variable} Versus {y_variable}')
# Adjusting the subplot layout
# Presenting the subplots
################################## Hypothesis Testing ¶
- The relationship between the numeric predictors to the CANRAT target variable was statistically evaluated using the following hypotheses:
- Null: Difference in the means between groups LOW and HIGH is equal to zero
- Alternative: Difference in the means between groups LOW and HIGH is not equal to zero
- There is sufficient evidence to conclude of a statistically significant difference between the means of the numeric measurements obtained from LOW and HIGH groups of the CANRAT target variable in 9 of the 12 numeric predictors given their high t-test statistic values with reported low p-values less than the significance level of 0.05.
- GDPCAP: T.Test.Statistic=-11.937, T.Test.PValue=0.000
- EPISCO: T.Test.Statistic=-11.789, T.Test.PValue=0.000
- LIFEXP: T.Test.Statistic=-10.979, T.Test.PValue=0.000
- TUBINC: T.Test.Statistic=+9.609, T.Test.PValue=0.000
- DTHCMD: T.Test.Statistic=+8.376, T.Test.PValue=0.000
- CO2EMI: T.Test.Statistic=-7.031, T.Test.PValue=0.000
- URBPOP: T.Test.Statistic=-6.541, T.Test.PValue=0.000
- POPGRO: T.Test.Statistic=+4.905, T.Test.PValue=0.000
- GHGEMI: T.Test.Statistic=-2.243, T.Test.PValue=0.026
- The relationship between the categorical predictors to the CANRAT target variable was statistically evaluated using the following hypotheses:
- Null: The categorical predictor is independent of the categorical target variable
- Alternative: The categorical predictor is dependent of the categorical target variable
- There is sufficient evidence to conclude of a statistically significant relationship difference between the categories of the categorical predictors and the LOW and HIGH groups of the CANRAT target variable in all 4 categorical predictors given their high chisquare statistic values with reported low p-values less than the significance level of 0.05.
- HDICAT_VH: ChiSquare.Test.Statistic=76.764, ChiSquare.Test.PValue=0.000
- HDICAT_H: ChiSquare.Test.Statistic=13.860, ChiSquare.Test.PValue=0.000
- HDICAT_M: ChiSquare.Test.Statistic=10.286, ChiSquare.Test.PValue=0.001
- HDICAT_L: ChiSquare.Test.Statistic=9.081, ChiSquare.Test.PValue=0.002
# Computing the t-test
# statistic and p-values
# between the target variable
# and numeric predictor columns
cancer_rate_preprocessed_numeric_ttest_target = {}
cancer_rate_preprocessed_numeric = cancer_rate_preprocessed_combined
cancer_rate_preprocessed_numeric_columns = cancer_rate_preprocessed_predictors
for numeric_column in cancer_rate_preprocessed_numeric_columns:
group_0 = cancer_rate_preprocessed_numeric[cancer_rate_preprocessed_numeric.loc[:,'CANRAT']=='Low']
group_1 = cancer_rate_preprocessed_numeric[cancer_rate_preprocessed_numeric.loc[:,'CANRAT']=='High']
cancer_rate_preprocessed_numeric_ttest_target['CANRAT_' + numeric_column] = stats.ttest_ind(
# Formulating the pairwise ttest summary
# between the target variable
# and numeric predictor columns
cancer_rate_preprocessed_numeric_summary = cancer_rate_preprocessed_numeric.from_dict(cancer_rate_preprocessed_numeric_ttest_target, orient='index')
cancer_rate_preprocessed_numeric_summary.columns = ['T.Test.Statistic', 'T.Test.PValue']
display(cancer_rate_preprocessed_numeric_summary.sort_values(by=['T.Test.PValue'], ascending=True).head(12))
T.Test.Statistic | T.Test.PValue | |
CANRAT_GDPCAP | -11.936988 | 6.247937e-24 |
CANRAT_EPISCO | -11.788870 | 1.605980e-23 |
CANRAT_LIFEXP | -10.979098 | 2.754214e-21 |
CANRAT_TUBINC | 9.608760 | 1.463678e-17 |
CANRAT_DTHCMD | 8.375558 | 2.552108e-14 |
CANRAT_CO2EMI | -7.030702 | 5.537463e-11 |
CANRAT_URBPOP | -6.541001 | 7.734940e-10 |
CANRAT_POPGRO | 4.904817 | 2.269446e-06 |
CANRAT_GHGEMI | -2.243089 | 2.625563e-02 |
CANRAT_FORARE | -1.174143 | 2.420717e-01 |
CANRAT_POPDEN | -0.495221 | 6.211191e-01 |
CANRAT_AGRLND | -0.047628 | 9.620720e-01 |
# Computing the chisquare
# statistic and p-values
# between the target variable
# and categorical predictor columns
cancer_rate_preprocessed_categorical_chisquare_target = {}
cancer_rate_preprocessed_categorical = cancer_rate_preprocessed_categorical_combined
cancer_rate_preprocessed_categorical_columns = ['HDICAT_L','HDICAT_M','HDICAT_H','HDICAT_VH']
for categorical_column in cancer_rate_preprocessed_categorical_columns:
contingency_table = pd.crosstab(cancer_rate_preprocessed_categorical[categorical_column],
cancer_rate_preprocessed_categorical_chisquare_target['CANRAT_' + categorical_column] = stats.chi2_contingency(
# Formulating the pairwise chisquare summary
# between the target variable
# and categorical predictor columns
cancer_rate_preprocessed_categorical_summary = cancer_rate_preprocessed_categorical.from_dict(cancer_rate_preprocessed_categorical_chisquare_target, orient='index')
cancer_rate_preprocessed_categorical_summary.columns = ['ChiSquare.Test.Statistic', 'ChiSquare.Test.PValue']
display(cancer_rate_preprocessed_categorical_summary.sort_values(by=['ChiSquare.Test.PValue'], ascending=True).head(4))
ChiSquare.Test.Statistic | ChiSquare.Test.PValue | |
CANRAT_HDICAT_VH | 76.764134 | 1.926446e-18 |
CANRAT_HDICAT_M | 13.860367 | 1.969074e-04 |
CANRAT_HDICAT_L | 10.285575 | 1.340742e-03 |
CANRAT_HDICAT_H | 9.080788 | 2.583087e-03 |
1.3.5. Model Development With Hyperparameter Tuning ¶ Premodelling Data Description ¶
- Among the 9 numeric variables determined to have a statistically significant difference between the means of the numeric measurements obtained from LOW and HIGH groups of the CANRAT target variable, only 7 were retained with absolute T-Test statistics greater than 5.
- GDPCAP: T.Test.Statistic=-11.937, T.Test.PValue=0.000
- EPISCO: T.Test.Statistic=-11.789, T.Test.PValue=0.000
- LIFEXP: T.Test.Statistic=-10.979, T.Test.PValue=0.000
- TUBINC: T.Test.Statistic=+9.609, T.Test.PValue=0.000
- DTHCMD: T.Test.Statistic=+8.376, T.Test.PValue=0.000
- CO2EMI: T.Test.Statistic=-7.031, T.Test.PValue=0.000
- URBPOP: T.Test.Statistic=-6.541, T.Test.PValue=0.000
- Among the 4 categorical predictors determined to have a statistically significant relationship difference between the categories of the categorical predictors and the LOW and HIGH groups of the CANRAT target variable, only 1 was retained with absolute Chi-Square statistics greater than 15.
- HDICAT_VH: ChiSquare.Test.Statistic=76.764, ChiSquare.Test.PValue=0.000
- The original data which reflect a 3:1 class imbalance between the LOW and HIGH CANRAT categories was used for model training and testing.
# Consolidating relevant numeric columns
# and encoded categorical columns
# after hypothesis testing
cancer_rate_premodelling = cancer_rate_preprocessed_all.drop(['AGRLND','POPDEN','GHGEMI','POPGRO','FORARE','HDICAT_H','HDICAT_M','HDICAT_L'], axis=1)
# Performing a general exploration of the filtered dataset
print('Dataset Dimensions: ')
Dataset Dimensions:
(163, 9)
# Listing the column names and data types
print('Column Names and Data Types:')
Column Names and Data Types:
URBPOP float64 LIFEXP float64 TUBINC float64 DTHCMD float64 CO2EMI float64 GDPCAP float64 EPISCO float64 CANRAT category HDICAT_VH bool dtype: object
# Gathering the pairplot for all variables
cancer_rate_predictor_pair_plot = sns.pairplot(cancer_rate_premodelling,
markers=["o", "s"],
plot_kws={'scatter_kws': {'alpha': 0.3}},
"lower center",
bbox_to_anchor=(.5, 1), ncol=2, title='CANRAT', frameon=False)
# Separating the target
# and predictor columns
X = cancer_rate_premodelling.drop('CANRAT', axis = 1)
y = cancer_rate_premodelling['CANRAT']
# Formulating the train and test data
# using a 70-30 ratio
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, test_size = 0.3, random_state= 88888888, stratify=y)
# Performing a general exploration of the train dataset
print('Dataset Dimensions: ')
Dataset Dimensions:
(114, 8)
# Validating the class distribution of the train dataset
y_train.value_counts(normalize = True)
0 0.745614 1 0.254386 Name: proportion, dtype: float64
# Performing a general exploration of the test dataset
print('Dataset Dimensions: ')
Dataset Dimensions:
(49, 8)
# Validating the class distribution of the test dataset
y_test.value_counts(normalize = True)
0 0.755102 1 0.244898 Name: proportion, dtype: float64
# Defining a function to compute
# model performance
def model_performance_evaluation(y_true, y_pred):
metric_name = ['Accuracy','Precision','Recall','F1','AUROC']
metric_value = [accuracy_score(y_true, y_pred),
precision_score(y_true, y_pred),
recall_score(y_true, y_pred),
f1_score(y_true, y_pred),
roc_auc_score(y_true, y_pred)]
metric_summary = pd.DataFrame(zip(metric_name, metric_value),
return(metric_summary) Logistic Regression ¶
- The logistic regression model from the sklearn.linear_model Python library API was implemented.
- The model contains 5 hyperparameters:
- C = inverse of regularization strength held constant at a value of 1
- penalty = penalty norm made to vary between L1 and L2
- solver = algorithm used in the optimization problem made to vary between Saga and Liblinear
- class_weight = weights associated with classes held constant at a value of None
- max_iter = maximum number of iterations taken for the solvers to converge held constant at a value of 500
- The original data which reflect a 3:1 class imbalance between the LOW and HIGH CANRAT categories was used for model training and testing.
- Hyperparameter tuning was conducted using the 5-fold cross-validation method with optimal model performance using the F1 score determined for:
- C = 1
- penalty = L1 norm
- solver = Liblinear
- class_weight = None
- max_iter = 500
- The apparent model performance of the optimal model is summarized as follows:
- Accuracy = 0.9473
- Precision = 0.8709
- Recall = 0.9310
- F1 Score = 0.9000
- AUROC = 0.9419
- The independent test model performance of the final model is summarized as follows:
- Accuracy = 0.8979
- Precision = 0.8889
- Recall = 0.6667
- F1 Score = 0.7619
- AUROC = 0.8198
- High difference in the apparent and independent test model performance observed, indicative of the presence of excessive model overfitting.
# Creating an instance of the
# Logistic Regression model
logistic_regression = LogisticRegression()
# Defining the hyperparameters for the
# Logistic Regression model
hyperparameter_grid = {
'C': [1.0],
'penalty': ['l1', 'l2'],
'solver': ['liblinear','saga'],
'class_weight': [None],
'max_iter': [500],
'random_state': [88888888]}
# Defining the hyperparameters for the
# Logistic Regression model
optimal_logistic_regression = GridSearchCV(estimator = logistic_regression,
param_grid = hyperparameter_grid,
n_jobs = -1,
# Fitting the optimal Logistic Regression model
##################################, y_train)
# Determining the optimal hyperparameter
# for the Logistic Regression model
{'C': 1.0, 'class_weight': None, 'max_iter': 500, 'penalty': 'l1', 'random_state': 88888888, 'solver': 'liblinear'}
# Evaluating the optimal Logistic Regression model
# on the train set
optimal_logistic_regression_y_hat_train = optimal_logistic_regression.predict(X_train)
# Gathering the model evaluation metrics
optimal_logistic_regression_performance_train = model_performance_evaluation(y_train, optimal_logistic_regression_y_hat_train)
optimal_logistic_regression_performance_train['model'] = ['optimal_logistic_regression'] * 5
optimal_logistic_regression_performance_train['set'] = ['train'] * 5
print('Optimal Logistic Regression Model Performance on Train Data: ')
Optimal Logistic Regression Model Performance on Train Data:
metric_name | metric_value | model | set | |
0 | Accuracy | 0.947368 | optimal_logistic_regression | train |
1 | Precision | 0.870968 | optimal_logistic_regression | train |
2 | Recall | 0.931034 | optimal_logistic_regression | train |
3 | F1 | 0.900000 | optimal_logistic_regression | train |
4 | AUROC | 0.941988 | optimal_logistic_regression | train |
# Evaluating the optimal Logistic Regression model
# on the test set
optimal_logistic_regression_y_hat_test = optimal_logistic_regression.predict(X_test)
# Gathering the model evaluation metrics
optimal_logistic_regression_performance_test = model_performance_evaluation(y_test, optimal_logistic_regression_y_hat_test)
optimal_logistic_regression_performance_test['model'] = ['optimal_logistic_regression'] * 5
optimal_logistic_regression_performance_test['set'] = ['test'] * 5
print('Optimal Logistic Regression Model Performance on Test Data: ')
Optimal Logistic Regression Model Performance on Test Data:
metric_name | metric_value | model | set | |
0 | Accuracy | 0.897959 | optimal_logistic_regression | test |
1 | Precision | 0.888889 | optimal_logistic_regression | test |
2 | Recall | 0.666667 | optimal_logistic_regression | test |
3 | F1 | 0.761905 | optimal_logistic_regression | test |
4 | AUROC | 0.819820 | optimal_logistic_regression | test | Decision Trees ¶
- The decision tree model from the sklearn.tree Python library API was implemented.
- The model contains 5 hyperparameters:
- criterion = function to measure the quality of a split made to vary between Gini, Entropy and Log-Loss
- max_depth = maximum depth of the tree made to vary between 3, 5 and 7
- min_samples_leaf = minimum number of samples required to split an internal node made to vary between 3, 5 and 10
- class_weight = weights associated with classes held constant at a value of None
- The original data which reflect a 3:1 class imbalance between the LOW and HIGH CANRAT categories was used for model training and testing.
- Hyperparameter tuning was conducted using the 5-fold cross-validation method with optimal model performance using the F1 score determined for:
- criterion = Entropy
- max_depth = 5
- min_samples_leaf = 3
- class_weight = None
- The apparent model performance of the optimal model is summarized as follows:
- Accuracy = 0.9736
- Precision = 1.0000
- Recall = 0.8965
- F1 Score = 0.9454
- AUROC = 0.9482
- The independent test model performance of the final model is summarized as follows:
- Accuracy = 0.8571
- Precision = 0.8571
- Recall = 0.5000
- F1 Score = 0.6315
- AUROC = 0.7364
- High difference in the apparent and independent test model performance observed, indicative of the presence of excessive model overfitting.
# Creating an instance of the
# Decision Tree model
decision_tree = DecisionTreeClassifier()
# Defining the hyperparameters for the
# Decision Tree model
hyperparameter_grid = {
'criterion': ['gini','entropy','log_loss'],
'max_depth': [3,5,7],
'min_samples_leaf': [3,5,10],
'class_weight': [None],
'random_state': [88888888]}
# Defining the hyperparameters for the
# Decision Tree model
optimal_decision_tree = GridSearchCV(estimator = decision_tree,
param_grid = hyperparameter_grid,
n_jobs = -1,
# Fitting the optimal Decision Tree model
##################################, y_train)
# Determining the optimal hyperparameter
# for the Decision Tree model
{'class_weight': None, 'criterion': 'entropy', 'max_depth': 5, 'min_samples_leaf': 3, 'random_state': 88888888}
# Evaluating the optimal decision tree model
# on the train set
optimal_decision_tree_y_hat_train = optimal_decision_tree.predict(X_train)
# Gathering the model evaluation metrics
optimal_decision_tree_performance_train = model_performance_evaluation(y_train, optimal_decision_tree_y_hat_train)
optimal_decision_tree_performance_train['model'] = ['optimal_decision_tree'] * 5
optimal_decision_tree_performance_train['set'] = ['train'] * 5
print('Optimal Decision Tree Model Performance on Train Data: ')
Optimal Decision Tree Model Performance on Train Data:
metric_name | metric_value | model | set | |
0 | Accuracy | 0.973684 | optimal_decision_tree | train |
1 | Precision | 1.000000 | optimal_decision_tree | train |
2 | Recall | 0.896552 | optimal_decision_tree | train |
3 | F1 | 0.945455 | optimal_decision_tree | train |
4 | AUROC | 0.948276 | optimal_decision_tree | train |
# Evaluating the optimal decision tree model
# on the test set
optimal_decision_tree_y_hat_test = optimal_decision_tree.predict(X_test)
# Gathering the model evaluation metrics
optimal_decision_tree_performance_test = model_performance_evaluation(y_test, optimal_decision_tree_y_hat_test)
optimal_decision_tree_performance_test['model'] = ['optimal_decision_tree'] * 5
optimal_decision_tree_performance_test['set'] = ['test'] * 5
print('Optimal Decision Tree Model Performance on Test Data: ')
Optimal Decision Tree Model Performance on Test Data:
metric_name | metric_value | model | set | |
0 | Accuracy | 0.857143 | optimal_decision_tree | test |
1 | Precision | 0.857143 | optimal_decision_tree | test |
2 | Recall | 0.500000 | optimal_decision_tree | test |
3 | F1 | 0.631579 | optimal_decision_tree | test |
4 | AUROC | 0.736486 | optimal_decision_tree | test | Random Forest ¶
- The random forest model from the sklearn.ensemble Python library API was implemented.
