1. Table of Contents

This project explores the best practices when developing and evaluating prognostic models for clinical research using various helpful packages in R. The methods and results presented in the chapter entitled Case Study on Survival Analysis: Prediction of Cardiovascular Events using the Second Manifestations of Arterial Diseases (SMART) dataset from the book Clinical Prediction Models were replicated. The general requirements for the clinical study were defined including the formulation of the research question, intended application, outcome, predictors, study design, statistical model and sample size computation. The individual steps involved in model development were presented including the data quality assessment, predictor coding, data preprocessing, as well as the specification, selection, performance estimation, performance validation and presentation of the model used in the study. Additional details on model validity evaluation was also provided. All results were consolidated in a Summary presented at the end of the document.

Clinical Prediction Models estimate the risk of existing disease (diagnostic prediction model) or future outcome (prognostic prediction model) for an individual, which is conditional on the values of multiple predictors (prognostic or risk factors) such as clinicopathological characteristics and biomarkers. As an explicit and empirical approach to estimating probabilities or outcomes of a disease, these models relate to evidence-based medicine which aims to use the current best evidence in making decisions about the care of individual patients. Evidence-based medicine applies the scientific method to medical practice. Its laudable intentions are to make clinical practice more scientific and empirically grounded and thereby achieving safer, more consistent, and more cost-effective care.

Various guidelines such as the TRIPOD (Transparent Reporting of a Multivariable Prediction Model for Individual Prognosis Or Diagnosis), STARD (Standards for Reporting Diagnostic Accuracy Studies) and PROBAST (Prediction Model Risk of Bias Assessment Tool) have been formulated which aim to improve the transparency in the reporting of clinical research studies developing, validating, or updating multivariable prediction models, whether for diagnostic or prognostic purposes.

Multivariable prediction models fall into two broad categories: diagnostic and prognostic prediction models. In both the diagnostic and prognostic setting, probability estimates are commonly based on combining information from multiple predictors observed or measured from an individual. In a diagnostic model, multiple predictors (often referred to as diagnostic test results) are combined to estimate the probability that a certain condition or disease is present (or absent) at the moment of prediction. In a prognostic model, multiple predictors are combined to estimate the probability of a particular outcome or event (for example, mortality, disease recurrence, complication, or therapy response) occurring in a certain period in the future. In virtually all medical domains, diagnostic and prognostic multivariable (risk) prediction models are being developed, validated, updated, and implemented with the aim to assist doctors and individuals in estimating probabilities and potentially influence their decision making.

1.1 General Considerations

1.1.1 Research Question

The aim of the study was to develop a prediction model for long term outcome. Given the available follow-up, the yearly risks could be assessed reliably. Achieving adequate predictions was more prominent than insight in the predictor effects.

1.1.2 Intended Application

The intended application of the study was more toward clinical practice rather than experimental research - particularly on inpatient counseling where a high absolute risk might motivate patients to change inappropriate lifestyles and to comply with their medication regimens.

1.1.3 Outcome

The primary outcome was any cardiovascular event, comprised of cardiovascular death, non-fatal stroke, and non-fatal myocardial infarction. Combining different events was made to increase statistical power (which is a common approach for vascular research).

1.1.4 Predictors

The selection of predictors was motivated by characteristics included in the Framingham and SCORE models. The relationship with future events has also been established for several traditional risk factors, including hyperhomocysteinemia, intima-media thickness (IMT) and creatinine. Other candidate predictors were demographics (sex and age) and risk factors for vascular events in the general population (smoking, alcohol use, body mass index, diastolic and systolic blood pressure, lipids and diabetes). In addition, indicators of atherosclerosis were added as relevant predictors in the study including location of symptomatic vascular disease (cerebral, coronary, peripheral arterial disease or abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA)) and markers of the extent of atherosclerosis (homocysteine, creatinine, albumin, intima-media thickness (IMT) and presence of carotid artery stenosis).

1.1.5 Study Design

The study was designed as a prospective dynamic cohort study. Patients were enrolled when presenting at the hospital with follow-up starting from study inclusion.

1.1.6 Statistical Model

The default statistical model for survival outcomes - Cox proportional hazard regression model was used which was deemed appropriate for such a relatively short-term study as 5-year cumulative incidence of cardiovascular events.

1.1.7 Sample Size

With the minimum events per variable (EPV) generally targeted at 10 and having identified 29 candidate predictors, the study required at least 290 events gathered prospectively during the course of the study follow-up period.

1.2 Modelling Steps

1.2.1 Sample Data

The Second Manifestations of Arterial Diseases (SMART) dataset contained:

[A] 3873 rows (observations)

[B] 29 columns (variables)
     [B.1] 2/29 response = TEVENT variable (numeric) and EVENT variable (factor)
     [B.2] 27/29 predictors = All remaining variables (18/27 numeric + 9/27 factor)

[C] 460 recorded events resulting to an 11.88% event rate (460/3873). With 29 candidate predictors, the estimated events per variable (EPV) was equal to 16 which was sufficiently more than the minimum EPV requirement of 10.

Code Chunk | Output
# Loading R libraries

# Defining file paths
DATASETS_PATH <- file.path("datasets")

# Loading dataset
SMART <- read.spss(file.path("..", DATASETS_PATH, "SMARTst.sav"),

# Performing a general exploration of the dataset
## [1] 3873   29
##      TEVENT           EVENT             SEX             AGE       
##  Min.   :   0.1   Min.   :0.0000   Min.   :1.000   Min.   :19.00  
##  1st Qu.: 555.0   1st Qu.:0.0000   1st Qu.:1.000   1st Qu.:52.00  
##  Median :1213.0   Median :0.0000   Median :1.000   Median :60.00  
##  Mean   :1370.3   Mean   :0.1188   Mean   :1.252   Mean   :59.56  
##  3rd Qu.:2165.0   3rd Qu.:0.0000   3rd Qu.:2.000   3rd Qu.:68.00  
##  Max.   :3466.0   Max.   :1.0000   Max.   :2.000   Max.   :82.00  
##     DIABETES         CEREBRAL         CARDIAC            AAA        
##  Min.   :0.0000   Min.   :0.0000   Min.   :0.0000   Min.   :0.0000  
##  1st Qu.:0.0000   1st Qu.:0.0000   1st Qu.:0.0000   1st Qu.:0.0000  
##  Median :0.0000   Median :0.0000   Median :1.0000   Median :0.0000  
##  Mean   :0.2207   Mean   :0.2962   Mean   :0.5577   Mean   :0.1074  
##  3rd Qu.:0.0000   3rd Qu.:1.0000   3rd Qu.:1.0000   3rd Qu.:0.0000  
##  Max.   :1.0000   Max.   :1.0000   Max.   :1.0000   Max.   :1.0000  
##  NA's   :40                                                         
##      PERIPH          STENOSIS         SYSTBP         DIASTBP     
##  Min.   :0.0000   Min.   :0.000   Min.   : 96.0   Min.   : 46.0  
##  1st Qu.:0.0000   1st Qu.:0.000   1st Qu.:127.0   1st Qu.: 73.0  
##  Median :0.0000   Median :0.000   Median :139.0   Median : 79.0  
##  Mean   :0.2427   Mean   :0.191   Mean   :141.3   Mean   : 79.7  
##  3rd Qu.:0.0000   3rd Qu.:0.000   3rd Qu.:154.0   3rd Qu.: 86.0  
##  Max.   :1.0000   Max.   :1.000   Max.   :216.0   Max.   :127.0  
##                   NA's   :93      NA's   :1223    NA's   :1221   
##      SYSTH           DIASTH           LENGTH         WEIGHT         BMI       
##  Min.   : 79.0   Min.   : 45.00   Min.   :1.53   Min.   : 50   Min.   :18.70  
##  1st Qu.:126.0   1st Qu.: 75.00   1st Qu.:1.68   1st Qu.: 72   1st Qu.:24.11  
##  Median :140.0   Median : 82.00   Median :1.75   Median : 80   Median :26.30  
##  Mean   :142.2   Mean   : 82.44   Mean   :1.74   Mean   : 81   Mean   :26.70  
##  3rd Qu.:156.0   3rd Qu.: 90.00   3rd Qu.:1.80   3rd Qu.: 89   3rd Qu.:28.73  
##  Max.   :244.0   Max.   :136.00   Max.   :1.94   Max.   :124   Max.   :39.80  
##  NA's   :1498    NA's   :1499     NA's   :1      NA's   :2     NA's   :3      
##       CHOL            HDL            LDL             TRIG           HOMOC      
##  Min.   :2.800   Min.   :0.58   Min.   :1.100   Min.   :0.560   Min.   : 6.10  
##  1st Qu.:4.400   1st Qu.:0.96   1st Qu.:2.390   1st Qu.:1.120   1st Qu.:10.32  
##  Median :5.100   Median :1.17   Median :3.060   Median :1.540   Median :12.80  
##  Mean   :5.191   Mean   :1.23   Mean   :3.144   Mean   :1.854   Mean   :13.84  
##  3rd Qu.:5.900   3rd Qu.:1.42   3rd Qu.:3.830   3rd Qu.:2.230   3rd Qu.:15.70  
##  Max.   :9.400   Max.   :2.51   Max.   :6.600   Max.   :8.960   Max.   :38.30  
##  NA's   :18      NA's   :30     NA's   :216     NA's   :28      NA's   :463    
##       GLUT            CREAT             IMT            albumin     
##  Min.   : 4.300   Min.   : 54.00   Min.   :0.4700   Min.   :1.000  
##  1st Qu.: 5.300   1st Qu.: 78.00   1st Qu.:0.7500   1st Qu.:1.000  
##  Median : 5.700   Median : 89.00   Median :0.8800   Median :1.000  
##  Mean   : 6.333   Mean   : 98.39   Mean   :0.9346   Mean   :1.241  
##  3rd Qu.: 6.500   3rd Qu.:101.00   3rd Qu.:1.0700   3rd Qu.:1.000  
##  Max.   :18.700   Max.   :825.00   Max.   :1.8300   Max.   :3.000  
##  NA's   :19       NA's   :17       NA's   :98       NA's   :207    
##     SMOKING         packyrs          alcohol     
##  Min.   :1.000   Min.   :  0.00   Min.   :1.000  
##  1st Qu.:2.000   1st Qu.:  5.90   1st Qu.:2.000  
##  Median :2.000   Median : 19.50   Median :3.000  
##  Mean   :1.935   Mean   : 22.62   Mean   :2.504  
##  3rd Qu.:2.000   3rd Qu.: 34.20   3rd Qu.:3.000  
##  Max.   :3.000   Max.   :120.00   Max.   :3.000  
##  NA's   :25      NA's   :21       NA's   :25
##  29  Variables      3873  Observations
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
##        n  missing distinct     Info     Mean      Gmd      .05      .10 
##     3873        0     1934        1     1370     1078     98.6    197.0 
##      .25      .50      .75      .90      .95 
##    555.0   1213.0   2165.0   2762.4   3017.4 
## lowest : 0.1  1    2    3    4   , highest: 3451 3452 3463 3465 3466
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
##        n  missing distinct     Info      Sum     Mean      Gmd 
##     3873        0        2    0.314      460   0.1188   0.2094 
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## SEX 
##        n  missing distinct     Info     Mean      Gmd 
##     3873        0        2    0.565    1.252   0.3771 
## Value          1     2
## Frequency   2897   976
## Proportion 0.748 0.252
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## AGE 
##        n  missing distinct     Info     Mean      Gmd      .05      .10 
##     3873        0       62    0.999    59.56    11.94       41       46 
##      .25      .50      .75      .90      .95 
##       52       60       68       73       76 
## lowest : 19 20 23 24 25, highest: 78 79 80 81 82
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
##        n  missing distinct     Info      Sum     Mean      Gmd 
##     3833       40        2    0.516      846   0.2207   0.3441 
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
##        n  missing distinct     Info      Sum     Mean      Gmd 
##     3873        0        2    0.625     1147   0.2962    0.417 
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
##        n  missing distinct     Info      Sum     Mean      Gmd 
##     3873        0        2     0.74     2160   0.5577   0.4935 
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## AAA 
##        n  missing distinct     Info      Sum     Mean      Gmd 
##     3873        0        2    0.288      416   0.1074   0.1918 
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
##        n  missing distinct     Info      Sum     Mean      Gmd 
##     3873        0        2    0.551      940   0.2427   0.3677 
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
##        n  missing distinct     Info      Sum     Mean      Gmd 
##     3780       93        2    0.464      722    0.191   0.3091 
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
##        n  missing distinct     Info     Mean      Gmd      .05      .10 
##     2650     1223      114        1    141.3    22.41      112      117 
##      .25      .50      .75      .90      .95 
##      127      139      154      169      178 
## lowest :  96  97  98  99 100, highest: 206 209 211 212 216
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
##        n  missing distinct     Info     Mean      Gmd      .05      .10 
##     2652     1221       70    0.999     79.7    11.03       65       68 
##      .25      .50      .75      .90      .95 
##       73       79       86       93       97 
## lowest :  46  48  52  53  54, highest: 117 118 120 124 127
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
##        n  missing distinct     Info     Mean      Gmd      .05      .10 
##     2375     1498      132        1    142.2    24.91    110.0    116.0 
##      .25      .50      .75      .90      .95 
##    126.0    140.0    156.0    172.0    182.3 
## lowest :  79  88  91  93  94, highest: 222 223 228 242 244
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
##        n  missing distinct     Info     Mean      Gmd      .05      .10 
##     2374     1499       77    0.999    82.44    13.22       64       68 
##      .25      .50      .75      .90      .95 
##       75       82       90       98      103 
## lowest :  45  49  50  52  53, highest: 123 125 126 130 136
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
##        n  missing distinct     Info     Mean      Gmd      .05      .10 
##     3872        1       42    0.999     1.74  0.09863     1.59     1.62 
##      .25      .50      .75      .90      .95 
##     1.68     1.75     1.80     1.85     1.88 
## lowest : 1.53 1.54 1.55 1.56 1.57, highest: 1.9  1.91 1.92 1.93 1.94
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
##        n  missing distinct     Info     Mean      Gmd      .05      .10 
##     3871        2       75    0.999       81    15.41       59       64 
##      .25      .50      .75      .90      .95 
##       72       80       89       99      104 
## lowest :  50  51  52  53  54, highest: 120 121 122 123 124
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## BMI 
##        n  missing distinct     Info     Mean      Gmd      .05      .10 
##     3870        3      995        1     26.7    4.258    20.96    22.16 
##      .25      .50      .75      .90      .95 
##    24.11    26.30    28.73    31.86    33.90 
## lowest : 18.7  18.71 18.73 18.78 18.81, highest: 39.25 39.43 39.45 39.64 39.8 
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## CHOL 
##        n  missing distinct     Info     Mean      Gmd      .05      .10 
##     3855       18       65    0.999    5.191    1.283      3.5      3.8 
##      .25      .50      .75      .90      .95 
##      4.4      5.1      5.9      6.7      7.2 
## lowest : 2.8 2.9 3   3.1 3.2, highest: 8.8 8.9 9.1 9.2 9.4
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## HDL 
##        n  missing distinct     Info     Mean      Gmd      .05      .10 
##     3843       30      188        1     1.23   0.4025     0.74     0.82 
##      .25      .50      .75      .90      .95 
##     0.96     1.17     1.42     1.73     1.94 
## lowest : 0.58 0.59 0.6  0.61 0.62, highest: 2.46 2.47 2.48 2.49 2.51
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## LDL 
##        n  missing distinct     Info     Mean      Gmd      .05      .10 
##     3657      216      478        1    3.144     1.17    1.580    1.860 
##      .25      .50      .75      .90      .95 
##    2.390    3.060    3.830    4.550    4.982 
## lowest : 1.1  1.11 1.12 1.14 1.15, highest: 6.34 6.37 6.41 6.47 6.6 
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## TRIG 
##        n  missing distinct     Info     Mean      Gmd      .05      .10 
##     3845       28      461        1    1.854    1.095    0.760    0.880 
##      .25      .50      .75      .90      .95 
##    1.120    1.540    2.230    3.130    3.918 
## lowest : 0.56 0.57 0.58 0.59 0.6 , highest: 8.28 8.61 8.68 8.91 8.96
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
##        n  missing distinct     Info     Mean      Gmd      .05      .10 
##     3410      463      255        1    13.84    5.359     7.90     8.70 
##      .25      .50      .75      .90      .95 
##    10.33    12.80    15.70    19.90    23.85 
## lowest : 6.1  6.2  6.3  6.4  6.5 , highest: 35.5 35.9 36.1 37.1 38.3
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## GLUT 
##        n  missing distinct     Info     Mean      Gmd      .05      .10 
##     3854       19      125    0.998    6.333    1.701      4.8      5.0 
##      .25      .50      .75      .90      .95 
##      5.3      5.7      6.5      8.4     10.4 
## lowest : 4.3  4.4  4.5  4.6  4.7 , highest: 17.6 17.7 17.9 18   18.7
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
##        n  missing distinct     Info     Mean      Gmd      .05      .10 
##     3856       17      194        1    98.39    34.63    64.75    69.00 
##      .25      .50      .75      .90      .95 
##    78.00    89.00   101.00   118.00   138.25 
## lowest :  54  55  56  57  58, highest: 784 799 809 813 825
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## IMT 
##        n  missing distinct     Info     Mean      Gmd      .05      .10 
##     3775       98       99    0.999   0.9346   0.2879    0.600    0.650 
##      .25      .50      .75      .90      .95 
##    0.750    0.880    1.070    1.292    1.450 
## lowest : 0.47 0.48 0.5  0.52 0.53, highest: 1.77 1.78 1.8  1.82 1.83
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## albumin 
##        n  missing distinct     Info     Mean      Gmd 
##     3666      207        3    0.501    1.241   0.3919 
## Value          1     2     3
## Frequency   2897   655   114
## Proportion 0.790 0.179 0.031
## For the frequency table, variable is rounded to the nearest 0
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
##        n  missing distinct     Info     Mean      Gmd 
##     3848       25        3    0.643    1.935   0.4996 
## Value          1     2     3
## Frequency    693  2711   444
## Proportion 0.180 0.705 0.115
## For the frequency table, variable is rounded to the nearest 0
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## packyrs 
##        n  missing distinct     Info     Mean      Gmd      .05      .10 
##     3852       21      263    0.994    22.62    22.26      0.0      0.0 
##      .25      .50      .75      .90      .95 
##      5.9     19.5     34.2     50.4     62.0 
## lowest : 0   0.3 0.6 0.7 0.8, highest: 100 102 104 110 120
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## alcohol 
##        n  missing distinct     Info     Mean      Gmd 
##     3848       25        3     0.65    2.504   0.7353 
## Value          1     2     3
## Frequency    751   408  2689
## Proportion 0.195 0.106 0.699
## For the frequency table, variable is rounded to the nearest 0
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Performing re-categorization and re-grouping
# of factor variables
SMART$EVENT     <- as.factor(SMART$EVENT)
SMART$SEX       <- as.factor(SMART$SEX)
SMART$AAA       <- as.factor(SMART$AAA)
SMART$albumin   <- as.factor(SMART$albumin)
SMART$alcohol   <- as.factor(SMART$alcohol)

