1. Table of Contents

This project explores various analysis and imputation procedures for incomplete data using various helpful packages in R. Missing data patterns were visualized using matrix, cluster and correlation plots, with the missing data mechanism evaluated using a Regression-Based Test. Methods applied in the analysis to replace missing data points with substituted values included Random Replacement, Median Imputation, Mean Imputation, Mutivariate Data Analysis Imputation (Regularized, Expectation-Maximization), Principal Component Analysis Imputation (Probabilistic, Bayesian, Support Vector Machine-Based, Non-Linear Iterative Partial Least Squares, Non-Linear Principal Component Analysis), Multivariate Imputation by Chained Equations, Bayesian Multiple Imputation, Expectation-Maximization with Bootstrapping, Random Forest Imputation, Multiple Imputation Using Additive Regression, Bootstrapping and Predictive Mean Matching and K-Nearest Neighbors Imputation. Performance of the missing data imputation methods was evaluated using the processing time, root mean squared error, mean absolute error and Kolmogorov-Smirnov test statistic metrics. Post-imputation diagnostics was performed to assess the plausibility of the substituted values in comparison to the complete data. All results were consolidated in a Summary presented at the end of the document.

Missing data refer to instances of observations intended to be collected but did not, which reduce the representativeness of the sample. Depending on how missing data occurred, it introduces bias into the statistical estimates and leads to inefficient data analysis. Imputation refers to the replacement of missing data with another value based on a reasonable estimate. Imputation algorithms applied in this study (mostly contained in the missCompare, mi, mice, missForest, missMDA and pcaMethods packages) attempt to perform a valid analysis for different missingness mechanisms with the objective of completing the dataset while maintaining its true underlying distribution and multivariate associations.

1.1 Sample Data

The Traumatic Brain Injury dataset from the book Clinical Prediction Models was used for this illustrated example.

Preliminary dataset assessment:

[A] 2159 rows (observations)

[B] 16 columns (variables)
     [B.1] 2/16 response = unfav and mort variables (factor)
     [B.2] 14/16 predictors = All remaining variables (4/14 numeric + 10/14 factor)

Code Chunk | Output
# Loading R libraries

# Defining file paths
DATASETS_PATH <- file.path("datasets")

# Loading source and
# formulating the analysis set
TBI <- read.spss(file.path("..", DATASETS_PATH, "TBI.sav"),

# Performing a general exploration of the dataset
## [1] 2159   24
##     trial               d.gos           d.mort         d.unfav      
##  Length:2159        Min.   :1.000   Min.   :0.000   Min.   :0.0000  
##  Class :character   1st Qu.:2.000   1st Qu.:0.000   1st Qu.:0.0000  
##  Mode  :character   Median :4.000   Median :0.000   Median :0.0000  
##                     Mean   :3.543   Mean   :0.233   Mean   :0.3942  
##                     3rd Qu.:5.000   3rd Qu.:0.000   3rd Qu.:1.0000  
##                     Max.   :5.000   Max.   :1.000   Max.   :1.0000  
##      cause            age           d.motor         d.pupil     
##  Min.   :3.000   Min.   :14.00   Min.   :1.000   Min.   :1.000  
##  1st Qu.:3.000   1st Qu.:22.00   1st Qu.:3.000   1st Qu.:1.000  
##  Median :4.000   Median :30.00   Median :4.000   Median :1.000  
##  Mean   :4.908   Mean   :33.21   Mean   :3.991   Mean   :1.458  
##  3rd Qu.:6.000   3rd Qu.:43.00   3rd Qu.:5.000   3rd Qu.:2.000  
##  Max.   :9.000   Max.   :79.00   Max.   :6.000   Max.   :3.000  
##                                                  NA's   :123    
##     pupil.i         hypoxia          hypotens         ctclass     
##  Min.   :1.000   Min.   :0.0000   Min.   :0.0000   Min.   :1.000  
##  1st Qu.:1.000   1st Qu.:0.0000   1st Qu.:0.0000   1st Qu.:2.000  
##  Median :1.000   Median :0.0000   Median :0.0000   Median :3.000  
##  Mean   :1.462   Mean   :0.2167   Mean   :0.1795   Mean   :3.281  
##  3rd Qu.:2.000   3rd Qu.:0.0000   3rd Qu.:0.0000   3rd Qu.:5.000  
##  Max.   :3.000   Max.   :1.0000   Max.   :1.0000   Max.   :6.000  
##                  NA's   :249      NA's   :59       NA's   :25     
##       tsah             edh            cisterns         shift       
##  Min.   :0.0000   Min.   :0.0000   Min.   :1.000   Min.   :0.0000  
##  1st Qu.:0.0000   1st Qu.:0.0000   1st Qu.:1.000   1st Qu.:0.0000  
##  Median :0.0000   Median :0.0000   Median :1.000   Median :0.0000  
##  Mean   :0.4779   Mean   :0.1268   Mean   :1.455   Mean   :0.1987  
##  3rd Qu.:1.0000   3rd Qu.:0.0000   3rd Qu.:2.000   3rd Qu.:0.0000  
##  Max.   :1.0000   Max.   :1.0000   Max.   :3.000   Max.   :1.0000  
##  NA's   :96       NA's   :38       NA's   :257     NA's   :252     
##     d.sysbpt        glucose           glucoset            ph       
##  Min.   : 60.0   Min.   : 0.5556   Min.   : 3.000   Min.   :6.790  
##  1st Qu.:121.1   1st Qu.: 6.7000   1st Qu.: 6.700   1st Qu.:7.320  
##  Median :131.3   Median : 8.2000   Median : 8.200   Median :7.380  
##  Mean   :131.4   Mean   : 8.9078   Mean   : 8.863   Mean   :7.376  
##  3rd Qu.:142.1   3rd Qu.:10.4000   3rd Qu.:10.400   3rd Qu.:7.450  
##  Max.   :207.4   Max.   :41.4000   Max.   :20.000   Max.   :7.660  
##                  NA's   :64        NA's   :64       NA's   :457    
##      sodium         sodiumt            hb             hbt       
##  Min.   :114.0   Min.   :125.0   Min.   : 2.50   Min.   : 6.00  
##  1st Qu.:137.0   1st Qu.:137.0   1st Qu.:10.90   1st Qu.:10.90  
##  Median :140.0   Median :140.0   Median :12.90   Median :12.90  
##  Mean   :139.3   Mean   :139.3   Mean   :12.45   Mean   :12.47  
##  3rd Qu.:142.0   3rd Qu.:142.0   3rd Qu.:14.30   3rd Qu.:14.30  
##  Max.   :154.0   Max.   :154.0   Max.   :18.60   Max.   :17.00  
##  NA's   :62      NA's   :62      NA's   :24      NA's   :24
## TBI 
##  24  Variables      2159  Observations
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## trial 
##        n  missing distinct 
##     2159        0        2 
## Value         74    75
## Frequency   1118  1041
## Proportion 0.518 0.482
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## d.gos 
##        n  missing distinct     Info     Mean      Gmd 
##     2159        0        5    0.894    3.543    1.726 
## Value          1     2     3     4     5
## Frequency    503    86   262   351   957
## Proportion 0.233 0.040 0.121 0.163 0.443
## For the frequency table, variable is rounded to the nearest 0
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## d.mort 
##        n  missing distinct     Info      Sum     Mean      Gmd 
##     2159        0        2    0.536      503    0.233   0.3576 
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## d.unfav 
##        n  missing distinct     Info      Sum     Mean      Gmd 
##     2159        0        2    0.716      851   0.3942   0.4778 
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## cause 
##        n  missing distinct     Info     Mean      Gmd 
##     2159        0        5    0.921    4.908    2.301 
## Value          3     4     5     6     9
## Frequency    848   420   134   370   387
## Proportion 0.393 0.195 0.062 0.171 0.179
## For the frequency table, variable is rounded to the nearest 0
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## age 
##        n  missing distinct     Info     Mean      Gmd      .05      .10 
##     2159        0       64    0.999    33.21    15.17       17       18 
##      .25      .50      .75      .90      .95 
##       22       30       43       54       59 
## lowest : 14 15 16 17 18, highest: 74 75 76 77 79
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## d.motor 
##        n  missing distinct     Info     Mean      Gmd 
##     2159        0        6    0.919    3.991    1.226 
## Value          1     2     3     4     5     6
## Frequency     14   279   369   627   790    80
## Proportion 0.006 0.129 0.171 0.290 0.366 0.037
## For the frequency table, variable is rounded to the nearest 0
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## d.pupil 
##        n  missing distinct     Info     Mean      Gmd 
##     2036      123        3    0.647    1.458   0.6881 
## Value          1     2     3
## Frequency   1430   279   327
## Proportion 0.702 0.137 0.161
## For the frequency table, variable is rounded to the nearest 0
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## pupil.i 
##        n  missing distinct     Info     Mean      Gmd 
##     2159        0        3     0.65    1.462   0.6915 
## Value          1     2     3
## Frequency   1511   299   349
## Proportion 0.700 0.138 0.162
## For the frequency table, variable is rounded to the nearest 0
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## hypoxia 
##        n  missing distinct     Info      Sum     Mean      Gmd 
##     1910      249        2    0.509      414   0.2168   0.3397 
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## hypotens 
##        n  missing distinct     Info      Sum     Mean      Gmd 
##     2100       59        2    0.442      377   0.1795   0.2947 
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## ctclass 
##        n  missing distinct     Info     Mean      Gmd 
##     2134       25        6    0.928    3.281    1.689 
## Value          1     2     3     4     5     6
## Frequency    149   781   414    85   521   184
## Proportion 0.070 0.366 0.194 0.040 0.244 0.086
## For the frequency table, variable is rounded to the nearest 0
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## tsah 
##        n  missing distinct     Info      Sum     Mean      Gmd 
##     2063       96        2    0.749      986   0.4779   0.4993 
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## edh 
##        n  missing distinct     Info      Sum     Mean      Gmd 
##     2121       38        2    0.332      269   0.1268   0.2216 
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## cisterns 
##        n  missing distinct     Info     Mean      Gmd 
##     1902      257        3    0.716    1.455   0.6367 
## Value          1     2     3
## Frequency   1223   492   187
## Proportion 0.643 0.259 0.098
## For the frequency table, variable is rounded to the nearest 0
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## shift 
##        n  missing distinct     Info      Sum     Mean      Gmd 
##     1907      252        2    0.478      379   0.1987   0.3187 
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## d.sysbpt 
##        n  missing distinct     Info     Mean      Gmd      .05      .10 
##     2159        0     1566        1    131.4    17.61    107.0    112.2 
##      .25      .50      .75      .90      .95 
##    121.1    131.3    142.1    151.1    156.2 
## lowest : 60     64.19  65.6   71.33  73.71 , highest: 182.92 184.16 184.7  188.29 207.4 
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## glucose 
##        n  missing distinct     Info     Mean      Gmd      .05      .10 
##     2095       64      431        1    8.908     3.56    5.000    5.633 
##      .25      .50      .75      .90      .95 
##    6.700    8.200   10.400   13.056   15.350 
## lowest : 0.555556 1        1.03     1.04     1.22    
## highest: 29.2222  30.8889  31.1111  32.5556  41.4    
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## glucoset 
##        n  missing distinct     Info     Mean      Gmd      .05      .10 
##     2095       64      381        1    8.863    3.405    5.000    5.633 
##      .25      .50      .75      .90      .95 
##    6.700    8.200   10.400   13.056   15.350 
## lowest : 3       3.03    3.05556 3.2     3.44444
## highest: 19.5    19.5556 19.7778 19.8    20     
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## ph 
##        n  missing distinct     Info     Mean      Gmd      .05      .10 
##     1702      457      112    0.999    7.376   0.1183     7.19     7.24 
##      .25      .50      .75      .90      .95 
##     7.32     7.38     7.45     7.50     7.54 
## lowest : 6.79 6.83 6.87 6.9  6.91, highest: 7.62 7.63 7.64 7.65 7.66
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## sodium 
##        n  missing distinct     Info     Mean      Gmd      .05      .10 
##     2097       62       62    0.993    139.3    4.448      132      134 
##      .25      .50      .75      .90      .95 
##      137      140      142      144      145 
## lowest : 114   117   118   121   123  , highest: 150   151   151.7 153   154  
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## sodiumt 
##        n  missing distinct     Info     Mean      Gmd      .05      .10 
##     2097       62       55    0.993    139.3    4.408      132      134 
##      .25      .50      .75      .90      .95 
##      137      140      142      144      145 
## lowest : 125   126   126.5 127   127.4, highest: 150   151   151.7 153   154  
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## hb 
##        n  missing distinct     Info     Mean      Gmd      .05      .10 
##     2135       24      156        1    12.45    2.846      7.7      8.8 
##      .25      .50      .75      .90      .95 
##     10.9     12.9     14.3     15.3     15.9 
## lowest : 2.5  2.8  3.4  3.6  4   , highest: 17.3 17.4 17.6 17.7 18.6
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## hbt 
##        n  missing distinct     Info     Mean      Gmd      .05      .10 
##     2135       24      130        1    12.47    2.809      7.7      8.8 
##      .25      .50      .75      .90      .95 
##     10.9     12.9     14.3     15.3     15.9 
## lowest : 6    6.1  6.2  6.3  6.4 , highest: 16.6 16.7 16.8 16.9 17  
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Performing re-categorization and re-grouping
# of factor variables
TBI$pupil   <- ifelse(TBI$d.pupil==9,NA,TBI$d.pupil)