- The model contains 5 hyperparameters:
- criterion = function to measure the quality of a split made to vary between Gini, Entropy and Log-Loss
- max_depth = maximum depth of the tree made to vary between 3, 5 and 7
- min_samples_leaf = minimum number of samples required to split an internal node made to vary between 3, 5 and 10
- n_estimators = number of trees in the forest made to vary between 100, 150 and 200
- max_features = number of features to consider when looking for the best split made to vary between Sqrt and Log2 of n_estimators
- class_weight = weights associated with classes held constant at a value of None
- The original data which reflect a 3:1 class imbalance between the LOW and HIGH CANRAT categories was used for model training and testing.
- Hyperparameter tuning was conducted using the 5-fold cross-validation method with optimal model performance using the F1 score determined for:
- criterion = Gini
- max_depth = 3
- min_samples_leaf = 3
- n_estimators = 100
- max_features = Sqrt n_estimators
- class_weight = None
- The apparent model performance of the optimal model is summarized as follows:
- Accuracy = 0.9561
- Precision = 0.9285
- Recall = 0.8965
- F1 Score = 0.9122
- AUROC = 0.9365
- The independent test model performance of the final model is summarized as follows:
- Accuracy = 0.8775
- Precision = 0.8750
- Recall = 0.5833
- F1 Score = 0.7000
- AUROC = 0.7781
- High difference in the apparent and independent test model performance observed, indicative of the presence of excessive model overfitting.
# Creating an instance of the
# Random Forest model
random_forest = RandomForestClassifier()
# Defining the hyperparameters for the
# Random Forest model
hyperparameter_grid = {
'criterion': ['gini','entropy','log_loss'],
'max_depth': [3,5,7],
'min_samples_leaf': [3,5,10],
'n_estimators': [100,150,200],
'max_features':['sqrt', 'log2'],
'class_weight': [None],
'random_state': [88888888]}
# Defining the hyperparameters for the
# Random Forest model
optimal_random_forest = GridSearchCV(estimator = random_forest,
param_grid = hyperparameter_grid,
n_jobs = -1,
# Fitting the optimal Random Forest model
##################################, y_train)
# Determining the optimal hyperparameter
# for the Random Forest model
{'class_weight': None, 'criterion': 'gini', 'max_depth': 3, 'max_features': 'sqrt', 'min_samples_leaf': 3, 'n_estimators': 100, 'random_state': 88888888}
# Evaluating the optimal Random Forest model
# on the train set
optimal_random_forest_y_hat_train = optimal_random_forest.predict(X_train)
# Gathering the model evaluation metrics
optimal_random_forest_performance_train = model_performance_evaluation(y_train, optimal_random_forest_y_hat_train)
optimal_random_forest_performance_train['model'] = ['optimal_random_forest'] * 5
optimal_random_forest_performance_train['set'] = ['train'] * 5
print('Optimal Random Forest Model Performance on Train Data: ')
Optimal Random Forest Model Performance on Train Data:
metric_name | metric_value | model | set | |
0 | Accuracy | 0.956140 | optimal_random_forest | train |
1 | Precision | 0.928571 | optimal_random_forest | train |
2 | Recall | 0.896552 | optimal_random_forest | train |
3 | F1 | 0.912281 | optimal_random_forest | train |
4 | AUROC | 0.936511 | optimal_random_forest | train |
# Evaluating the optimal Random Forest model
# on the test set
optimal_random_forest_y_hat_test = optimal_random_forest.predict(X_test)
# Gathering the model evaluation metrics
optimal_random_forest_performance_test = model_performance_evaluation(y_test, optimal_random_forest_y_hat_test)
optimal_random_forest_performance_test['model'] = ['optimal_random_forest'] * 5
optimal_random_forest_performance_test['set'] = ['test'] * 5
print('Optimal Random Forest Model Performance on Test Data: ')
Optimal Random Forest Model Performance on Test Data:
metric_name | metric_value | model | set | |
0 | Accuracy | 0.877551 | optimal_random_forest | test |
1 | Precision | 0.875000 | optimal_random_forest | test |
2 | Recall | 0.583333 | optimal_random_forest | test |
3 | F1 | 0.700000 | optimal_random_forest | test |
4 | AUROC | 0.778153 | optimal_random_forest | test | Support Vector Machine ¶
- The support vector machine model from the sklearn.svm Python library API was implemented.
- The model contains 5 hyperparameters:
- C = inverse of regularization strength held constant at a value of 1
- kernel = kernel type to be used in the algorithm made to vary between Linear, Poly, RBF and Sigmoid
- class_weight = weights associated with classes held constant at a value of None
- The original data which reflect a 3:1 class imbalance between the LOW and HIGH CANRAT categories was used for model training and testing.
- Hyperparameter tuning was conducted using the 5-fold cross-validation method with optimal model performance using the F1 score determined for:
- C = 1
- kernel = Poly
- class_weight = None
- The apparent model performance of the optimal model is summarized as follows:
- Accuracy = 0.9473
- Precision = 0.9600
- Recall = 0.8275
- F1 Score = 0.8888
- AUROC = 0.9079
- The independent test model performance of the final model is summarized as follows:
- Accuracy = 0.8571
- Precision = 0.8571
- Recall = 0.5000
- F1 Score = 0.6315
- AUROC = 0.7364
- High difference in the apparent and independent test model performance observed, indicative of the presence of excessive model overfitting.
# Creating an instance of the
# Support Vector Machine model
support_vector_machine = SVC()
# Defining the hyperparameters for the
# Support Vector Machine model
hyperparameter_grid = {
'C': [1.0],
'kernel': ['linear', 'poly', 'rbf', 'sigmoid'],
'class_weight': [None],
'random_state': [88888888]}
# Defining the hyperparameters for the
# Support Vector Machine model
optimal_support_vector_machine = GridSearchCV(estimator = support_vector_machine,
param_grid = hyperparameter_grid,
n_jobs = -1,
# Fitting the optimal Support Vector Machine model
##################################, y_train)
# Determining the optimal hyperparameter
# for the Support Vector Machine model
{'C': 1.0, 'class_weight': None, 'kernel': 'poly', 'random_state': 88888888}
# Evaluating the optimal Support Vector Machine model
# on the train set
optimal_support_vector_machine_y_hat_train = optimal_support_vector_machine.predict(X_train)
# Gathering the model evaluation metrics
optimal_support_vector_machine_performance_train = model_performance_evaluation(y_train, optimal_support_vector_machine_y_hat_train)
optimal_support_vector_machine_performance_train['model'] = ['optimal_support_vector_machine'] * 5
optimal_support_vector_machine_performance_train['set'] = ['train'] * 5
print('Optimal Support Vector Machine Model Performance on Train Data: ')
Optimal Support Vector Machine Model Performance on Train Data:
metric_name | metric_value | model | set | |
0 | Accuracy | 0.947368 | optimal_support_vector_machine | train |
1 | Precision | 0.960000 | optimal_support_vector_machine | train |
2 | Recall | 0.827586 | optimal_support_vector_machine | train |
3 | F1 | 0.888889 | optimal_support_vector_machine | train |
4 | AUROC | 0.907911 | optimal_support_vector_machine | train |
# Evaluating the optimal Support Vector Machine model
# on the test set
optimal_support_vector_machine_y_hat_test = optimal_support_vector_machine.predict(X_test)
# Gathering the model evaluation metrics
optimal_support_vector_machine_performance_test = model_performance_evaluation(y_test, optimal_support_vector_machine_y_hat_test)
optimal_support_vector_machine_performance_test['model'] = ['optimal_support_vector_machine'] * 5
optimal_support_vector_machine_performance_test['set'] = ['test'] * 5
print('Optimal Support Vector Machine Model Performance on Test Data: ')
Optimal Support Vector Machine Model Performance on Test Data:
metric_name | metric_value | model | set | |
0 | Accuracy | 0.857143 | optimal_support_vector_machine | test |
1 | Precision | 0.857143 | optimal_support_vector_machine | test |
2 | Recall | 0.500000 | optimal_support_vector_machine | test |
3 | F1 | 0.631579 | optimal_support_vector_machine | test |
4 | AUROC | 0.736486 | optimal_support_vector_machine | test |
1.3.6 Model Development With Class Weights ¶ Premodelling Data Description ¶
- Among the 9 numeric variables determined to have a statistically significant difference between the means of the numeric measurements obtained from LOW and HIGH groups of the CANRAT target variable, only 7 were retained with absolute T-Test statistics greater than 5.
- GDPCAP: T.Test.Statistic=-11.937, T.Test.PValue=0.000
- EPISCO: T.Test.Statistic=-11.789, T.Test.PValue=0.000
- LIFEXP: T.Test.Statistic=-10.979, T.Test.PValue=0.000
- TUBINC: T.Test.Statistic=+9.609, T.Test.PValue=0.000
- DTHCMD: T.Test.Statistic=+8.376, T.Test.PValue=0.000
- CO2EMI: T.Test.Statistic=-7.031, T.Test.PValue=0.000
- URBPOP: T.Test.Statistic=-6.541, T.Test.PValue=0.000
- Among the 4 categorical predictors determined to have a statistically significant relationship difference between the categories of the categorical predictors and the LOW and HIGH groups of the CANRAT target variable, only 1 was retained with absolute Chi-Square statistics greater than 15.
- HDICAT_VH: ChiSquare.Test.Statistic=76.764, ChiSquare.Test.PValue=0.000
- The original data which reflect a 3:1 class imbalance between the LOW and HIGH CANRAT categories was used for model training and testing.
# Consolidating relevant numeric columns
# and encoded categorical columns
# after hypothesis testing
cancer_rate_premodelling = cancer_rate_preprocessed_all.drop(['AGRLND','POPDEN','GHGEMI','POPGRO','FORARE','HDICAT_H','HDICAT_M','HDICAT_L'], axis=1)
# Performing a general exploration of the filtered dataset
print('Dataset Dimensions: ')
Dataset Dimensions:
(163, 9)
# Listing the column names and data types
print('Column Names and Data Types:')
Column Names and Data Types:
URBPOP float64 LIFEXP float64 TUBINC float64 DTHCMD float64 CO2EMI float64 GDPCAP float64 EPISCO float64 CANRAT category HDICAT_VH bool dtype: object
# Gathering the pairplot for all variables
cancer_rate_predictor_pair_plot = sns.pairplot(cancer_rate_premodelling,
markers=["o", "s"],
plot_kws={'scatter_kws': {'alpha': 0.3}},
"lower center",
bbox_to_anchor=(.5, 1), ncol=2, title='CANRAT', frameon=False)
# Separating the target
# and predictor columns
X = cancer_rate_premodelling.drop('CANRAT', axis = 1)
y = cancer_rate_premodelling['CANRAT']
# Formulating the train and test data
# using a 70-30 ratio
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, test_size = 0.3, random_state= 88888888, stratify=y)
# Performing a general exploration of the train dataset
print('Dataset Dimensions: ')
Dataset Dimensions:
(114, 8)
# Validating the class distribution of the train dataset
y_train.value_counts(normalize = True)
0 0.745614 1 0.254386 Name: proportion, dtype: float64
# Performing a general exploration of the test dataset
print('Dataset Dimensions: ')
Dataset Dimensions:
(49, 8)
# Validating the class distribution of the test dataset
y_test.value_counts(normalize = True)
0 0.755102 1 0.244898 Name: proportion, dtype: float64
# Defining a function to compute
# model performance
def model_performance_evaluation(y_true, y_pred):
metric_name = ['Accuracy','Precision','Recall','F1','AUROC']
metric_value = [accuracy_score(y_true, y_pred),
precision_score(y_true, y_pred),
recall_score(y_true, y_pred),
f1_score(y_true, y_pred),
roc_auc_score(y_true, y_pred)]
metric_summary = pd.DataFrame(zip(metric_name, metric_value),
return(metric_summary) Logistic Regression ¶
- The logistic regression model from the sklearn.linear_model Python library API was implemented.
- The model contains 5 hyperparameters:
- C = inverse of regularization strength held constant at a value of 1
- penalty = penalty norm made to vary between L1 and L2
- solver = algorithm used in the optimization problem made to vary between Saga and Liblinear
- class_weight = weights associated with classes held constant at a value of 25-75 between classes 0 and 1
- max_iter = maximum number of iterations taken for the solvers to converge held constant at a value of 500
- The original data reflecting a 3:1 class imbalance between the LOW and HIGH CANRAT categories was used for model training and testing.
- Hyperparameter tuning was conducted using the 5-fold cross-validation method with optimal model performance using the F1 score determined for:
- C = 1
- penalty = L1 norm
- solver = Liblinear
- class_weight = 25-75 between classes 0 and 1
- max_iter = 500
- The apparent model performance of the optimal model is summarized as follows:
- Accuracy = 0.8947
- Precision = 0.7073
- Recall = 1.0000
- F1 Score = 0.8285
- AUROC = 0.9294
- The independent test model performance of the final model is summarized as follows:
- Accuracy = 0.9387
- Precision = 0.8461
- Recall = 0.9167
- F1 Score = 0.8800
- AUROC = 0.9313
- Considerable difference in the apparent and independent test model performance observed, indicative of the presence of moderate model overfitting.
# Creating an instance of the
# Logistic Regression model
logistic_regression = LogisticRegression()
# Defining the hyperparameters for the
# Logistic Regression model
hyperparameter_grid = {
'C': [1.0],
'penalty': ['l1', 'l2'],
'solver': ['liblinear','saga'],
'class_weight': [{0:0.25, 1:0.75}],
'max_iter': [500],
'random_state': [88888888]}
# Defining the hyperparameters for the
# Logistic Regression model
weighted_logistic_regression = GridSearchCV(estimator = logistic_regression,
param_grid = hyperparameter_grid,
# Fitting the weighted Logistic Regression model
##################################, y_train)
# Determining the optimal hyperparameter
# for the Logistic Regression model
{'C': 1.0, 'class_weight': {0: 0.25, 1: 0.75}, 'max_iter': 500, 'penalty': 'l2', 'random_state': 88888888, 'solver': 'liblinear'}
# Evaluating the weighted Logistic Regression model
# on the train set
weighted_logistic_regression_y_hat_train = weighted_logistic_regression.predict(X_train)
# Gathering the model evaluation metrics
weighted_logistic_regression_performance_train = model_performance_evaluation(y_train, weighted_logistic_regression_y_hat_train)
weighted_logistic_regression_performance_train['model'] = ['weighted_logistic_regression'] * 5
weighted_logistic_regression_performance_train['set'] = ['train'] * 5
print('Weighted Logistic Regression Model Performance on Train Data: ')
Weighted Logistic Regression Model Performance on Train Data:
metric_name | metric_value | model | set | |
0 | Accuracy | 0.894737 | weighted_logistic_regression | train |
1 | Precision | 0.707317 | weighted_logistic_regression | train |
2 | Recall | 1.000000 | weighted_logistic_regression | train |
3 | F1 | 0.828571 | weighted_logistic_regression | train |
4 | AUROC | 0.929412 | weighted_logistic_regression | train |
# Evaluating the weighted Logistic Regression model
# on the test set
weighted_logistic_regression_y_hat_test = weighted_logistic_regression.predict(X_test)
# Gathering the model evaluation metrics
weighted_logistic_regression_performance_test = model_performance_evaluation(y_test, weighted_logistic_regression_y_hat_test)
weighted_logistic_regression_performance_test['model'] = ['weighted_logistic_regression'] * 5
weighted_logistic_regression_performance_test['set'] = ['test'] * 5
print('Weighted Logistic Regression Model Performance on Test Data: ')
Weighted Logistic Regression Model Performance on Test Data:
metric_name | metric_value | model | set | |
0 | Accuracy | 0.938776 | weighted_logistic_regression | test |
1 | Precision | 0.846154 | weighted_logistic_regression | test |
2 | Recall | 0.916667 | weighted_logistic_regression | test |
3 | F1 | 0.880000 | weighted_logistic_regression | test |
4 | AUROC | 0.931306 | weighted_logistic_regression | test | Decision Trees ¶
- The decision tree model from the sklearn.tree Python library API was implemented.
- The model contains 5 hyperparameters:
- criterion = function to measure the quality of a split made to vary between Gini, Entropy and Log-Loss
- max_depth = maximum depth of the tree made to vary between 3, 5 and 7
- min_samples_leaf = minimum number of samples required to split an internal node made to vary between 3, 5 and 10
- class_weight = weights associated with classes held constant at a value of 25-75 between classes 0 and 1
- The original data which reflect a 3:1 class imbalance between the LOW and HIGH CANRAT categories was used for model training and testing.
- Hyperparameter tuning was conducted using the 5-fold cross-validation method with optimal model performance using the F1 score determined for:
- criterion = Gini
- max_depth = 3
- min_samples_leaf = 3
- class_weight = 25-75 between classes 0 and 1
- The apparent model performance of the optimal model is summarized as follows:
- Accuracy = 0.9736
- Precision = 1.0000
- Recall = 0.8965
- F1 Score = 0.9454
- AUROC = 0.9482
- The independent test model performance of the final model is summarized as follows:
- Accuracy = 0.8571
- Precision = 0.8571
- Recall = 0.5000
- F1 Score = 0.6315
- AUROC = 0.7364
- High difference in the apparent and independent test model performance observed, indicative of the presence of excessive model overfitting.