# Formulating a data type assessment summary
(PDA.Summary <- data.frame(
  Column.Name= names(PDA), 
  Column.Type=sapply(PDA, function(x) class(x)), 
##    Column.Index Column.Name Column.Type
## 1             1      TEVENT     numeric
## 2             2       EVENT      factor
## 3             3         SEX      factor
## 4             4         AGE     numeric
## 5             5    DIABETES      factor
## 6             6    CEREBRAL      factor
## 7             7     CARDIAC      factor
## 8             8         AAA      factor
## 9             9      PERIPH      factor
## 10           10    STENOSIS      factor
## 11           11      SYSTBP     numeric
## 12           12     DIASTBP     numeric
## 13           13       SYSTH     numeric
## 14           14      DIASTH     numeric
## 15           15      LENGTH     numeric
## 16           16      WEIGHT     numeric
## 17           17         BMI     numeric
## 18           18        CHOL     numeric
## 19           19         HDL     numeric
## 20           20         LDL     numeric
## 21           21        TRIG     numeric
## 22           22       HOMOC     numeric
## 23           23        GLUT     numeric
## 24           24       CREAT     numeric
## 25           25         IMT     numeric
## 26           26     albumin      factor
## 27           27     SMOKING      factor
## 28           28     packyrs     numeric
## 29           29     alcohol      factor

1.2.2 Data Quality Assessment

[A] Missing observations noted for 21 variables with NA.Count>0 and Fill.Rate<1.0.
     [A.1] DIABETES variable (factor) with NA.Count=40 and Fill.Rate=0.990
     [A.2] STENOSIS variable (factor) with NA.Count=93 and Fill.Rate=0.976
     [A.3] SYSTBP variable (numeric) with NA.Count=1223 and Fill.Rate=0.684
     [A.4] DIASTBP variable (numeric) with NA.Count=1221 and Fill.Rate=0.685
     [A.5] SYSTH variable (numeric) with NA.Count=1498 and Fill.Rate=0.613
     [A.6] DIASTH variable (numeric) with NA.Count=1499 and Fill.Rate=0.613
     [A.7] LENGTH variable (numeric) with NA.Count=1 and Fill.Rate=1.000
     [A.8] WEIGHT variable (numeric) with NA.Count=2 and Fill.Rate=0.999
     [A.9] BMI variable (numeric) with NA.Count=3 and Fill.Rate=0.999
     [A.10] CHOL variable (numeric) with NA.Count=18 and Fill.Rate=0.995
     [A.11] HDL variable (numeric) with NA.Count=30 and Fill.Rate=0.992
     [A.12] LDL variable (numeric) with NA.Count=216 and Fill.Rate=0.944
     [A.13] TRIG variable (numeric) with NA.Count=28 and Fill.Rate=0.993
     [A.14] HOMOC variable (numeric) with NA.Count=463 and Fill.Rate=0.880
     [A.15] GLUT variable (numeric) with NA.Count=19 and Fill.Rate=0.995
     [A.16] CREAT variable (numeric) with NA.Count=17 and Fill.Rate=0.996
     [A.17] IMT variable (numeric) with NA.Count=98 and Fill.Rate=0.975
     [A.18] albumin variable (factor) with NA.Count=207 and Fill.Rate=0.947
     [A.19] SMOKING variable (factor) with NA.Count=25 and Fill.Rate=0.994
     [A.20] packyrs variable (numeric) with NA.Count=21 and Fill.Rate=0.995
     [A.21] alcohol variable (factor) with NA.Count=25 and Fill.Rate=0.994

[B] Low variance noted for 2 variables with First.Second.Mode.Ratio>5 or Unique.Count.Ratio<0.01.
     [B.1] AAA variable (factor) with First.Second.Mode.Ratio=8.310
     [B.2] packyrs variable (numeric) with First.Second.Mode.Ratio=16.595

[C] High skewness noted for 4 variables with Skewness>3 or Skewness<(-3).
     [C.1] TRIG variable (numeric) with Skewness=14.074
     [C.2] HOMOC variable (numeric) with Skewness=19.387
     [C.3] GLUT variable (numeric) with Skewness=3.251
     [C.4] CREAT variable (numeric) with Skewness=9.927

Code Chunk | Output
# Loading dataset

# Listing all predictors
DQA.Predictors <- DQA[,!names(DQA) %in% c("TEVENT","EVENT")]

# Formulating an overall data quality assessment summary
(DQA.Summary <- data.frame(
  Column.Name= names(DQA), 
  Column.Type=sapply(DQA, function(x) class(x)), 
  Row.Count=sapply(DQA, function(x) nrow(DQA)),
##    Column.Index Column.Name Column.Type Row.Count NA.Count Fill.Rate
## 1             1      TEVENT     numeric      3873        0     1.000
## 2             2       EVENT      factor      3873        0     1.000
## 3             3         SEX      factor      3873        0     1.000
## 4             4         AGE     numeric      3873        0     1.000
## 5             5    DIABETES      factor      3873       40     0.990
## 6             6    CEREBRAL      factor      3873        0     1.000
## 7             7     CARDIAC      factor      3873        0     1.000
## 8             8         AAA      factor      3873        0     1.000
## 9             9      PERIPH      factor      3873        0     1.000
## 10           10    STENOSIS      factor      3873       93     0.976
## 11           11      SYSTBP     numeric      3873     1223     0.684
## 12           12     DIASTBP     numeric      3873     1221     0.685
## 13           13       SYSTH     numeric      3873     1498     0.613
## 14           14      DIASTH     numeric      3873     1499     0.613
## 15           15      LENGTH     numeric      3873        1     1.000
## 16           16      WEIGHT     numeric      3873        2     0.999
## 17           17         BMI     numeric      3873        3     0.999
## 18           18        CHOL     numeric      3873       18     0.995
## 19           19         HDL     numeric      3873       30     0.992
## 20           20         LDL     numeric      3873      216     0.944
## 21           21        TRIG     numeric      3873       28     0.993
## 22           22       HOMOC     numeric      3873      463     0.880
## 23           23        GLUT     numeric      3873       19     0.995
## 24           24       CREAT     numeric      3873       17     0.996
## 25           25         IMT     numeric      3873       98     0.975
## 26           26     albumin      factor      3873      207     0.947
## 27           27     SMOKING      factor      3873       25     0.994
## 28           28     packyrs     numeric      3873       21     0.995
## 29           29     alcohol      factor      3873       25     0.994
# Listing all numeric predictors
DQA.Predictors.Numeric <- DQA.Predictors[,sapply(DQA.Predictors, is.numeric)]

if (length(names(DQA.Predictors.Numeric))>0) {
    print(paste0("There are ",
               " numeric predictor variable(s)."))
} else {
  print("There are no numeric predictor variables.")
## [1] "There are 17 numeric predictor variable(s)."
# Listing all factor predictors
DQA.Predictors.Factor <- DQA.Predictors[,sapply(DQA.Predictors, is.factor)]

if (length(names(DQA.Predictors.Factor))>0) {
    print(paste0("There are ",
               " factor predictor variable(s)."))
} else {
  print("There are no factor predictor variables.")
## [1] "There are 10 factor predictor variable(s)."
# Formulating a data quality assessment summary for factor predictors
if (length(names(DQA.Predictors.Factor))>0) {
  # Formulating a function to determine the first mode
  FirstModes <- function(x) {
    ux <- unique(na.omit(x))
    tab <- tabulate(match(x, ux))
    ux[tab == max(tab)]

  # Formulating a function to determine the second mode
  SecondModes <- function(x) {
    ux <- unique(na.omit(x))
    tab <- tabulate(match(x, ux))
    fm = ux[tab == max(tab)]
    sm = x[!(x %in% fm)]
    usm <- unique(sm)
    tabsm <- tabulate(match(sm, usm))
    usm[tabsm == max(tabsm)]
  (DQA.Predictors.Factor.Summary <- data.frame(
  Column.Name= names(DQA.Predictors.Factor), 
  Column.Type=sapply(DQA.Predictors.Factor, function(x) class(x)), 
  Unique.Count=sapply(DQA.Predictors.Factor, function(x) length(unique(x))),
  First.Mode.Value=sapply(DQA.Predictors.Factor, function(x) as.character(FirstModes(x)[1])),
  Second.Mode.Value=sapply(DQA.Predictors.Factor, function(x) as.character(SecondModes(x)[1])),
  First.Mode.Count=sapply(DQA.Predictors.Factor, function(x) sum(na.omit(x) == FirstModes(x)[1])),
  Second.Mode.Count=sapply(DQA.Predictors.Factor, function(x) sum(na.omit(x) == SecondModes(x)[1])),
  Unique.Count.Ratio=sapply(DQA.Predictors.Factor, function(x) format(round((length(unique(x))/nrow(DQA.Predictors.Factor)),3), nsmall=3)),
  First.Second.Mode.Ratio=sapply(DQA.Predictors.Factor, function(x) format(round((sum(na.omit(x) == FirstModes(x)[1])/sum(na.omit(x) == SecondModes(x)[1])),3), nsmall=3)),
##    Column.Name Column.Type Unique.Count First.Mode.Value Second.Mode.Value
## 1          SEX      factor            2                1                 2
## 2     DIABETES      factor            3                0                 1
## 3     CEREBRAL      factor            2                0                 1
## 4      CARDIAC      factor            2                1                 0
## 5          AAA      factor            2                0                 1
## 6       PERIPH      factor            2                0                 1
## 7     STENOSIS      factor            3                0                 1
## 8      albumin      factor            4                1                 2
## 9      SMOKING      factor            4                2                 1
## 10     alcohol      factor            4                3                 1
##    First.Mode.Count Second.Mode.Count Unique.Count.Ratio
## 1              2897               976              0.001
## 2              2987               846              0.001
## 3              2726              1147              0.001
## 4              2160              1713              0.001
## 5              3457               416              0.001
## 6              2933               940              0.001
## 7              3058               722              0.001
## 8              2897               655              0.001
## 9              2711               693              0.001
## 10             2689               751              0.001
##    First.Second.Mode.Ratio
## 1                    2.968
## 2                    3.531
## 3                    2.377
## 4                    1.261
## 5                    8.310
## 6                    3.120
## 7                    4.235
## 8                    4.423
## 9                    3.912
## 10                   3.581
# Formulating a data quality assessment summary for numeric predictors
if (length(names(DQA.Predictors.Numeric))>0) {
  # Formulating a function to determine the first mode
  FirstModes <- function(x) {
    ux <- unique(na.omit(x))
    tab <- tabulate(match(x, ux))
    ux[tab == max(tab)]