TBI$motor     <- ifelse(is.na(TBI$d.motor),9,TBI$d.motor)
TBI$motor1  <- ifelse(TBI$motor==1,1,0)
TBI$motor2  <- ifelse(TBI$motor==2,1,0)
TBI$motor3  <- ifelse(TBI$motor==3,1,0)
TBI$motor4  <- ifelse(TBI$motor==4,1,0)
TBI$motor56 <- ifelse(TBI$motor==5 | TBI$motor==6,1,0)
TBI$motor9  <- ifelse(TBI$motor==9,1,0)
TBI$motorG  <- ifelse(TBI$motor1==1,5,
TBI$motorG  <- as.factor(TBI$motorG)

TBI$mort    <- ifelse(TBI$d.gos==1,1,ifelse(TBI$d.gos==6,NA,0))
TBI$deadveg <- ifelse(TBI$d.gos<3,1,ifelse(TBI$d.gos==6,NA,0))
TBI$unfav   <- ifelse(TBI$d.gos<4,1,ifelse(TBI$d.gos==6,NA,0))
TBI$good    <- ifelse(TBI$d.gos<5,1,ifelse(TBI$d.gos==6,NA,0))

TBI$ctclass2  <- ifelse(TBI$ctclass==2,1,0)
TBI$ctclass1  <- ifelse(TBI$ctclass==1,1,0)
TBI$ctclass34 <- ifelse(TBI$ctclass==3 | TBI$ctclass==4,1,0)
TBI$ctclass56 <- ifelse(TBI$ctclass==5 | TBI$ctclass==6,1,0)
TBI$ctclassr4 <- ifelse(TBI$ctclass1==1,2,
TBI$ctclassr4   <- as.factor(TBI$ctclassr4)
TBI$ctclassr3 <- ifelse(TBI$ctclass1==1 | TBI$ctclass2==1,1,
TBI$ctclassr3   <- as.factor(TBI$ctclassr3)

TBI.Analysis    <- TBI[,Cs(trial, 

names(TBI.Analysis) <- Cs(trial, 
                          mort  )
TBI.Analysis$cisterns <- ifelse(TBI.Analysis$cisterns>1,1,0)

TBI.Analysis$trial    <- as.factor(TBI.Analysis$trial)
TBI.Analysis$age      <- as.numeric(TBI.Analysis$age)
TBI.Analysis$hypoxia  <-as.factor(TBI.Analysis$hypoxia)
TBI.Analysis$hypotens <-as.factor(TBI.Analysis$hypotens)
TBI.Analysis$cisterns <-as.factor(TBI.Analysis$cisterns)
TBI.Analysis$shift    <-as.factor(TBI.Analysis$shift)
TBI.Analysis$tsah     <-as.factor(TBI.Analysis$tsah)
TBI.Analysis$edh      <-as.factor(TBI.Analysis$edh)
TBI.Analysis$pupil    <-as.factor(TBI.Analysis$pupil)
TBI.Analysis$motor    <-as.factor(TBI.Analysis$motor)
TBI.Analysis$ctclass  <-as.factor(TBI.Analysis$ctclass)
TBI.Analysis$d.sysbp  <-as.numeric(TBI.Analysis$d.sysbp)
TBI.Analysis$hb       <-as.numeric(TBI.Analysis$hb)
TBI.Analysis$glucose  <-as.numeric(TBI.Analysis$glucose)
TBI.Analysis$unfav    <-as.factor(TBI.Analysis$unfav)
TBI.Analysis$mort     <-as.factor(TBI.Analysis$mort)

## [1] 2159   16
## TBI.Analysis 
##  16  Variables      2159  Observations
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## trial 
##        n  missing distinct 
##     2159        0        2 
## Value         74    75
## Frequency   1118  1041
## Proportion 0.518 0.482
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## age 
##        n  missing distinct     Info     Mean      Gmd      .05      .10 
##     2159        0       64    0.999    33.21    15.17       17       18 
##      .25      .50      .75      .90      .95 
##       22       30       43       54       59 
## lowest : 14 15 16 17 18, highest: 74 75 76 77 79
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## hypoxia 
##        n  missing distinct 
##     1910      249        2 
## Value          0     1
## Frequency   1496   414
## Proportion 0.783 0.217
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## hypotens 
##        n  missing distinct 
##     2100       59        2 
## Value         0    1
## Frequency  1723  377
## Proportion 0.82 0.18
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## cisterns 
##        n  missing distinct 
##     1902      257        2 
## Value          0     1
## Frequency   1223   679
## Proportion 0.643 0.357
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## shift 
##        n  missing distinct 
##     1907      252        2 
## Value          0     1
## Frequency   1528   379
## Proportion 0.801 0.199
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## tsah 
##        n  missing distinct 
##     2063       96        2 
## Value          0     1
## Frequency   1077   986
## Proportion 0.522 0.478
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## edh 
##        n  missing distinct 
##     2121       38        2 
## Value          0     1
## Frequency   1852   269
## Proportion 0.873 0.127
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## pupil 
##        n  missing distinct 
##     2036      123        3 
## Value          1     2     3
## Frequency   1430   279   327
## Proportion 0.702 0.137 0.161
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## motor 
##        n  missing distinct 
##     2159        0        5 
## Value          1     2     3     4     5
## Frequency    870   627   369   279    14
## Proportion 0.403 0.290 0.171 0.129 0.006
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## ctclass 
##        n  missing distinct 
##     2134       25        3 
## Value          1     2     3
## Frequency    930   499   705
## Proportion 0.436 0.234 0.330
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## d.sysbp 
##        n  missing distinct     Info     Mean      Gmd      .05      .10 
##     2159        0     1566        1    131.4    17.61    107.0    112.2 
##      .25      .50      .75      .90      .95 
##    121.1    131.3    142.1    151.1    156.2 
## lowest : 60     64.19  65.6   71.33  73.71 , highest: 182.92 184.16 184.7  188.29 207.4 
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## hb 
##        n  missing distinct     Info     Mean      Gmd      .05      .10 
##     2135       24      130        1    12.47    2.809      7.7      8.8 
##      .25      .50      .75      .90      .95 
##     10.9     12.9     14.3     15.3     15.9 
## lowest : 6    6.1  6.2  6.3  6.4 , highest: 16.6 16.7 16.8 16.9 17  
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## glucose 
##        n  missing distinct     Info     Mean      Gmd      .05      .10 
##     2095       64      381        1    8.863    3.405    5.000    5.633 
##      .25      .50      .75      .90      .95 
##    6.700    8.200   10.400   13.056   15.350 
## lowest : 3       3.03    3.05556 3.2     3.44444
## highest: 19.5    19.5556 19.7778 19.8    20     
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## unfav 
##        n  missing distinct 
##     2159        0        2 
## Value          0     1
## Frequency   1308   851
## Proportion 0.606 0.394
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## mort 
##        n  missing distinct 
##     2159        0        2 
## Value          0     1
## Frequency   1656   503
## Proportion 0.767 0.233
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
##  trial          age        hypoxia     hypotens    cisterns     shift     
##  74:1118   Min.   :14.00   0   :1496   0   :1723   0   :1223   0   :1528  
##  75:1041   1st Qu.:22.00   1   : 414   1   : 377   1   : 679   1   : 379  
##            Median :30.00   NA's: 249   NA's:  59   NA's: 257   NA's: 252  
##            Mean   :33.21                                                  
##            3rd Qu.:43.00                                                  
##            Max.   :79.00                                                  
##    tsah        edh        pupil      motor   ctclass       d.sysbp     
##  0   :1077   0   :1852   1   :1430   1:870   1   :930   Min.   : 60.0  
##  1   : 986   1   : 269   2   : 279   2:627   2   :499   1st Qu.:121.1  
##  NA's:  96   NA's:  38   3   : 327   3:369   3   :705   Median :131.3  
##                          NA's: 123   4:279   NA's: 25   Mean   :131.4  
##                                      5: 14              3rd Qu.:142.1  
##                                                         Max.   :207.4  
##        hb           glucose       unfav    mort    
##  Min.   : 6.00   Min.   : 3.000   0:1308   0:1656  
##  1st Qu.:10.90   1st Qu.: 6.700   1: 851   1: 503  
##  Median :12.90   Median : 8.200                    
##  Mean   :12.47   Mean   : 8.863                    
##  3rd Qu.:14.30   3rd Qu.:10.400                    
##  Max.   :17.00   Max.   :20.000                    
##  NA's   :24      NA's   :64
# Formulating a data type assessment summary
PDA <- TBI.Analysis
(PDA.Summary <- data.frame(
  Column.Name= names(PDA), 
  Column.Type=sapply(PDA, function(x) class(x)), 
##    Column.Index Column.Name Column.Type
## 1             1       trial      factor
## 2             2         age     numeric
## 3             3     hypoxia      factor
## 4             4    hypotens      factor
## 5             5    cisterns      factor
## 6             6       shift      factor
## 7             7        tsah      factor
## 8             8         edh      factor
## 9             9       pupil      factor
## 10           10       motor      factor
## 11           11     ctclass      factor
## 12           12     d.sysbp     numeric
## 13           13          hb     numeric
## 14           14     glucose     numeric
## 15           15       unfav      factor
## 16           16        mort      factor