# Creating an instance of the
# Decision Tree model
decision_tree = DecisionTreeClassifier()
# Defining the hyperparameters for the
# Decision Tree model
hyperparameter_grid = {
'criterion': ['gini','entropy','log_loss'],
'max_depth': [3,5,7],
'min_samples_leaf': [3,5,10],
'class_weight': [{0:0.25, 1:0.75}],
'random_state': [88888888]}
# Defining the hyperparameters for the
# Decision Tree model
weighted_decision_tree = GridSearchCV(estimator = decision_tree,
param_grid = hyperparameter_grid,
n_jobs = -1,
# Fitting the weighted Decision Tree model
##################################, y_train)
# Determining the optimal hyperparameter
# for the Decision Tree model
{'class_weight': {0: 0.25, 1: 0.75}, 'criterion': 'gini', 'max_depth': 3, 'min_samples_leaf': 3, 'random_state': 88888888}
# Evaluating the weighted decision tree model
# on the train set
weighted_decision_tree_y_hat_train = weighted_decision_tree.predict(X_train)
# Gathering the model evaluation metrics
weighted_decision_tree_performance_train = model_performance_evaluation(y_train, weighted_decision_tree_y_hat_train)
weighted_decision_tree_performance_train['model'] = ['weighted_decision_tree'] * 5
weighted_decision_tree_performance_train['set'] = ['train'] * 5
print('Weighted Decision Tree Model Performance on Train Data: ')
Weighted Decision Tree Model Performance on Train Data:
metric_name | metric_value | model | set | |
0 | Accuracy | 0.956140 | weighted_decision_tree | train |
1 | Precision | 0.852941 | weighted_decision_tree | train |
2 | Recall | 1.000000 | weighted_decision_tree | train |
3 | F1 | 0.920635 | weighted_decision_tree | train |
4 | AUROC | 0.970588 | weighted_decision_tree | train |
# Evaluating the weighted decision tree model
# on the test set
weighted_decision_tree_y_hat_test = weighted_decision_tree.predict(X_test)
# Gathering the model evaluation metrics
weighted_decision_tree_performance_test = model_performance_evaluation(y_test, weighted_decision_tree_y_hat_test)
weighted_decision_tree_performance_test['model'] = ['weighted_decision_tree'] * 5
weighted_decision_tree_performance_test['set'] = ['test'] * 5
print('Weighted Decision Tree Model Performance on Test Data: ')
Weighted Decision Tree Model Performance on Test Data:
metric_name | metric_value | model | set | |
0 | Accuracy | 0.897959 | weighted_decision_tree | test |
1 | Precision | 0.769231 | weighted_decision_tree | test |
2 | Recall | 0.833333 | weighted_decision_tree | test |
3 | F1 | 0.800000 | weighted_decision_tree | test |
4 | AUROC | 0.876126 | weighted_decision_tree | test | Random Forest ¶
- The random forest model from the sklearn.ensemble Python library API was implemented.
- The model contains 5 hyperparameters:
- criterion = function to measure the quality of a split made to vary between Gini, Entropy and Log-Loss
- max_depth = maximum depth of the tree made to vary between 3, 5 and 7
- min_samples_leaf = minimum number of samples required to split an internal node made to vary between 3, 5 and 10
- n_estimators = number of trees in the forest made to vary between 100, 150 and 200
- max_features = number of features to consider when looking for the best split made to vary between Sqrt and Log2 of n_estimators
- class_weight = weights associated with classes held constant at a value of 25-75 between classes 0 and 1
- The original data which reflect a 3:1 class imbalance between the LOW and HIGH CANRAT categories was used for model training and testing.
- Hyperparameter tuning was conducted using the 5-fold cross-validation method with optimal model performance using the F1 score determined for:
- criterion = Gini
- max_depth = 5
- min_samples_leaf = 3
- n_estimators = 100
- max_features = Sqrt n_estimators
- class_weight = 25-75 between classes 0 and 1
- The apparent model performance of the optimal model is summarized as follows:
- Accuracy = 0.9736
- Precision = 0.9062
- Recall = 1.0000
- F1 Score = 0.9508
- AUROC = 0.9823
- The independent test model performance of the final model is summarized as follows:
- Accuracy = 0.8979
- Precision = 0.8888
- Recall = 0.6666
- F1 Score = 0.7619
- AUROC = 0.8198
- High difference in the apparent and independent test model performance observed, indicative of the presence of excessive model overfitting.
# Creating an instance of the
# Random Forest model
random_forest = RandomForestClassifier()
# Defining the hyperparameters for the
# Random Forest model
hyperparameter_grid = {
'criterion': ['gini','entropy','log_loss'],
'max_depth': [3,5,7],
'min_samples_leaf': [3,5,10],
'n_estimators': [100,150,200],
'max_features':['sqrt', 'log2'],
'class_weight': [{0:0.25, 1:0.75}],
'random_state': [88888888]}
# Defining the hyperparameters for the
# Random Forest model
weighted_random_forest = GridSearchCV(estimator = random_forest,
param_grid = hyperparameter_grid,
n_jobs = -1,
# Fitting the weighted Random Forest model
##################################, y_train)
# Determining the optimal hyperparameter
# for the Random Forest model
{'class_weight': {0: 0.25, 1: 0.75}, 'criterion': 'gini', 'max_depth': 5, 'max_features': 'sqrt', 'min_samples_leaf': 3, 'n_estimators': 100, 'random_state': 88888888}
# Evaluating the weighted Random Forest model
# on the train set
weighted_random_forest_y_hat_train = weighted_random_forest.predict(X_train)
# Gathering the model evaluation metrics
weighted_random_forest_performance_train = model_performance_evaluation(y_train, weighted_random_forest_y_hat_train)
weighted_random_forest_performance_train['model'] = ['weighted_random_forest'] * 5
weighted_random_forest_performance_train['set'] = ['train'] * 5
print('Weighted Random Forest Model Performance on Train Data: ')
Weighted Random Forest Model Performance on Train Data:
metric_name | metric_value | model | set | |
0 | Accuracy | 0.973684 | weighted_random_forest | train |
1 | Precision | 0.906250 | weighted_random_forest | train |
2 | Recall | 1.000000 | weighted_random_forest | train |
3 | F1 | 0.950820 | weighted_random_forest | train |
4 | AUROC | 0.982353 | weighted_random_forest | train |
# Evaluating the weighted Random Forest model
# on the test set
weighted_random_forest_y_hat_test = weighted_random_forest.predict(X_test)
# Gathering the model evaluation metrics
weighted_random_forest_performance_test = model_performance_evaluation(y_test, weighted_random_forest_y_hat_test)
weighted_random_forest_performance_test['model'] = ['weighted_random_forest'] * 5
weighted_random_forest_performance_test['set'] = ['test'] * 5
print('Weighted Random Forest Model Performance on Test Data: ')
Weighted Random Forest Model Performance on Test Data:
metric_name | metric_value | model | set | |
0 | Accuracy | 0.897959 | weighted_random_forest | test |
1 | Precision | 0.888889 | weighted_random_forest | test |
2 | Recall | 0.666667 | weighted_random_forest | test |
3 | F1 | 0.761905 | weighted_random_forest | test |
4 | AUROC | 0.819820 | weighted_random_forest | test | Support Vector Machine ¶
- The support vector machine model from the sklearn.svm Python library API was implemented.
- The model contains 5 hyperparameters:
- C = inverse of regularization strength held constant at a value of 1
- kernel = kernel type to be used in the algorithm made to vary between Linear, Poly, RBF and Sigmoid
- class_weight = weights associated with classes held constant at a value of 25-75 between classes 0 and 1
- The original data which reflect a 3:1 class imbalance between the LOW and HIGH CANRAT categories was used for model training and testing.
- Hyperparameter tuning was conducted using the 5-fold cross-validation method with optimal model performance using the F1 score determined for:
- C = 1
- kernel = Poly
- class_weight = 25-75 between classes 0 and 1
- The apparent model performance of the optimal model is summarized as follows:
- Accuracy = 0.9649
- Precision = 0.9629
- Recall = 0.8965
- F1 Score = 0.9285
- AUROC = 0.9423
- The independent test model performance of the final model is summarized as follows:
- Accuracy = 0.8775
- Precision = 0.8750
- Recall = 0.5833
- F1 Score = 0.7000
- AUROC = 0.7781
- High difference in the apparent and independent test model performance observed, indicative of the presence of excessive model overfitting.
# Creating an instance of the
# Support Vector Machine model
support_vector_machine = SVC()
# Defining the hyperparameters for the
# Support Vector Machine model
hyperparameter_grid = {
'C': [1.0],
'kernel': ['linear', 'poly', 'rbf', 'sigmoid'],
'class_weight': [{0:0.25, 1:0.75}],
'random_state': [88888888]}
# Defining the hyperparameters for the
# Support Vector Machine model
weighted_support_vector_machine = GridSearchCV(estimator = support_vector_machine,
param_grid = hyperparameter_grid,
n_jobs = -1,
# Fitting the weighted Support Vector Machine model
##################################, y_train)
# Determining the optimal hyperparameter
# for the Support Vector Machine model
{'C': 1.0, 'class_weight': {0: 0.25, 1: 0.75}, 'kernel': 'poly', 'random_state': 88888888}
# Evaluating the weighted Support Vector Machine model
# on the train set
weighted_support_vector_machine_y_hat_train = weighted_support_vector_machine.predict(X_train)
# Gathering the model evaluation metrics
weighted_support_vector_machine_performance_train = model_performance_evaluation(y_train, weighted_support_vector_machine_y_hat_train)
weighted_support_vector_machine_performance_train['model'] = ['weighted_support_vector_machine'] * 5
weighted_support_vector_machine_performance_train['set'] = ['train'] * 5
print('Weighted Support Vector Machine Model Performance on Train Data: ')
Weighted Support Vector Machine Model Performance on Train Data:
metric_name | metric_value | model | set | |
0 | Accuracy | 0.964912 | weighted_support_vector_machine | train |
1 | Precision | 0.962963 | weighted_support_vector_machine | train |
2 | Recall | 0.896552 | weighted_support_vector_machine | train |
3 | F1 | 0.928571 | weighted_support_vector_machine | train |
4 | AUROC | 0.942394 | weighted_support_vector_machine | train |
# Evaluating the weighted Support Vector Machine model
# on the test set
weighted_support_vector_machine_y_hat_test = weighted_support_vector_machine.predict(X_test)
# Gathering the model evaluation metrics
weighted_support_vector_machine_performance_test = model_performance_evaluation(y_test, weighted_support_vector_machine_y_hat_test)
weighted_support_vector_machine_performance_test['model'] = ['weighted_support_vector_machine'] * 5
weighted_support_vector_machine_performance_test['set'] = ['test'] * 5
print('Weighted Support Vector Machine Model Performance on Test Data: ')
Weighted Support Vector Machine Model Performance on Test Data:
metric_name | metric_value | model | set | |
0 | Accuracy | 0.877551 | weighted_support_vector_machine | test |
1 | Precision | 0.875000 | weighted_support_vector_machine | test |
2 | Recall | 0.583333 | weighted_support_vector_machine | test |
3 | F1 | 0.700000 | weighted_support_vector_machine | test |
4 | AUROC | 0.778153 | weighted_support_vector_machine | test |
1.3.7 Model Development With SMOTE Upsampling ¶ Premodelling Data Description ¶
- Among the 9 numeric variables determined to have a statistically significant difference between the means of the numeric measurements obtained from LOW and HIGH groups of the CANRAT target variable, only 7 were retained with absolute T-Test statistics greater than 5.
- GDPCAP: T.Test.Statistic=-11.937, T.Test.PValue=0.000
- EPISCO: T.Test.Statistic=-11.789, T.Test.PValue=0.000
- LIFEXP: T.Test.Statistic=-10.979, T.Test.PValue=0.000
- TUBINC: T.Test.Statistic=+9.609, T.Test.PValue=0.000
- DTHCMD: T.Test.Statistic=+8.376, T.Test.PValue=0.000
- CO2EMI: T.Test.Statistic=-7.031, T.Test.PValue=0.000
- URBPOP: T.Test.Statistic=-6.541, T.Test.PValue=0.000
- Among the 4 categorical predictors determined to have a statistically significant relationship difference between the categories of the categorical predictors and the LOW and HIGH groups of the CANRAT target variable, only 1 was retained with absolute Chi-Square statistics greater than 15.
- HDICAT_VH: ChiSquare.Test.Statistic=76.764, ChiSquare.Test.PValue=0.000
- The SMOTE algorithm from the imblearn.over_sampling Python library API was implemented. The extended model training data by upsampling the minority HIGH CANRAT category applying SMOTE was used.
# Consolidating relevant numeric columns
# and encoded categorical columns
# after hypothesis testing
cancer_rate_premodelling = cancer_rate_preprocessed_all.drop(['AGRLND','POPDEN','GHGEMI','POPGRO','FORARE','HDICAT_H','HDICAT_M','HDICAT_L'], axis=1)
# Performing a general exploration of the filtered dataset
print('Dataset Dimensions: ')
Dataset Dimensions:
(163, 9)
# Listing the column names and data types
print('Column Names and Data Types:')
Column Names and Data Types:
URBPOP float64 LIFEXP float64 TUBINC float64 DTHCMD float64 CO2EMI float64 GDPCAP float64 EPISCO float64 CANRAT category HDICAT_VH bool dtype: object
# Gathering the pairplot for all variables
cancer_rate_predictor_pair_plot = sns.pairplot(cancer_rate_premodelling,
markers=["o", "s"],
plot_kws={'scatter_kws': {'alpha': 0.3}},
"lower center",
bbox_to_anchor=(.5, 1), ncol=2, title='CANRAT', frameon=False)
# Separating the target
# and predictor columns
X = cancer_rate_premodelling.drop('CANRAT', axis = 1)
y = cancer_rate_premodelling['CANRAT']
# Formulating the train and test data
# using a 70-30 ratio
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, test_size = 0.3, random_state= 88888888, stratify=y)
# Performing a general exploration of the train dataset
print('Dataset Dimensions: ')
Dataset Dimensions:
(114, 8)
# Validating the class distribution of the train dataset
y_train.value_counts(normalize = True)
0 0.745614 1 0.254386 Name: proportion, dtype: float64
# Initiating an oversampling instance
# on the train data using
# Synthetic Minority Oversampling Technique
smote = SMOTE(random_state = 88888888)
X_train_smote, y_train_smote = smote.fit_resample(X_train,y_train)
# Performing a general exploration of the overampled train dataset
print('Dataset Dimensions: ')
Dataset Dimensions:
(170, 8)
# Validating the class distribution of the overampled train dataset
y_train_smote.value_counts(normalize = True)
0 0.5 1 0.5 Name: proportion, dtype: float64
# Performing a general exploration of the test dataset
print('Dataset Dimensions: ')
Dataset Dimensions:
(49, 8)
# Validating the class distribution of the test dataset
y_test.value_counts(normalize = True)
0 0.755102 1 0.244898 Name: proportion, dtype: float64
# Defining a function to compute
# model performance
def model_performance_evaluation(y_true, y_pred):
metric_name = ['Accuracy','Precision','Recall','F1','AUROC']
metric_value = [accuracy_score(y_true, y_pred),
precision_score(y_true, y_pred),
recall_score(y_true, y_pred),
f1_score(y_true, y_pred),
roc_auc_score(y_true, y_pred)]
metric_summary = pd.DataFrame(zip(metric_name, metric_value),
return(metric_summary) Logistic Regression ¶
- The logistic regression model from the sklearn.linear_model Python library API was implemented.
- The model contains 5 hyperparameters:
- C = inverse of regularization strength held constant at a value of 1
- penalty = penalty norm made to vary between L1 and L2
- solver = algorithm used in the optimization problem made to vary between Saga and Liblinear
- class_weight = weights associated with classes held constant at a value of None
- max_iter = maximum number of iterations taken for the solvers to converge held constant at a value of 500
- The extended model training data by upsampling the minority HIGH CANRAT category was used.
- Hyperparameter tuning was conducted using the 5-fold cross-validation method with optimal model performance using the F1 score determined for:
- C = 1
- penalty = L1 norm
- solver = Saga
- class_weight = None
- max_iter = 500
- The apparent model performance of the optimal model is summarized as follows:
- Accuracy = 0.9649
- Precision = 0.9032
- Recall = 0.9655
- F1 Score = 0.9333
- AUROC = 0.9651
- The independent test model performance of the final model is summarized as follows:
- Accuracy = 0.9183
- Precision = 0.9000
- Recall = 0.7500
- F1 Score = 0.8181
- AUROC = 0.8614
- High difference in the apparent and independent test model performance observed, indicative of the presence of excessive model overfitting.
# Creating an instance of the
# Logistic Regression model
logistic_regression = LogisticRegression()
# Defining the hyperparameters for the
# Logistic Regression model
hyperparameter_grid = {
'C': [1.0],
'penalty': ['l1', 'l2'],
'solver': ['liblinear','saga'],
'class_weight': [None],
'max_iter': [500],
'random_state': [88888888]}
# Defining the hyperparameters for the
# Logistic Regression model
upsampled_logistic_regression = GridSearchCV(estimator = logistic_regression,
param_grid = hyperparameter_grid,
n_jobs = -1,
# Fitting the upsampled Logistic Regression model
##################################, y_train_smote)
# Determining the optimal hyperparameter
# for the Logistic Regression model
{'C': 1.0, 'class_weight': None, 'max_iter': 500, 'penalty': 'l1', 'random_state': 88888888, 'solver': 'saga'}
# Evaluating the upsampled Logistic Regression model
# on the train set
upsampled_logistic_regression_y_hat_train = upsampled_logistic_regression.predict(X_train)
# Gathering the model evaluation metrics
upsampled_logistic_regression_performance_train = model_performance_evaluation(y_train, upsampled_logistic_regression_y_hat_train)
upsampled_logistic_regression_performance_train['model'] = ['upsampled_logistic_regression'] * 5
upsampled_logistic_regression_performance_train['set'] = ['train'] * 5
print('Upsampled Logistic Regression Model Performance on Train Data: ')
Upsampled Logistic Regression Model Performance on Train Data:
metric_name | metric_value | model | set | |
0 | Accuracy | 0.964912 | upsampled_logistic_regression | train |
1 | Precision | 0.903226 | upsampled_logistic_regression | train |
2 | Recall | 0.965517 | upsampled_logistic_regression | train |
3 | F1 | 0.933333 | upsampled_logistic_regression | train |
4 | AUROC | 0.965112 | upsampled_logistic_regression | train |
# Evaluating the upsampled Logistic Regression model
# on the test set
upsampled_logistic_regression_y_hat_test = upsampled_logistic_regression.predict(X_test)
# Gathering the model evaluation metrics
upsampled_logistic_regression_performance_test = model_performance_evaluation(y_test, upsampled_logistic_regression_y_hat_test)
upsampled_logistic_regression_performance_test['model'] = ['upsampled_logistic_regression'] * 5
upsampled_logistic_regression_performance_test['set'] = ['test'] * 5
print('Upsampled Logistic Regression Model Performance on Test Data: ')
Upsampled Logistic Regression Model Performance on Test Data:
metric_name | metric_value | model | set | |
0 | Accuracy | 0.918367 | upsampled_logistic_regression | test |
1 | Precision | 0.900000 | upsampled_logistic_regression | test |
2 | Recall | 0.750000 | upsampled_logistic_regression | test |
3 | F1 | 0.818182 | upsampled_logistic_regression | test |
4 | AUROC | 0.861486 | upsampled_logistic_regression | test | Decision Trees ¶
- The decision tree model from the sklearn.tree Python library API was implemented.