  # Formulating a function to determine the second mode
  SecondModes <- function(x) {
    ux <- unique(na.omit(x))
    tab <- tabulate(match(x, ux))
    fm = ux[tab == max(tab)]
    sm = na.omit(x)[!(na.omit(x) %in% fm)]
    usm <- unique(sm)
    tabsm <- tabulate(match(sm, usm))
    usm[tabsm == max(tabsm)]
  (DQA.Predictors.Numeric.Summary <- data.frame(
  Column.Name= names(DQA.Predictors.Numeric), 
  Column.Type=sapply(DQA.Predictors.Numeric, function(x) class(x)), 
  Unique.Count=sapply(DQA.Predictors.Numeric, function(x) length(unique(x))),
  Unique.Count.Ratio=sapply(DQA.Predictors.Numeric, function(x) format(round((length(unique(x))/nrow(DQA.Predictors.Numeric)),3), nsmall=3)),
  First.Mode.Value=sapply(DQA.Predictors.Numeric, function(x) format(round((FirstModes(x)[1]),3),nsmall=3)),
  Second.Mode.Value=sapply(DQA.Predictors.Numeric, function(x) format(round((SecondModes(x)[1]),3),nsmall=3)),
  First.Mode.Count=sapply(DQA.Predictors.Numeric, function(x) sum(na.omit(x) == FirstModes(x)[1])),
  Second.Mode.Count=sapply(DQA.Predictors.Numeric, function(x) sum(na.omit(x) == SecondModes(x)[1])),
  First.Second.Mode.Ratio=sapply(DQA.Predictors.Numeric, function(x) format(round((sum(na.omit(x) == FirstModes(x)[1])/sum(na.omit(x) == SecondModes(x)[1])),3), nsmall=3)),
  Minimum=sapply(DQA.Predictors.Numeric, function(x) format(round(min(x,na.rm = TRUE),3), nsmall=3)),
  Mean=sapply(DQA.Predictors.Numeric, function(x) format(round(mean(x,na.rm = TRUE),3), nsmall=3)),
  Median=sapply(DQA.Predictors.Numeric, function(x) format(round(median(x,na.rm = TRUE),3), nsmall=3)),
  Maximum=sapply(DQA.Predictors.Numeric, function(x) format(round(max(x,na.rm = TRUE),3), nsmall=3)),
  Skewness=sapply(DQA.Predictors.Numeric, function(x) format(round(moments::skewness(x,na.rm = TRUE),3), nsmall=3)),
  Kurtosis=sapply(DQA.Predictors.Numeric, function(x) format(round(moments::kurtosis(x,na.rm = TRUE),3), nsmall=3)),
  Percentile25th=sapply(DQA.Predictors.Numeric, function(x) format(round(quantile(x,probs=0.25,na.rm = TRUE),3), nsmall=3)),
  Percentile75th=sapply(DQA.Predictors.Numeric, function(x) format(round(quantile(x,probs=0.75,na.rm = TRUE),3), nsmall=3)),
##    Column.Name Column.Type Unique.Count Unique.Count.Ratio First.Mode.Value
## 1          AGE     numeric           62              0.016           58.000
## 2       SYSTBP     numeric          115              0.030          127.000
## 3      DIASTBP     numeric           71              0.018           77.000
## 4        SYSTH     numeric          133              0.034          140.000
## 5       DIASTH     numeric           78              0.020           80.000
## 6       LENGTH     numeric           43              0.011            1.780
## 7       WEIGHT     numeric           76              0.020           80.000
## 8          BMI     numeric          996              0.257           28.090
## 9         CHOL     numeric           66              0.017            4.800
## 10         HDL     numeric          189              0.049            1.160
## 11         LDL     numeric          479              0.124            1.100
## 12        TRIG     numeric          462              0.119            1.100
## 13       HOMOC     numeric          256              0.066           11.600
## 14        GLUT     numeric          126              0.033            5.400
## 15       CREAT     numeric          195              0.050           86.000
## 16         IMT     numeric          100              0.026            0.870
## 17     packyrs     numeric          264              0.068            0.000
##    Second.Mode.Value First.Mode.Count Second.Mode.Count First.Second.Mode.Ratio
## 1             63.000              147               140                   1.050
## 2            133.000               66                62                   1.065
## 3             75.000              122               118                   1.034
## 4            130.000               66                60                   1.100
## 5             84.000              132                94                   1.404
## 6              1.760              223               208                   1.072
## 7             78.000              148               137                   1.080
## 8             28.730               35                32                   1.094
## 9              4.500              156               146                   1.068
## 10             1.020               61                58                   1.052
## 11             2.790               41                24                   1.708
## 12             1.460               34                33                   1.030
## 13            11.700               49                48                   1.021
## 14             5.500              224               220                   1.018
## 15            93.000               99                93                   1.065
## 16             0.780              126               121                   1.041
## 17            30.600              697                42                  16.595
##    Minimum    Mean  Median Maximum Skewness Kurtosis Percentile25th
## 1   19.000  59.557  60.000  82.000   -0.388    2.839         52.000
## 2   96.000 141.322 139.000 216.000    0.531    3.151        127.000
## 3   46.000  79.698  79.000 127.000    0.475    3.693         73.000
## 4   79.000 142.163 140.000 244.000    0.684    3.735        126.000
## 5   45.000  82.442  82.000 136.000    0.347    3.396         75.000
## 6    1.530   1.740   1.750   1.940   -0.195    2.662          1.680
## 7   50.000  81.001  80.000 124.000    0.366    3.292         72.000
## 8   18.700  26.696  26.300  39.800    0.647    3.648         24.110
## 9    2.800   5.191   5.100   9.400    0.457    3.238          4.400
## 10   0.580   1.230   1.170   2.510    0.927    3.934          0.960
## 11   1.100   3.144   3.060   6.600    0.392    2.857          2.390
## 12   0.560   1.854   1.540   8.960    2.618   13.156          1.120
## 13   6.100  13.843  12.800  38.300    1.845    7.874         10.325
## 14   4.300   6.333   5.700  18.700    2.929   13.442          5.300
## 15  54.000  98.394  89.000 825.000    8.636   88.940         78.000
## 16   0.470   0.935   0.880   1.830    1.099    4.398          0.750
## 17   0.000  22.623  19.500 120.000    0.965    3.650          5.900
##    Percentile75th
## 1          68.000
## 2         154.000
## 3          86.000
## 4         156.000
## 5          90.000
## 6           1.800
## 7          89.000
## 8          28.730
## 9           5.900
## 10          1.420
## 11          3.830
## 12          2.230
## 13         15.700
## 14          6.500
## 15        101.000
## 16          1.070
## 17         34.200
# Identifying potential data quality issues

# Checking for missing observations
if ((nrow(DQA.Summary[DQA.Summary$NA.Count>0,]))>0){
  print(paste0("Missing observations noted for ",
               " variable(s) with NA.Count>0 and Fill.Rate<1.0."))
} else {
  print("No missing observations noted.")
## [1] "Missing observations noted for 21 variable(s) with NA.Count>0 and Fill.Rate<1.0."
##    Column.Index Column.Name Column.Type Row.Count NA.Count Fill.Rate
## 5             5    DIABETES      factor      3873       40     0.990
## 10           10    STENOSIS      factor      3873       93     0.976
## 11           11      SYSTBP     numeric      3873     1223     0.684
## 12           12     DIASTBP     numeric      3873     1221     0.685
## 13           13       SYSTH     numeric      3873     1498     0.613
## 14           14      DIASTH     numeric      3873     1499     0.613
## 15           15      LENGTH     numeric      3873        1     1.000
## 16           16      WEIGHT     numeric      3873        2     0.999
## 17           17         BMI     numeric      3873        3     0.999
## 18           18        CHOL     numeric      3873       18     0.995
## 19           19         HDL     numeric      3873       30     0.992
## 20           20         LDL     numeric      3873      216     0.944
## 21           21        TRIG     numeric      3873       28     0.993
## 22           22       HOMOC     numeric      3873      463     0.880
## 23           23        GLUT     numeric      3873       19     0.995
## 24           24       CREAT     numeric      3873       17     0.996
## 25           25         IMT     numeric      3873       98     0.975
## 26           26     albumin      factor      3873      207     0.947
## 27           27     SMOKING      factor      3873       25     0.994
## 28           28     packyrs     numeric      3873       21     0.995
## 29           29     alcohol      factor      3873       25     0.994
# Checking for zero or near-zero variance predictors
if (length(names(DQA.Predictors.Factor))==0) {
  print("No factor predictors noted.")
} else if (nrow(DQA.Predictors.Factor.Summary[as.numeric(as.character(DQA.Predictors.Factor.Summary$First.Second.Mode.Ratio))>5,])>0){
  print(paste0("Low variance observed for ",
               " factor variable(s) with First.Second.Mode.Ratio>5."))
} else {
  print("No low variance factor predictors due to high first-second mode ratio noted.")
## [1] "Low variance observed for 1 factor variable(s) with First.Second.Mode.Ratio>5."
##   Column.Name Column.Type Unique.Count First.Mode.Value Second.Mode.Value
## 5         AAA      factor            2                0                 1
##   First.Mode.Count Second.Mode.Count Unique.Count.Ratio First.Second.Mode.Ratio
## 5             3457               416              0.001                   8.310
if (length(names(DQA.Predictors.Numeric))==0) {
  print("No numeric predictors noted.")
} else if (nrow(DQA.Predictors.Numeric.Summary[as.numeric(as.character(DQA.Predictors.Numeric.Summary$First.Second.Mode.Ratio))>5,])>0){
  print(paste0("Low variance observed for ",
               " numeric variable(s) with First.Second.Mode.Ratio>5."))
} else {
  print("No low variance numeric predictors due to high first-second mode ratio noted.")
## [1] "Low variance observed for 1 numeric variable(s) with First.Second.Mode.Ratio>5."
##    Column.Name Column.Type Unique.Count Unique.Count.Ratio First.Mode.Value
## 17     packyrs     numeric          264              0.068            0.000
##    Second.Mode.Value First.Mode.Count Second.Mode.Count First.Second.Mode.Ratio
## 17            30.600              697                42                  16.595
##    Minimum   Mean Median Maximum Skewness Kurtosis Percentile25th
## 17   0.000 22.623 19.500 120.000    0.965    3.650          5.900
##    Percentile75th
## 17         34.200
if (length(names(DQA.Predictors.Numeric))==0) {
  print("No numeric predictors noted.")
} else if (nrow(DQA.Predictors.Numeric.Summary[as.numeric(as.character(DQA.Predictors.Numeric.Summary$Unique.Count.Ratio))<0.01,])>0){
  print(paste0("Low variance observed for ",
               " numeric variable(s) with Unique.Count.Ratio<0.01."))
} else {
  print("No low variance numeric predictors due to low unique count ratio noted.")
## [1] "No low variance numeric predictors due to low unique count ratio noted."
# Checking for skewed predictors
if (length(names(DQA.Predictors.Numeric))==0) {
  print("No numeric predictors noted.")
} else if (nrow(DQA.Predictors.Numeric.Summary[as.numeric(as.character(DQA.Predictors.Numeric.Summary$Skewness))>3 |
  print(paste0("High skewness observed for ",
  (nrow(DQA.Predictors.Numeric.Summary[as.numeric(as.character(DQA.Predictors.Numeric.Summary$Skewness))>3 |
  " numeric variable(s) with Skewness>3 or Skewness<(-3)."))
  DQA.Predictors.Numeric.Summary[as.numeric(as.character(DQA.Predictors.Numeric.Summary$Skewness))>3 |
} else {
  print("No skewed numeric predictors noted.")
## [1] "High skewness observed for 1 numeric variable(s) with Skewness>3 or Skewness<(-3)."
##    Column.Name Column.Type Unique.Count Unique.Count.Ratio First.Mode.Value
## 15       CREAT     numeric          195              0.050           86.000
##    Second.Mode.Value First.Mode.Count Second.Mode.Count First.Second.Mode.Ratio
## 15            93.000               99                93                   1.065
##    Minimum   Mean Median Maximum Skewness Kurtosis Percentile25th
## 15  54.000 98.394 89.000 825.000    8.636   88.940         78.000
##    Percentile75th
## 15        101.000

1.2.3 Predictor Coding

[A] Considering prognostic significance (determined using the Wald Chi-squared value from the formulated Cox regression models) as a criterion while maintaining model parsimony (minimal variable transformation), most predictors can be coded linearly during model development except for the following variables where a transformation might improve their performance:
     [A.1] The AGE variable (numeric) was coded using its squared value after 50 years [if (AGE>50) then (AGE-50)^2 else 0] since this demonstrated a better Wald Chi-squared value as compared to other transformation types.
     [A.2] The CREAT variable (numeric) was coded using its logarithm [log(CREAT)] since this demonstrated a better Wald Chi-squared value as compared to other transformation types.
     [A.3] The CEREBRAL variable (numeric), CARDIAC variable (numeric), AAA variable (numeric) and PERIPH variable (numeric) were coded using their linear combination [CEREBRAL + CARDIAC + (2*AAA) + PERIPH] since this demonstrated a better Wald Chi-squared value as compared to other transformation types.