1.2 Data Quality Assessment

[A] Missing observations noted for 10 variables with NA.Count>0 and Fill.Rate<1.0.
     [A.1] hypoxia variable (factor) with NA.Count=249 and Fill.Rate=0.885
     [A.2] hypotens variable (factor) with NA.Count=59 and Fill.Rate=0.973
     [A.3] cisterns variable (factor) with NA.Count=257 and Fill.Rate=0.881
     [A.4] shift variable (factor) with NA.Count=252 and Fill.Rate=0.883
     [A.5] tsah variable (factor) with NA.Count=96 and Fill.Rate=0.956
     [A.6] edh variable (factor) with NA.Count=38 and Fill.Rate=0.982
     [A.7] pupil variable (factor) with NA.Count=123 and Fill.Rate=0.943
     [A.8] ctclass variable (factor) with NA.Count=25 and Fill.Rate=0.988
     [A.9] hb variable (numeric) with NA.Count=24 and Fill.Rate=0.989
     [A.10] glucose variable (numeric) with NA.Count=64 and Fill.Rate=0.970

[B] Low variance noted for 1 variable with First.Second.Mode.Ratio>5 or Unique.Count.Ratio<0.01.
     [B.1] edh variable (factor) with First.Second.Mode.Ratio=6.885

[C] No high skewness (Skewness>3 or Skewness<(-3)) noted for any variable.

Code Chunk | Output
# Loading dataset
DQA <- TBI.Analysis

# Listing all predictors
DQA.Predictors <- DQA[,names(DQA)]

# Formulating an overall data quality assessment summary
(DQA.Summary <- data.frame(
  Column.Name= names(DQA), 
  Column.Type=sapply(DQA, function(x) class(x)), 
  Row.Count=sapply(DQA, function(x) nrow(DQA)),
##    Column.Index Column.Name Column.Type Row.Count NA.Count Fill.Rate
## 1             1       trial      factor      2159        0     1.000
## 2             2         age     numeric      2159        0     1.000
## 3             3     hypoxia      factor      2159      249     0.885
## 4             4    hypotens      factor      2159       59     0.973
## 5             5    cisterns      factor      2159      257     0.881
## 6             6       shift      factor      2159      252     0.883
## 7             7        tsah      factor      2159       96     0.956
## 8             8         edh      factor      2159       38     0.982
## 9             9       pupil      factor      2159      123     0.943
## 10           10       motor      factor      2159        0     1.000
## 11           11     ctclass      factor      2159       25     0.988
## 12           12     d.sysbp     numeric      2159        0     1.000
## 13           13          hb     numeric      2159       24     0.989
## 14           14     glucose     numeric      2159       64     0.970
## 15           15       unfav      factor      2159        0     1.000
## 16           16        mort      factor      2159        0     1.000
# Listing all numeric predictors
DQA.Predictors.Numeric <- DQA.Predictors[,sapply(DQA.Predictors, is.numeric)]

if (length(names(DQA.Predictors.Numeric))>0) {
    print(paste0("There are ",
               " numeric predictor variable(s)."))
} else {
  print("There are no numeric predictor variables.")
## [1] "There are 4 numeric predictor variable(s)."
# Listing all factor predictors
DQA.Predictors.Factor <- DQA.Predictors[,sapply(DQA.Predictors, is.factor)]

if (length(names(DQA.Predictors.Factor))>0) {
    print(paste0("There are ",
               " factor predictor variable(s)."))
} else {
  print("There are no factor predictor variables.")
## [1] "There are 12 factor predictor variable(s)."
# Formulating a data quality assessment summary for factor predictors
if (length(names(DQA.Predictors.Factor))>0) {
  # Formulating a function to determine the first mode
  FirstModes <- function(x) {
    ux <- unique(na.omit(x))
    tab <- tabulate(match(x, ux))
    ux[tab == max(tab)]

  # Formulating a function to determine the second mode
  SecondModes <- function(x) {
    ux <- unique(na.omit(x))
    tab <- tabulate(match(x, ux))
    fm = ux[tab == max(tab)]
    sm = x[!(x %in% fm)]
    usm <- unique(sm)
    tabsm <- tabulate(match(sm, usm))
    usm[tabsm == max(tabsm)]
  (DQA.Predictors.Factor.Summary <- data.frame(
  Column.Name= names(DQA.Predictors.Factor), 
  Column.Type=sapply(DQA.Predictors.Factor, function(x) class(x)), 
  Unique.Count=sapply(DQA.Predictors.Factor, function(x) length(unique(x))),
  First.Mode.Value=sapply(DQA.Predictors.Factor, function(x) as.character(FirstModes(x)[1])),
  Second.Mode.Value=sapply(DQA.Predictors.Factor, function(x) as.character(SecondModes(x)[1])),
  First.Mode.Count=sapply(DQA.Predictors.Factor, function(x) sum(na.omit(x) == FirstModes(x)[1])),
  Second.Mode.Count=sapply(DQA.Predictors.Factor, function(x) sum(na.omit(x) == SecondModes(x)[1])),
  Unique.Count.Ratio=sapply(DQA.Predictors.Factor, function(x) format(round((length(unique(x))/nrow(DQA.Predictors.Factor)),3), nsmall=3)),
  First.Second.Mode.Ratio=sapply(DQA.Predictors.Factor, function(x) format(round((sum(na.omit(x) == FirstModes(x)[1])/sum(na.omit(x) == SecondModes(x)[1])),3), nsmall=3)),
##    Column.Name Column.Type Unique.Count First.Mode.Value Second.Mode.Value
## 1        trial      factor            2               74                75
## 2      hypoxia      factor            3                0                 1
## 3     hypotens      factor            3                0                 1
## 4     cisterns      factor            3                0                 1
## 5        shift      factor            3                0                 1
## 6         tsah      factor            3                0                 1
## 7          edh      factor            3                0                 1
## 8        pupil      factor            4                1                 3
## 9        motor      factor            5                1                 2
## 10     ctclass      factor            4                1                 3
## 11       unfav      factor            2                0                 1
## 12        mort      factor            2                0                 1
##    First.Mode.Count Second.Mode.Count Unique.Count.Ratio
## 1              1118              1041              0.001
## 2              1496               414              0.001
## 3              1723               377              0.001
## 4              1223               679              0.001
## 5              1528               379              0.001
## 6              1077               986              0.001
## 7              1852               269              0.001
## 8              1430               327              0.002
## 9               870               627              0.002
## 10              930               705              0.002
## 11             1308               851              0.001
## 12             1656               503              0.001
##    First.Second.Mode.Ratio
## 1                    1.074
## 2                    3.614
## 3                    4.570
## 4                    1.801
## 5                    4.032
## 6                    1.092
## 7                    6.885
## 8                    4.373
## 9                    1.388
## 10                   1.319
## 11                   1.537
## 12                   3.292
# Formulating a data quality assessment summary for numeric predictors
if (length(names(DQA.Predictors.Numeric))>0) {
  # Formulating a function to determine the first mode
  FirstModes <- function(x) {
    ux <- unique(na.omit(x))
    tab <- tabulate(match(x, ux))
    ux[tab == max(tab)]

  # Formulating a function to determine the second mode
  SecondModes <- function(x) {
    ux <- unique(na.omit(x))
    tab <- tabulate(match(x, ux))
    fm = ux[tab == max(tab)]
    sm = na.omit(x)[!(na.omit(x) %in% fm)]
    usm <- unique(sm)
    tabsm <- tabulate(match(sm, usm))
    usm[tabsm == max(tabsm)]
  (DQA.Predictors.Numeric.Summary <- data.frame(
  Column.Name= names(DQA.Predictors.Numeric), 
  Column.Type=sapply(DQA.Predictors.Numeric, function(x) class(x)), 
  Unique.Count=sapply(DQA.Predictors.Numeric, function(x) length(unique(x))),
  Unique.Count.Ratio=sapply(DQA.Predictors.Numeric, function(x) format(round((length(unique(x))/nrow(DQA.Predictors.Numeric)),3), nsmall=3)),
  First.Mode.Value=sapply(DQA.Predictors.Numeric, function(x) format(round((FirstModes(x)[1]),3),nsmall=3)),
  Second.Mode.Value=sapply(DQA.Predictors.Numeric, function(x) format(round((SecondModes(x)[1]),3),nsmall=3)),
  First.Mode.Count=sapply(DQA.Predictors.Numeric, function(x) sum(na.omit(x) == FirstModes(x)[1])),
  Second.Mode.Count=sapply(DQA.Predictors.Numeric, function(x) sum(na.omit(x) == SecondModes(x)[1])),
  First.Second.Mode.Ratio=sapply(DQA.Predictors.Numeric, function(x) format(round((sum(na.omit(x) == FirstModes(x)[1])/sum(na.omit(x) == SecondModes(x)[1])),3), nsmall=3)),
  Minimum=sapply(DQA.Predictors.Numeric, function(x) format(round(min(x,na.rm = TRUE),3), nsmall=3)),
  Mean=sapply(DQA.Predictors.Numeric, function(x) format(round(mean(x,na.rm = TRUE),3), nsmall=3)),
  Median=sapply(DQA.Predictors.Numeric, function(x) format(round(median(x,na.rm = TRUE),3), nsmall=3)),
  Maximum=sapply(DQA.Predictors.Numeric, function(x) format(round(max(x,na.rm = TRUE),3), nsmall=3)),
  Skewness=sapply(DQA.Predictors.Numeric, function(x) format(round(moments::skewness(x,na.rm = TRUE),3), nsmall=3)),
  Kurtosis=sapply(DQA.Predictors.Numeric, function(x) format(round(moments::kurtosis(x,na.rm = TRUE),3), nsmall=3)),
  Percentile25th=sapply(DQA.Predictors.Numeric, function(x) format(round(quantile(x,probs=0.25,na.rm = TRUE),3), nsmall=3)),
  Percentile75th=sapply(DQA.Predictors.Numeric, function(x) format(round(quantile(x,probs=0.75,na.rm = TRUE),3), nsmall=3)),
##   Column.Name Column.Type Unique.Count Unique.Count.Ratio First.Mode.Value
## 1         age     numeric           64              0.030           21.000
## 2     d.sysbp     numeric         1566              0.725          130.000
## 3          hb     numeric          131              0.061           13.900
## 4     glucose     numeric          382              0.177           20.000
##   Second.Mode.Value First.Mode.Count Second.Mode.Count First.Second.Mode.Ratio
## 1            19.000              104               100                   1.040
## 2           120.000                9                 8                   1.125
## 3            13.600               47                43                   1.093
## 4             6.500               29                27                   1.074
##   Minimum    Mean  Median Maximum Skewness Kurtosis Percentile25th
## 1  14.000  33.211  30.000  79.000    0.721    2.585         22.000
## 2  60.000 131.430 131.280 207.400   -0.022    3.982        121.085
## 3   6.000  12.468  12.900  17.000   -0.619    2.786         10.900
## 4   3.000   8.863   8.200  20.000    1.192    4.727          6.700
##   Percentile75th
## 1         43.000
## 2        142.060
## 3         14.300
## 4         10.400
# Identifying potential data quality issues