- The model contains 5 hyperparameters:
- criterion = function to measure the quality of a split made to vary between Gini, Entropy and Log-Loss
- max_depth = maximum depth of the tree made to vary between 3, 5 and 7
- min_samples_leaf = minimum number of samples required to split an internal node made to vary between 3, 5 and 10
- class_weight = weights associated with classes held constant at a value of None
- The extended model training data by upsampling the minority HIGH CANRAT category was used.
- Hyperparameter tuning was conducted using the 5-fold cross-validation method with optimal model performance using the F1 score determined for:
- criterion = Entropy
- max_depth = 3
- min_samples_leaf = 5
- class_weight = None
- The apparent model performance of the optimal model is summarized as follows:
- Accuracy = 0.9210
- Precision = 0.7631
- Recall = 1.0000
- F1 Score = 0.8656
- AUROC = 0.9470
- The independent test model performance of the final model is summarized as follows:
- Accuracy = 0.8979
- Precision = 0.7692
- Recall = 0.8333
- F1 Score = 0.8000
- AUROC = 0.8761
- Considerable difference in the apparent and independent test model performance observed, indicative of the presence of moderate model overfitting.
# Creating an instance of the
# Decision Tree model
decision_tree = DecisionTreeClassifier()
# Defining the hyperparameters for the
# Decision Tree model
hyperparameter_grid = {
'criterion': ['gini','entropy','log_loss'],
'max_depth': [3,5,7],
'min_samples_leaf': [3,5,10],
'class_weight': [None],
'random_state': [88888888]}
# Defining the hyperparameters for the
# Decision Tree model
upsampled_decision_tree = GridSearchCV(estimator = decision_tree,
param_grid = hyperparameter_grid,
n_jobs = -1,
# Fitting the upsampled Decision Tree model
##################################, y_train_smote)
# Determining the optimal hyperparameter
# for the Decision Tree model
{'class_weight': None, 'criterion': 'entropy', 'max_depth': 3, 'min_samples_leaf': 5, 'random_state': 88888888}
# Evaluating the upsampled Decision Tree model
# on the train set
upsampled_decision_tree_y_hat_train = upsampled_decision_tree.predict(X_train)
# Gathering the model evaluation metrics
upsampled_decision_tree_performance_train = model_performance_evaluation(y_train, upsampled_decision_tree_y_hat_train)
upsampled_decision_tree_performance_train['model'] = ['upsampled_decision_tree'] * 5
upsampled_decision_tree_performance_train['set'] = ['train'] * 5
print('Upsampled Decision Tree Model Performance on Train Data: ')
Upsampled Decision Tree Model Performance on Train Data:
metric_name | metric_value | model | set | |
0 | Accuracy | 0.921053 | upsampled_decision_tree | train |
1 | Precision | 0.763158 | upsampled_decision_tree | train |
2 | Recall | 1.000000 | upsampled_decision_tree | train |
3 | F1 | 0.865672 | upsampled_decision_tree | train |
4 | AUROC | 0.947059 | upsampled_decision_tree | train |
# Evaluating the upsampled Decision Tree model
# on the test set
upsampled_decision_tree_y_hat_test = upsampled_decision_tree.predict(X_test)
# Gathering the model evaluation metrics
upsampled_decision_tree_performance_test = model_performance_evaluation(y_test, upsampled_decision_tree_y_hat_test)
upsampled_decision_tree_performance_test['model'] = ['upsampled_decision_tree'] * 5
upsampled_decision_tree_performance_test['set'] = ['test'] * 5
print('Upsampled Decision Tree Model Performance on Test Data: ')
Upsampled Decision Tree Model Performance on Test Data:
metric_name | metric_value | model | set | |
0 | Accuracy | 0.897959 | upsampled_decision_tree | test |
1 | Precision | 0.769231 | upsampled_decision_tree | test |
2 | Recall | 0.833333 | upsampled_decision_tree | test |
3 | F1 | 0.800000 | upsampled_decision_tree | test |
4 | AUROC | 0.876126 | upsampled_decision_tree | test | Random Forest ¶
- The random forest model from the sklearn.ensemble Python library API was implemented.
- The model contains 5 hyperparameters:
- criterion = function to measure the quality of a split made to vary between Gini, Entropy and Log-Loss
- max_depth = maximum depth of the tree made to vary between 3, 5 and 7
- min_samples_leaf = minimum number of samples required to split an internal node made to vary between 3, 5 and 10
- n_estimators = number of trees in the forest made to vary between 100, 150 and 200
- max_features = number of features to consider when looking for the best split made to vary between Sqrt and Log2 of n_estimators
- class_weight = weights associated with classes held constant at a value of None
- The extended model training data by upsampling the minority HIGH CANRAT category was used.
- Hyperparameter tuning was conducted using the 5-fold cross-validation method with optimal model performance using the F1 score determined for:
- criterion = Entropy
- max_depth = 7
- min_samples_leaf = 3
- n_estimators = 100
- max_features = Sqrt n_estimators
- class_weight = None
- The apparent model performance of the optimal model is summarized as follows:
- Accuracy = 0.9912
- Precision = 0.9666
- Recall = 1.0000
- F1 Score = 0.9830
- AUROC = 0.9941
- The independent test model performance of the final model is summarized as follows:
- Accuracy = 0.9183
- Precision = 0.9000
- Recall = 0.7500
- F1 Score = 0.8181
- AUROC = 0.8614
- High difference in the apparent and independent test model performance observed, indicative of the presence of excessive model overfitting.
# Creating an instance of the
# Random Forest model
random_forest = RandomForestClassifier()
# Defining the hyperparameters for the
# Random Forest model
hyperparameter_grid = {
'criterion': ['gini','entropy','log_loss'],
'max_depth': [3,5,7],
'min_samples_leaf': [3,5,10],
'n_estimators': [100,150,200],
'max_features':['sqrt', 'log2'],
'class_weight': [None],
'random_state': [88888888]}
# Defining the hyperparameters for the
# Random Forest model
upsampled_random_forest = GridSearchCV(estimator = random_forest,
param_grid = hyperparameter_grid,
n_jobs = -1,
# Fitting the upsampled Random Forest model
##################################, y_train_smote)
# Determining the optimal hyperparameter
# for the Random Forest model
{'class_weight': None, 'criterion': 'gini', 'max_depth': 3, 'max_features': 'sqrt', 'min_samples_leaf': 3, 'n_estimators': 150, 'random_state': 88888888}
# Evaluating the upsampled Random Forest model
# on the train set
upsampled_random_forest_y_hat_train = upsampled_random_forest.predict(X_train)
# Gathering the model evaluation metrics
upsampled_random_forest_performance_train = model_performance_evaluation(y_train, upsampled_random_forest_y_hat_train)
upsampled_random_forest_performance_train['model'] = ['upsampled_random_forest'] * 5
upsampled_random_forest_performance_train['set'] = ['train'] * 5
print('Upsampled Random Forest Model Performance on Train Data: ')
Upsampled Random Forest Model Performance on Train Data:
metric_name | metric_value | model | set | |
0 | Accuracy | 0.973684 | upsampled_random_forest | train |
1 | Precision | 0.906250 | upsampled_random_forest | train |
2 | Recall | 1.000000 | upsampled_random_forest | train |
3 | F1 | 0.950820 | upsampled_random_forest | train |
4 | AUROC | 0.982353 | upsampled_random_forest | train |
# Evaluating the upsampled Random Forest model
# on the test set
upsampled_random_forest_y_hat_test = upsampled_random_forest.predict(X_test)
# Gathering the model evaluation metrics
upsampled_random_forest_performance_test = model_performance_evaluation(y_test, upsampled_random_forest_y_hat_test)
upsampled_random_forest_performance_test['model'] = ['upsampled_random_forest'] * 5
upsampled_random_forest_performance_test['set'] = ['test'] * 5
print('Upsampled Random Forest Model Performance on Test Data: ')
Upsampled Random Forest Model Performance on Test Data:
metric_name | metric_value | model | set | |
0 | Accuracy | 0.897959 | upsampled_random_forest | test |
1 | Precision | 0.888889 | upsampled_random_forest | test |
2 | Recall | 0.666667 | upsampled_random_forest | test |
3 | F1 | 0.761905 | upsampled_random_forest | test |
4 | AUROC | 0.819820 | upsampled_random_forest | test | Support Vector Machine ¶
- The support vector machine model from the sklearn.svm Python library API was implemented.
- The model contains 5 hyperparameters:
- C = inverse of regularization strength held constant at a value of 1
- kernel = kernel type to be used in the algorithm made to vary between Linear, Poly, RBF and Sigmoid
- class_weight = weights associated with classes held constant at a value of None
- The extended model training data by upsampling the minority HIGH CANRAT category was used.
- Hyperparameter tuning was conducted using the 5-fold cross-validation method with optimal model performance using the F1 score determined for:
- C = 1
- kernel = Linear
- class_weight = None
- The apparent model performance of the optimal model is summarized as follows:
- Accuracy = 0.9736
- Precision = 0.9062
- Recall = 1.0000
- F1 Score = 0.9508
- AUROC = 0.9823
- The independent test model performance of the final model is summarized as follows:
- Accuracy = 0.8979
- Precision = 0.8181
- Recall = 0.7500
- F1 Score = 0.7826
- AUROC = 0.8479
- High difference in the apparent and independent test model performance observed, indicative of the presence of excessive model overfitting.
# Creating an instance of the
# Support Vector Machine model
support_vector_machine = SVC()
# Defining the hyperparameters for the
# Support Vector Machine model
hyperparameter_grid = {
'C': [1.0],
'kernel': ['linear', 'poly', 'rbf', 'sigmoid'],
'class_weight': [None],
'random_state': [88888888]}
# Defining the hyperparameters for the
# Support Vector Machine model
upsampled_support_vector_machine = GridSearchCV(estimator = support_vector_machine,
param_grid = hyperparameter_grid,
n_jobs = -1,
# Fitting the upsampled Support Vector Machine model
##################################, y_train_smote)
# Determining the optimal hyperparameter
# for the Support Vector Machine model
{'C': 1.0, 'class_weight': None, 'kernel': 'linear', 'random_state': 88888888}
# Evaluating the upsampled Support Vector Machine model
# on the train set
upsampled_support_vector_machine_y_hat_train = upsampled_support_vector_machine.predict(X_train)
# Gathering the model evaluation metrics
upsampled_support_vector_machine_performance_train = model_performance_evaluation(y_train, upsampled_support_vector_machine_y_hat_train)
upsampled_support_vector_machine_performance_train['model'] = ['upsampled_support_vector_machine'] * 5
upsampled_support_vector_machine_performance_train['set'] = ['train'] * 5
print('Upsampled Support Vector Machine Model Performance on Train Data: ')
Upsampled Support Vector Machine Model Performance on Train Data:
metric_name | metric_value | model | set | |
0 | Accuracy | 0.973684 | upsampled_support_vector_machine | train |
1 | Precision | 0.933333 | upsampled_support_vector_machine | train |
2 | Recall | 0.965517 | upsampled_support_vector_machine | train |
3 | F1 | 0.949153 | upsampled_support_vector_machine | train |
4 | AUROC | 0.970994 | upsampled_support_vector_machine | train |
# Evaluating the upsampled Support Vector Machine model
# on the test set
upsampled_support_vector_machine_y_hat_test = upsampled_support_vector_machine.predict(X_test)
# Gathering the model evaluation metrics
upsampled_support_vector_machine_performance_test = model_performance_evaluation(y_test, upsampled_support_vector_machine_y_hat_test)
upsampled_support_vector_machine_performance_test['model'] = ['upsampled_support_vector_machine'] * 5
upsampled_support_vector_machine_performance_test['set'] = ['test'] * 5
print('Upsampled Support Vector Machine Model Performance on Test Data: ')
Upsampled Support Vector Machine Model Performance on Test Data:
metric_name | metric_value | model | set | |
0 | Accuracy | 0.897959 | upsampled_support_vector_machine | test |
1 | Precision | 0.818182 | upsampled_support_vector_machine | test |
2 | Recall | 0.750000 | upsampled_support_vector_machine | test |
3 | F1 | 0.782609 | upsampled_support_vector_machine | test |
4 | AUROC | 0.847973 | upsampled_support_vector_machine | test |
1.3.8 Model Development With CNN Downsampling ¶ Premodelling Data Description ¶
- Among the 9 numeric variables determined to have a statistically significant difference between the means of the numeric measurements obtained from LOW and HIGH groups of the CANRAT target variable, only 7 were retained with absolute T-Test statistics greater than 5.
- GDPCAP: T.Test.Statistic=-11.937, T.Test.PValue=0.000
- EPISCO: T.Test.Statistic=-11.789, T.Test.PValue=0.000
- LIFEXP: T.Test.Statistic=-10.979, T.Test.PValue=0.000
- TUBINC: T.Test.Statistic=+9.609, T.Test.PValue=0.000
- DTHCMD: T.Test.Statistic=+8.376, T.Test.PValue=0.000
- CO2EMI: T.Test.Statistic=-7.031, T.Test.PValue=0.000
- URBPOP: T.Test.Statistic=-6.541, T.Test.PValue=0.000
- Among the 4 categorical predictors determined to have a statistically significant relationship difference between the categories of the categorical predictors and the LOW and HIGH groups of the CANRAT target variable, only 1 was retained with absolute Chi-Square statistics greater than 15.
- HDICAT_VH: ChiSquare.Test.Statistic=76.764, ChiSquare.Test.PValue=0.000
- The CNN algorithm from the imblearn.under_sampling Python library API was implemented. The reduced model training data by downsampling the majority LOW CANRAT category applying CNN was used.
# Consolidating relevant numeric columns
# and encoded categorical columns
# after hypothesis testing
cancer_rate_premodelling = cancer_rate_preprocessed_all.drop(['AGRLND','POPDEN','GHGEMI','POPGRO','FORARE','HDICAT_H','HDICAT_M','HDICAT_L'], axis=1)
# Performing a general exploration of the filtered dataset
print('Dataset Dimensions: ')
Dataset Dimensions:
(163, 9)
# Listing the column names and data types
print('Column Names and Data Types:')
Column Names and Data Types:
URBPOP float64 LIFEXP float64 TUBINC float64 DTHCMD float64 CO2EMI float64 GDPCAP float64 EPISCO float64 CANRAT category HDICAT_VH bool dtype: object
# Gathering the pairplot for all variables
cancer_rate_predictor_pair_plot = sns.pairplot(cancer_rate_premodelling,
markers=["o", "s"],
plot_kws={'scatter_kws': {'alpha': 0.3}},
"lower center",
bbox_to_anchor=(.5, 1), ncol=2, title='CANRAT', frameon=False)
# Separating the target
# and predictor columns
X = cancer_rate_premodelling.drop('CANRAT', axis = 1)
y = cancer_rate_premodelling['CANRAT']
# Formulating the train and test data
# using a 70-30 ratio
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, test_size = 0.3, random_state= 88888888, stratify=y)
# Performing a general exploration of the train dataset
print('Dataset Dimensions: ')
Dataset Dimensions:
(114, 8)
# Validating the class distribution of the train dataset
y_train.value_counts(normalize = True)
0 0.745614 1 0.254386 Name: proportion, dtype: float64
# Initiating an oversampling instance
# on the train data using
# Condense Nearest Neighbors
cnn = CondensedNearestNeighbour(random_state = 88888888, n_neighbors=3)
X_train_cnn, y_train_cnn = cnn.fit_resample(X_train,y_train)
# Performing a general exploration of the overampled train dataset
print('Dataset Dimensions: ')
Dataset Dimensions:
(50, 8)
# Validating the class distribution of the overampled train dataset
y_train_cnn.value_counts(normalize = True)
1 0.58 0 0.42 Name: proportion, dtype: float64
# Performing a general exploration of the test dataset
print('Dataset Dimensions: ')
Dataset Dimensions:
(49, 8)
# Validating the class distribution of the test dataset
y_test.value_counts(normalize = True)
0 0.755102 1 0.244898 Name: proportion, dtype: float64
# Defining a function to compute
# model performance
def model_performance_evaluation(y_true, y_pred):
metric_name = ['Accuracy','Precision','Recall','F1','AUROC']
metric_value = [accuracy_score(y_true, y_pred),
precision_score(y_true, y_pred),
recall_score(y_true, y_pred),
f1_score(y_true, y_pred),
roc_auc_score(y_true, y_pred)]
metric_summary = pd.DataFrame(zip(metric_name, metric_value),
return(metric_summary) Logistic Regression ¶
- The logistic regression model from the sklearn.linear_model Python library API was implemented.