Code Chunk | Output
# Loading dataset
PC$EVENT <- as.numeric(PC$EVENT)

# Evaluating the impact of predictor coding
# for AGE as applied in a univariate Cox regression model

# Relationship of AGE with prognostic outcome = Linear
AGE_CoxPHFit_Linear <- cph(Surv(TEVENT,EVENT) ~  AGE, data=PC)  
##                 Wald Statistics          Response: Surv(TEVENT, EVENT) 
##  Factor     Chi-Square d.f. P     
##  AGE        97.17      1    <.0001
##  TOTAL      97.17      1    <.0001
(AGE_CoxPHFit_Linear_WaldX2 <- anova(AGE_CoxPHFit_Linear)[1])
## [1] 97.17258
# Relationship of AGE with prognostic outcome = Squared
AGE_CoxPHFit_Squared <- cph(Surv(TEVENT,EVENT) ~  pol(AGE,2), data=PC)  
##                 Wald Statistics          Response: Surv(TEVENT, EVENT) 
##  Factor     Chi-Square d.f. P     
##  AGE        124.99     2    <.0001
##   Nonlinear  15.00     1    1e-04 
##  TOTAL      124.99     2    <.0001
(AGE_CoxPHFit_Squared_WaldX2 <- anova(AGE_CoxPHFit_Squared)[1])
## [1] 124.9852
# Relationship of AGE with prognostic outcome = Linear after 55
# (TEVENT,EVENT) ~ if (AGE>55) then (AGE-55) else 0
AGE_CoxPHFit_LinearAfter55 <- cph(Surv(TEVENT,EVENT) ~  ifelse(AGE>55, (AGE-55),0), data=PC)  
##                 Wald Statistics          Response: Surv(TEVENT, EVENT) 
##  Factor     Chi-Square d.f. P     
##  AGE        118.59     1    <.0001
##  TOTAL      118.59     1    <.0001
(AGE_CoxPHFit_LinearAfter55_WaldX2 <- anova(AGE_CoxPHFit_LinearAfter55)[1])
## [1] 118.591
# Relationship of AGE with prognostic outcome = Squared after 50
# (TEVENT,EVENT) ~ if (AGE>50) then (AGE-50)^2 else 0
AGE_CoxPHFit_SquaredAfter50 <- cph(Surv(TEVENT,EVENT) ~  ifelse(AGE>50, (AGE-50)^2,0), data=PC)  
##                 Wald Statistics          Response: Surv(TEVENT, EVENT) 
##  Factor     Chi-Square d.f. P     
##  AGE        129.64     1    <.0001
##  TOTAL      129.64     1    <.0001
(AGE_CoxPHFit_SquaredAfter50_WaldX2 <- anova(AGE_CoxPHFit_SquaredAfter50)[1])
## [1] 129.6405
# Relationship of AGE with prognostic outcome = Restricted cubic spline (4 knots)
# (TEVENT,EVENT) ~ Restricted Cubic Spline(AGE,4)
AGE_CoxPHFit_RCS4Knots <- cph(Surv(TEVENT,EVENT) ~  rcs(AGE,4), data=PC)  
##                 Wald Statistics          Response: Surv(TEVENT, EVENT) 
##  Factor     Chi-Square d.f. P     
##  AGE        125.30     3    <.0001
##   Nonlinear  13.77     2    0.001 
##  TOTAL      125.30     3    <.0001
(AGE_CoxPHFit_RCS4Knots_WaldX2 <- anova(AGE_CoxPHFit_RCS4Knots)[1])
## [1] 125.3017
# Relationship of AGE with prognostic outcome = Quartiles
# (TEVENT,EVENT) ~ AGE(Quartile1, Quartile2, Quartile3, Quartile4)
tapply(PC$AGE, ifelse(PC$AGE<50,1,
##        1        2        3        4 
## 43.20362 54.78531 64.53566 73.59654
PC$AGEQuartile  <- as.factor(ifelse(PC$AGE<50,43,
PC$AGEQuartile <- as.factor(PC$AGEQuartile)
AGE_CoxPHFit_Quartile <- cph(Surv(TEVENT,EVENT) ~  AGEQuartile, data=PC) 
##                 Wald Statistics          Response: Surv(TEVENT, EVENT) 
##  Factor      Chi-Square d.f. P     
##  AGEQuartile 93.22      3    <.0001
##  TOTAL       93.22      3    <.0001
(AGE_CoxPHFit_Quartile_WaldX2 <- anova(AGE_CoxPHFit_Quartile)[1])
## [1] 93.22204
# Relationship of AGE with prognostic outcome = Quartiles
# (TEVENT,EVENT) ~ AGE(Half1, Half2)
tapply(PC$AGE, cut2(PC$AGE,g=2), mean)
##  [19,61)  [61,82] 
## 51.29891 68.50350
AGE_CoxPHFit_Dichotomized <- cph(Surv(TEVENT,EVENT) ~  ifelse(SMART$AGE<61,51,69), data=PC) 
##                 Wald Statistics          Response: Surv(TEVENT, EVENT) 
##  Factor     Chi-Square d.f. P     
##  SMART      72.47      1    <.0001
##  TOTAL      72.47      1    <.0001
(AGE_CoxPHFit_Dichotomized_WaldX2 <- anova(AGE_CoxPHFit_Dichotomized)[1])
## [1] 72.46705
# Evaluating the impact of predictor coding
# for CREAT as applied in a univariate Cox regression model

# Relationship of CREAT with prognostic outcome = Linear
CREAT_CoxPHFit_Linear <- cph(Surv(TEVENT,EVENT) ~  CREAT, data=PC)  
##                 Wald Statistics          Response: Surv(TEVENT, EVENT) 
##  Factor     Chi-Square d.f. P     
##  CREAT      93.42      1    <.0001
##  TOTAL      93.42      1    <.0001
(CREAT_CoxPHFit_Linear_WaldX2 <- anova(CREAT_CoxPHFit_Linear)[1])
## [1] 93.42011
# Relationship of CREAT with prognostic outcome = Restricted cubic spline (4 knots)
# (TEVENT,EVENT) ~ Restricted Cubic Spline(CREAT,4)
CREAT_CoxPHFit_RCS4Knots <- cph(Surv(TEVENT,EVENT) ~  rcs(CREAT,4), data=PC)  
##                 Wald Statistics          Response: Surv(TEVENT, EVENT) 
##  Factor     Chi-Square d.f. P     
##  CREAT      116.1      3    <.0001
##   Nonlinear  42.6      2    <.0001
##  TOTAL      116.1      3    <.0001
(CREAT_CoxPHFit_RCS4Knots_WaldX2 <- anova(CREAT_CoxPHFit_RCS4Knots)[1])
## [1] 116.102
# Relationship of CREAT with prognostic outcome = Restricted cubic spline (3 knots)
# (TEVENT,EVENT) ~ Restricted Cubic Spline(CREAT,3)
CREAT_CoxPHFit_RCS3Knots <- cph(Surv(TEVENT,EVENT) ~  rcs(CREAT,3), data=PC)  
##                 Wald Statistics          Response: Surv(TEVENT, EVENT) 
##  Factor     Chi-Square d.f. P     
##  CREAT      99.03      2    <.0001
##   Nonlinear 20.32      1    <.0001
##  TOTAL      99.03      2    <.0001
(CREAT_CoxPHFit_RCS3Knots_WaldX2 <- anova(CREAT_CoxPHFit_RCS3Knots)[1])
## [1] 99.02755
# Relationship of CREAT with prognostic outcome = Logarithm
# (TEVENT,EVENT) ~ Logarithm(CREAT)
CREAT_CoxPHFit_Log <- cph(Surv(TEVENT,EVENT) ~  log(CREAT), data=PC)  
##                 Wald Statistics          Response: Surv(TEVENT, EVENT) 
##  Factor     Chi-Square d.f. P     
##  CREAT      131.01     1    <.0001
##  TOTAL      131.01     1    <.0001
(CREAT_CoxPHFit_Log_WaldX2 <- anova(CREAT_CoxPHFit_Log)[1])
## [1] 131.0105
# Evaluating the impact of predictor coding
# for SYSTH as applied in a univariate Cox regression model

# Relationship of SYSTH with prognostic outcome = Linear
SYSTH_CoxPHFit_Linear <- cph(Surv(TEVENT,EVENT) ~  SYSTH, data=PC)  
##                 Wald Statistics          Response: Surv(TEVENT, EVENT) 
##  Factor     Chi-Square d.f. P    
##  SYSTH      15.49      1    1e-04
##  TOTAL      15.49      1    1e-04
(SYSTH_CoxPHFit_Linear_WaldX2 <- anova(SYSTH_CoxPHFit_Linear)[1])
## [1] 15.49085
# Relationship of SYSTH with prognostic outcome = Restricted cubic spline (4 knots)
# (TEVENT,EVENT) ~ Restricted Cubic Spline(SYSTH,4)
SYSTH_CoxPHFit_RCS4Knots <- cph(Surv(TEVENT,EVENT) ~  rcs(SYSTH,4), data=PC)  
##                 Wald Statistics          Response: Surv(TEVENT, EVENT) 
##  Factor     Chi-Square d.f. P     
##  SYSTH      15.60      3    0.0014
##   Nonlinear  0.25      2    0.8841
##  TOTAL      15.60      3    0.0014
(SYSTH_CoxPHFit_RCS4Knots_WaldX2 <- anova(SYSTH_CoxPHFit_RCS4Knots)[1])
## [1] 15.5989
# Relationship of SYSTH with prognostic outcome = Restricted cubic spline (3 knots)
# (TEVENT,EVENT) ~ Restricted Cubic Spline(SYSTH,3)
SYSTH_CoxPHFit_RCS3Knots <- cph(Surv(TEVENT,EVENT) ~  rcs(SYSTH,3), data=PC)  
##                 Wald Statistics          Response: Surv(TEVENT, EVENT) 
##  Factor     Chi-Square d.f. P     
##  SYSTH      15.17      2    0.0005
##   Nonlinear  0.05      1    0.8261
##  TOTAL      15.17      2    0.0005
(SYSTH_CoxPHFit_RCS3Knots_WaldX2 <- anova(SYSTH_CoxPHFit_RCS3Knots)[1])
## [1] 15.16692
# Relationship of SYSTH with prognostic outcome = Logarithm
# (TEVENT,EVENT) ~ Logarithm(SYSTH)
SYSTH_CoxPHFit_Log <- cph(Surv(TEVENT,EVENT) ~  log(SYSTH), data=PC)  
##                 Wald Statistics          Response: Surv(TEVENT, EVENT) 
##  Factor     Chi-Square d.f. P    
##  SYSTH      14.39      1    1e-04
##  TOTAL      14.39      1    1e-04
(SYSTH_CoxPHFit_Log_WaldX2 <- anova(SYSTH_CoxPHFit_Log)[1])
## [1] 14.39016
# Evaluating the impact of predictor coding
# for DIASTH as applied in a univariate Cox regression model

# Relationship of DIASTH with prognostic outcome = Linear
DIASTH_CoxPHFit_Linear <- cph(Surv(TEVENT,EVENT) ~  DIASTH, data=PC)  
##                 Wald Statistics          Response: Surv(TEVENT, EVENT) 
##  Factor     Chi-Square d.f. P     
##  DIASTH     0.73       1    0.3916
##  TOTAL      0.73       1    0.3916
(DIASTH_CoxPHFit_Linear_WaldX2 <- anova(DIASTH_CoxPHFit_Linear)[1])
## [1] 0.7339729
# Relationship of DIASTH with prognostic outcome = Restricted cubic spline (4 knots)
# (TEVENT,EVENT) ~ Restricted Cubic Spline(DIASTH,4)
DIASTH_CoxPHFit_RCS4Knots <- cph(Surv(TEVENT,EVENT) ~  rcs(DIASTH,4), data=PC)  
##                 Wald Statistics          Response: Surv(TEVENT, EVENT) 
##  Factor     Chi-Square d.f. P     
##  DIASTH     2.62       3    0.4540
##   Nonlinear 1.91       2    0.3851
##  TOTAL      2.62       3    0.4540
(DIASTH_CoxPHFit_RCS4Knots_WaldX2 <- anova(DIASTH_CoxPHFit_RCS4Knots)[1])
## [1] 2.620047
# Relationship of DIASTH with prognostic outcome = Restricted cubic spline (3 knots)
# (TEVENT,EVENT) ~ Restricted Cubic Spline(DIASTH,3)
DIASTH_CoxPHFit_RCS3Knots <- cph(Surv(TEVENT,EVENT) ~  rcs(DIASTH,3), data=PC)  
##                 Wald Statistics          Response: Surv(TEVENT, EVENT) 
##  Factor     Chi-Square d.f. P     
##  DIASTH     2.08       2    0.3528
##   Nonlinear 1.24       1    0.2659
##  TOTAL      2.08       2    0.3528
(DIASTH_CoxPHFit_RCS3Knots_WaldX2 <- anova(DIASTH_CoxPHFit_RCS3Knots)[1])
## [1] 2.083467
# Relationship of DIASTH with prognostic outcome = Logarithm
# (TEVENT,EVENT) ~ Logarithm(DIASTH)
DIASTH_CoxPHFit_Log <- cph(Surv(TEVENT,EVENT) ~  log(DIASTH), data=PC)  
##                 Wald Statistics          Response: Surv(TEVENT, EVENT) 
##  Factor     Chi-Square d.f. P    
##  DIASTH     0.47       1    0.492
##  TOTAL      0.47       1    0.492
(DIASTH_CoxPHFit_Log_WaldX2 <- anova(DIASTH_CoxPHFit_Log)[1])
## [1] 0.4721145
# Evaluating the impact of predictor coding
# for SYSTBP as applied in a univariate Cox regression model

# Relationship of SYSTBP with prognostic outcome = Linear
SYSTBP_CoxPHFit_Linear <- cph(Surv(TEVENT,EVENT) ~  SYSTBP, data=PC)  
##                 Wald Statistics          Response: Surv(TEVENT, EVENT) 
##  Factor     Chi-Square d.f. P     
##  SYSTBP     23.22      1    <.0001
##  TOTAL      23.22      1    <.0001
(SYSTBP_CoxPHFit_Linear_WaldX2 <- anova(SYSTBP_CoxPHFit_Linear)[1])
## [1] 23.22008
# Relationship of SYSTBP with prognostic outcome = Restricted cubic spline (4 knots)
# (TEVENT,EVENT) ~ Restricted Cubic Spline(SYSTBP,4)
SYSTBP_CoxPHFit_RCS4Knots <- cph(Surv(TEVENT,EVENT) ~  rcs(SYSTBP,4), data=PC)  
##                 Wald Statistics          Response: Surv(TEVENT, EVENT) 
##  Factor     Chi-Square d.f. P     
##  SYSTBP     26.27      3    <.0001
##   Nonlinear  1.73      2    0.4219
##  TOTAL      26.27      3    <.0001
(SYSTBP_CoxPHFit_RCS4Knots_WaldX2 <- anova(SYSTBP_CoxPHFit_RCS4Knots)[1])
## [1] 26.27116
# Relationship of SYSTBP with prognostic outcome = Restricted cubic spline (3 knots)
# (TEVENT,EVENT) ~ Restricted Cubic Spline(SYSTBP,3)
SYSTBP_CoxPHFit_RCS3Knots <- cph(Surv(TEVENT,EVENT) ~  rcs(SYSTBP,3), data=PC)  
##                 Wald Statistics          Response: Surv(TEVENT, EVENT) 
##  Factor     Chi-Square d.f. P     
##  SYSTBP     26.26      2    <.0001
##   Nonlinear  1.37      1    0.2422
##  TOTAL      26.26      2    <.0001
(SYSTBP_CoxPHFit_RCS3Knots_WaldX2 <- anova(SYSTBP_CoxPHFit_RCS3Knots)[1])
## [1] 26.26421
# Relationship of SYSTBP with prognostic outcome = Logarithm
# (TEVENT,EVENT) ~ Logarithm(SYSTBP)
SYSTBP_CoxPHFit_Log <- cph(Surv(TEVENT,EVENT) ~  log(SYSTBP), data=PC)  
##                 Wald Statistics          Response: Surv(TEVENT, EVENT) 
##  Factor     Chi-Square d.f. P     
##  SYSTBP     21.2       1    <.0001
##  TOTAL      21.2       1    <.0001
(SYSTBP_CoxPHFit_Log_WaldX2 <- anova(SYSTBP_CoxPHFit_Log)[1])
## [1] 21.20011
# Evaluating the impact of predictor coding
# for DIASTBP as applied in a univariate Cox regression model