# Checking for missing observations
if ((nrow(DQA.Summary[DQA.Summary$NA.Count>0,]))>0){
  print(paste0("Missing observations noted for ",
               " variable(s) with NA.Count>0 and Fill.Rate<1.0."))
} else {
  print("No missing observations noted.")
## [1] "Missing observations noted for 10 variable(s) with NA.Count>0 and Fill.Rate<1.0."
##    Column.Index Column.Name Column.Type Row.Count NA.Count Fill.Rate
## 3             3     hypoxia      factor      2159      249     0.885
## 4             4    hypotens      factor      2159       59     0.973
## 5             5    cisterns      factor      2159      257     0.881
## 6             6       shift      factor      2159      252     0.883
## 7             7        tsah      factor      2159       96     0.956
## 8             8         edh      factor      2159       38     0.982
## 9             9       pupil      factor      2159      123     0.943
## 11           11     ctclass      factor      2159       25     0.988
## 13           13          hb     numeric      2159       24     0.989
## 14           14     glucose     numeric      2159       64     0.970
# Checking for zero or near-zero variance predictors
if (length(names(DQA.Predictors.Factor))==0) {
  print("No factor predictors noted.")
} else if (nrow(DQA.Predictors.Factor.Summary[as.numeric(as.character(DQA.Predictors.Factor.Summary$First.Second.Mode.Ratio))>5,])>0){
  print(paste0("Low variance observed for ",
               " factor variable(s) with First.Second.Mode.Ratio>5."))
} else {
  print("No low variance factor predictors due to high first-second mode ratio noted.")
## [1] "Low variance observed for 1 factor variable(s) with First.Second.Mode.Ratio>5."
##   Column.Name Column.Type Unique.Count First.Mode.Value Second.Mode.Value
## 7         edh      factor            3                0                 1
##   First.Mode.Count Second.Mode.Count Unique.Count.Ratio First.Second.Mode.Ratio
## 7             1852               269              0.001                   6.885
if (length(names(DQA.Predictors.Numeric))==0) {
  print("No numeric predictors noted.")
} else if (nrow(DQA.Predictors.Numeric.Summary[as.numeric(as.character(DQA.Predictors.Numeric.Summary$First.Second.Mode.Ratio))>5,])>0){
  print(paste0("Low variance observed for ",
               " numeric variable(s) with First.Second.Mode.Ratio>5."))
} else {
  print("No low variance numeric predictors due to high first-second mode ratio noted.")
## [1] "No low variance numeric predictors due to high first-second mode ratio noted."
if (length(names(DQA.Predictors.Numeric))==0) {
  print("No numeric predictors noted.")
} else if (nrow(DQA.Predictors.Numeric.Summary[as.numeric(as.character(DQA.Predictors.Numeric.Summary$Unique.Count.Ratio))<0.01,])>0){
  print(paste0("Low variance observed for ",
               " numeric variable(s) with Unique.Count.Ratio<0.01."))
} else {
  print("No low variance numeric predictors due to low unique count ratio noted.")
## [1] "No low variance numeric predictors due to low unique count ratio noted."
# Checking for skewed predictors
if (length(names(DQA.Predictors.Numeric))==0) {
  print("No numeric predictors noted.")
} else if (nrow(DQA.Predictors.Numeric.Summary[as.numeric(as.character(DQA.Predictors.Numeric.Summary$Skewness))>3 |
  print(paste0("High skewness observed for ",
  (nrow(DQA.Predictors.Numeric.Summary[as.numeric(as.character(DQA.Predictors.Numeric.Summary$Skewness))>3 |
  " numeric variable(s) with Skewness>3 or Skewness<(-3)."))
  DQA.Predictors.Numeric.Summary[as.numeric(as.character(DQA.Predictors.Numeric.Summary$Skewness))>3 |
} else {
  print("No skewed numeric predictors noted.")
## [1] "No skewed numeric predictors noted."

1.3 Missing Data Pattern Analysis Summary

1.3.1 Assessment using MISSCOMPARE

[A] The original dataset was reconstructed using the clean method from the missCompare package.
     [A.1] All observations and variables retained.
            [A.1.1] All variables were within the defined 50% observation fill rate or missingness ratio criterion.
            [A.1.2] All observation were within the defined 80% variable fill rate or missingness ratio criterion.
     [A.2] All 12 factor variables were converted to numeric variables.
     [A.3] All NA labels retained. No NA labels were re-coded.

[B] The missing data patterns were summarized using the get_data method from the missCompare package.
     [B.1] There were 1431/2159 (0.663) observations assessed as complete.
     [B.2] There were 1187/34544 (0.034) instances assessed as missing.
     [B.3] The cisterns variable (factor), shift variable (factor) and hypoxia variable (factor) contributed the most missing data.
     [B.4] There are 59 missing data patterns observed employing various combinations of the 16 variables.
     [B.5] The missing data patterns are clustered between the following variables:
            [B.5.1] cisterns variable (factor) and shift variable (factor) variables.
            [B.5.2] hb variable (numeric) and glucose variable (numeric) variables.
            [B.5.3] trash variable (factor) and edh variable (factor) variables.
            [B.5.4] hypoxia variable (factor) and hypotens (factor) variables.
            [B.5.5] pupil variable (factor) and ctclass variable (factor) variables.
     [B.6] Thresholding the minimum number of observations per distinct missing data pattern showed different percentages of observations retained:
            [B.6.1] With the minimum number of observations per distinct missing data pattern set to 5, 89% of observations are retained.
            [B.6.2] With the minimum number of observations per distinct missing data pattern set to 10, 81% of observations are retained.
            [B.6.3] With the minimum number of observations per distinct missing data pattern set to 20, 74% of observations are retained.

Code Chunk | Output
# Loading dataset
MDPA <- TBI.Analysis

# Reconstructing the dataset by :
# removing variables with fill rate > 0.50
# removing observations with NA ratio > 0.80
# converting factor variables to numeric variables
MDPA.Cleaned <- missCompare::clean(MDPA,

# Gathering the metadata using the reconstructed dataset
MDPA.Cleaned.Metadata <- missCompare::get_data(MDPA.Cleaned,
                                  matrixplot_sort = T,
                                  plot_transform = T)

# Gathering the number of complete cases
## [1] 1431
## [1] 2159
## [1] 16
## [1] 0.6628069
# Gathering the number of incomplete cases
## [1] 1187
##    trial      age  hypoxia hypotens cisterns    shift     tsah      edh 
##        0        0      249       59      257      252       96       38 
##    pupil    motor  ctclass  d.sysbp       hb  glucose    unfav     mort 
##      123        0       25        0       24       64        0        0
## [1] 0.03436197
##      trial        age    hypoxia   hypotens   cisterns      shift       tsah 
## 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.11533117 0.02732747 0.11903659 0.11672070 0.04446503 
##        edh      pupil      motor    ctclass    d.sysbp         hb    glucose 
## 0.01760074 0.05697082 0.00000000 0.01157943 0.00000000 0.01111626 0.02964335 
##      unfav       mort 
## 0.00000000 0.00000000
# Gathering the missing data patterns