- The model contains 5 hyperparameters:
- C = inverse of regularization strength held constant at a value of 1
- penalty = penalty norm made to vary between L1 and L2
- solver = algorithm used in the optimization problem made to vary between Saga and Liblinear
- class_weight = weights associated with classes held constant at a value of None
- max_iter = maximum number of iterations taken for the solvers to converge held constant at a value of 500
- The reduced model training data by downsampling the majority LOW CANRAT category was used.
- Hyperparameter tuning was conducted using the 5-fold cross-validation method with optimal model performance using the F1 score determined for:
- C = 1
- penalty = L1 norm
- solver = Liblinear
- class_weight = None
- max_iter = 500
- The apparent model performance of the optimal model is summarized as follows:
- Accuracy = 0.9473
- Precision = 0.8484
- Recall = 0.9655
- F1 Score = 0.9032
- AUROC = 0.9533
- The independent test model performance of the final model is summarized as follows:
- Accuracy = 0.9183
- Precision = 0.9000
- Recall = 0.7500
- F1 Score = 0.8181
- AUROC = 0.8614
- High difference in the apparent and independent test model performance observed, indicative of the presence of excessive model overfitting.
# Creating an instance of the
# Logistic Regression model
logistic_regression = LogisticRegression()
# Defining the hyperparameters for the
# Logistic Regression model
hyperparameter_grid = {
'C': [1.0],
'penalty': ['l1', 'l2'],
'solver': ['liblinear','saga'],
'class_weight': [None],
'max_iter': [500],
'random_state': [88888888]}
# Defining the hyperparameters for the
# Logistic Regression model
downsampled_logistic_regression = GridSearchCV(estimator = logistic_regression,
param_grid = hyperparameter_grid,
n_jobs = -1,
# Fitting the downsampled Logistic Regression model
##################################, y_train_cnn)
# Determining the optimal hyperparameter
# for the Logistic Regression model
{'C': 1.0, 'class_weight': None, 'max_iter': 500, 'penalty': 'l1', 'random_state': 88888888, 'solver': 'liblinear'}
# Evaluating the downsampled Logistic Regression model
# on the train set
downsampled_logistic_regression_y_hat_train = downsampled_logistic_regression.predict(X_train)
# Gathering the model evaluation metrics
downsampled_logistic_regression_performance_train = model_performance_evaluation(y_train, downsampled_logistic_regression_y_hat_train)
downsampled_logistic_regression_performance_train['model'] = ['downsampled_logistic_regression'] * 5
downsampled_logistic_regression_performance_train['set'] = ['train'] * 5
print('Downsampled Logistic Regression Model Performance on Train Data: ')
Downsampled Logistic Regression Model Performance on Train Data:
metric_name | metric_value | model | set | |
0 | Accuracy | 0.947368 | downsampled_logistic_regression | train |
1 | Precision | 0.848485 | downsampled_logistic_regression | train |
2 | Recall | 0.965517 | downsampled_logistic_regression | train |
3 | F1 | 0.903226 | downsampled_logistic_regression | train |
4 | AUROC | 0.953347 | downsampled_logistic_regression | train |
# Evaluating the downsampled Logistic Regression model
# on the test set
downsampled_logistic_regression_y_hat_test = downsampled_logistic_regression.predict(X_test)
# Gathering the model evaluation metrics
downsampled_logistic_regression_performance_test = model_performance_evaluation(y_test, downsampled_logistic_regression_y_hat_test)
downsampled_logistic_regression_performance_test['model'] = ['downsampled_logistic_regression'] * 5
downsampled_logistic_regression_performance_test['set'] = ['test'] * 5
print('Downsampled Logistic Regression Model Performance on Test Data: ')
Downsampled Logistic Regression Model Performance on Test Data:
metric_name | metric_value | model | set | |
0 | Accuracy | 0.918367 | downsampled_logistic_regression | test |
1 | Precision | 0.900000 | downsampled_logistic_regression | test |
2 | Recall | 0.750000 | downsampled_logistic_regression | test |
3 | F1 | 0.818182 | downsampled_logistic_regression | test |
4 | AUROC | 0.861486 | downsampled_logistic_regression | test | Decision Trees ¶
- The decision tree model from the sklearn.tree Python library API was implemented.
- The model contains 4 hyperparameters:
- criterion = function to measure the quality of a split made to vary between Gini, Entropy and Log-Loss
- max_depth = maximum depth of the tree made to vary between 3, 5 and 7
- min_samples_leaf = minimum number of samples required to split an internal node made to vary between 3, 5 and 10
- class_weight = weights associated with classes held constant at a value of None
- The reduced model training data by downsampling the majority LOW CANRAT category was used.
- Hyperparameter tuning was conducted using the 5-fold cross-validation method with optimal model performance using the F1 score determined for:
- criterion = Gini
- max_depth = 3
- min_samples_leaf = 5
- class_weight = None
- The apparent model performance of the optimal model is summarized as follows:
- Accuracy = 0.9385
- Precision = 0.9230
- Recall = 0.8275
- F1 Score = 0.8727
- AUROC = 0.9020
- The independent test model performance of the final model is summarized as follows:
- Accuracy = 0.8979
- Precision = 0.8888
- Recall = 0.6666
- F1 Score = 0.7619
- AUROC = 0.8198
- High difference in the apparent and independent test model performance observed, indicative of the presence of excessive model overfitting.
# Creating an instance of the
# Decision Tree model
decision_tree = DecisionTreeClassifier()
# Defining the hyperparameters for the
# Decision Tree model
hyperparameter_grid = {
'criterion': ['gini','entropy','log_loss'],
'max_depth': [3,5,7],
'min_samples_leaf': [3,5,10],
'class_weight': [None],
'random_state': [88888888]}
# Defining the hyperparameters for the
# Decision Tree model
downsampled_decision_tree = GridSearchCV(estimator = decision_tree,
param_grid = hyperparameter_grid,
n_jobs = -1,
# Fitting the downsampled Decision Tree model
##################################, y_train_cnn)
# Determining the optimal hyperparameter
# for the Decision Tree model
{'class_weight': None, 'criterion': 'gini', 'max_depth': 3, 'min_samples_leaf': 5, 'random_state': 88888888}
# Evaluating the downsampled Decision Tree model
# on the train set
downsampled_decision_tree_y_hat_train = downsampled_decision_tree.predict(X_train)
# Gathering the model evaluation metrics
downsampled_decision_tree_performance_train = model_performance_evaluation(y_train, downsampled_decision_tree_y_hat_train)
downsampled_decision_tree_performance_train['model'] = ['downsampled_decision_tree'] * 5
downsampled_decision_tree_performance_train['set'] = ['train'] * 5
print('Downsampled Decision Tree Model Performance on Train Data: ')
Downsampled Decision Tree Model Performance on Train Data:
metric_name | metric_value | model | set | |
0 | Accuracy | 0.938596 | downsampled_decision_tree | train |
1 | Precision | 0.923077 | downsampled_decision_tree | train |
2 | Recall | 0.827586 | downsampled_decision_tree | train |
3 | F1 | 0.872727 | downsampled_decision_tree | train |
4 | AUROC | 0.902028 | downsampled_decision_tree | train |
# Evaluating the downsampled Decision Tree model
# on the test set
downsampled_decision_tree_y_hat_test = downsampled_decision_tree.predict(X_test)
# Gathering the model evaluation metrics
downsampled_decision_tree_performance_test = model_performance_evaluation(y_test, downsampled_decision_tree_y_hat_test)
downsampled_decision_tree_performance_test['model'] = ['downsampled_decision_tree'] * 5
downsampled_decision_tree_performance_test['set'] = ['test'] * 5
print('Downsampled Decision Tree Model Performance on Test Data: ')
Downsampled Decision Tree Model Performance on Test Data:
metric_name | metric_value | model | set | |
0 | Accuracy | 0.897959 | downsampled_decision_tree | test |
1 | Precision | 0.888889 | downsampled_decision_tree | test |
2 | Recall | 0.666667 | downsampled_decision_tree | test |
3 | F1 | 0.761905 | downsampled_decision_tree | test |
4 | AUROC | 0.819820 | downsampled_decision_tree | test | Random Forest ¶
- The random forest model from the sklearn.ensemble Python library API was implemented.
- The model contains 6 hyperparameters:
- criterion = function to measure the quality of a split made to vary between Gini, Entropy and Log-Loss
- max_depth = maximum depth of the tree made to vary between 3, 5 and 7
- min_samples_leaf = minimum number of samples required to split an internal node made to vary between 3, 5 and 10
- n_estimators = number of trees in the forest made to vary between 100, 150 and 200
- max_features = number of features to consider when looking for the best split made to vary between Sqrt and Log2 of n_estimators
- class_weight = weights associated with classes held constant at a value of None
- The reduced model training data by downsampling the majority LOW CANRAT category was used.
- Hyperparameter tuning was conducted using the 5-fold cross-validation method with optimal model performance using the F1 score determined for:
- criterion = Gini
- max_depth = 3
- min_samples_leaf = 3
- n_estimators = 100
- max_features = Sqrt n_estimators
- class_weight = None
- The apparent model performance of the optimal model is summarized as follows:
- Accuracy = 0.9649
- Precision = 0.9032
- Recall = 0.9655
- F1 Score = 0.9333
- AUROC = 0.9651
- The independent test model performance of the final model is summarized as follows:
- Accuracy = 0.8979
- Precision = 0.8888
- Recall = 0.6666
- F1 Score = 0.7619
- AUROC = 0.8198
- High difference in the apparent and independent test model performance observed, indicative of the presence of excessive model overfitting.
# Creating an instance of the
# Random Forest model
random_forest = RandomForestClassifier()
# Defining the hyperparameters for the
# Random Forest model
hyperparameter_grid = {
'criterion': ['gini','entropy','log_loss'],
'max_depth': [3,5,7],
'min_samples_leaf': [3,5,10],
'n_estimators': [100,150,200],
'max_features':['sqrt', 'log2'],
'class_weight': [None],
'random_state': [88888888]}
# Defining the hyperparameters for the
# Random Forest model
downsampled_random_forest = GridSearchCV(estimator = random_forest,
param_grid = hyperparameter_grid,
n_jobs = -1,
# Fitting the downsampled Random Forest model
##################################, y_train_cnn)
# Determining the optimal hyperparameter
# for the Random Forest model
{'class_weight': None, 'criterion': 'gini', 'max_depth': 3, 'max_features': 'sqrt', 'min_samples_leaf': 3, 'n_estimators': 100, 'random_state': 88888888}
# Evaluating the downsampled Random Forest model
# on the train set
downsampled_random_forest_y_hat_train = downsampled_random_forest.predict(X_train)
# Gathering the model evaluation metrics
downsampled_random_forest_performance_train = model_performance_evaluation(y_train, downsampled_random_forest_y_hat_train)
downsampled_random_forest_performance_train['model'] = ['downsampled_random_forest'] * 5
downsampled_random_forest_performance_train['set'] = ['train'] * 5
print('Downsampled Random Forest Model Performance on Train Data: ')
Downsampled Random Forest Model Performance on Train Data:
metric_name | metric_value | model | set | |
0 | Accuracy | 0.964912 | downsampled_random_forest | train |
1 | Precision | 0.903226 | downsampled_random_forest | train |
2 | Recall | 0.965517 | downsampled_random_forest | train |
3 | F1 | 0.933333 | downsampled_random_forest | train |
4 | AUROC | 0.965112 | downsampled_random_forest | train |
# Evaluating the downsampled Random Forest model
# on the test set
downsampled_random_forest_y_hat_test = downsampled_random_forest.predict(X_test)
# Gathering the model evaluation metrics
downsampled_random_forest_performance_test = model_performance_evaluation(y_test, downsampled_random_forest_y_hat_test)
downsampled_random_forest_performance_test['model'] = ['downsampled_random_forest'] * 5
downsampled_random_forest_performance_test['set'] = ['test'] * 5
print('Downsampled Random Forest Model Performance on Test Data: ')
Downsampled Random Forest Model Performance on Test Data:
metric_name | metric_value | model | set | |
0 | Accuracy | 0.897959 | downsampled_random_forest | test |
1 | Precision | 0.888889 | downsampled_random_forest | test |
2 | Recall | 0.666667 | downsampled_random_forest | test |
3 | F1 | 0.761905 | downsampled_random_forest | test |
4 | AUROC | 0.819820 | downsampled_random_forest | test | Support Vector Machine ¶
- The support vector machine model from the sklearn.svm Python library API was implemented.
- The model contains 3 hyperparameters:
- C = inverse of regularization strength held constant at a value of 1
- kernel = kernel type to be used in the algorithm made to vary between Linear, Poly, RBF and Sigmoid
- class_weight = weights associated with classes held constant at a value of None
- The reduced model training data by downsampling the majority LOW CANRAT category was used.
- Hyperparameter tuning was conducted using the 5-fold cross-validation method with optimal model performance using the F1 score determined for:
- C = 1
- kernel = Linear
- class_weight = None
- The apparent model performance of the optimal model is summarized as follows:
- Accuracy = 0.9561
- Precision = 0.9285
- Recall = 0.8965
- F1 Score = 0.9122
- AUROC = 0.9365
- The independent test model performance of the final model is summarized as follows:
- Accuracy = 0.8979
- Precision = 0.8888
- Recall = 0.6666
- F1 Score = 0.7619
- AUROC = 0.8198
- High difference in the apparent and independent test model performance observed, indicative of the presence of excessive model overfitting.
# Creating an instance of the
# Support Vector Machine model
support_vector_machine = SVC()
# Defining the hyperparameters for the
# Support Vector Machine model
hyperparameter_grid = {
'C': [1.0],
'kernel': ['linear', 'poly', 'rbf', 'sigmoid'],
'class_weight': [None],
'random_state': [88888888]}
# Defining the hyperparameters for the
# Support Vector Machine model
downsampled_support_vector_machine = GridSearchCV(estimator = support_vector_machine,
param_grid = hyperparameter_grid,
n_jobs = -1,
# Fitting the downsampled Support Vector Machine model
##################################, y_train_cnn)
# Determining the optimal hyperparameter
# for the Support Vector Machine model
{'C': 1.0, 'class_weight': None, 'kernel': 'linear', 'random_state': 88888888}
# Evaluating the downsampled Support Vector Machine model
# on the train set
downsampled_support_vector_machine_y_hat_train = downsampled_support_vector_machine.predict(X_train)
# Gathering the model evaluation metrics
downsampled_support_vector_machine_performance_train = model_performance_evaluation(y_train, downsampled_support_vector_machine_y_hat_train)
downsampled_support_vector_machine_performance_train['model'] = ['downsampled_support_vector_machine'] * 5
downsampled_support_vector_machine_performance_train['set'] = ['train'] * 5
print('Downsampled Support Vector Machine Model Performance on Train Data: ')
Downsampled Support Vector Machine Model Performance on Train Data:
metric_name | metric_value | model | set | |
0 | Accuracy | 0.956140 | downsampled_support_vector_machine | train |
1 | Precision | 0.928571 | downsampled_support_vector_machine | train |
2 | Recall | 0.896552 | downsampled_support_vector_machine | train |
3 | F1 | 0.912281 | downsampled_support_vector_machine | train |
4 | AUROC | 0.936511 | downsampled_support_vector_machine | train |
# Evaluating the downsampled Support Vector Machine model
# on the test set
downsampled_support_vector_machine_y_hat_test = downsampled_support_vector_machine.predict(X_test)
# Gathering the model evaluation metrics
downsampled_support_vector_machine_performance_test = model_performance_evaluation(y_test, downsampled_support_vector_machine_y_hat_test)
downsampled_support_vector_machine_performance_test['model'] = ['downsampled_support_vector_machine'] * 5
downsampled_support_vector_machine_performance_test['set'] = ['test'] * 5
print('Downsampled Support Vector Machine Model Performance on Test Data: ')
Downsampled Support Vector Machine Model Performance on Test Data:
metric_name | metric_value | model | set | |
0 | Accuracy | 0.897959 | downsampled_support_vector_machine | test |
1 | Precision | 0.888889 | downsampled_support_vector_machine | test |
2 | Recall | 0.666667 | downsampled_support_vector_machine | test |
3 | F1 | 0.761905 | downsampled_support_vector_machine | test |
4 | AUROC | 0.819820 | downsampled_support_vector_machine | test |
1.3.9 Model Development With Stacking Ensemble Learning ¶ Premodelling Data Description ¶
- Among the formulated versions of the logistic regression model, the model which applied class weights demonstrated the best independent test model performance. Considerable difference in the apparent and independent test model performance was observed, indicative of the presence of moderate model overfitting.
- Accuracy = 0.9387
- Precision = 0.8461
- Recall = 0.9167
- F1 Score = 0.8800
- AUROC = 0.9313
- Among the formulated versions of the decision tree model, the model which applied upsampling of the minority class using SMOTE demonstrated the best independent test model performance. Considerable difference in the apparent and independent test model performance was observed, indicative of the presence of moderate model overfitting.
- Accuracy = 0.8979
- Precision = 0.7692
- Recall = 0.8333
- F1 Score = 0.8000
- AUROC = 0.8761
- Among the formulated versions of the random forest model, the model which applied upsampling of the minority class using SMOTE demonstrated the best independent test model performance. High difference in the apparent and independent test model performance was observed, indicative of the presence of excessive model overfitting.
- Accuracy = 0.9387
- Precision = 0.8461
- Recall = 0.9167
- F1 Score = 0.8800
- AUROC = 0.9313
- Among the formulated versions of the support vector machine model, the model which applied upsampling of the minority class using SMOTE demonstrated the best independent test model performance. High difference in the apparent and independent test model performance was observed, indicative of the presence of excessive model overfitting.