# Relationship of DIASTBP with prognostic outcome = Linear
DIASTBP_CoxPHFit_Linear <- cph(Surv(TEVENT,EVENT) ~  DIASTBP, data=PC)  
##                 Wald Statistics          Response: Surv(TEVENT, EVENT) 
##  Factor     Chi-Square d.f. P     
##  DIASTBP    1.67       1    0.1962
##  TOTAL      1.67       1    0.1962
(DIASTBP_CoxPHFit_Linear_WaldX2 <- anova(DIASTBP_CoxPHFit_Linear)[1])
## [1] 1.670766
# Relationship of DIASTBP with prognostic outcome = Restricted cubic spline (4 knots)
# (TEVENT,EVENT) ~ Restricted Cubic Spline(DIASTBP,4)
DIASTBP_CoxPHFit_RCS4Knots <- cph(Surv(TEVENT,EVENT) ~  rcs(DIASTBP,4), data=PC)  
##                 Wald Statistics          Response: Surv(TEVENT, EVENT) 
##  Factor     Chi-Square d.f. P     
##  DIASTBP    25.15      3    <.0001
##   Nonlinear 23.22      2    <.0001
##  TOTAL      25.15      3    <.0001
(DIASTBP_CoxPHFit_RCS4Knots_WaldX2 <- anova(DIASTBP_CoxPHFit_RCS4Knots)[1])
## [1] 25.14634
# Relationship of DIASTBP with prognostic outcome = Restricted cubic spline (3 knots)
# (TEVENT,EVENT) ~ Restricted Cubic Spline(DIASTBP,3)
DIASTBP_CoxPHFit_RCS3Knots <- cph(Surv(TEVENT,EVENT) ~  rcs(DIASTBP,3), data=PC)  
##                 Wald Statistics          Response: Surv(TEVENT, EVENT) 
##  Factor     Chi-Square d.f. P     
##  DIASTBP    24.84      2    <.0001
##   Nonlinear 22.29      1    <.0001
##  TOTAL      24.84      2    <.0001
(DIASTBP_CoxPHFit_RCS3Knots_WaldX2 <- anova(DIASTBP_CoxPHFit_RCS3Knots)[1])
## [1] 24.84403
# Relationship of DIASTBP with prognostic outcome = Logarithm
DIASTBP_CoxPHFit_Log <- cph(Surv(TEVENT,EVENT) ~  log(DIASTBP), data=PC)  
##                 Wald Statistics          Response: Surv(TEVENT, EVENT) 
##  Factor     Chi-Square d.f. P     
##  DIASTBP    0.68       1    0.4092
##  TOTAL      0.68       1    0.4092
(DIASTBP_CoxPHFit_Log_WaldX2 <- anova(DIASTBP_CoxPHFit_Log)[1])
## [1] 0.6810459
# Evaluating the impact of predictor coding
# for CHOL as applied in a univariate Cox regression model

# Relationship of CHOL with prognostic outcome = Linear
CHOL_CoxPHFit_Linear <- cph(Surv(TEVENT,EVENT) ~  CHOL, data=PC)  
##                 Wald Statistics          Response: Surv(TEVENT, EVENT) 
##  Factor     Chi-Square d.f. P     
##  CHOL       0.32       1    0.5717
##  TOTAL      0.32       1    0.5717
(CHOL_CoxPHFit_Linear_WaldX2 <- anova(CHOL_CoxPHFit_Linear)[1])
## [1] 0.3199142
# Relationship of CHOL with prognostic outcome = Restricted cubic spline (4 knots)
# (TEVENT,EVENT) ~ Restricted Cubic Spline(CHOL,4)
CHOL_CoxPHFit_RCS4Knots <- cph(Surv(TEVENT,EVENT) ~  rcs(CHOL,4), data=PC)  
##                 Wald Statistics          Response: Surv(TEVENT, EVENT) 
##  Factor     Chi-Square d.f. P     
##  CHOL       0.60       3    0.8964
##   Nonlinear 0.27       2    0.8720
##  TOTAL      0.60       3    0.8964
(CHOL_CoxPHFit_RCS4Knots_WaldX2 <- anova(CHOL_CoxPHFit_RCS4Knots)[1])
## [1] 0.5999714
# Relationship of CHOL with prognostic outcome = Restricted cubic spline (3 knots)
# (TEVENT,EVENT) ~ Restricted Cubic Spline(CHOL,3)
CHOL_CoxPHFit_RCS3Knots <- cph(Surv(TEVENT,EVENT) ~  rcs(CHOL,3), data=PC)  
##                 Wald Statistics          Response: Surv(TEVENT, EVENT) 
##  Factor     Chi-Square d.f. P     
##  CHOL       0.60       2    0.7399
##   Nonlinear 0.25       1    0.6161
##  TOTAL      0.60       2    0.7399
(CHOL_CoxPHFit_RCS3Knots_WaldX2 <- anova(CHOL_CoxPHFit_RCS3Knots)[1])
## [1] 0.6024457
# Relationship of CHOL with prognostic outcome = Logarithm
# (TEVENT,EVENT) ~ Logarithm(CHOL)
CHOL_CoxPHFit_Log <- cph(Surv(TEVENT,EVENT) ~  log(CHOL), data=PC)  
##                 Wald Statistics          Response: Surv(TEVENT, EVENT) 
##  Factor     Chi-Square d.f. P     
##  CHOL       0.25       1    0.6171
##  TOTAL      0.25       1    0.6171
(CHOL_CoxPHFit_Log_WaldX2 <- anova(CHOL_CoxPHFit_Log)[1])
## [1] 0.2499827
# Evaluating the impact of predictor coding
# for HDL as applied in a univariate Cox regression model

# Relationship of HDL with prognostic outcome = Linear
HDL_CoxPHFit_Linear <- cph(Surv(TEVENT,EVENT) ~  HDL, data=PC)  
##                 Wald Statistics          Response: Surv(TEVENT, EVENT) 
##  Factor     Chi-Square d.f. P    
##  HDL        11.83      1    6e-04
##  TOTAL      11.83      1    6e-04
(HDL_CoxPHFit_Linear_WaldX2 <- anova(HDL_CoxPHFit_Linear)[1])
## [1] 11.83362
# Relationship of HDL with prognostic outcome = Restricted cubic spline (4 knots)
# (TEVENT,EVENT) ~ Restricted Cubic Spline(HDL,4)
HDL_CoxPHFit_RCS4Knots <- cph(Surv(TEVENT,EVENT) ~  rcs(HDL,4), data=PC)  
##                 Wald Statistics          Response: Surv(TEVENT, EVENT) 
##  Factor     Chi-Square d.f. P     
##  HDL        11.94      3    0.0076
##   Nonlinear  0.63      2    0.7302
##  TOTAL      11.94      3    0.0076
(HDL_CoxPHFit_RCS4Knots_WaldX2 <- anova(HDL_CoxPHFit_RCS4Knots)[1])
## [1] 11.93661
# Relationship of HDL with prognostic outcome = Restricted cubic spline (3 knots)
# (TEVENT,EVENT) ~ Restricted Cubic Spline(HDL,3)
HDL_CoxPHFit_RCS3Knots <- cph(Surv(TEVENT,EVENT) ~  rcs(HDL,3), data=PC)  
##                 Wald Statistics          Response: Surv(TEVENT, EVENT) 
##  Factor     Chi-Square d.f. P     
##  HDL        11.61      2    0.0030
##   Nonlinear  0.08      1    0.7741
##  TOTAL      11.61      2    0.0030
(HDL_CoxPHFit_RCS3Knots_WaldX2 <- anova(HDL_CoxPHFit_RCS3Knots)[1])
## [1] 11.60599
# Relationship of HDL with prognostic outcome = Logarithm
# (TEVENT,EVENT) ~ Logarithm(HDL)
HDL_CoxPHFit_Log <- cph(Surv(TEVENT,EVENT) ~  log(HDL), data=PC)  
##                 Wald Statistics          Response: Surv(TEVENT, EVENT) 
##  Factor     Chi-Square d.f. P    
##  HDL        11.8       1    6e-04
##  TOTAL      11.8       1    6e-04
(HDL_CoxPHFit_Log_WaldX2 <- anova(HDL_CoxPHFit_Log)[1])
## [1] 11.79606
# Evaluating the impact of predictor coding
# for LDL as applied in a univariate Cox regression model

# Relationship of LDL with prognostic outcome = Linear
LDL_CoxPHFit_Linear <- cph(Surv(TEVENT,EVENT) ~  LDL, data=PC)  
##                 Wald Statistics          Response: Surv(TEVENT, EVENT) 
##  Factor     Chi-Square d.f. P     
##  LDL        1.28       1    0.2584
##  TOTAL      1.28       1    0.2584
(LDL_CoxPHFit_Linear_WaldX2 <- anova(LDL_CoxPHFit_Linear)[1])
## [1] 1.2771
# Relationship of LDL with prognostic outcome = Restricted cubic spline (4 knots)
# (TEVENT,EVENT) ~ Restricted Cubic Spline(LDL,4)
LDL_CoxPHFit_RCS4Knots <- cph(Surv(TEVENT,EVENT) ~  rcs(LDL,4), data=PC)  
##                 Wald Statistics          Response: Surv(TEVENT, EVENT) 
##  Factor     Chi-Square d.f. P     
##  LDL        1.52       3    0.6777
##   Nonlinear 0.25       2    0.8812
##  TOTAL      1.52       3    0.6777
(LDL_CoxPHFit_RCS4Knots_WaldX2 <- anova(LDL_CoxPHFit_RCS4Knots)[1])
## [1] 1.519874
# Relationship of LDL with prognostic outcome = Restricted cubic spline (3 knots)
# (TEVENT,EVENT) ~ Restricted Cubic Spline(LDL,3)
LDL_CoxPHFit_RCS3Knots <- cph(Surv(TEVENT,EVENT) ~  rcs(LDL,3), data=PC)  
##                 Wald Statistics          Response: Surv(TEVENT, EVENT) 
##  Factor     Chi-Square d.f. P     
##  LDL        1.28       2    0.5260
##   Nonlinear 0.00       1    0.9537
##  TOTAL      1.28       2    0.5260
(LDL_CoxPHFit_RCS3Knots_WaldX2 <- anova(LDL_CoxPHFit_RCS3Knots)[1])
## [1] 1.284805
# Relationship of LDL with prognostic outcome = Logarithm
# (TEVENT,EVENT) ~ Logarithm(LDL)
LDL_CoxPHFit_Log <- cph(Surv(TEVENT,EVENT) ~  log(LDL), data=PC)  
##                 Wald Statistics          Response: Surv(TEVENT, EVENT) 
##  Factor     Chi-Square d.f. P     
##  LDL        1.15       1    0.2839
##  TOTAL      1.15       1    0.2839
(LDL_CoxPHFit_Log_WaldX2 <- anova(LDL_CoxPHFit_Log)[1])
## [1] 1.148225
# Evaluating the impact of predictor coding
# for TRIG as applied in a univariate Cox regression model

# Relationship of TRIG with prognostic outcome = Linear
TRIG_CoxPHFit_Linear <- cph(Surv(TEVENT,EVENT) ~  TRIG, data=PC)  
##                 Wald Statistics          Response: Surv(TEVENT, EVENT) 
##  Factor     Chi-Square d.f. P     
##  TRIG       1.4        1    0.2366
##  TOTAL      1.4        1    0.2366
(TRIG_CoxPHFit_Linear_WaldX2 <- anova(TRIG_CoxPHFit_Linear)[1])
## [1] 1.400792
# Relationship of TRIG with prognostic outcome = Restricted cubic spline (4 knots)
# (TEVENT,EVENT) ~ Restricted Cubic Spline(TRIG,4)
TRIG_CoxPHFit_RCS4Knots <- cph(Surv(TEVENT,EVENT) ~  rcs(TRIG,4), data=PC)  
##                 Wald Statistics          Response: Surv(TEVENT, EVENT) 
##  Factor     Chi-Square d.f. P     
##  TRIG       3.51       3    0.3192
##   Nonlinear 2.12       2    0.3456
##  TOTAL      3.51       3    0.3192
(TRIG_CoxPHFit_RCS4Knots_WaldX2 <- anova(TRIG_CoxPHFit_RCS4Knots)[1])
## [1] 3.512266
# Relationship of TRIG with prognostic outcome = Restricted cubic spline (3 knots)
# (TEVENT,EVENT) ~ Restricted Cubic Spline(TRIG,3)
TRIG_CoxPHFit_RCS3Knots <- cph(Surv(TEVENT,EVENT) ~  rcs(TRIG,3), data=PC)  
##                 Wald Statistics          Response: Surv(TEVENT, EVENT) 
##  Factor     Chi-Square d.f. P     
##  TRIG       3.25       2    0.1965
##   Nonlinear 1.94       1    0.1642
##  TOTAL      3.25       2    0.1965
(TRIG_CoxPHFit_RCS3Knots_WaldX2 <- anova(TRIG_CoxPHFit_RCS3Knots)[1])
## [1] 3.253776
# Relationship of TRIG with prognostic outcome = Logarithm
# (TEVENT,EVENT) ~ Logarithm(TRIG)
TRIG_CoxPHFit_Log <- cph(Surv(TEVENT,EVENT) ~  log(TRIG), data=PC)  
##                 Wald Statistics          Response: Surv(TEVENT, EVENT) 
##  Factor     Chi-Square d.f. P     
##  TRIG       2.47       1    0.1164
##  TOTAL      2.47       1    0.1164
(TRIG_CoxPHFit_Log_WaldX2 <- anova(TRIG_CoxPHFit_Log)[1])
## [1] 2.46539
# Evaluating the impact of predictor coding
# for HOMOC as applied in a univariate Cox regression model

# Relationship of HOMOC with prognostic outcome = Linear
HOMOC_CoxPHFit_Linear <- cph(Surv(TEVENT,EVENT) ~  HOMOC, data=PC)  
##                 Wald Statistics          Response: Surv(TEVENT, EVENT) 
##  Factor     Chi-Square d.f. P     
##  HOMOC      49.59      1    <.0001
##  TOTAL      49.59      1    <.0001
(HOMOC_CoxPHFit_Linear_WaldX2 <- anova(HOMOC_CoxPHFit_Linear)[1])
## [1] 49.59385
# Relationship of HOMOC with prognostic outcome = Restricted cubic spline (4 knots)
# (TEVENT,EVENT) ~ Restricted Cubic Spline(HOMOC,4)
HOMOC_CoxPHFit_RCS4Knots <- cph(Surv(TEVENT,EVENT) ~  rcs(HOMOC,4), data=PC)  
##                 Wald Statistics          Response: Surv(TEVENT, EVENT) 
##  Factor     Chi-Square d.f. P     
##  HOMOC      50.68      3    <.0001
##   Nonlinear  7.97      2    0.0186
##  TOTAL      50.68      3    <.0001
(HOMOC_CoxPHFit_RCS4Knots_WaldX2 <- anova(HOMOC_CoxPHFit_RCS4Knots)[1])
## [1] 50.67529
# Relationship of HOMOC with prognostic outcome = Restricted cubic spline (3 knots)
# (TEVENT,EVENT) ~ Restricted Cubic Spline(HOMOC,3)
HOMOC_CoxPHFit_RCS3Knots <- cph(Surv(TEVENT,EVENT) ~  rcs(HOMOC,3), data=PC)  
##                 Wald Statistics          Response: Surv(TEVENT, EVENT) 
##  Factor     Chi-Square d.f. P     
##  HOMOC      47.32      2    <.0001
##   Nonlinear  3.64      1    0.0563
##  TOTAL      47.32      2    <.0001
(HOMOC_CoxPHFit_RCS3Knots_WaldX2 <- anova(HOMOC_CoxPHFit_RCS3Knots)[1])
## [1] 47.32265
# Relationship of HOMOC with prognostic outcome = Logarithm
# (TEVENT,EVENT) ~ Logarithm(HOMOC)
HOMOC_CoxPHFit_Log <- cph(Surv(TEVENT,EVENT) ~  log(HOMOC), data=PC)  
##                 Wald Statistics          Response: Surv(TEVENT, EVENT) 
##  Factor     Chi-Square d.f. P     
##  HOMOC      52.46      1    <.0001
##  TOTAL      52.46      1    <.0001
(HOMOC_CoxPHFit_Log_WaldX2 <- anova(HOMOC_CoxPHFit_Log)[1])
## [1] 52.46239
# Evaluating the impact of predictor coding
# for GLUT as applied in a univariate Cox regression model