##                 trial          age       hypoxia      hypotens      cisterns
## trial     1.000000000 -0.030651416  1.656750e-01  0.1050912318  0.0090874012
## age      -0.030651416  1.000000000  1.031147e-03  0.0797683643  0.0513284240
## hypoxia   0.165675039  0.001031147  1.000000e+00  0.2323622569  0.0460174467
## hypotens  0.105091232  0.079768364  2.323623e-01  1.0000000000  0.0004308286
## cisterns  0.009087401  0.051328424  4.601745e-02  0.0004308286  1.0000000000
## shift    -0.065358546  0.104812735  4.487131e-20 -0.0549581210  0.4585598379
## tsah     -0.097721950  0.174014741  1.627862e-02 -0.0075673746  0.0329649255
## edh      -0.119425686  0.002670862 -4.682238e-02 -0.0770647036  0.0237954129
## pupil     0.088381902  0.016622292  1.438070e-01  0.1137020246  0.1464712963
## motor    -0.051699973 -0.008694701  1.885604e-01  0.0656417934  0.1168144834
## ctclass  -0.015770576  0.153012007  1.850571e-02 -0.0194182715  0.2788307306
## d.sysbp   0.087643656  0.012554957 -1.094494e-01 -0.2634324171 -0.0114882127
## hb        0.227845969 -0.031832004 -5.386741e-02 -0.2705358063 -0.0417687110
## glucose   0.090165100  0.069076332  1.619970e-01  0.1994708499  0.0498702817
## unfav    -0.029068950  0.208375143  1.742552e-01  0.1776370570  0.1396093897
## mort     -0.038439923  0.153665440  1.414791e-01  0.1666659119  0.1424181948
##                  shift         tsah          edh       pupil        motor
## trial    -6.535855e-02 -0.097721950 -0.119425686  0.08838190 -0.051699973
## age       1.048127e-01  0.174014741  0.002670862  0.01662229 -0.008694701
## hypoxia   4.487131e-20  0.016278621 -0.046822378  0.14380701  0.188560393
## hypotens -5.495812e-02 -0.007567375 -0.077064704  0.11370202  0.065641793
## cisterns  4.585598e-01  0.032964926  0.023795413  0.14647130  0.116814483
## shift     1.000000e+00  0.090218463  0.041278708  0.09772835  0.088389352
## tsah      9.021846e-02  1.000000000 -0.010786454  0.14788861  0.116778650
## edh       4.127871e-02 -0.010786454  1.000000000 -0.02558442 -0.046758976
## pupil     9.772835e-02  0.147888607 -0.025584420  1.00000000  0.381055618
## motor     8.838935e-02  0.116778650 -0.046758976  0.38105562  1.000000000
## ctclass   2.793684e-01  0.191225179  0.296787667  0.21786366  0.167952008
## d.sysbp   9.615297e-03 -0.022296366 -0.015739545 -0.08779228 -0.123171876
## hb       -3.378804e-02  0.030632398 -0.019653199 -0.08586573 -0.064731488
## glucose   2.573764e-02  0.102781495 -0.001029329  0.18136723  0.128402858
## unfav     1.340827e-01  0.249226529 -0.065700956  0.31905926  0.353979268
## mort      1.612055e-01  0.229655718 -0.061375715  0.25297999  0.267972519
##               ctclass      d.sysbp           hb      glucose       unfav
## trial    -0.015770576  0.087643656  0.227845969  0.090165100 -0.02906895
## age       0.153012007  0.012554957 -0.031832004  0.069076332  0.20837514
## hypoxia   0.018505712 -0.109449414 -0.053867408  0.161996976  0.17425522
## hypotens -0.019418271 -0.263432417 -0.270535806  0.199470850  0.17763706
## cisterns  0.278830731 -0.011488213 -0.041768711  0.049870282  0.13960939
## shift     0.279368362  0.009615297 -0.033788043  0.025737640  0.13408269
## tsah      0.191225179 -0.022296366  0.030632398  0.102781495  0.24922653
## edh       0.296787667 -0.015739545 -0.019653199 -0.001029329 -0.06570096
## pupil     0.217863665 -0.087792278 -0.085865732  0.181367225  0.31905926
## motor     0.167952008 -0.123171876 -0.064731488  0.128402858  0.35397927
## ctclass   1.000000000 -0.015114873 -0.000441974  0.123201094  0.24639544
## d.sysbp  -0.015114873  1.000000000  0.195736194 -0.125362570 -0.09119451
## hb       -0.000441974  0.195736194  1.000000000 -0.134613174 -0.15508193
## glucose   0.123201094 -0.125362570 -0.134613174  1.000000000  0.22878822
## unfav     0.246395438 -0.091194506 -0.155081925  0.228788217  1.00000000
## mort      0.222675184 -0.178138387 -0.162844394  0.229159186  0.68327089
##                 mort
## trial    -0.03843992
## age       0.15366544
## hypoxia   0.14147910
## hypotens  0.16666591
## cisterns  0.14241819
## shift     0.16120554
## tsah      0.22965572
## edh      -0.06137571
## pupil     0.25297999
## motor     0.26797252
## ctclass   0.22267518
## d.sysbp  -0.17813839
## hb       -0.16284439
## glucose   0.22915919
## unfav     0.68327089
## mort      1.00000000
##      trial age hypoxia hypotens cisterns shift tsah edh pupil motor ctclass
## 1431     1   1       1        1        1     1    1   1     1     1       1
## 5        1   1       1        1        0     1    1   1     1     1       1
## 1        1   1       1        1        1     0    1   1     1     1       1
## 200      1   1       1        1        0     0    1   1     1     1       1
## 157      1   1       0        1        1     1    1   1     1     1       1
## 12       1   1       0        1        0     0    1   1     1     1       1
## 82       1   1       1        1        1     1    1   1     0     1       1
## 12       1   1       1        1        0     0    1   1     0     1       1
## 10       1   1       0        1        1     1    1   1     0     1       1
## 1        1   1       0        1        0     1    1   1     0     1       1
## 42       1   1       1        1        1     1    0   1     1     1       1
## 9        1   1       1        1        0     0    0   1     1     1       1
## 11       1   1       0        1        1     1    0   1     1     1       1
## 5        1   1       1        1        1     1    0   1     0     1       1
## 34       1   1       1        1        1     1    1   1     1     1       1
## 8        1   1       0        1        1     1    1   1     1     1       1
## 2        1   1       1        1        1     1    1   1     0     1       1
## 2        1   1       1        1        1     1    0   1     1     1       1
## 10       1   1       1        0        1     1    1   1     1     1       1
## 27       1   1       0        0        1     1    1   1     1     1       1
## 2        1   1       0        0        0     0    1   1     1     1       1
## 3        1   1       0        0        1     1    1   1     0     1       1
## 2        1   1       1        0        1     1    0   1     1     1       1
## 2        1   1       0        0        1     1    0   1     1     1       1
## 3        1   1       1        0        1     1    1   1     1     1       1
## 1        1   1       0        0        1     1    1   1     1     1       1
## 1        1   1       0        0        1     1    0   1     1     1       1
## 7        1   1       1        1        1     1    1   0     1     1       1
## 3        1   1       1        1        0     0    1   0     1     1       1
## 3        1   1       0        1        1     1    1   0     1     1       1
## 1        1   1       1        1        1     1    1   0     0     1       1
## 1        1   1       0        1        1     1    1   0     0     1       1
## 10       1   1       1        1        1     1    0   0     1     1       1
## 4        1   1       1        1        0     0    0   0     1     1       1
## 1        1   1       0        1        1     1    0   0     1     1       1
## 1        1   1       1        1        1     1    0   0     0     1       1
## 1        1   1       0        1        1     1    0   0     1     1       1
## 1        1   1       1        0        1     1    1   0     1     1       1
## 1        1   1       0        0        1     1    1   0     1     1       1
## 1        1   1       1        0        1     1    0   0     1     1       1
## 11       1   1       1        1        1     1    1   1     1     1       0
## 2        1   1       1        1        0     0    1   1     1     1       0
## 4        1   1       0        1        1     1    1   1     1     1       0
## 3        1   1       1        1        1     1    1   1     0     1       0
## 1        1   1       1        0        1     1    1   1     1     1       0
## 1        1   1       1        0        0     0    1   1     1     1       0
## 1        1   1       1        1        1     1    1   0     1     1       0
## 2        1   1       1        1        1     1    0   0     1     1       0
## 5        1   1       1        1        1     1    1   1     1     1       1
## 4        1   1       1        1        0     0    1   1     1     1       1
## 1        1   1       1        1        1     1    1   1     0     1       1
## 7        1   1       1        1        1     1    1   1     1     1       1
## 1        1   1       1        1        0     0    1   1     1     1       1
## 1        1   1       0        1        1     1    1   1     1     1       1
## 1        1   1       1        1        0     0    1   1     0     1       1
## 1        1   1       1        1        1     1    0   1     1     1       1
## 2        1   1       0        0        1     1    1   1     1     1       1
## 1        1   1       1        0        1     1    0   1     1     1       1
##          0   0     249       59      257   252   96  38   123     0      25
##      d.sysbp hb glucose unfav mort
## 1431       1  1       1     1    1
## 5          1  1       1     1    1
## 1          1  1       1     1    1
## 200        1  1       1     1    1
## 157        1  1       1     1    1
## 12         1  1       1     1    1
## 82         1  1       1     1    1
## 12         1  1       1     1    1
## 10         1  1       1     1    1
## 1          1  1       1     1    1
## 42         1  1       1     1    1
## 9          1  1       1     1    1
## 11         1  1       1     1    1
## 5          1  1       1     1    1
## 34         1  1       0     1    1
## 8          1  1       0     1    1
## 2          1  1       0     1    1
## 2          1  1       0     1    1
## 10         1  1       1     1    1
## 27         1  1       1     1    1
## 2          1  1       1     1    1
## 3          1  1       1     1    1
## 2          1  1       1     1    1
## 2          1  1       1     1    1
## 3          1  1       0     1    1
## 1          1  1       0     1    1
## 1          1  1       0     1    1
## 7          1  1       1     1    1
## 3          1  1       1     1    1
## 3          1  1       1     1    1
## 1          1  1       1     1    1
## 1          1  1       1     1    1
## 10         1  1       1     1    1
## 4          1  1       1     1    1
## 1          1  1       1     1    1
## 1          1  1       1     1    1
## 1          1  1       0     1    1
## 1          1  1       1     1    1
## 1          1  1       1     1    1
## 1          1  1       1     1    1
## 11         1  1       1     1    1
## 2          1  1       1     1    1
## 4          1  1       1     1    1
## 3          1  1       1     1    1
## 1          1  1       1     1    1
## 1          1  1       1     1    1
## 1          1  1       1     1    1
## 2          1  1       1     1    1
## 5          1  0       1     1    1
## 4          1  0       1     1    1
## 1          1  0       1     1    1
## 7          1  0       0     1    1
## 1          1  0       0     1    1
## 1          1  0       0     1    1
## 1          1  0       0     1    1
## 1          1  0       0     1    1
## 2          1  0       1     1    1
## 1          1  0       0     1    1
##            0 24      64     0    0
## [1] 59 16
##                       trial           age      hypoxia     hypotens
## trial_is.na             NaN           NaN          NaN          NaN
## age_is.na               NaN           NaN          NaN          NaN
## hypoxia_is.na   0.003075342 -1.991261e-02          NaN -0.050871031
## hypotens_is.na -0.003139022  9.723747e-03 -0.070715627          NaN
## cisterns_is.na -0.020274316  5.403308e-03 -0.036463860  0.021305289
## shift_is.na    -0.012972969  2.893106e-03 -0.040060700  0.018044005
## tsah_is.na     -0.048171238  1.924787e-02 -0.067614722 -0.098680649
## edh_is.na       0.023420299  5.196470e-03 -0.043045790 -0.065097712
## pupil_is.na     0.037218347 -4.342998e-02 -0.030756342 -0.018479920
## motor_is.na             NaN           NaN          NaN          NaN
## ctclass_is.na  -0.008194874 -8.522036e-03 -0.005461126 -0.046146806
## d.sysbp_is.na           NaN           NaN          NaN          NaN
## hb_is.na       -0.039147773  2.245985e-05 -0.029832037 -0.002868117
## glucose_is.na   0.092140222  1.110012e-03 -0.005690478  0.003122214
## unfav_is.na             NaN           NaN          NaN          NaN
## mort_is.na              NaN           NaN          NaN          NaN
##                    cisterns        shift          tsah           edh
## trial_is.na             NaN          NaN           NaN           NaN
## age_is.na               NaN          NaN           NaN           NaN
## hypoxia_is.na   0.005132467 -0.037162241 -8.090368e-03  0.0209094526
## hypotens_is.na  0.019420226 -0.014558767 -9.092611e-04  0.0009040846
## cisterns_is.na          NaN  0.027979664  5.895326e-02 -0.0364386527
## shift_is.na    -0.030781323          NaN  4.920710e-02 -0.0351378312
## tsah_is.na      0.035616071 -0.016129896           NaN  0.0201143139
## edh_is.na       0.017911716  0.012064215  3.759542e-02           NaN
## pupil_is.na     0.032634364 -0.017689375 -2.970642e-02  0.0320063995
## motor_is.na             NaN          NaN           NaN           NaN
## ctclass_is.na   0.008762896  0.004581525 -6.719949e-05  0.0390176196
## d.sysbp_is.na           NaN          NaN           NaN           NaN
## hb_is.na       -0.029175385  0.007846099  4.863460e-03 -0.0128075625
## glucose_is.na  -0.042431688 -0.027251502 -1.925087e-02 -0.0167735791
## unfav_is.na             NaN          NaN           NaN           NaN
## mort_is.na              NaN          NaN           NaN           NaN
##                        pupil        motor      ctclass     d.sysbp          hb
## trial_is.na              NaN          NaN          NaN         NaN         NaN
## age_is.na                NaN          NaN          NaN         NaN         NaN
## hypoxia_is.na  -0.0383020501 -0.077961939 -0.018323675  0.06582073  0.02059243
## hypotens_is.na -0.0252221782 -0.029960226 -0.013411691  0.02261856 -0.02056744
## cisterns_is.na  0.0268112302  0.111893054 -0.006296335 -0.06654302  0.11436064
## shift_is.na     0.0192540664  0.105806117 -0.017223821 -0.06403836  0.12099795
## tsah_is.na     -0.0308960246 -0.041118410  0.002862034  0.07287370  0.06924227
## edh_is.na      -0.0298496078 -0.023869160  0.018298843  0.04278551  0.06563305
## pupil_is.na              NaN -0.028658751 -0.020254575  0.02318343  0.03887609
## motor_is.na              NaN          NaN          NaN         NaN         NaN
## ctclass_is.na  -0.0750312122 -0.023662963          NaN  0.01626310  0.06052439
## d.sysbp_is.na            NaN          NaN          NaN         NaN         NaN
## hb_is.na        0.0005132771 -0.003710246 -0.012940904  0.02107206         NaN
## glucose_is.na   0.0150930949 -0.020565988 -0.049791976  0.04466416  0.01725871
## unfav_is.na              NaN          NaN          NaN         NaN         NaN
## mort_is.na               NaN          NaN          NaN         NaN         NaN
##                     glucose        unfav        mort
## trial_is.na             NaN          NaN         NaN
## age_is.na               NaN          NaN         NaN
## hypoxia_is.na  -0.004860708 -0.002531656 -0.02054161
## hypotens_is.na  0.011223556  0.013113682  0.01173212
## cisterns_is.na -0.046590315  0.033074703  0.03341347
## shift_is.na    -0.045520597  0.024587698  0.02631154
## tsah_is.na     -0.088678630 -0.055916708 -0.04589547
## edh_is.na      -0.036218129 -0.021781268 -0.02622100
## pupil_is.na     0.010353762 -0.018474498 -0.02998735
## motor_is.na             NaN          NaN         NaN
## ctclass_is.na  -0.074101567 -0.063310212 -0.07348964
## d.sysbp_is.na           NaN          NaN         NaN
## hb_is.na       -0.008761202 -0.022962768 -0.03562051
## glucose_is.na           NaN -0.015499980 -0.01349823
## unfav_is.na             NaN          NaN         NaN
## mort_is.na              NaN          NaN         NaN