- Accuracy = 0.8979
- Precision = 0.8181
- Recall = 0.7500
- F1 Score = 0.7826
- AUROC = 0.8479
- All individual formulated models which applied upsampling of the minority class using SMOTE were used to generate the base-learners for the stacking algorithm.
# Consolidating all the
# Logistic Regression
# model performance measures
logistic_regression_performance_comparison = pd.concat([optimal_logistic_regression_performance_train,
print('Consolidated Logistic Regression Model Performance on Train and Test Data: ')
Consolidated Logistic Regression Model Performance on Train and Test Data:
metric_name | metric_value | model | set | |
0 | Accuracy | 0.947368 | optimal_logistic_regression | train |
1 | Precision | 0.870968 | optimal_logistic_regression | train |
2 | Recall | 0.931034 | optimal_logistic_regression | train |
3 | F1 | 0.900000 | optimal_logistic_regression | train |
4 | AUROC | 0.941988 | optimal_logistic_regression | train |
5 | Accuracy | 0.897959 | optimal_logistic_regression | test |
6 | Precision | 0.888889 | optimal_logistic_regression | test |
7 | Recall | 0.666667 | optimal_logistic_regression | test |
8 | F1 | 0.761905 | optimal_logistic_regression | test |
9 | AUROC | 0.819820 | optimal_logistic_regression | test |
10 | Accuracy | 0.894737 | weighted_logistic_regression | train |
11 | Precision | 0.707317 | weighted_logistic_regression | train |
12 | Recall | 1.000000 | weighted_logistic_regression | train |
13 | F1 | 0.828571 | weighted_logistic_regression | train |
14 | AUROC | 0.929412 | weighted_logistic_regression | train |
15 | Accuracy | 0.938776 | weighted_logistic_regression | test |
16 | Precision | 0.846154 | weighted_logistic_regression | test |
17 | Recall | 0.916667 | weighted_logistic_regression | test |
18 | F1 | 0.880000 | weighted_logistic_regression | test |
19 | AUROC | 0.931306 | weighted_logistic_regression | test |
20 | Accuracy | 0.964912 | upsampled_logistic_regression | train |
21 | Precision | 0.903226 | upsampled_logistic_regression | train |
22 | Recall | 0.965517 | upsampled_logistic_regression | train |
23 | F1 | 0.933333 | upsampled_logistic_regression | train |
24 | AUROC | 0.965112 | upsampled_logistic_regression | train |
25 | Accuracy | 0.918367 | upsampled_logistic_regression | test |
26 | Precision | 0.900000 | upsampled_logistic_regression | test |
27 | Recall | 0.750000 | upsampled_logistic_regression | test |
28 | F1 | 0.818182 | upsampled_logistic_regression | test |
29 | AUROC | 0.861486 | upsampled_logistic_regression | test |
30 | Accuracy | 0.947368 | downsampled_logistic_regression | train |
31 | Precision | 0.848485 | downsampled_logistic_regression | train |
32 | Recall | 0.965517 | downsampled_logistic_regression | train |
33 | F1 | 0.903226 | downsampled_logistic_regression | train |
34 | AUROC | 0.953347 | downsampled_logistic_regression | train |
35 | Accuracy | 0.918367 | downsampled_logistic_regression | test |
36 | Precision | 0.900000 | downsampled_logistic_regression | test |
37 | Recall | 0.750000 | downsampled_logistic_regression | test |
38 | F1 | 0.818182 | downsampled_logistic_regression | test |
39 | AUROC | 0.861486 | downsampled_logistic_regression | test |
# Consolidating all the F1 score
# model performance measures
logistic_regression_performance_comparison_F1 = logistic_regression_performance_comparison[logistic_regression_performance_comparison['metric_name']=='F1']
logistic_regression_performance_comparison_F1_train = logistic_regression_performance_comparison_F1[logistic_regression_performance_comparison_F1['set']=='train'].loc[:,"metric_value"]
logistic_regression_performance_comparison_F1_test = logistic_regression_performance_comparison_F1[logistic_regression_performance_comparison_F1['set']=='test'].loc[:,"metric_value"]
# Combining all the F1 score
# model performance measures
# between train and test sets
logistic_regression_performance_comparison_F1_plot = pd.DataFrame({'train': logistic_regression_performance_comparison_F1_train.values,
'test': logistic_regression_performance_comparison_F1_test.values},
train | test | |
optimal_logistic_regression | 0.900000 | 0.761905 |
weighted_logistic_regression | 0.828571 | 0.880000 |
upsampled_logistic_regression | 0.933333 | 0.818182 |
downsampled_logistic_regression | 0.903226 | 0.818182 |
# Plotting all the F1 score
# model performance measures
# between train and test sets
logistic_regression_performance_comparison_F1_plot = logistic_regression_performance_comparison_F1_plot.plot.barh(figsize=(10, 6))
logistic_regression_performance_comparison_F1_plot.set_title("Model Comparison by F1 Score Performance on Test Data")
logistic_regression_performance_comparison_F1_plot.set_xlabel("F1 Score Performance")
logistic_regression_performance_comparison_F1_plot.set_ylabel("Logistic Regression Model")
logistic_regression_performance_comparison_F1_plot.legend(loc='center left', bbox_to_anchor=(1.0, 0.5))
for container in logistic_regression_performance_comparison_F1_plot.containers:
logistic_regression_performance_comparison_F1_plot.bar_label(container, fmt='%.5f', padding=-50, color='white', fontweight='bold')
# Plotting the confusion matrices
# for all the Logistic Regression models
classifiers = {"optimal_logistic_regression": optimal_logistic_regression,
"weighted_logistic_regression": weighted_logistic_regression,
"upsampled_logistic_regression": upsampled_logistic_regression,
"downsampled_logistic_regression": downsampled_logistic_regression}
fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, 4, figsize=(20, 5))
for i, (key, classifier) in enumerate(classifiers.items()):
y_pred = classifier.predict(X_test)
cf_matrix = confusion_matrix(y_test, y_pred)
disp = ConfusionMatrixDisplay(cf_matrix)
disp.plot(ax=axes[i], xticks_rotation=0)
fig.colorbar(disp.im_, ax=axes)
# Consolidating all the
# Decision Tree
# model performance measures
decision_tree_performance_comparison = pd.concat([optimal_decision_tree_performance_train,
print('Consolidated Decision Tree Model Performance on Train and Test Data: ')
Consolidated Decision Tree Model Performance on Train and Test Data:
metric_name | metric_value | model | set | |
0 | Accuracy | 0.973684 | optimal_decision_tree | train |
1 | Precision | 1.000000 | optimal_decision_tree | train |
2 | Recall | 0.896552 | optimal_decision_tree | train |
3 | F1 | 0.945455 | optimal_decision_tree | train |
4 | AUROC | 0.948276 | optimal_decision_tree | train |
5 | Accuracy | 0.857143 | optimal_decision_tree | test |
6 | Precision | 0.857143 | optimal_decision_tree | test |
7 | Recall | 0.500000 | optimal_decision_tree | test |
8 | F1 | 0.631579 | optimal_decision_tree | test |
9 | AUROC | 0.736486 | optimal_decision_tree | test |
10 | Accuracy | 0.956140 | weighted_decision_tree | train |
11 | Precision | 0.852941 | weighted_decision_tree | train |
12 | Recall | 1.000000 | weighted_decision_tree | train |
13 | F1 | 0.920635 | weighted_decision_tree | train |
14 | AUROC | 0.970588 | weighted_decision_tree | train |
15 | Accuracy | 0.897959 | weighted_decision_tree | test |
16 | Precision | 0.769231 | weighted_decision_tree | test |
17 | Recall | 0.833333 | weighted_decision_tree | test |
18 | F1 | 0.800000 | weighted_decision_tree | test |
19 | AUROC | 0.876126 | weighted_decision_tree | test |
20 | Accuracy | 0.921053 | upsampled_decision_tree | train |
21 | Precision | 0.763158 | upsampled_decision_tree | train |
22 | Recall | 1.000000 | upsampled_decision_tree | train |
23 | F1 | 0.865672 | upsampled_decision_tree | train |
24 | AUROC | 0.947059 | upsampled_decision_tree | train |
25 | Accuracy | 0.897959 | upsampled_decision_tree | test |
26 | Precision | 0.769231 | upsampled_decision_tree | test |
27 | Recall | 0.833333 | upsampled_decision_tree | test |
28 | F1 | 0.800000 | upsampled_decision_tree | test |
29 | AUROC | 0.876126 | upsampled_decision_tree | test |
30 | Accuracy | 0.938596 | downsampled_decision_tree | train |
31 | Precision | 0.923077 | downsampled_decision_tree | train |
32 | Recall | 0.827586 | downsampled_decision_tree | train |
33 | F1 | 0.872727 | downsampled_decision_tree | train |
34 | AUROC | 0.902028 | downsampled_decision_tree | train |
35 | Accuracy | 0.897959 | downsampled_decision_tree | test |
36 | Precision | 0.888889 | downsampled_decision_tree | test |
37 | Recall | 0.666667 | downsampled_decision_tree | test |
38 | F1 | 0.761905 | downsampled_decision_tree | test |
39 | AUROC | 0.819820 | downsampled_decision_tree | test |
# Consolidating all the F1 score
# model performance measures
decision_tree_performance_comparison_F1 = decision_tree_performance_comparison[decision_tree_performance_comparison['metric_name']=='F1']
decision_tree_performance_comparison_F1_train = decision_tree_performance_comparison_F1[decision_tree_performance_comparison_F1['set']=='train'].loc[:,"metric_value"]
decision_tree_performance_comparison_F1_test = decision_tree_performance_comparison_F1[decision_tree_performance_comparison_F1['set']=='test'].loc[:,"metric_value"]
# Combining all the F1 score
# model performance measures
# between train and test sets
decision_tree_performance_comparison_F1_plot = pd.DataFrame({'train': decision_tree_performance_comparison_F1_train.values,
'test': decision_tree_performance_comparison_F1_test.values},
train | test | |
optimal_decision_tree | 0.945455 | 0.631579 |
weighted_decision_tree | 0.920635 | 0.800000 |
upsampled_decision_tree | 0.865672 | 0.800000 |
downsampled_decision_tree | 0.872727 | 0.761905 |
# Plotting all the F1 score
# model performance measures
# between train and test sets
decision_tree_performance_comparison_F1_plot = decision_tree_performance_comparison_F1_plot.plot.barh(figsize=(10, 6))
decision_tree_performance_comparison_F1_plot.set_title("Model Comparison by F1 Score Performance on Test Data")
decision_tree_performance_comparison_F1_plot.set_xlabel("F1 Score Performance")
decision_tree_performance_comparison_F1_plot.set_ylabel("Decision Tree Model")
decision_tree_performance_comparison_F1_plot.legend(loc='center left', bbox_to_anchor=(1.0, 0.5))
for container in decision_tree_performance_comparison_F1_plot.containers:
decision_tree_performance_comparison_F1_plot.bar_label(container, fmt='%.5f', padding=-50, color='white', fontweight='bold')
# Plotting the confusion matrices
# for all the Decision Tree models
classifiers = {"optimal_decision_tree": optimal_decision_tree,
"weighted_decision_tree": weighted_decision_tree,
"upsampled_decision_tree": upsampled_decision_tree,
"downsampled_decision_tree": downsampled_decision_tree}
fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, 4, figsize=(20, 5))
for i, (key, classifier) in enumerate(classifiers.items()):
y_pred = classifier.predict(X_test)
cf_matrix = confusion_matrix(y_test, y_pred)
disp = ConfusionMatrixDisplay(cf_matrix)
disp.plot(ax=axes[i], xticks_rotation=0)
fig.colorbar(disp.im_, ax=axes)
# Consolidating all the
# Random Forest
# model performance measures
random_forest_performance_comparison = pd.concat([optimal_random_forest_performance_train,
print('Consolidated Random Forest Model Performance on Train and Test Data: ')
Consolidated Random Forest Model Performance on Train and Test Data:
metric_name | metric_value | model | set | |
0 | Accuracy | 0.956140 | optimal_random_forest | train |
1 | Precision | 0.928571 | optimal_random_forest | train |
2 | Recall | 0.896552 | optimal_random_forest | train |
3 | F1 | 0.912281 | optimal_random_forest | train |
4 | AUROC | 0.936511 | optimal_random_forest | train |
5 | Accuracy | 0.877551 | optimal_random_forest | test |
6 | Precision | 0.875000 | optimal_random_forest | test |
7 | Recall | 0.583333 | optimal_random_forest | test |
8 | F1 | 0.700000 | optimal_random_forest | test |
9 | AUROC | 0.778153 | optimal_random_forest | test |
10 | Accuracy | 0.973684 | weighted_random_forest | train |
11 | Precision | 0.906250 | weighted_random_forest | train |
12 | Recall | 1.000000 | weighted_random_forest | train |
13 | F1 | 0.950820 | weighted_random_forest | train |
14 | AUROC | 0.982353 | weighted_random_forest | train |
15 | Accuracy | 0.897959 | weighted_random_forest | test |
16 | Precision | 0.888889 | weighted_random_forest | test |
17 | Recall | 0.666667 | weighted_random_forest | test |
18 | F1 | 0.761905 | weighted_random_forest | test |
19 | AUROC | 0.819820 | weighted_random_forest | test |
20 | Accuracy | 0.973684 | upsampled_random_forest | train |
21 | Precision | 0.906250 | upsampled_random_forest | train |
22 | Recall | 1.000000 | upsampled_random_forest | train |
23 | F1 | 0.950820 | upsampled_random_forest | train |
24 | AUROC | 0.982353 | upsampled_random_forest | train |
25 | Accuracy | 0.897959 | upsampled_random_forest | test |
26 | Precision | 0.888889 | upsampled_random_forest | test |
27 | Recall | 0.666667 | upsampled_random_forest | test |
28 | F1 | 0.761905 | upsampled_random_forest | test |
29 | AUROC | 0.819820 | upsampled_random_forest | test |
30 | Accuracy | 0.964912 | downsampled_random_forest | train |
31 | Precision | 0.903226 | downsampled_random_forest | train |
32 | Recall | 0.965517 | downsampled_random_forest | train |
33 | F1 | 0.933333 | downsampled_random_forest | train |
34 | AUROC | 0.965112 | downsampled_random_forest | train |
35 | Accuracy | 0.897959 | downsampled_random_forest | test |
36 | Precision | 0.888889 | downsampled_random_forest | test |
37 | Recall | 0.666667 | downsampled_random_forest | test |
38 | F1 | 0.761905 | downsampled_random_forest | test |
39 | AUROC | 0.819820 | downsampled_random_forest | test |
# Consolidating all the F1 score
# model performance measures
random_forest_performance_comparison_F1 = random_forest_performance_comparison[random_forest_performance_comparison['metric_name']=='F1']
random_forest_performance_comparison_F1_train = random_forest_performance_comparison_F1[random_forest_performance_comparison_F1['set']=='train'].loc[:,"metric_value"]
random_forest_performance_comparison_F1_test = random_forest_performance_comparison_F1[random_forest_performance_comparison_F1['set']=='test'].loc[:,"metric_value"]
# Combining all the F1 score
# model performance measures
# between train and test sets
random_forest_performance_comparison_F1_plot = pd.DataFrame({'train': random_forest_performance_comparison_F1_train.values,
'test': random_forest_performance_comparison_F1_test.values},
train | test | |
optimal_random_forest | 0.912281 | 0.700000 |
weighted_random_forest | 0.950820 | 0.761905 |
upsampled_random_forest | 0.950820 | 0.761905 |
downsampled_random_forest | 0.933333 | 0.761905 |
# Plotting all the F1 score
# model performance measures
# between train and test sets
random_forest_performance_comparison_F1_plot = random_forest_performance_comparison_F1_plot.plot.barh(figsize=(10, 6))
random_forest_performance_comparison_F1_plot.set_title("Model Comparison by F1 Score Performance on Test Data")
random_forest_performance_comparison_F1_plot.set_xlabel("F1 Score Performance")
random_forest_performance_comparison_F1_plot.set_ylabel("Random Forest Model")
random_forest_performance_comparison_F1_plot.legend(loc='center left', bbox_to_anchor=(1.0, 0.5))
for container in random_forest_performance_comparison_F1_plot.containers:
random_forest_performance_comparison_F1_plot.bar_label(container, fmt='%.5f', padding=-50, color='white', fontweight='bold')
# Plotting the confusion matrices
# for all the Random Forest models
classifiers = {"optimal_random_forest": optimal_random_forest,
"weighted_random_forest": weighted_random_forest,
"upsampled_random_forest": upsampled_random_forest,
"downsampled_random_forest": downsampled_random_forest}
fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, 4, figsize=(20, 5))
for i, (key, classifier) in enumerate(classifiers.items()):
y_pred = classifier.predict(X_test)
cf_matrix = confusion_matrix(y_test, y_pred)
disp = ConfusionMatrixDisplay(cf_matrix)
disp.plot(ax=axes[i], xticks_rotation=0)
fig.colorbar(disp.im_, ax=axes)
# Consolidating all the
# Support Vector Machine
# model performance measures
support_vector_machine_performance_comparison = pd.concat([optimal_support_vector_machine_performance_train,
print('Consolidated Support Vector Machine Model Performance on Train and Test Data: ')
Consolidated Support Vector Machine Model Performance on Train and Test Data:
metric_name | metric_value | model | set | |
0 | Accuracy | 0.947368 | optimal_support_vector_machine | train |
1 | Precision | 0.960000 | optimal_support_vector_machine | train |
2 | Recall | 0.827586 | optimal_support_vector_machine | train |
3 | F1 | 0.888889 | optimal_support_vector_machine | train |
4 | AUROC | 0.907911 | optimal_support_vector_machine | train |
5 | Accuracy | 0.857143 | optimal_support_vector_machine | test |
6 | Precision | 0.857143 | optimal_support_vector_machine | test |
7 | Recall | 0.500000 | optimal_support_vector_machine | test |
8 | F1 | 0.631579 | optimal_support_vector_machine | test |
9 | AUROC | 0.736486 | optimal_support_vector_machine | test |
10 | Accuracy | 0.964912 | weighted_support_vector_machine | train |
11 | Precision | 0.962963 | weighted_support_vector_machine | train |
12 | Recall | 0.896552 | weighted_support_vector_machine | train |
13 | F1 | 0.928571 | weighted_support_vector_machine | train |
14 | AUROC | 0.942394 | weighted_support_vector_machine | train |
15 | Accuracy | 0.877551 | weighted_support_vector_machine | test |
16 | Precision | 0.875000 | weighted_support_vector_machine | test |
17 | Recall | 0.583333 | weighted_support_vector_machine | test |