# Relationship of GLUT with prognostic outcome = Linear
GLUT_CoxPHFit_Linear <- cph(Surv(TEVENT,EVENT) ~  GLUT, data=PC)  
##                 Wald Statistics          Response: Surv(TEVENT, EVENT) 
##  Factor     Chi-Square d.f. P    
##  GLUT       12.69      1    4e-04
##  TOTAL      12.69      1    4e-04
(GLUT_CoxPHFit_Linear_WaldX2 <- anova(GLUT_CoxPHFit_Linear)[1])
## [1] 12.68661
# Relationship of GLUT with prognostic outcome = Restricted cubic spline (4 knots)
# (TEVENT,EVENT) ~ Restricted Cubic Spline(GLUT,4)
GLUT_CoxPHFit_RCS4Knots <- cph(Surv(TEVENT,EVENT) ~  rcs(GLUT,4), data=PC)  
##                 Wald Statistics          Response: Surv(TEVENT, EVENT) 
##  Factor     Chi-Square d.f. P     
##  GLUT       15.43      3    0.0015
##   Nonlinear  3.16      2    0.2059
##  TOTAL      15.43      3    0.0015
(GLUT_CoxPHFit_RCS4Knots_WaldX2 <- anova(GLUT_CoxPHFit_RCS4Knots)[1])
## [1] 15.42745
# Relationship of GLUT with prognostic outcome = Restricted cubic spline (3 knots)
# (TEVENT,EVENT) ~ Restricted Cubic Spline(GLUT,3)
GLUT_CoxPHFit_RCS3Knots <- cph(Surv(TEVENT,EVENT) ~  rcs(GLUT,3), data=PC)  
##                 Wald Statistics          Response: Surv(TEVENT, EVENT) 
##  Factor     Chi-Square d.f. P     
##  GLUT       13.03      2    0.0015
##   Nonlinear  0.11      1    0.7407
##  TOTAL      13.03      2    0.0015
(GLUT_CoxPHFit_RCS3Knots_WaldX2 <- anova(GLUT_CoxPHFit_RCS3Knots)[1])
## [1] 13.03222
# Relationship of GLUT with prognostic outcome = Logarithm
# (TEVENT,EVENT) ~ Logarithm(GLUT)
GLUT_CoxPHFit_Log <- cph(Surv(TEVENT,EVENT) ~  log(GLUT), data=PC)  
##                 Wald Statistics          Response: Surv(TEVENT, EVENT) 
##  Factor     Chi-Square d.f. P    
##  GLUT       12.08      1    5e-04
##  TOTAL      12.08      1    5e-04
(GLUT_CoxPHFit_Log_WaldX2 <- anova(GLUT_CoxPHFit_Log)[1])
## [1] 12.08488
# Evaluating the impact of predictor coding
# for LENGTH as applied in a univariate Cox regression model

# Relationship of LENGTH with prognostic outcome = Linear
LENGTH_CoxPHFit_Linear <- cph(Surv(TEVENT,EVENT) ~  LENGTH, data=PC)  
##                 Wald Statistics          Response: Surv(TEVENT, EVENT) 
##  Factor     Chi-Square d.f. P     
##  LENGTH     0.01       1    0.9284
##  TOTAL      0.01       1    0.9284
(LENGTH_CoxPHFit_Linear_WaldX2 <- anova(LENGTH_CoxPHFit_Linear)[1])
## [1] 0.008063822
# Relationship of LENGTH with prognostic outcome = Restricted cubic spline (4 knots)
# (TEVENT,EVENT) ~ Restricted Cubic Spline(LENGTH,4)
LENGTH_CoxPHFit_RCS4Knots <- cph(Surv(TEVENT,EVENT) ~  rcs(LENGTH,4), data=PC)  
##                 Wald Statistics          Response: Surv(TEVENT, EVENT) 
##  Factor     Chi-Square d.f. P     
##  LENGTH     4.19       3    0.2417
##   Nonlinear 4.17       2    0.1243
##  TOTAL      4.19       3    0.2417
(LENGTH_CoxPHFit_RCS4Knots_WaldX2 <- anova(LENGTH_CoxPHFit_RCS4Knots)[1])
## [1] 4.189518
# Relationship of LENGTH with prognostic outcome = Restricted cubic spline (3 knots)
# (TEVENT,EVENT) ~ Restricted Cubic Spline(LENGTH,3)
LENGTH_CoxPHFit_RCS3Knots <- cph(Surv(TEVENT,EVENT) ~  rcs(LENGTH,3), data=PC)  
##                 Wald Statistics          Response: Surv(TEVENT, EVENT) 
##  Factor     Chi-Square d.f. P     
##  LENGTH     4.11       2    0.1280
##   Nonlinear 4.11       1    0.0427
##  TOTAL      4.11       2    0.1280
(LENGTH_CoxPHFit_RCS3Knots_WaldX2 <- anova(LENGTH_CoxPHFit_RCS3Knots)[1])
## [1] 4.111306
# Relationship of LENGTH with prognostic outcome = Logarithm
# (TEVENT,EVENT) ~ Logarithm(LENGTH)
LENGTH_CoxPHFit_Log <- cph(Surv(TEVENT,EVENT) ~  log(LENGTH), data=PC)  
##                 Wald Statistics          Response: Surv(TEVENT, EVENT) 
##  Factor     Chi-Square d.f. P     
##  LENGTH     0          1    0.9751
##  TOTAL      0          1    0.9751
(LENGTH_CoxPHFit_Log_WaldX2 <- anova(LENGTH_CoxPHFit_Log)[1])
## [1] 0.0009703188
# Evaluating the impact of predictor coding
# for WEIGHT as applied in a univariate Cox regression model

# Relationship of WEIGHT with prognostic outcome = Linear
WEIGHT_CoxPHFit_Linear <- cph(Surv(TEVENT,EVENT) ~  WEIGHT, data=PC)  
##                 Wald Statistics          Response: Surv(TEVENT, EVENT) 
##  Factor     Chi-Square d.f. P    
##  WEIGHT     3.21       1    0.073
##  TOTAL      3.21       1    0.073
(WEIGHT_CoxPHFit_Linear_WaldX2 <- anova(WEIGHT_CoxPHFit_Linear)[1])
## [1] 3.213383
# Relationship of WEIGHT with prognostic outcome = Restricted cubic spline (4 knots)
# (TEVENT,EVENT) ~ Restricted Cubic Spline(WEIGHT,4)
WEIGHT_CoxPHFit_RCS4Knots <- cph(Surv(TEVENT,EVENT) ~  rcs(WEIGHT,4), data=PC)  
##                 Wald Statistics          Response: Surv(TEVENT, EVENT) 
##  Factor     Chi-Square d.f. P     
##  WEIGHT     4.55       3    0.2080
##   Nonlinear 1.85       2    0.3966
##  TOTAL      4.55       3    0.2080
(WEIGHT_CoxPHFit_RCS4Knots_WaldX2 <- anova(WEIGHT_CoxPHFit_RCS4Knots)[1])
## [1] 4.548998
# Relationship of WEIGHT with prognostic outcome = Restricted cubic spline (3 knots)
# (TEVENT,EVENT) ~ Restricted Cubic Spline(WEIGHT,3)
WEIGHT_CoxPHFit_RCS3Knots <- cph(Surv(TEVENT,EVENT) ~  rcs(WEIGHT,3), data=PC)  
##                 Wald Statistics          Response: Surv(TEVENT, EVENT) 
##  Factor     Chi-Square d.f. P     
##  WEIGHT     4.08       2    0.1300
##   Nonlinear 1.14       1    0.2847
##  TOTAL      4.08       2    0.1300
(WEIGHT_CoxPHFit_RCS3Knots_WaldX2 <- anova(WEIGHT_CoxPHFit_RCS3Knots)[1])
## [1] 4.080816
# Relationship of WEIGHT with prognostic outcome = Logarithm
# (TEVENT,EVENT) ~ Logarithm(WEIGHT)
WEIGHT_CoxPHFit_Log <- cph(Surv(TEVENT,EVENT) ~  log(WEIGHT), data=PC)  
##                 Wald Statistics          Response: Surv(TEVENT, EVENT) 
##  Factor     Chi-Square d.f. P     
##  WEIGHT     2.73       1    0.0982
##  TOTAL      2.73       1    0.0982
(WEIGHT_CoxPHFit_Log_WaldX2 <- anova(WEIGHT_CoxPHFit_Log)[1])
## [1] 2.734381
# Evaluating the impact of predictor coding
# for BMI as applied in a univariate Cox regression model

# Relationship of BMI with prognostic outcome = Linear
BMI_CoxPHFit_Linear <- cph(Surv(TEVENT,EVENT) ~  BMI, data=PC)  
##                 Wald Statistics          Response: Surv(TEVENT, EVENT) 
##  Factor     Chi-Square d.f. P     
##  BMI        3.87       1    0.0492
##  TOTAL      3.87       1    0.0492
(BMI_CoxPHFit_Linear_WaldX2 <- anova(BMI_CoxPHFit_Linear)[1])
## [1] 3.867475
# Relationship of BMI with prognostic outcome = Restricted cubic spline (4 knots)
# (TEVENT,EVENT) ~ Restricted Cubic Spline(BMI,4)
BMI_CoxPHFit_RCS4Knots <- cph(Surv(TEVENT,EVENT) ~  rcs(BMI,4), data=PC)  
##                 Wald Statistics          Response: Surv(TEVENT, EVENT) 
##  Factor     Chi-Square d.f. P     
##  BMI        7.64       3    0.0542
##   Nonlinear 3.77       2    0.1516
##  TOTAL      7.64       3    0.0542
(BMI_CoxPHFit_RCS4Knots_WaldX2 <- anova(BMI_CoxPHFit_RCS4Knots)[1])
## [1] 7.635769
# Relationship of BMI with prognostic outcome = Restricted cubic spline (3 knots)
# (TEVENT,EVENT) ~ Restricted Cubic Spline(BMI,3)
BMI_CoxPHFit_RCS3Knots <- cph(Surv(TEVENT,EVENT) ~  rcs(BMI,3), data=PC)  
##                 Wald Statistics          Response: Surv(TEVENT, EVENT) 
##  Factor     Chi-Square d.f. P     
##  BMI        4.02       2    0.1342
##   Nonlinear 0.08       1    0.7811
##  TOTAL      4.02       2    0.1342
(BMI_CoxPHFit_RCS3Knots_WaldX2 <- anova(BMI_CoxPHFit_RCS3Knots)[1])
## [1] 4.01637
# Relationship of BMI with prognostic outcome = Logarithm
# (TEVENT,EVENT) ~ Logarithm(BMI)
BMI_CoxPHFit_Log <- cph(Surv(TEVENT,EVENT) ~  log(BMI), data=PC)  
##                 Wald Statistics          Response: Surv(TEVENT, EVENT) 
##  Factor     Chi-Square d.f. P     
##  BMI        3.9        1    0.0482
##  TOTAL      3.9        1    0.0482
(BMI_CoxPHFit_Log_WaldX2 <- anova(BMI_CoxPHFit_Log)[1])
## [1] 3.902606
# Evaluating the impact of predictor coding
# for PACKYRS as applied in a univariate Cox regression model

# Relationship of PACKYRS with prognostic outcome = Linear
PACKYRS_CoxPHFit_Linear <- cph(Surv(TEVENT,EVENT) ~  packyrs, data=PC)  
##                 Wald Statistics          Response: Surv(TEVENT, EVENT) 
##  Factor     Chi-Square d.f. P    
##  packyrs    12.95      1    3e-04
##  TOTAL      12.95      1    3e-04
(PACKYRS_CoxPHFit_Linear_WaldX2 <- anova(PACKYRS_CoxPHFit_Linear)[1])
## [1] 12.95089
# Relationship of PACKYRS with prognostic outcome = Restricted cubic spline (4 knots)
# (TEVENT,EVENT) ~ Restricted Cubic Spline(PACKYRS,4)
PACKYRS_CoxPHFit_RCS4Knots <- cph(Surv(TEVENT,EVENT) ~  rcs(packyrs,4), data=PC)  
##                 Wald Statistics          Response: Surv(TEVENT, EVENT) 
##  Factor     Chi-Square d.f. P     
##  packyrs    14.85      3    0.0019
##   Nonlinear  1.54      2    0.4640
##  TOTAL      14.85      3    0.0019
(PACKYRS_CoxPHFit_RCS4Knots_WaldX2 <- anova(PACKYRS_CoxPHFit_RCS4Knots)[1])
## [1] 14.85005
# Relationship of PACKYRS with prognostic outcome = Restricted cubic spline (3 knots)
# (TEVENT,EVENT) ~ Restricted Cubic Spline(PACKYRS,3)
PACKYRS_CoxPHFit_RCS3Knots <- cph(Surv(TEVENT,EVENT) ~  rcs(packyrs,3), data=PC)  
##                 Wald Statistics          Response: Surv(TEVENT, EVENT) 
##  Factor     Chi-Square d.f. P     
##  packyrs    13.48      2    0.0012
##   Nonlinear  0.13      1    0.7152
##  TOTAL      13.48      2    0.0012
(PACKYRS_CoxPHFit_RCS3Knots_WaldX2 <- anova(PACKYRS_CoxPHFit_RCS3Knots)[1])
## [1] 13.47873
# Evaluating the impact of predictor coding
# as applied in a univariate and multivariate Cox regression model
PC$CEREBRAL  <- as.numeric(as.character(PC$CEREBRAL))
PC$CARDIAC   <- as.numeric(as.character(PC$CARDIAC))
PC$AAA       <- as.numeric(as.character(PC$AAA))
PC$PERIPH    <- as.numeric(as.character(PC$PERIPH))