##   min_PDM_threshold perc_obs_retained
## 1                 5                89
## 2                10                81
## 3                20                74
## 4                50                60
## 5               100                49
## 6               200                 0
## 7               500                 0
## 8              1000                 0
## character(0)

1.3.2 Assessment using RBTEST

[A] The missing data mechanisms were summarized using the RBtest method from the RBtest package.
     [A.1] Variables assessed with Missing at Random (MAR) mechanism as evaluated against the trial variable (factor), age variable (numeric), motor variable (factor), d.sysbp variable (numeric), unfav variable (factor) and mort variable (factor) with complete observations :
            [A.1.1] hypoxia variable (factor)
            [A.1.2] cisterns variable (factor)
            [A.1.3] ctclass variable (factor)
     [A.2] Variables assessed with Missing Completely at Random (MCAR) mechanism as evaluated against the trial variable (factor), age variable (numeric), motor variable (factor), d.sysbp variable (numeric), unfav variable (factor) and mort variable (factor) with complete observations :
            [A.2.1] hypotens variable (factor)
            [A.2.2] shift variable (factor)
            [A.2.3] tsah variable (factor)
            [A.2.4] edh variable (factor)
            [A.2.5] pupil variable (factor)
            [A.2.6] hb variable (numeric)
            [A.2.7] glucose variable (numeric)

Code Chunk | Output
# Loading dataset
MDPA <- TBI.Analysis

# Testing the missingness mechanism using a regression-based approach
# MCAR (Missing Completely at Random) versus MAR (Missing at Random)
# for variables with missing data as evaluated against variables with complete observations
## $abs.nbrMD
##    trial      age  hypoxia hypotens cisterns    shift     tsah      edh 
##        0        0      249       59      257      252       96       38 
##    pupil    motor  ctclass  d.sysbp       hb  glucose    unfav     mort 
##      123        0       25        0       24       64        0        0 
## $rel.nbrMD
##    trial      age  hypoxia hypotens cisterns    shift     tsah      edh 
##     0.00     0.00     0.12     0.03     0.12     0.12     0.04     0.02 
##    pupil    motor  ctclass  d.sysbp       hb  glucose    unfav     mort 
##     0.06     0.00     0.01     0.00     0.01     0.03     0.00     0.00 
## $type
##    trial      age  hypoxia hypotens cisterns    shift     tsah      edh 
##       -1       -1        1        0        1        0        0        0 
##    pupil    motor  ctclass  d.sysbp       hb  glucose    unfav     mort 
##        0       -1        1       -1        0        0       -1       -1

1.4 Imputation Method Performance Comparison Summary

1.4.1 Evaluation using MISSCOMPARE

Random Replacement imputes missing values with random instances of the data. This method is typically used as a baseline method to which other imputations methods are compared from, but may not be appropriate to be applied in practice due to its inability to take into account any patterns or relationships in the data that may exist between the variable with missing values and other variables in the dataset. This can lead to imputed values that do not reflect reasonably plausible values for the missing data, potentially driving unstable and inaccurate estimates of relationships between variables.

Median / Mean Imptutation replaces missing value with the sample median / mean depending on the distribution of the data. This method is a fast and simple fix for the missing data. However, it will change the distributional shape, underestimate the variance, disturb the relations between variables, bias almost any estimate other than the median / mean and bias the estimate of the median / mean when data are not missing completely at random, especially when the missing values are large in number. This method can be slightly improved by stratifying data into subgroups.

Expectation-Maximization Principal Component Imputation is also referred to as iterative principal component method serving as a data matrix completion framework by generating a fixed structure having a low rank representation in a number of dimensions corrupted by noise which converge to a possible local maximum. The algorithm provides a good estimation of the principal component parameters when there are very strong correlations between variables and the number of missing values is very small. However, it may very rapidly suffers from overfitting problems when data are noisy and/or there are many missing values.

Regularized Iterative Principal Component Imputation applies regularization methods to the iterative principal component analysis algorithm to address the potential issue of overfitting. The imputation is carried out by simultaneously taking into account the similarities among individuals and relationships between variables. The algorithm involves setting the missing elements at initial values, conducting principal component methods on the imputed data set and filling in the missing values with the reconstruction formula using a predefined number of dimensions. All parameter estimation steps via principal components and missing value imputation using the fitted matrix are then iterated until convergence.

PPCA : Probabilistic Principal Component Analysis Imputation combines an expectation-maximization (EM) approach for principal component analysis (PCA) with a probabilistic model. The EM approach is based on the assumption that the latent variables as well as the noise are normally distributed. In standard PCA, data which is far from the training set but close to the principal subspace may have the same reconstruction error. The algorithm defines a likelihood function such that the likelihood for data far from the training set is much lower, even if they are close to the principal subspace. This allows to improve the estimation accuracy.

SVD : Singular Value Decomposition Imputation estimates the missing values as a linear combination of a number of most significant eigengenes. As SVD can only be performed on complete matrices, all missing values are initially replaced by 0. The algorithm works iteratively until the change in the estimated solution falls below a certain threshold. For each step, the eigengenes of the current estimate are calculated and used to determine a new estimate. Eigengenes denote the loadings if principal is performed considering variable as observations. An optimal linear combination is found by regressing the incomplete variable against the number of most significant eigengenes. If the value at a certain position is missing, the corresponding value of the eigengenes is not used when determining the regression coefficients.

BPCA : Bayesian Principal Component Analysis Imputation combines an expectation-maximization (EM) approach for principal component analysis (PCA) with a Bayesian model. In standard PCA, data far from the training set but close to the principal subspace may have the same reconstruction error. The algorithm defines a likelihood function such that the likelihood for data far from the training set is much lower, even if they are close to the principal subspace. Scores and loadings obtained with Bayesian PCA slightly differ from those obtained with conventional PCA. The algorithm does not force orthogonality between factor loadings, as a result factor loadings are not necessarily orthogonal. The difference between real and predicted Eigenvalues becomes larger when the number of observation is smaller, because it reflects the lack of information to accurately determine true factor loadings from the limited and noisy data. As a result, weights of factors to predict missing values are not the same as with conventional PCA, but the missing value estimation is improved. BPCA works iteratively requiring several matrix inversions. The size of the matrices to invert depends on the number of components used for re-estimation

NIPALS : Non-Linear Iterative Partial Least Squares computes PCA on a numeric matrix using the non-linear iterative partial least squares (NIPALS) algorithm which is an iterative approach for estimating the principal components, extracting them one at a time.

NLPCA : Non-Linear Principal Component Analysis Imputation implements artificial neural network (MLP) for performing non-linear principal component analysis (PCA). Non-linear PCA is conceptually similar to classical PCA but theoretically quite different. Instead of simply decomposing the matrix to scores, loadings and an error, a neural network is trained to find a curve through the multidimensional space that describes a much variance as possible. Classical ways of interpreting PCA results are thus not applicable to NLPCA since the loadings are hidden in the network. However, the scores of components that lead to low cross-validation errors can still be interpreted via the score plot.

MICE : Multivariate Imputation by Chained Equations as an imputation method is based on fully conditional specification, where each incomplete variable is imputed by a separate model. As a sequential regression imputation technique, the algorithm imputes an incomplete column (target column) by generating plausible synthetic values given other columns in the data. Each incomplete column must act as a target column, and has its own specific set of predictors. For predictors that are incomplete themselves, the most recently generated imputations are used to complete the predictors prior to prior to imputation of the target columns.

Iterative Multiple Imputation from Conditional Distributions performs multiple imputation for data with missing values by iteratively drawing imputed values from the conditional distribution for each variable given the observed and imputed values of the other variables in the data. The process approximates a Bayesian framework where multiple chains are run and convergence is assessed after a pre-specified number of iterations within each chain.