18 | F1 | 0.700000 | weighted_support_vector_machine | test |
19 | AUROC | 0.778153 | weighted_support_vector_machine | test |
20 | Accuracy | 0.973684 | upsampled_support_vector_machine | train |
21 | Precision | 0.933333 | upsampled_support_vector_machine | train |
22 | Recall | 0.965517 | upsampled_support_vector_machine | train |
23 | F1 | 0.949153 | upsampled_support_vector_machine | train |
24 | AUROC | 0.970994 | upsampled_support_vector_machine | train |
25 | Accuracy | 0.897959 | upsampled_support_vector_machine | test |
26 | Precision | 0.818182 | upsampled_support_vector_machine | test |
27 | Recall | 0.750000 | upsampled_support_vector_machine | test |
28 | F1 | 0.782609 | upsampled_support_vector_machine | test |
29 | AUROC | 0.847973 | upsampled_support_vector_machine | test |
30 | Accuracy | 0.956140 | downsampled_support_vector_machine | train |
31 | Precision | 0.928571 | downsampled_support_vector_machine | train |
32 | Recall | 0.896552 | downsampled_support_vector_machine | train |
33 | F1 | 0.912281 | downsampled_support_vector_machine | train |
34 | AUROC | 0.936511 | downsampled_support_vector_machine | train |
35 | Accuracy | 0.897959 | downsampled_support_vector_machine | test |
36 | Precision | 0.888889 | downsampled_support_vector_machine | test |
37 | Recall | 0.666667 | downsampled_support_vector_machine | test |
38 | F1 | 0.761905 | downsampled_support_vector_machine | test |
39 | AUROC | 0.819820 | downsampled_support_vector_machine | test |
# Consolidating all the F1 score
# model performance measures
support_vector_machine_performance_comparison_F1 = support_vector_machine_performance_comparison[support_vector_machine_performance_comparison['metric_name']=='F1']
support_vector_machine_performance_comparison_F1_train = support_vector_machine_performance_comparison_F1[support_vector_machine_performance_comparison_F1['set']=='train'].loc[:,"metric_value"]
support_vector_machine_performance_comparison_F1_test = support_vector_machine_performance_comparison_F1[support_vector_machine_performance_comparison_F1['set']=='test'].loc[:,"metric_value"]
# Combining all the F1 score
# model performance measures
# between train and test sets
support_vector_machine_performance_comparison_F1_plot = pd.DataFrame({'train': support_vector_machine_performance_comparison_F1_train.values,
'test': support_vector_machine_performance_comparison_F1_test.values},
train | test | |
optimal_support_vector_machine | 0.888889 | 0.631579 |
weighted_support_vector_machine | 0.928571 | 0.700000 |
upsampled_support_vector_machine | 0.949153 | 0.782609 |
downsampled_support_vector_machine | 0.912281 | 0.761905 |
# Plotting all the F1 score
# model performance measures
# between train and test sets
support_vector_machine_performance_comparison_F1_plot = support_vector_machine_performance_comparison_F1_plot.plot.barh(figsize=(10, 6))
support_vector_machine_performance_comparison_F1_plot.set_title("Model Comparison by F1 Score Performance on Test Data")
support_vector_machine_performance_comparison_F1_plot.set_xlabel("F1 Score Performance")
support_vector_machine_performance_comparison_F1_plot.set_ylabel("Support Vector Machine Model")
support_vector_machine_performance_comparison_F1_plot.legend(loc='center left', bbox_to_anchor=(1.0, 0.5))
for container in support_vector_machine_performance_comparison_F1_plot.containers:
support_vector_machine_performance_comparison_F1_plot.bar_label(container, fmt='%.5f', padding=-50, color='white', fontweight='bold')
# Plotting the confusion matrices
# for all the Support Vector Machine models
classifiers = {"optimal_support_vector_machine": optimal_support_vector_machine,
"weighted_support_vector_machine": weighted_support_vector_machine,
"upsampled_support_vector_machine": upsampled_support_vector_machine,
"downsampled_support_vector_machine": downsampled_support_vector_machine}
fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, 4, figsize=(20, 5))
for i, (key, classifier) in enumerate(classifiers.items()):
y_pred = classifier.predict(X_test)
cf_matrix = confusion_matrix(y_test, y_pred)
disp = ConfusionMatrixDisplay(cf_matrix)
disp.plot(ax=axes[i], xticks_rotation=0)
fig.colorbar(disp.im_, ax=axes) Logistic Regression ¶
- The logistic regression model from the sklearn.linear_model Python library API was implemented as a meta-learner for the stacking algorithm.
- The model used default hyperparameters with no tuning applied:
- C = inverse of regularization strength held constant at a value of 1
- penalty = penalty norm held constant at a value of L2
- solver = algorithm used in the optimization problem held constant at a value of Lbfgs
- class_weight = weights associated with classes held constant at a value of 25-75 between classes 0 and 1
- max_iter = maximum number of iterations taken for the solvers to converge held constant at a value of 500
- The original data reflecting a 3:1 class imbalance between the LOW and HIGH CANRAT categories was used for model training and testing.
- The apparent model performance of the optimal model is summarized as follows:
- Accuracy = 0.9736
- Precision = 0.9062
- Recall = 1.0000
- F1 Score = 0.9508
- AUROC = 0.9823
- The independent test model performance of the final model is summarized as follows:
- Accuracy = 0.9183
- Precision = 0.9000
- Recall = 0.7500
- F1 Score = 0.8181
- AUROC = 0.8614
- High difference in the apparent and independent test model performance observed, indicative of the presence of excessive model overfitting.
# Formulating the base learners
# using the optimal hyperparameters
# for the upsampled models
base_learners = [('LR', LogisticRegression(C=1.0,
('DT', DecisionTreeClassifier(class_weight=None,
('RF', RandomForestClassifier(class_weight=None,
('SVM', SVC(class_weight=None,
# Formulating the meta learner
# using default hyperparameters
meta_learner = LogisticRegression(C=1.0,
# Formulating the stacked model
# using the base and meta learners
stacked_logistic_regression = StackingClassifier(estimators=base_learners, final_estimator=meta_learner)
# Fitting the meta Logistic Regression model
##################################, y_train_smote)
StackingClassifier(estimators=[('LR', LogisticRegression(max_iter=500, penalty='l1', random_state=88888888, solver='saga')), ('DT', DecisionTreeClassifier(criterion='entropy', max_depth=3, min_samples_leaf=5, random_state=88888888)), ('RF', RandomForestClassifier(criterion='entropy', max_depth=7, min_samples_leaf=3, random_state=88888888)), ('SVM', SVC(kernel='linear', random_state=88888888))], final_estimator=LogisticRegression(max_iter=500, random_state=88888888))In a Jupyter environment, please rerun this cell to show the HTML representation or trust the notebook.
On GitHub, the HTML representation is unable to render, please try loading this page with
StackingClassifier(estimators=[('LR', LogisticRegression(max_iter=500, penalty='l1', random_state=88888888, solver='saga')), ('DT', DecisionTreeClassifier(criterion='entropy', max_depth=3, min_samples_leaf=5, random_state=88888888)), ('RF', RandomForestClassifier(criterion='entropy', max_depth=7, min_samples_leaf=3, random_state=88888888)), ('SVM', SVC(kernel='linear', random_state=88888888))], final_estimator=LogisticRegression(max_iter=500, random_state=88888888))
LogisticRegression(max_iter=500, penalty='l1', random_state=88888888, solver='saga')
DecisionTreeClassifier(criterion='entropy', max_depth=3, min_samples_leaf=5, random_state=88888888)
RandomForestClassifier(criterion='entropy', max_depth=7, min_samples_leaf=3, random_state=88888888)
SVC(kernel='linear', random_state=88888888)
LogisticRegression(max_iter=500, random_state=88888888)
# Evaluating the stacked Logistic Regression model
# on the train set
stacked_logistic_regression_y_hat_train = stacked_logistic_regression.predict(X_train)
# Gathering the model evaluation metrics
stacked_logistic_regression_performance_train = model_performance_evaluation(y_train, stacked_logistic_regression_y_hat_train)
stacked_logistic_regression_performance_train['model'] = ['stacked_logistic_regression'] * 5
stacked_logistic_regression_performance_train['set'] = ['train'] * 5
print('Stacked Logistic Regression Model Performance on Train Data: ')
Stacked Logistic Regression Model Performance on Train Data:
metric_name | metric_value | model | set | |
0 | Accuracy | 0.973684 | stacked_logistic_regression | train |
1 | Precision | 0.933333 | stacked_logistic_regression | train |
2 | Recall | 0.965517 | stacked_logistic_regression | train |
3 | F1 | 0.949153 | stacked_logistic_regression | train |
4 | AUROC | 0.970994 | stacked_logistic_regression | train |
# Evaluating the stacked Logistic Regression model
# on the test set
stacked_logistic_regression_y_hat_test = stacked_logistic_regression.predict(X_test)
# Gathering the model evaluation metrics
stacked_logistic_regression_performance_test = model_performance_evaluation(y_test, stacked_logistic_regression_y_hat_test)
stacked_logistic_regression_performance_test['model'] = ['stacked_logistic_regression'] * 5
stacked_logistic_regression_performance_test['set'] = ['test'] * 5
print('Stacked Logistic Regression Model Performance on Test Data: ')
Stacked Logistic Regression Model Performance on Test Data:
metric_name | metric_value | model | set | |
0 | Accuracy | 0.918367 | stacked_logistic_regression | test |
1 | Precision | 0.900000 | stacked_logistic_regression | test |
2 | Recall | 0.750000 | stacked_logistic_regression | test |
3 | F1 | 0.818182 | stacked_logistic_regression | test |
4 | AUROC | 0.861486 | stacked_logistic_regression | test |
1.3.10 Model Selection ¶
- Among the formulated versions of the logistic regression model, the model which applied upsampling of the minority class using SMOTE was used as a base learner for the model stacking algorithm.
- Accuracy = 0.9183
- Precision = 0.9000
- Recall = 0.7500
- F1 Score = 0.8181
- AUROC = 0.8614
- Among the formulated versions of the decision tree model, the model which applied upsampling of the minority class using SMOTE was used as a base learner for the model stacking algorithm.
- Accuracy = 0.8979
- Precision = 0.7692
- Recall = 0.8333
- F1 Score = 0.8000
- AUROC = 0.8761
- Among the formulated versions of the random forest model, the model which applied upsampling of the minority class using SMOTE was used as a base learner for the model stacking algorithm.
- Accuracy = 0.9387
- Precision = 0.8461
- Recall = 0.9167
- F1 Score = 0.8800
- AUROC = 0.9313
- Among the formulated versions of the support vector machine model, the model which applied upsampling of the minority class using SMOTE was used as a base learner for the model stacking algorithm.
- Accuracy = 0.8979
- Precision = 0.8181
- Recall = 0.7500
- F1 Score = 0.7826
- AUROC = 0.8479
- The stacked logistic regression model comprised of the individual base learners demonstrated sufficient class discrmination:
- Accuracy = 0.9183
- Precision = 0.9000
- Recall = 0.7500
- F1 Score = 0.8181
- AUROC = 0.8614
- Comparing all results from the formulated base and stacked models formulated, the logistic regression model which applied class weights still demonstrated the best independent test model performance and was selected as the final model for classification.
- Accuracy = 0.9387
- Precision = 0.8461
- Recall = 0.9167
- F1 Score = 0.8800
- AUROC = 0.9313
# Consolidating all the
# base and meta-learner
# model performance measures
base_meta_learner_performance_comparison = pd.concat([weighted_logistic_regression_performance_train,
print('Consolidated Base and Meta Learner Model Performance on Train and Test Data: ')
Consolidated Base and Meta Learner Model Performance on Train and Test Data:
metric_name | metric_value | model | set | |
0 | Accuracy | 0.894737 | weighted_logistic_regression | train |
1 | Precision | 0.707317 | weighted_logistic_regression | train |
2 | Recall | 1.000000 | weighted_logistic_regression | train |
3 | F1 | 0.828571 | weighted_logistic_regression | train |
4 | AUROC | 0.929412 | weighted_logistic_regression | train |
5 | Accuracy | 0.938776 | weighted_logistic_regression | test |
6 | Precision | 0.846154 | weighted_logistic_regression | test |
7 | Recall | 0.916667 | weighted_logistic_regression | test |
8 | F1 | 0.880000 | weighted_logistic_regression | test |
9 | AUROC | 0.931306 | weighted_logistic_regression | test |
10 | Accuracy | 0.964912 | upsampled_logistic_regression | train |
11 | Precision | 0.903226 | upsampled_logistic_regression | train |
12 | Recall | 0.965517 | upsampled_logistic_regression | train |
13 | F1 | 0.933333 | upsampled_logistic_regression | train |
14 | AUROC | 0.965112 | upsampled_logistic_regression | train |
15 | Accuracy | 0.918367 | upsampled_logistic_regression | test |
16 | Precision | 0.900000 | upsampled_logistic_regression | test |
17 | Recall | 0.750000 | upsampled_logistic_regression | test |
18 | F1 | 0.818182 | upsampled_logistic_regression | test |
19 | AUROC | 0.861486 | upsampled_logistic_regression | test |
20 | Accuracy | 0.921053 | upsampled_decision_tree | train |
21 | Precision | 0.763158 | upsampled_decision_tree | train |
22 | Recall | 1.000000 | upsampled_decision_tree | train |
23 | F1 | 0.865672 | upsampled_decision_tree | train |
24 | AUROC | 0.947059 | upsampled_decision_tree | train |
25 | Accuracy | 0.897959 | upsampled_decision_tree | test |
26 | Precision | 0.769231 | upsampled_decision_tree | test |
27 | Recall | 0.833333 | upsampled_decision_tree | test |
28 | F1 | 0.800000 | upsampled_decision_tree | test |
29 | AUROC | 0.876126 | upsampled_decision_tree | test |
30 | Accuracy | 0.973684 | upsampled_random_forest | train |
31 | Precision | 0.906250 | upsampled_random_forest | train |
32 | Recall | 1.000000 | upsampled_random_forest | train |
33 | F1 | 0.950820 | upsampled_random_forest | train |
34 | AUROC | 0.982353 | upsampled_random_forest | train |
35 | Accuracy | 0.897959 | upsampled_random_forest | test |
36 | Precision | 0.888889 | upsampled_random_forest | test |
37 | Recall | 0.666667 | upsampled_random_forest | test |
38 | F1 | 0.761905 | upsampled_random_forest | test |
39 | AUROC | 0.819820 | upsampled_random_forest | test |
40 | Accuracy | 0.973684 | upsampled_support_vector_machine | train |
41 | Precision | 0.933333 | upsampled_support_vector_machine | train |
42 | Recall | 0.965517 | upsampled_support_vector_machine | train |
43 | F1 | 0.949153 | upsampled_support_vector_machine | train |
44 | AUROC | 0.970994 | upsampled_support_vector_machine | train |
45 | Accuracy | 0.897959 | upsampled_support_vector_machine | test |
46 | Precision | 0.818182 | upsampled_support_vector_machine | test |
47 | Recall | 0.750000 | upsampled_support_vector_machine | test |
48 | F1 | 0.782609 | upsampled_support_vector_machine | test |
49 | AUROC | 0.847973 | upsampled_support_vector_machine | test |
50 | Accuracy | 0.973684 | stacked_logistic_regression | train |
51 | Precision | 0.933333 | stacked_logistic_regression | train |
52 | Recall | 0.965517 | stacked_logistic_regression | train |
53 | F1 | 0.949153 | stacked_logistic_regression | train |
54 | AUROC | 0.970994 | stacked_logistic_regression | train |
55 | Accuracy | 0.918367 | stacked_logistic_regression | test |
56 | Precision | 0.900000 | stacked_logistic_regression | test |
57 | Recall | 0.750000 | stacked_logistic_regression | test |
58 | F1 | 0.818182 | stacked_logistic_regression | test |
59 | AUROC | 0.861486 | stacked_logistic_regression | test |
# Consolidating all the F1 score
# model performance measures
base_meta_learner_performance_comparison_F1 = base_meta_learner_performance_comparison[base_meta_learner_performance_comparison['metric_name']=='F1']
base_meta_learner_performance_comparison_F1_train = base_meta_learner_performance_comparison_F1[base_meta_learner_performance_comparison_F1['set']=='train'].loc[:,"metric_value"]
base_meta_learner_performance_comparison_F1_test = base_meta_learner_performance_comparison_F1[base_meta_learner_performance_comparison_F1['set']=='test'].loc[:,"metric_value"]
# Combining all the F1 score
# model performance measures
# between train and test sets
base_meta_learner_performance_comparison_F1_plot = pd.DataFrame({'train': base_meta_learner_performance_comparison_F1_train.values,
'test': base_meta_learner_performance_comparison_F1_test.values},
train | test | |
weighted_logistic_regression | 0.828571 | 0.880000 |
upsampled_logistic_regression | 0.933333 | 0.818182 |
upsampled_decision_tree | 0.865672 | 0.800000 |
upsampled_random_forest | 0.950820 | 0.761905 |
upsampled_support_vector_machine | 0.949153 | 0.782609 |
stacked_logistic_regression | 0.949153 | 0.818182 |
# Plotting all the F1 score
# model performance measures
# between train and test sets
base_meta_learner_performance_comparison_F1_plot = base_meta_learner_performance_comparison_F1_plot.plot.barh(figsize=(10, 6))
base_meta_learner_performance_comparison_F1_plot.set_title("Model Comparison by F1 Score Performance on Test Data")
base_meta_learner_performance_comparison_F1_plot.set_xlabel("F1 Score Performance")
base_meta_learner_performance_comparison_F1_plot.set_ylabel("Base and Meta Learner Model")
base_meta_learner_performance_comparison_F1_plot.legend(loc='center left', bbox_to_anchor=(1.0, 0.5))
for container in base_meta_learner_performance_comparison_F1_plot.containers:
base_meta_learner_performance_comparison_F1_plot.bar_label(container, fmt='%.5f', padding=-50, color='white', fontweight='bold')