# Relationship of CEREBRAL, CARDIAC, AAA and PERIPH
# with prognostic outcome = Linear
##                 Wald Statistics          Response: Surv(TEVENT, EVENT) 
##  Factor     Chi-Square d.f. P     
##  CEREBRAL    35.73     1    <.0001
##  CARDIAC     19.11     1    <.0001
##  AAA         96.62     1    <.0001
##  PERIPH      23.13     1    <.0001
##  TOTAL      122.61     4    <.0001
(CEREBRAL_CoxPHFit_Linear_WaldX2 <- anova(COMBINED_CoxPHFit_Linear)[1])
## [1] 35.72751
(CARDIAC_CoxPHFit_Linear_WaldX2 <- anova(COMBINED_CoxPHFit_Linear)[2])
## [1] 19.11319
(AAA_CoxPHFit_Linear_WaldX2 <- anova(COMBINED_CoxPHFit_Linear)[3])
## [1] 96.62462
(PERIPH_CoxPHFit_Linear_WaldX2 <- anova(COMBINED_CoxPHFit_Linear)[4])
## [1] 23.12629
(COMBINED_CoxPHFit_Linear_WaldX2 <- anova(COMBINED_CoxPHFit_Linear)[5])
## [1] 122.6137
# Relationship of (CEREBRAL + CARDIAC + AAA + PERIPH)
# with prognostic outcome = Linear
(SUMSCORE_4LEVELS_CoxPHFit_Linear_WaldX2 <- anova(SUMSCORE_4LEVELS_CoxPHFit_Linear)[1])
## [1] 95.98494
# Relationship of (CEREBRAL + CARDIAC + 2*AAA + PERIPH)
# with prognostic outcome = Linear
(SUMSCORE_5LEVELS_CoxPHFit_Linear_WaldX2 <- anova(SUMSCORE_5LEVELS_CoxPHFit_Linear)[1])
## [1] 119.3857
# Consolidating all results
# of predictor coding evaluation
PredictorInformation <- c(rep("AGE",7),
CodingInformation <- c("Linear",
                       "Linear Effect After 55",
                       "Squared Effect After 50",
                       "Restricted Cubic Spline (4 knots)",
                       "Restricted Cubic Spline (4 knots)",
                       "Restricted Cubic Spline (3 knots)",
                       "Restricted Cubic Spline (4 knots)",
                       "Restricted Cubic Spline (3 knots)",
                       "Restricted Cubic Spline (4 knots)",
                       "Restricted Cubic Spline (3 knots)",
                       "Restricted Cubic Spline (4 knots)",
                       "Restricted Cubic Spline (3 knots)",
                       "Restricted Cubic Spline (4 knots)",
                       "Restricted Cubic Spline (3 knots)",
                       "Restricted Cubic Spline (4 knots)",
                       "Restricted Cubic Spline (3 knots)",
                       "Restricted Cubic Spline (4 knots)",
                       "Restricted Cubic Spline (3 knots)",
                       "Restricted Cubic Spline (4 knots)",
                       "Restricted Cubic Spline (3 knots)",
                       "Restricted Cubic Spline (4 knots)",
                       "Restricted Cubic Spline (3 knots)",
                       "Restricted Cubic Spline (4 knots)",
                       "Restricted Cubic Spline (3 knots)",
                       "Restricted Cubic Spline (4 knots)",
                       "Restricted Cubic Spline (3 knots)",
                       "Restricted Cubic Spline (4 knots)",
                       "Restricted Cubic Spline (3 knots)",
                       "Restricted Cubic Spline (4 knots)",
                       "Restricted Cubic Spline (3 knots)",
                       "Restricted Cubic Spline (4 knots)",
                       "Restricted Cubic Spline (3 knots)",
                       "Restricted Cubic Spline (4 knots)",
                       "Restricted Cubic Spline (3 knots)",
WaldX2Information <- c(AGE_CoxPHFit_Linear_WaldX2,

PredictorCodingSummary <- as.data.frame(cbind(PredictorInformation,

PredictorCodingSummary$WaldX2Information <- round(as.numeric(as.character(PredictorCodingSummary$WaldX2Information)),2)

colnames(PredictorCodingSummary)<- c("Predictor",
                                     "Wald Chi-Squared")

# Summarizing all results
# of predictor coding evaluation
##        Predictor                            Coding Wald Chi-Squared
## 1            AGE                            Linear            97.17
## 2            AGE                           Squared           124.99
## 3            AGE            Linear Effect After 55           118.59
## 4            AGE           Squared Effect After 50           129.64
## 5            AGE Restricted Cubic Spline (4 knots)           125.30
## 6            AGE                         Quartiles            93.22
## 7            AGE                      Dichotomized            72.47
## 8          CREAT                            Linear            93.42
## 9          CREAT Restricted Cubic Spline (4 knots)           116.10
## 10         CREAT Restricted Cubic Spline (3 knots)            99.03
## 11         CREAT                         Logarithm           131.01
## 12         SYSTH                            Linear            15.49
## 13         SYSTH Restricted Cubic Spline (4 knots)            15.60
## 14         SYSTH Restricted Cubic Spline (3 knots)            15.17
## 15         SYSTH                         Logarithm            14.39
## 16        DIASTH                            Linear             0.73
## 17        DIASTH Restricted Cubic Spline (4 knots)             2.62
## 18        DIASTH Restricted Cubic Spline (3 knots)             2.08
## 19        DIASTH                         Logarithm             0.47
## 20        SYSTBP                            Linear            23.22
## 21        SYSTBP Restricted Cubic Spline (4 knots)            26.27
## 22        SYSTBP Restricted Cubic Spline (3 knots)            26.26
## 23        SYSTBP                         Logarithm            21.20
## 24       DIASTBP                            Linear             1.67
## 25       DIASTBP Restricted Cubic Spline (4 knots)            25.15
## 26       DIASTBP Restricted Cubic Spline (3 knots)            24.84
## 27       DIASTBP                         Logarithm             0.68
## 28          CHOL                            Linear             0.32
## 29          CHOL Restricted Cubic Spline (4 knots)             0.60
## 30          CHOL Restricted Cubic Spline (3 knots)             0.60
## 31          CHOL                         Logarithm             0.25
## 32           HDL                            Linear            11.83
## 33           HDL Restricted Cubic Spline (4 knots)            11.94
## 34           HDL Restricted Cubic Spline (3 knots)            11.61
## 35           HDL                         Logarithm            11.80
## 36           LDL                            Linear             1.28
## 37           LDL Restricted Cubic Spline (4 knots)             1.52
## 38           LDL Restricted Cubic Spline (3 knots)             1.28
## 39           LDL                         Logarithm             1.15
## 40          TRIG                            Linear             1.40
## 41          TRIG Restricted Cubic Spline (4 knots)             3.51
## 42          TRIG Restricted Cubic Spline (3 knots)             3.25
## 43          TRIG                         Logarithm             2.47
## 44         HOMOC                            Linear            49.59
## 45         HOMOC Restricted Cubic Spline (4 knots)            50.68
## 46         HOMOC Restricted Cubic Spline (3 knots)            47.32
## 47         HOMOC                         Logarithm            52.46
## 48          GLUT                            Linear            12.69
## 49          GLUT Restricted Cubic Spline (4 knots)            15.43
## 50          GLUT Restricted Cubic Spline (3 knots)            13.03
## 51          GLUT                         Logarithm            12.08
## 52        LENGTH                            Linear             0.01
## 53        LENGTH Restricted Cubic Spline (4 knots)             4.19
## 54        LENGTH Restricted Cubic Spline (3 knots)             4.11
## 55        LENGTH                         Logarithm             0.00
## 56        WEIGHT                            Linear             3.21
## 57        WEIGHT Restricted Cubic Spline (4 knots)             4.55
## 58        WEIGHT Restricted Cubic Spline (3 knots)             4.08
## 59        WEIGHT                         Logarithm             2.73
## 60           BMI                            Linear             3.87
## 61           BMI Restricted Cubic Spline (4 knots)             7.64
## 62           BMI Restricted Cubic Spline (3 knots)             4.02
## 63           BMI                         Logarithm             3.90
## 64       PACKYRS                            Linear            12.95
## 65       PACKYRS Restricted Cubic Spline (4 knots)            14.85
## 66       PACKYRS Restricted Cubic Spline (3 knots)            13.48
## 67    A-CEREBRAL                            Linear            35.73
## 68     B-CARDIAC                            Linear            19.11
## 69         C-AAA                            Linear            96.62
## 70      D-PERIPH                            Linear            23.13
## 71     (A,B,C,D)                            Linear           122.61
## 72     (A+B+C+D)                            Linear            95.98
## 73 [A+B+(2*C)+D]                            Linear           119.39

1.2.4 Data Preprocessing

Missing data pattern assessment:

[A] The missing data patterns were summarized using the aggr method from the VIM package and the naclus method from the Hmisc package.
     [A.1] There were 924/3873 (0.236) observations assessed as complete.
     [A.2] The DIASTH variable (numeric), SYSTH variable (numeric), SYSTBP variable (numeric) and DIASTBP variable (numeric) contributed the most missing data.
     [A.3] There were 105 missing data patterns observed employing various combinations of the 21 variables. The most prevalent pattern consists of two variables with missing data as noted from 1975/3873 (0.510) observations.
     [A.4] The missing data patterns were predominantly clustered between the following variables:
            [A.4.1] DIASTH (numeric) and SYSTH (numeric) variables.
            [A.4.2] DIASTBP (numeric) and SYSTBP (numeric) variables.

Missing data imputation method implementation and plausibility evaluation:

[A] The missing data imputation method aregImpute (multiple imputation using additive regression, bootstrapping, and predictive mean matching) from the Hmisc package was applied using 5 iterations. The imputed values for each iteration were collectively compared to the original data by individual variable and showed:
     [A.1] Relatively good data plausibility for the numeric variables in the imputed dataset as compared to the original dataset for all 5 iterations.
     [A.2] Relatively good data plausibility for the categorical variables in the imputed dataset as compared to the original dataset for all 5 iterations.

Code Chunk | Output
# Loading dataset

# Exploring the missing data patterns
DPP.Profile <- aggr(DPP, 
                   plot = FALSE)

DPP.Profile.Summary <- summary(DPP.Profile)

     numbers = TRUE, 
     prop = TRUE,
     sortVars = TRUE,

##  Variables sorted by number of missings: 
##  Variable        Count
##    DIASTH 0.3870384715
##     SYSTH 0.3867802737
##    SYSTBP 0.3157758843
##   DIASTBP 0.3152594888
##     HOMOC 0.1195455719
##       LDL 0.0557707204
##   albumin 0.0534469404
##       IMT 0.0253033824
##  STENOSIS 0.0240123935
##  DIABETES 0.0103279112
##       HDL 0.0077459334
##      TRIG 0.0072295378
##   SMOKING 0.0064549445
##   alcohol 0.0064549445
##   packyrs 0.0054221534
##      GLUT 0.0049057578
##      CHOL 0.0046475600
##     CREAT 0.0043893623
##       BMI 0.0007745933
##    WEIGHT 0.0005163956
##    LENGTH 0.0002581978
##    TEVENT 0.0000000000
##     EVENT 0.0000000000
##       SEX 0.0000000000
##       AGE 0.0000000000
##  CEREBRAL 0.0000000000
##   CARDIAC 0.0000000000
##       AAA 0.0000000000
##    PERIPH 0.0000000000
DPP.Patterns <- naclus(DPP)
     ylab="Fraction of NAs in common",

naplot(DPP.Patterns, which=c('na per var'),col="red")
naplot(DPP.Patterns, which=c('na per obs'),col="red")

# Conducting missing data imputation
# (Multiple Imputation using Additive Regression, Bootstrapping, and Predictive Mean Matching)
DPP$CEREBRAL  <- as.numeric(as.character(DPP$CEREBRAL))
DPP$CARDIAC   <- as.numeric(as.character(DPP$CARDIAC))
DPP$AAA       <- as.numeric(as.character(DPP$AAA))
DPP$PERIPH    <- as.numeric(as.character(DPP$PERIPH))
  (2*DPP$AAA) + 

                       as.factor(albumin) +as.factor(SMOKING) + I(packyrs) + as.factor(alcohol), 
## Iteration 1 Iteration 2 Iteration 3 Iteration 4 Iteration 5 Iteration 6 Iteration 7 Iteration 8 
# Evaluating the plausibility of the
# AREG-imputed values for the
# numerical variables

SYSTBP_complete <- (DPP$SYSTBP[complete.cases(DPP$SYSTBP)])

DPP.AREGIMPUTED_aregImpute_SYSTBP <- as.data.frame(DPP.AREGIMPUTED$imputed$SYSTBP)

SYSTBP_aregImpute_1 <- DPP.AREGIMPUTED_aregImpute_SYSTBP$V1
SYSTBP_aregImpute_2 <- DPP.AREGIMPUTED_aregImpute_SYSTBP$V2
SYSTBP_aregImpute_3 <- DPP.AREGIMPUTED_aregImpute_SYSTBP$V3
SYSTBP_aregImpute_4 <- DPP.AREGIMPUTED_aregImpute_SYSTBP$V4
SYSTBP_aregImpute_5 <- DPP.AREGIMPUTED_aregImpute_SYSTBP$V5

SYSTBP_values <- c(SYSTBP_complete,

SYSTBP_labels <- c(rep("Original",length(SYSTBP_complete)),

DIASTBP_complete <- (DPP$DIASTBP[complete.cases(DPP$DIASTBP)])



DIASTBP_values <- c(DIASTBP_complete,

DIASTBP_labels <- c(rep("Original",length(DIASTBP_complete)),

SYSTH_complete <- (DPP$SYSTH[complete.cases(DPP$SYSTH)])

DPP.AREGIMPUTED_aregImpute_SYSTH <- as.data.frame(DPP.AREGIMPUTED$imputed$SYSTH)

SYSTH_aregImpute_1 <- DPP.AREGIMPUTED_aregImpute_SYSTH$V1
SYSTH_aregImpute_2 <- DPP.AREGIMPUTED_aregImpute_SYSTH$V2
SYSTH_aregImpute_3 <- DPP.AREGIMPUTED_aregImpute_SYSTH$V3
SYSTH_aregImpute_4 <- DPP.AREGIMPUTED_aregImpute_SYSTH$V4
SYSTH_aregImpute_5 <- DPP.AREGIMPUTED_aregImpute_SYSTH$V5

SYSTH_values <- c(SYSTH_complete,

SYSTH_labels <- c(rep("Original",length(SYSTH_complete)),

DIASTH_complete <- (DPP$DIASTH[complete.cases(DPP$DIASTH)])

DPP.AREGIMPUTED_aregImpute_DIASTH <- as.data.frame(DPP.AREGIMPUTED$imputed$DIASTH)