AMELIA : Multiple Imputation of Incomplete Multivariate Data creates a bootstrapped version of the original data, estimates the sufficient statistics (with priors if specified) by expectation-maximization on this bootstrapped sample, and then imputes the missing values of the original data using the estimated sufficient statistics. The algorithm repeats this process several times to produce the multiple complete datasets where the observed values are the same and the unobserved values are drawn from their posterior distributions.

Non-Parametric Missing Value Imputation Using Random Forest imputes missing values particularly in the case of mixed-type data such as continuous and/or categorical data including complex interactions and nonlinear relations. The algorithm yields an out-of-bag (OOB) imputation error estimate. After each iteration the difference between the previous and the new imputed data matrix is assessed for the continuous and categorical parts. The stopping criterion is defined such that the imputation process is stopped as soon as both differences have become larger once. In case of only one type of variable the computation stops as soon as the corresponding difference goes up for the first time.

AREG : Multiple Imputation using Additive Regression, Bootstrapping, and Predictive Mean Matching creates flexible additive imputation models by taking all aspects of uncertainty in the imputations into account by using the bootstrap to approximate the process of drawing predicted values from a full Bayesian predictive distribution. Different bootstrap resamples are used for each of the multiple imputations, a flexible additive model is fitted on a sample with replacement from the original data and this model is used to predict all of the original missing and non-missing values for the target variable.

K-Nearest Neighbors Imputation applies the variation of the Gower Distance for the imputation of numerical, categorical, ordered and semi-continuous variables.

Missing data imputation method evaluation:

[A] The performance of 16 missing data imputation methods were evaluated on the simulated dataset using the impute_simulated method from the missCompare package.
     [A.1] Method 1: Random replacement
     [A.2] Method 2: Median imputation
     [A.3] Method 3: Mean imputation
     [A.4] Method 4: missMDA Regularized
     [A.5] Method 5: missMDA EM
     [A.6] Method 6: pcaMethods PPCA
     [A.7] Method 7: pcaMethods svdImpute
     [A.8] Method 8: pcaMethods BPCA
     [A.9] Method 9: pcaMethods NIPALS
     [A.10] Method 10: pcaMethods NLPCA
     [A.11] Method 11: mice mixed
     [A.12] Method 12: mi Bayesian
     [A.13] Method 13: Amelia II
     [A.14] Method 14: missForest
     [A.15] Method 15: Hmisc aregImpute
     [A.16] Method 16: VIM kNN

[B] The missing data imputation methods from the missMDA and pcaMethods packages had the best MAE and RMSE performance.

[C] The missing data imputation methods from the mice, mi, Amelia, missForest, Hmisc and VIM packages had the best KS test performance.

[D] Due to the nature of the dataset containing both numeric and factor variables, the missing data imputation methods from the mice, Hmisc and VIM packages which offer more flexibility for mixed data types were chosen for the subsequent process.

Code Chunk | Output
# Loading dataset
MDIE <- TBI.Analysis

# Reconstructing the dataset by :
# removing variables with fill rate > 0.50
# removing observations with NA ratio > 0.80
# converting factor variables to numeric variables
MDIE.Cleaned <- missCompare::clean(MDIE,

# Gathering the metadata using the reconstructed dataset
MDIE.Cleaned.Metadata <- missCompare::get_data(MDIE.Cleaned,
                                  matrixplot_sort = T,
                                  plot_transform = T)

# Simulating a dataset using the metadata characteristics
# applying MCAR, MAR and MNAR mechanisms
MDIE.Simulated <- missCompare::simulate(rownum=MDIE.Cleaned.Metadata$Rows,

# Performing 16 imputation methods
# on the simulated dataset
# Method 1 : random replacement
# Method 2 : median imputation
# Method 3 : mean imputation
# Method 4 : missMDA Regularized
# Method 5 : missMDA EM
# Method 6 :  pcaMethods PPCA
# Method 7 :  pcaMethods svdImpute
# Method 8 :  pcaMethods BPCA
# Method 9 :  pcaMethods NIPALS
# Method 10 :  pcaMethods NLPCA
# Method 11 :  mice mixed
# Method 12 :  mi Bayesian
# Method 13 :  Amelia II
# Method 14 :  missForest
# Method 15 :  Hmisc aregImpute
# Method 16 :  VIM kNN

# Process parameters defined as follows :
# Minimum number of observations per distinct missing data pattern = 10
# Number of iterations = 1 (for illustration only, actual number should be set high in real applications)
MDIE.Simulated.Imputed <- missCompare::impute_simulated(rownum=MDIE.Cleaned.Metadata$Rows,
## [1] "random replacement imputation - in progress"
## [1] "Median imputation - in progress"
## [1] "Mean imputation - in progress"
## [1] "missMDA regularized imputation - in progress"
## [1] "missMDA EM imputation - in progress"
## [1] "pcaMethods PPCA imputation - in progress"
## [1] "pcaMethods svdImpute imputation - in progress"
## [1] "pcaMethods BPCA imputation - in progress"
## [1] "pcaMethods NIPALS imputation - in progress"
## [1] "pcaMethods NLPCA imputation - in progress"
## [1] "mice mixed imputation - in progress"
## [1] "mi imputation - in progress"
## [1] "Amelia II imputation - in progress"
## [1] "missForest imputation - in progress"
## [1] "Hmisc aregImpute imputation - in progress"
## [1] "VIM kNN imputation - in progress"
# Comparing the performance of the 16 imputation methods
# in terms of the process execution time
# per missing data mechanism

# Comparing the performance of the 16 imputation methods
# in terms of the root mean square error
# per missing data mechanism

# Comparing the performance of the 16 imputation methods
# in terms of the mean absolute error
# per missing data mechanism

# Comparing the performance of the 16 imputation methods
# in terms of the kolmogorov smirnov statistic
# per missing data mechanism

1.5 Missing Data Imputation and Post-Imputation Diagnostics

1.5.1 Imputation using MICE MIXED

Multivariate Imputation by Chained Equations as an imputation method is based on fully conditional specification, where each incomplete variable is imputed by a separate model. As a sequential regression imputation technique, the algorithm imputes an incomplete column (target column) by generating plausible synthetic values given other columns in the data. Each incomplete column must act as a target column, and has its own specific set of predictors. For predictors that are incomplete themselves, the most recently generated imputations are used to complete the predictors prior to prior to imputation of the target columns.

[A] The Multivariate Imputation by Chained Equations method from the mice package as implemented in the missCompare package showed:
     [A.1] Relatively poor data plausibility for the numeric variables in the imputed dataset as compared to the original dataset.
     [A.2] Relatively good data plausibility for the categorical variables in the imputed dataset as compared to the original dataset.
     [A.3] Consistent numeric variable clustering in the imputed dataset as compared to the original dataset.

Code Chunk | Output
# Loading dataset
MDIPID <- TBI.Analysis

# Performing missing data imputation
# on the original dataset using
# Method 11 :  mice mixed
# Process parameters defined as follows :
# Number of iterations = 3 (for illustration only, actual number should be set high in real applications)
MDIPID.Imputed.MiceMixed <- missCompare::impute_data(MDIPID,
## [1] "mice mixed imputation - in progress"
# Performing post-imputation diagnostics
# using Method 11 :  mice mixed
# Process parameters defined as follows :
# Number of bootstrap cycles = 5 (for illustration only, actual number should be set high in real applications)
MDIPID.Imputed.MiceMixed.Diagnostics <- missCompare::post_imp_diag(MDIPID,
# Comparing the histograms of the numeric variables
# between the imputed and original datasets
# from Method 11 :  mice mixed
## $age

## $d.sysbp

## $hb

## $glucose

# Comparing the box plots of the numeric variables
# between the imputed and original datasets
# from Method 11 :  mice mixed
## $age

## $d.sysbp

## $hb

## $glucose

# Comparing the summary statistics of the numeric variables
# between the imputed and original datasets
# from Method 11 :  mice mixed
## $age
## Mean_original   SD_original  Mean_imputed    SD_imputed Welch_ttest_P 
##      33.21121      13.57760            NA            NA            NA 
##       KS_test 
##            NA 
## $d.sysbp
## Mean_original   SD_original  Mean_imputed    SD_imputed Welch_ttest_P 
##     131.42962      15.85943            NA            NA            NA 
##       KS_test 
##            NA 
## $hb
## Mean_original   SD_original  Mean_imputed    SD_imputed Welch_ttest_P 
##   12.46761124    2.50332935   13.32916667    1.77040383    0.02686154 
##     KS_test.D 
##    0.19814598 
## $glucose
## Mean_original   SD_original  Mean_imputed    SD_imputed Welch_ttest_P 
##    8.86326120    3.19075643    8.98048611    3.16849310    0.77157338 
##     KS_test.D 
##    0.06303699
# Comparing the correlation plots of the numeric variables
# between the imputed and original datasets
# from Method 11 :  mice mixed

# Comparing the bar charts of the numeric variables
# between the imputed and original datasets
# from Method 11 :  mice mixed
## $trial

## $hypoxia

## $hypotens

## $cisterns

## $shift

## $tsah

## $edh

## $pupil

## $motor

## $ctclass

## $unfav

## $mort

# Comparing the cluster plot of the variables
# between the imputed and original datasets
# from Method 11 :  mice mixed


1.5.2 Imputation using HMISC AREGIMPUTE

AREG : Multiple Imputation using Additive Regression, Bootstrapping, and Predictive Mean Matching creates flexible additive imputation models by taking all aspects of uncertainty in the imputations into account by using the bootstrap to approximate the process of drawing predicted values from a full Bayesian predictive distribution. Different bootstrap resamples are used for each of the multiple imputations, a flexible additive model is fitted on a sample with replacement from the original data and this model is used to predict all of the original missing and non-missing values for the target variable.

[A] The Multiple Imputation Using Additive Regression method from the Hmisc package as implemented in the missCompare package showed:
     [A.1] Relatively poor data plausibility for the numeric variables in the imputed dataset as compared to the original dataset.
     [A.2] Relatively good data plausibility for the categorical variables in the imputed dataset as compared to the original dataset.
     [A.3] Consistent numeric variable clustering in the imputed dataset as compared to the original dataset.