# Consolidating all score
# model performance measures
base_meta_learner_performance_comparison_Accuracy_test = base_meta_learner_performance_comparison[(base_meta_learner_performance_comparison['set']=='test') & (base_meta_learner_performance_comparison['metric_name']=='Accuracy')].loc[:,"metric_value"]
base_meta_learner_performance_comparison_Precision_test = base_meta_learner_performance_comparison[(base_meta_learner_performance_comparison['set']=='test') & (base_meta_learner_performance_comparison['metric_name']=='Precision')].loc[:,"metric_value"]
base_meta_learner_performance_comparison_Recall_test = base_meta_learner_performance_comparison[(base_meta_learner_performance_comparison['set']=='test') & (base_meta_learner_performance_comparison['metric_name']=='Recall')].loc[:,"metric_value"]
base_meta_learner_performance_comparison_F1_test = base_meta_learner_performance_comparison[(base_meta_learner_performance_comparison['set']=='test') & (base_meta_learner_performance_comparison['metric_name']=='F1')].loc[:,"metric_value"]
base_meta_learner_performance_comparison_AUROC_test = base_meta_learner_performance_comparison[(base_meta_learner_performance_comparison['set']=='test') & (base_meta_learner_performance_comparison['metric_name']=='AUROC')].loc[:,"metric_value"]
# Combining all the score
# model performance measures
# between train and test sets
base_meta_learner_performance_comparison_all_plot = pd.DataFrame({'accuracy': base_meta_learner_performance_comparison_Accuracy_test.values,
'precision': base_meta_learner_performance_comparison_Precision_test.values,
'recall': base_meta_learner_performance_comparison_Recall_test.values,
'f1': base_meta_learner_performance_comparison_F1_test.values,
'auroc': base_meta_learner_performance_comparison_AUROC_test.values},
accuracy | precision | recall | f1 | auroc | |
weighted_logistic_regression | 0.938776 | 0.846154 | 0.916667 | 0.880000 | 0.931306 |
upsampled_logistic_regression | 0.918367 | 0.900000 | 0.750000 | 0.818182 | 0.861486 |
upsampled_decision_tree | 0.897959 | 0.769231 | 0.833333 | 0.800000 | 0.876126 |
upsampled_random_forest | 0.897959 | 0.888889 | 0.666667 | 0.761905 | 0.819820 |
upsampled_support_vector_machine | 0.897959 | 0.818182 | 0.750000 | 0.782609 | 0.847973 |
stacked_logistic_regression | 0.918367 | 0.900000 | 0.750000 | 0.818182 | 0.861486 |
# Plotting all the score
# model performance measures
# between train and test sets
base_meta_learner_performance_comparison_all_plot = base_meta_learner_performance_comparison_all_plot.plot.barh(figsize=(10, 9),width=0.90)
base_meta_learner_performance_comparison_all_plot.set_title("Model Comparison by Score Performance on Test Data")
base_meta_learner_performance_comparison_all_plot.set_xlabel("Score Performance")
base_meta_learner_performance_comparison_all_plot.set_ylabel("Base and Meta Learner Model")
base_meta_learner_performance_comparison_all_plot.legend(loc='center left', bbox_to_anchor=(1.0, 0.5))
for container in base_meta_learner_performance_comparison_all_plot.containers:
base_meta_learner_performance_comparison_all_plot.bar_label(container, fmt='%.5f', padding=-50, color='white', fontweight='bold')
# Plotting the confusion matrices
# for all the Support Vector Machine models
classifiers = {"upsampled_logistic_regression": upsampled_logistic_regression,
"upsampled_decision_tree": upsampled_decision_tree,
"upsampled_random_forest": upsampled_random_forest,
"upsampled_support_vector_machine": upsampled_support_vector_machine,
"stacked_logistic_regression": stacked_logistic_regression,
"weighted_logistic_regression": weighted_logistic_regression,}
fig, axes = plt.subplots(2, 3, figsize=(20, 10))
axes = axes.ravel()
for i, (key, classifier) in enumerate(classifiers.items()):
y_pred = classifier.predict(X_test)
cf_matrix = confusion_matrix(y_test, y_pred)
disp = ConfusionMatrixDisplay(cf_matrix)
disp.plot(ax=axes[i], xticks_rotation=0)
fig.colorbar(disp.im_, ax=axes)
1.3.11 Model Presentation ¶ Odds Ratios ¶
- The most important predictors in the model ranked by their Absolute Coefficient Value and Estimated Odds Ratio for a CANRAT=HIGH Prediction were listed as follows.
- EPISCO: Model.Coefficient=+1.136, Odds.Ratio=3.114
- GDPCAP: Model.Coefficient=+0.596, Odds.Ratio=1.815
- DTHCMD: Model.Coefficient=-0.534, Odds.Ratio=0.586
- LIFEXP: Model.Coefficient=+0.473, Odds.Ratio=1.604
- TUBINC: Model.Coefficient=-0.412, Odds.Ratio=0.662
- HDICAT_VH: Model.Coefficient=+0.268, Odds.Ratio=1.308
- CO2EMI: Model.Coefficient=-0.151, Odds.Ratio=0.860
- URBPOP: Model.Coefficient=+0.094, Odds.Ratio=1.098
# Reformulating the weighted Logistic Regression model
# as the final classification model
# with the optimal hyperparameters
final_model = LogisticRegression(C=1.0,
class_weight={0: 0.25, 1: 0.75},
penalty= 'l2',
random_state=88888888), y_train)
LogisticRegression(class_weight={0: 0.25, 1: 0.75}, max_iter=500, random_state=88888888, solver='liblinear')In a Jupyter environment, please rerun this cell to show the HTML representation or trust the notebook.
On GitHub, the HTML representation is unable to render, please try loading this page with
LogisticRegression(class_weight={0: 0.25, 1: 0.75}, max_iter=500, random_state=88888888, solver='liblinear')
# Gathering the model coefficients
# and the estimated log-odds
# of the weighted Logistic Regression model
final_model_coefficient = pd.DataFrame(zip(X_train.columns,
model_predictor | model_coefficient | odds_ratio | |
0 | URBPOP | 0.093942 | 1.098496 |
1 | LIFEXP | 0.472572 | 1.604115 |
2 | TUBINC | -0.412017 | 0.662313 |
3 | DTHCMD | -0.534044 | 0.586229 |
4 | CO2EMI | -0.150646 | 0.860152 |
5 | GDPCAP | 0.596013 | 1.814868 |
6 | EPISCO | 1.135875 | 3.113897 |
7 | HDICAT_VH | 0.268438 | 1.307920 | Shapley Additive Explanations ¶
- The most important predictors in the model ranked by their Mean Shap Value and Feature Impact to CANRAT=HIGH Prediction were listed as follows.
- EPISCO: Mean.Shap.Value=1.00, Feature.Impact=Positive
- GDPCAP: Model.Coefficient=0.48, Feature.Impact=Positive
- DTHCMD: Model.Coefficient=0.46, Feature.Impact=Negative
- LIFEXP: Model.Coefficient=0.38, Feature.Impact=Positive
- TUBINC: Model.Coefficient=0.36, Feature.Impact=Negative
- HDICAT_VH: Model.Coefficient=0.13, Feature.Impact=Positive
- CO2EMI: Model.Coefficient=0.13, Feature.Impact=Negative
- URBPOP: Model.Coefficient=0.08, Feature.Impact=Positive
# Setting up the primary explainer interface
# for the SHAP library using the
# weighted Logistic Regression model
final_model_explainer = shap.Explainer(final_model, X_train)
# Gathering up the SHAP values
# for the train set
final_model_train_shap_values = final_model_explainer(X_train)
# Gathering up the SHAP values
# for the test set
final_model_test_shap_values = final_model_explainer(X_test)
# Formulating the bar plot
# of the SHAP values using the train set
# to estimate global feature importance
##################################, show=False)
plt.xlim([0, 1])
# Formulating the bar plot
# of the SHAP values using the test set
# to estimate global feature importance
##################################, show=False)
plt.xlim([0, 1])
# Converting the SHAP values
# to float data types
final_model_train_shap_values.values = final_model_train_shap_values.values.astype(float)
# Formulating the beeswarm plot
# of the SHAP values using the train set
# to estimate the feature impact
# on model predictions
shap.plots.beeswarm(final_model_train_shap_values, show=False)
plt.gcf().set_size_inches(10, 6)
plt.xlim([-3, 3])
# Converting the SHAP values
# to float data types
final_model_test_shap_values.values = final_model_test_shap_values.values.astype(float)
# Formulating the beeswarm plot
# of the SHAP values using the test set
# to estimate the feature impact
# on model predictions
shap.plots.beeswarm(final_model_test_shap_values, show=False, plot_size=(10, 6))
plt.xlim([-3, 3])
# Formulating the heatmap plot
# of the SHAP values using the train set
# to estimate the observation impact
# on model predictions
<Axes: xlabel='Instances'>
# Formulating the heatmap plot
# of the SHAP values using the train set
# to estimate the observation impact
# on model predictions
<Axes: xlabel='Instances'>
# Formulating the dependence plot
# of the SHAP values using the train set
# for the most important feature
# as evaluated to the rest of the features
shap.dependence_plot('EPISCO', final_model_explainer.shap_values(X_train), X_train, interaction_index="GDPCAP")
# Formulating the dependence plot
# of the SHAP values using the train set
# for the most important feature
# as evaluated to the rest of the features
shap.dependence_plot('EPISCO', final_model_explainer.shap_values(X_train), X_train, interaction_index="DTHCMD")
# Formulating the dependence plot
# of the SHAP values using the train set
# for the most important feature
# as evaluated to the rest of the features
shap.dependence_plot('EPISCO', final_model_explainer.shap_values(X_train), X_train, interaction_index="LIFEXP")
# Formulating the dependence plot
# of the SHAP values using the train set
# for the most important feature
# as evaluated to the rest of the features
shap.dependence_plot('EPISCO', final_model_explainer.shap_values(X_train), X_train, interaction_index="TUBINC")
# Formulating the dependence plot
# of the SHAP values using the train set
# for the most important feature
# as evaluated to the rest of the features
shap.dependence_plot('EPISCO', final_model_explainer.shap_values(X_train), X_train, interaction_index="CO2EMI")
# Formulating the dependence plot
# of the SHAP values using the train set
# for the most important feature
# as evaluated to the rest of the features
shap.dependence_plot('EPISCO', final_model_explainer.shap_values(X_train), X_train, interaction_index="HDICAT_VH")
# Formulating the dependence plot
# of the SHAP values using the train set
# for the most important feature
# as evaluated to the rest of the features
shap.dependence_plot('EPISCO', final_model_explainer.shap_values(X_train), X_train, interaction_index="URBPOP")
# Formulating the dependence plot
# of the SHAP values using the test set
# for the most important feature
# as evaluated to the rest of the features
shap.dependence_plot('EPISCO', final_model_explainer.shap_values(X_test), X_test, interaction_index="GDPCAP")
# Formulating the dependence plot
# of the SHAP values using the test set
# for the most important feature
# as evaluated to the rest of the features
shap.dependence_plot('EPISCO', final_model_explainer.shap_values(X_test), X_test, interaction_index="DTHCMD")
# Formulating the dependence plot
# of the SHAP values using the test set
# for the most important feature
# as evaluated to the rest of the features
shap.dependence_plot('EPISCO', final_model_explainer.shap_values(X_test), X_test, interaction_index="LIFEXP")
# Formulating the dependence plot
# of the SHAP values using the test set
# for the most important feature
# as evaluated to the rest of the features
shap.dependence_plot('EPISCO', final_model_explainer.shap_values(X_test), X_test, interaction_index="TUBINC")
# Formulating the dependence plot
# of the SHAP values using the test set
# for the most important feature
# as evaluated to the rest of the features
shap.dependence_plot('EPISCO', final_model_explainer.shap_values(X_test), X_test, interaction_index="CO2EMI")
# Formulating the dependence plot
# of the SHAP values using the test set
# for the most important feature
# as evaluated to the rest of the features
shap.dependence_plot('EPISCO', final_model_explainer.shap_values(X_test), X_test, interaction_index="HDICAT_VH")
# Formulating the dependence plot
# of the SHAP values using the test set
# for the most important feature
# as evaluated to the rest of the features
shap.dependence_plot('EPISCO', final_model_explainer.shap_values(X_test), X_test, interaction_index="URBPOP")
2. Summary ¶
A logistic regression model applied with L2 regularization and class weights provided a set of robust and reliable predictions for countries belonging to the high cancer rate group – predominantly characterized by factors related to social development (life expectancy, human development index), economic (GDP per capita, urban population), healthcare delivery (death by communicable disease, tuberculosis incidence) and environmental (environmental protection index, CO2 emission) factors. The key drivers identified for high cancer rate levels ranked by feature importance with their conditioned effects indicated were given as follows:
- Environmental protection index (+)
- GDP per capita (+)
- Death by communicable disease (-)
- Life expectancy (+)
- Tuberculosis incidence (-)
- Human development index (+)
- CO2 emission (-)
- Urban population (+)
Overall, industrialized economies tend to belong to the cluster of countries with higher cancer rates. While progressiveness may not inherently imply more cancer prevalence, these countries potentially have advanced healthcare systems with robust screening and diagnostic capabilities. This can result in more thorough and accurate detection of cancer cases, leading to higher reported incidence rates. Improved reporting mechanisms contribute to a better understanding of the true burden of cancer. Progressive countries also often have higher life expectancies, resulting in older populations. Cancer incidence tends to increase with age, so countries with aging populations may experience higher overall cancer rates. Additionally, industrialization and urbanization, often associated with progressiveness, may lead to increased exposure to environmental pollutants and carcinogens. Certain industrial activities, pollution levels, and occupational exposures can contribute to higher cancer rates. Given these observations, the relationship between progressiveness and cancer rates is complex, and multiple factors contribute to observed patterns. It is essential to consider the specific context of each country and conduct detailed analyses to understand the underlying reasons for variations in cancer incidence.
From an initial dataset comprised of 177 observations and 21 predictors, an optimal subset of 163 observations and 8 predictors representing social development, economic, healthcare delivery and environmental factors were determined after conducting data quality assessment and feature selection, excluding cases or variables noted with irregularities and applying preprocessing operations most suitable for the downstream analysis.
Multiple classification modelling algorithms with various hyperparameter combinations were formulated using Logistic Regression, Decision Tree, Random Forest and Support Vector Machine. Class imbalance treatment including Class Weights, Upsampling with Synthetic Minority Oversampling Technique (SMOTE) and Downsampling with Condensed Nearest Neighbors (CNN) were implemented. Ensemble Learning Using Model Stacking was additionally explored. The best model with optimized hyperparameters from each algorithm were determined through internal resampling validation using 5-Fold Cross Validation with F1 Score used as the primary performance metric among Accuracy, Precision, Recall and Area Under the Receiver Operating Characterisng Curve (AUROC). All candidate models were compared based on internal and external validation performance.
The final model selected among candidates used Logistic Regression Model defined by an L2 Regularization and Class Weights with optimal hyperparameters: weights associated with classes (class_weight={0;LOW: 0.25, 1;HIGH: 0.75}), inverse of regularization strength (C=1), regularization (penalty=L2), algorithm used in the optimization problem (solver=liblinear) and maximum number of iterations taken for the solvers to converge (max_iter=500). This model demonstrated the best externally validated F1 Score, AUROC, Precision, Recall and Accuracy (F1 Score=0.88, AUROC=0.93, Precision=0.85, Recall=0.92, Accuracy=0.94) with no excessive overfitting comparing the external and apparent validation metrics .
Post-hoc exploration of the model results involved model-specific (Odds Ratios) and model-agnostic (Shapley Additive Explanations) methods. Both methods were consistent in ranking Environmental protection index, GDP per capita, Death by communicable disease, Life expectancy, Tuberculosis incidence, Human development index, CO2 emission and Urban population as the most important features by importance. These results helped provide insights on the significance, contribution and effect of the various predictors to model prediction.
The current results have limitations which can be further addressed by extending the study to include the following actions:
- Applying adjustments to the classification thresholds by accounting for the class imbalance ratio when maximizing precision and/or recall
- Performing sensitivity analysis by testing the model's performance across multiple thresholds
- Incorporating costs associated with false positives and false negatives by considering the relative importance of different types of errors
- Exploring other oversampling (Adasyn, Borderline SMOTE, K-Means SMOTE) and undersampling (NearMiss, Tomek Links, ENN) techniques to address class imbalance
- Experimenting with combining resampling techniques with algorithmic approaches that handle class imbalance internally including bagging and boosting ensembles
3. References ¶
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display(HTML("<style>.rendered_html { font-size: 15px; font-family: 'Trebuchet MS'; }</style>"))