Code Chunk | Output
# Loading dataset
MDIPID <- TBI.Analysis

# Performing missing data imputation
# on the original dataset using
# Method 15 :  Hmisc aregImpute
# Process parameters defined as follows :
# Number of iterations = 3 (for illustration only, actual number should be set high in real applications)
MDIPID.Imputed.HmiscAregImpute <- missCompare::impute_data(MDIPID,
## [1] "Hmisc aregImpute imputation - in progress"
# Performing post-imputation diagnostics
# Method 15 :  Hmisc aregImpute
# Process parameters defined as follows :
# Number of bootstrap cycles = 5 (for illustration only, actual number should be set high in real applications)
MDIPID.Imputed.HmiscAregImpute.Diagnostics <- missCompare::post_imp_diag(MDIPID,
# Comparing the histograms of the numeric variables
# between the imputed and original datasets
# from Method 15 :  Hmisc aregImpute
## $age

## $d.sysbp

## $hb

## $glucose

# Comparing the box plots of the numeric variables
# between the imputed and original datasets
# from Method 15 :  Hmisc aregImpute
## $age

## $d.sysbp

## $hb

## $glucose

# Comparing the summary statistics of the numeric variables
# between the imputed and original datasets
# from Method 15 :  Hmisc aregImpute
## $age
## Mean_original   SD_original  Mean_imputed    SD_imputed Welch_ttest_P 
##      33.21121      13.57760            NA            NA            NA 
##       KS_test 
##            NA 
## $d.sysbp
## Mean_original   SD_original  Mean_imputed    SD_imputed Welch_ttest_P 
##     131.42962      15.85943            NA            NA            NA 
##       KS_test 
##            NA 
## $hb
## Mean_original   SD_original  Mean_imputed    SD_imputed Welch_ttest_P 
##    12.4676112     2.5033293    12.8291667     2.1772498     0.4273850 
##     KS_test.D 
##     0.1156909 
## $glucose
## Mean_original   SD_original  Mean_imputed    SD_imputed Welch_ttest_P 
##    8.86326120    3.19075643    8.76217014    3.27316496    0.80831262 
##     KS_test.D 
##    0.06581891
# Comparing the correlation plots of the numeric variables
# between the imputed and original datasets
# from Method 15 :  Hmisc aregImpute

# Comparing the bar charts of the numeric variables
# between the imputed and original datasets
# from Method 15 :  Hmisc aregImpute
## $trial

## $hypoxia

## $hypotens

## $cisterns

## $shift

## $tsah

## $edh

## $pupil

## $motor

## $ctclass

## $unfav

## $mort

# Comparing the cluster plot of the variables
# between the imputed and original datasets
# from Method 15 :  Hmisc aregImpute


1.5.3 Imputation using VIM KNN

K-Nearest Neighbors Imputation applies the variation of the Gower Distance for the imputation of numerical, categorical, ordered and semi-continuous variables.

[A] The K-Nearest Neighbors Imputation method from the VIM package as implemented in the missCompare package showed:
     [A.1] Relatively good data plausibility for the numeric variables in the imputed dataset as compared to the original dataset.
     [A.2] Relatively poor data plausibility for the categorical variables in the imputed dataset as compared to the original dataset.
     [A.3] Consistent numeric variable clustering in the imputed dataset as compared to the original dataset.

Code Chunk | Output
# Loading dataset
MDIPID <- TBI.Analysis

# Performing missing data imputation
# on the original dataset using
# Method 16 :  VIM kNN
# Process parameters defined as follows :
# Number of iterations = 3 (for illustration only, actual number should be set high in real applications)
MDIPID.Imputed.VIMkNN <- missCompare::impute_data(MDIPID,
## [1] "VIM kNN imputation - in progress"
# Performing post-imputation diagnostics
# using Method 16 : VIM kNN
# Process parameters defined as follows :
# Number of bootstrap cycles = 5 (for illustration only, actual number should be set high in real applications)
MDIPID.Imputed.VIMkNN.Diagnostics <- missCompare::post_imp_diag(MDIPID,
# Comparing the histograms of the numeric variables
# between the imputed and original datasets
# from Method 16 : VIM kNN
## $age

## $d.sysbp

## $hb

## $glucose

# Comparing the box plots of the numeric variables
# between the imputed and original datasets
# from Method 16 : VIM kNN
## $age

## $d.sysbp

## $hb

## $glucose

# Comparing the summary statistics of the numeric variables
# between the imputed and original datasets
# from Method 16 : VIM kNN
## $age
## Mean_original   SD_original  Mean_imputed    SD_imputed Welch_ttest_P 
##      33.21121      13.57760            NA            NA            NA 
##       KS_test 
##            NA 
## $d.sysbp
## Mean_original   SD_original  Mean_imputed    SD_imputed Welch_ttest_P 
##     131.42962      15.85943            NA            NA            NA 
##       KS_test 
##            NA 
## $hb
## Mean_original   SD_original  Mean_imputed    SD_imputed Welch_ttest_P 
##   12.46761124    2.50332935   12.98958333    1.22669396    0.05223604 
##     KS_test.D 
##    0.22775176 
## $glucose
## Mean_original   SD_original  Mean_imputed    SD_imputed Welch_ttest_P 
##  8.8632612039  3.1907564349  8.1860677083  1.2654165421  0.0001742062 
##     KS_test.D 
##  0.2199806086
# Comparing the correlation plots of the numeric variables
# between the imputed and original datasets
# from Method 12 : VIM kNN

# Comparing the bar charts of the numeric variables
# between the imputed and original datasets
# from Method 16 : VIM kNN
## $trial

## $hypoxia

## $hypotens

## $cisterns

## $shift

## $tsah

## $edh

## $pupil

## $motor

## $ctclass

## $unfav

## $mort

# Comparing the cluster plot of the variables
# between the imputed and original datasets
# from Method 16 : VIM kNN


1.6 Consolidated Findings

[A] Post-imputation diagnostics showed more plausible estimates for the following algorithms in imputing missing categorical data:
     [A.1] Multivariate Imputation by Chained Equations (missCompare package)
     [A.2] Multiple Imputation using Additive Regression, Bootstrapping, and Predictive Mean Matching (missCompare package)

[B] Post-imputation diagnostics showed more plausible estimates for the following algorithm in imputing missing numeric data:
     [B.1] K-Nearest Neighbors Imputation (VIM package)

2. Summary

3. References

[Book] Clinical Prediction Models by Ewout Steyerberg
[Book] Flexible Imputation of Missing Data by Stef van Buuren
[Book] Introduction to Regression Methods for Public Health Using R by Ramzi Nahhas
[R Package] missCompare by Tibor Varga
[R Package] mice by Gerko Vink and Stef van Buuren
[R Package] miceRanger by Sam Wilson
[R Package] missMDA by Vincent Audigier
[R Package] VIM by Matthias Templ
[R Package] Amelia by James Honaker, Gary King and Matthew Blackwell
[R Package] pcaMethods by Wolfram Stacklies, Henning Redestig and Kevin Wright
[R Package] mi by Jon Kropko
[R Package] missForest by Daniel Stekhoven
[R Package] Hmisc by Frank Harrell
[R Package] RBtest by Serguei Rouzinov and Andre Berchtold
[R Package] Caret by Max Kuhn
[Article] Imputing Missing Data with R; MICE package by Michy Alice
[Article] A Complete Tutorial to missCompare by Tibor Varga
[Article] How Do I Perform Multiple Imputation Using Predictive Mean Matching In R? by UCLA Advanced Research Computing Group
[Article] A Solution to Missing Data: Imputation Using R by Chaitanya Sagar
[Article] Predictive Mean Matching Imputation (Theory & Example in R) by Joachim Schork
[Article] Imputation of Missing Values by Scikit-Learn Team
[Article] Imputation in R: Top 3 Ways for Imputing Missing Data by Dario Radecic
[Article] Data Imputation Techniques – An Introduction by Suraj RP
[Article] Missing Data Imputation Techniques in Machine Learning by Ajitesh Kumar
[Article] Types of Missing Data : MCAR, MAR, MNAR by Nayan
[Article] The NIPALS Algorithm by Kevin Wright
[Article] Missing Values by mixOmics Team
[Article] The MICE Algorithm by Sam Wilson
[Article] Nonlinear PCA Algorithm by Matthias Scholz
[Article] MICE Algorithm to Impute Missing Values in a Dataset by Bhuvaneswari Gopalan
[Article] Multivariate Imputation by Chained Equations by AMICES Team
[Article] Amelia II: A Program for Missing Data by James Honaker, Gary King and Matthew Blackwell
[Article] Using Amelia by James Honaker, Gary King and Matthew Blackwell
[Article] Missing Data | Types, Explanation, & Imputation by Pritha Bhandari
[Article] Estimating Missing Data with aregImpute() by R-Bloggers Team
[Article] Multiple Imputation using Additive Regression, Bootstrapping, and Predictive Mean Matching by Frank Harrell
[Article] The KNN Algorithm – Explanation, Opportunities, Limitations by Aymane Hachcham
[Article] A Guide To KNN Imputation For Handling Missing Values by Start-Tech Academy Team
[Article] KNN Imputation for Missing Values in Machine Learning by Charles Durfee
[Article] All About Random Forests And Handling Missing Values In Them by Manju Hariashok
[Article] How to Use Python and MissForest Algorithm to Impute Missing Data by Better Data Science Team
[Article] Bayesian PCA Missing Value Estimator for MATLAB by Shigeyuki Oba
[Article] Imputing Missing Values with SVD by CMDLineTips Team
[Article] EM Imputation and Missing Data: Is Mean Imputation Really So Terrible? by Karen Grace-Martin
[Publication] Handling Missing Values in Exploratory Multivariate Data Analysis Methods by François Husson and Julie Josse (Computer Science)
[Publication] EM Algorithms for PCA and SPCA by Sam Roweis (Computer Science)
[Publication] Missing Value Estimation Methods for DNA Microarrays by Olga Troyanskaya, Michael Cantor, Gavin Sherlock, Pat Brown, Trevor Hastie, Robert Tibshirani, David Botstein and Russ Altman (Bioinformatics)
[Publication] A Bayesian Missing Value Estimation Method for Gene Expression Profile Data by Shigeyuki Oba, Masa-aki Sato, Ichiro Takemasa, Morito Monden, Ken-ichi Matsubara and Shin Ishii (Bioinformatics)
[Publication] Soft Modelling by Latent Variables: The Non-Linear Iterative Partial Least Squares (NIPALS) Approach by Herman Wold (Journal of Applied Probability)
[Publication] Non-Linear PCA: A Missing Data Approach by Matthias Scholz, Fatma Kaplan, Charles Guy, Joachim Kopka, Joachim Selbig (Bioinformatics)
[Publication] Multiple Imputation of Discrete and Continuous Data by Fully Conditional Specification by Stef van Buuren (Statistical Methods in Medical Research)
[Publication] Amelia II: A Program for Missing Data by James Honaker, Gary King, and Matthew Blackwell (Journal of Statistical Software)
[Publication] MissForest — Non-Parametric Missing Value Imputation for Mixed-Type Data by Daniel Stekhoven and Peter Bühlmann (Bioinformatics)
[Publication] Random Forest Missing Data Algorithms by Fei Tang and Hemant Ishwaran (ASA Data Science Journal)
[Publication] Robust Likelihood-Based Analysis of Multivariate Data with Missing Values by Roderick Little and Hyonggin An (Statistica Sinica)
[Publication] Imputation with the R Package VIM by Alexander Kowarik and Matthias Templ (Journal of Statistical Software)