DIASTH_aregImpute_1 <- DPP.AREGIMPUTED_aregImpute_DIASTH$V1
DIASTH_aregImpute_2 <- DPP.AREGIMPUTED_aregImpute_DIASTH$V2
DIASTH_aregImpute_3 <- DPP.AREGIMPUTED_aregImpute_DIASTH$V3
DIASTH_aregImpute_4 <- DPP.AREGIMPUTED_aregImpute_DIASTH$V4
DIASTH_aregImpute_5 <- DPP.AREGIMPUTED_aregImpute_DIASTH$V5

DIASTH_values <- c(DIASTH_complete,

DIASTH_labels <- c(rep("Original",length(DIASTH_complete)),

LENGTH_complete <- (DPP$LENGTH[complete.cases(DPP$LENGTH)])

DPP.AREGIMPUTED_aregImpute_LENGTH <- as.data.frame(DPP.AREGIMPUTED$imputed$LENGTH)

LENGTH_aregImpute_1 <- DPP.AREGIMPUTED_aregImpute_LENGTH$V1
LENGTH_aregImpute_2 <- DPP.AREGIMPUTED_aregImpute_LENGTH$V2
LENGTH_aregImpute_3 <- DPP.AREGIMPUTED_aregImpute_LENGTH$V3
LENGTH_aregImpute_4 <- DPP.AREGIMPUTED_aregImpute_LENGTH$V4
LENGTH_aregImpute_5 <- DPP.AREGIMPUTED_aregImpute_LENGTH$V5

LENGTH_values <- c(LENGTH_complete,

LENGTH_labels <- c(rep("Original",length(LENGTH_complete)),

WEIGHT_complete <- (DPP$WEIGHT[complete.cases(DPP$WEIGHT)])

DPP.AREGIMPUTED_aregImpute_WEIGHT <- as.data.frame(DPP.AREGIMPUTED$imputed$WEIGHT)

WEIGHT_aregImpute_1 <- DPP.AREGIMPUTED_aregImpute_WEIGHT$V1
WEIGHT_aregImpute_2 <- DPP.AREGIMPUTED_aregImpute_WEIGHT$V2
WEIGHT_aregImpute_3 <- DPP.AREGIMPUTED_aregImpute_WEIGHT$V3
WEIGHT_aregImpute_4 <- DPP.AREGIMPUTED_aregImpute_WEIGHT$V4
WEIGHT_aregImpute_5 <- DPP.AREGIMPUTED_aregImpute_WEIGHT$V5

WEIGHT_values <- c(WEIGHT_complete,

WEIGHT_labels <- c(rep("Original",length(WEIGHT_complete)),

BMI_complete <- (DPP$BMI[complete.cases(DPP$BMI)])

DPP.AREGIMPUTED_aregImpute_BMI <- as.data.frame(DPP.AREGIMPUTED$imputed$BMI)

BMI_aregImpute_1 <- DPP.AREGIMPUTED_aregImpute_BMI$V1
BMI_aregImpute_2 <- DPP.AREGIMPUTED_aregImpute_BMI$V2
BMI_aregImpute_3 <- DPP.AREGIMPUTED_aregImpute_BMI$V3
BMI_aregImpute_4 <- DPP.AREGIMPUTED_aregImpute_BMI$V4
BMI_aregImpute_5 <- DPP.AREGIMPUTED_aregImpute_BMI$V5

BMI_values <- c(BMI_complete,

BMI_labels <- c(rep("Original",length(BMI_complete)),

CHOL_complete <- (DPP$CHOL[complete.cases(DPP$CHOL)])

DPP.AREGIMPUTED_aregImpute_CHOL <- as.data.frame(DPP.AREGIMPUTED$imputed$CHOL)

CHOL_aregImpute_1 <- DPP.AREGIMPUTED_aregImpute_CHOL$V1
CHOL_aregImpute_2 <- DPP.AREGIMPUTED_aregImpute_CHOL$V2
CHOL_aregImpute_3 <- DPP.AREGIMPUTED_aregImpute_CHOL$V3
CHOL_aregImpute_4 <- DPP.AREGIMPUTED_aregImpute_CHOL$V4
CHOL_aregImpute_5 <- DPP.AREGIMPUTED_aregImpute_CHOL$V5

CHOL_values <- c(CHOL_complete,

CHOL_labels <- c(rep("Original",length(CHOL_complete)),

HDL_complete <- (DPP$HDL[complete.cases(DPP$HDL)])

DPP.AREGIMPUTED_aregImpute_HDL <- as.data.frame(DPP.AREGIMPUTED$imputed$HDL)

HDL_aregImpute_1 <- DPP.AREGIMPUTED_aregImpute_HDL$V1
HDL_aregImpute_2 <- DPP.AREGIMPUTED_aregImpute_HDL$V2
HDL_aregImpute_3 <- DPP.AREGIMPUTED_aregImpute_HDL$V3
HDL_aregImpute_4 <- DPP.AREGIMPUTED_aregImpute_HDL$V4
HDL_aregImpute_5 <- DPP.AREGIMPUTED_aregImpute_HDL$V5

HDL_values <- c(HDL_complete,

HDL_labels <- c(rep("Original",length(HDL_complete)),

LDL_complete <- (DPP$LDL[complete.cases(DPP$LDL)])

DPP.AREGIMPUTED_aregImpute_LDL <- as.data.frame(DPP.AREGIMPUTED$imputed$LDL)

LDL_aregImpute_1 <- DPP.AREGIMPUTED_aregImpute_LDL$V1
LDL_aregImpute_2 <- DPP.AREGIMPUTED_aregImpute_LDL$V2
LDL_aregImpute_3 <- DPP.AREGIMPUTED_aregImpute_LDL$V3
LDL_aregImpute_4 <- DPP.AREGIMPUTED_aregImpute_LDL$V4
LDL_aregImpute_5 <- DPP.AREGIMPUTED_aregImpute_LDL$V5

LDL_values <- c(LDL_complete,

LDL_labels <- c(rep("Original",length(LDL_complete)),

TRIG_complete <- (DPP$TRIG[complete.cases(DPP$TRIG)])

DPP.AREGIMPUTED_aregImpute_TRIG <- as.data.frame(DPP.AREGIMPUTED$imputed$TRIG)

TRIG_aregImpute_1 <- DPP.AREGIMPUTED_aregImpute_TRIG$V1
TRIG_aregImpute_2 <- DPP.AREGIMPUTED_aregImpute_TRIG$V2
TRIG_aregImpute_3 <- DPP.AREGIMPUTED_aregImpute_TRIG$V3
TRIG_aregImpute_4 <- DPP.AREGIMPUTED_aregImpute_TRIG$V4
TRIG_aregImpute_5 <- DPP.AREGIMPUTED_aregImpute_TRIG$V5

TRIG_values <- c(TRIG_complete,

TRIG_labels <- c(rep("Original",length(TRIG_complete)),

HOMOC_complete <- (DPP$HOMOC[complete.cases(DPP$HOMOC)])

DPP.AREGIMPUTED_aregImpute_HOMOC <- as.data.frame(DPP.AREGIMPUTED$imputed$HOMOC)

HOMOC_aregImpute_1 <- DPP.AREGIMPUTED_aregImpute_HOMOC$V1
HOMOC_aregImpute_2 <- DPP.AREGIMPUTED_aregImpute_HOMOC$V2
HOMOC_aregImpute_3 <- DPP.AREGIMPUTED_aregImpute_HOMOC$V3
HOMOC_aregImpute_4 <- DPP.AREGIMPUTED_aregImpute_HOMOC$V4
HOMOC_aregImpute_5 <- DPP.AREGIMPUTED_aregImpute_HOMOC$V5

HOMOC_values <- c(HOMOC_complete,

HOMOC_labels <- c(rep("Original",length(HOMOC_complete)),

GLUT_complete <- (DPP$GLUT[complete.cases(DPP$GLUT)])

DPP.AREGIMPUTED_aregImpute_GLUT <- as.data.frame(DPP.AREGIMPUTED$imputed$GLUT)

GLUT_aregImpute_1 <- DPP.AREGIMPUTED_aregImpute_GLUT$V1
GLUT_aregImpute_2 <- DPP.AREGIMPUTED_aregImpute_GLUT$V2
GLUT_aregImpute_3 <- DPP.AREGIMPUTED_aregImpute_GLUT$V3
GLUT_aregImpute_4 <- DPP.AREGIMPUTED_aregImpute_GLUT$V4
GLUT_aregImpute_5 <- DPP.AREGIMPUTED_aregImpute_GLUT$V5

GLUT_values <- c(GLUT_complete,

GLUT_labels <- c(rep("Original",length(GLUT_complete)),

CREAT_complete <- (DPP$CREAT[complete.cases(DPP$CREAT)])

DPP.AREGIMPUTED_aregImpute_CREAT <- as.data.frame(DPP.AREGIMPUTED$imputed$CREAT)

CREAT_aregImpute_1 <- DPP.AREGIMPUTED_aregImpute_CREAT$V1
CREAT_aregImpute_2 <- DPP.AREGIMPUTED_aregImpute_CREAT$V2
CREAT_aregImpute_3 <- DPP.AREGIMPUTED_aregImpute_CREAT$V3
CREAT_aregImpute_4 <- DPP.AREGIMPUTED_aregImpute_CREAT$V4
CREAT_aregImpute_5 <- DPP.AREGIMPUTED_aregImpute_CREAT$V5

CREAT_values <- c(CREAT_complete,

CREAT_labels <- c(rep("Original",length(CREAT_complete)),

IMT_complete <- (DPP$IMT[complete.cases(DPP$IMT)])

DPP.AREGIMPUTED_aregImpute_IMT <- as.data.frame(DPP.AREGIMPUTED$imputed$IMT)

IMT_aregImpute_1 <- DPP.AREGIMPUTED_aregImpute_IMT$V1
IMT_aregImpute_2 <- DPP.AREGIMPUTED_aregImpute_IMT$V2
IMT_aregImpute_3 <- DPP.AREGIMPUTED_aregImpute_IMT$V3
IMT_aregImpute_4 <- DPP.AREGIMPUTED_aregImpute_IMT$V4
IMT_aregImpute_5 <- DPP.AREGIMPUTED_aregImpute_IMT$V5

IMT_values <- c(IMT_complete,

IMT_labels <- c(rep("Original",length(IMT_complete)),

PACKYRS_complete <- (DPP$packyrs[complete.cases(DPP$packyrs)])

DPP.AREGIMPUTED_aregImpute_PACKYRS <- as.data.frame(DPP.AREGIMPUTED$imputed$packyrs)


PACKYRS_values <- c(PACKYRS_complete,

PACKYRS_labels <- c(rep("Original",length(PACKYRS_complete)),

VARIABLE_labels <- c(rep("SYSTBP",length(SYSTBP_labels)),

NUMERIC_VARIABLES_postimputation <- cbind(VARIABLE_labels,
NUMERIC_VARIABLES_postimputation <- as.data.frame(NUMERIC_VARIABLES_postimputation)

colnames(NUMERIC_VARIABLES_postimputation) <- c("Variable",

NUMERIC_VARIABLES_postimputation$Variable <- factor(NUMERIC_VARIABLES_postimputation$Variable,

NUMERIC_VARIABLES_postimputation$Category <- factor(NUMERIC_VARIABLES_postimputation$Category,

NUMERIC_VARIABLES_postimputation_SYSTBP <- NUMERIC_VARIABLES_postimputation[NUMERIC_VARIABLES_postimputation$Variable=="SYSTBP",]
NUMERIC_VARIABLES_postimputation_SYSTH <- NUMERIC_VARIABLES_postimputation[NUMERIC_VARIABLES_postimputation$Variable=="SYSTH",]
NUMERIC_VARIABLES_postimputation_DIASTBP <- NUMERIC_VARIABLES_postimputation[NUMERIC_VARIABLES_postimputation$Variable=="DIASTBP",]
NUMERIC_VARIABLES_postimputation_DIASTH <- NUMERIC_VARIABLES_postimputation[NUMERIC_VARIABLES_postimputation$Variable=="DIASTH",]
NUMERIC_VARIABLES_postimputation_LENGTH <- NUMERIC_VARIABLES_postimputation[NUMERIC_VARIABLES_postimputation$Variable=="LENGTH",]
NUMERIC_VARIABLES_postimputation_WEIGHT <- NUMERIC_VARIABLES_postimputation[NUMERIC_VARIABLES_postimputation$Variable=="WEIGHT",]
NUMERIC_VARIABLES_postimputation_BMI <- NUMERIC_VARIABLES_postimputation[NUMERIC_VARIABLES_postimputation$Variable=="BMI",]
NUMERIC_VARIABLES_postimputation_CHOL <- NUMERIC_VARIABLES_postimputation[NUMERIC_VARIABLES_postimputation$Variable=="CHOL",]
NUMERIC_VARIABLES_postimputation_HDL <- NUMERIC_VARIABLES_postimputation[NUMERIC_VARIABLES_postimputation$Variable=="HDL",]
NUMERIC_VARIABLES_postimputation_LDL <- NUMERIC_VARIABLES_postimputation[NUMERIC_VARIABLES_postimputation$Variable=="LDL",]
NUMERIC_VARIABLES_postimputation_TRIG <- NUMERIC_VARIABLES_postimputation[NUMERIC_VARIABLES_postimputation$Variable=="TRIG",]
NUMERIC_VARIABLES_postimputation_HOMOC <- NUMERIC_VARIABLES_postimputation[NUMERIC_VARIABLES_postimputation$Variable=="HOMOC",]
NUMERIC_VARIABLES_postimputation_GLUT <- NUMERIC_VARIABLES_postimputation[NUMERIC_VARIABLES_postimputation$Variable=="GLUT",]
NUMERIC_VARIABLES_postimputation_CREAT <- NUMERIC_VARIABLES_postimputation[NUMERIC_VARIABLES_postimputation$Variable=="CREAT",]
NUMERIC_VARIABLES_postimputation_IMT <- NUMERIC_VARIABLES_postimputation[NUMERIC_VARIABLES_postimputation$Variable=="IMT",]
NUMERIC_VARIABLES_postimputation_PACKYRS <- NUMERIC_VARIABLES_postimputation[NUMERIC_VARIABLES_postimputation$Variable=="PACKYRS",]

DENSITY_SYSTBP <- densityplot(~ Value | Variable, 
            data = NUMERIC_VARIABLES_postimputation_SYSTBP, 
            groups = Category,
            plot.points = FALSE, 
            ref = TRUE,
            auto.key = list(adj=1, space="top", columns=1),
            par.settings = list(superpose.line = list(lwd=2)))

DENSITY_SYSTH <- densityplot(~ Value | Variable, 
                              data = NUMERIC_VARIABLES_postimputation_SYSTH, 
                              groups = Category,
                              plot.points = FALSE, 
                              ref = TRUE,
                              auto.key = list(adj=1, space="top", columns=1),
                              par.settings = list(superpose.line = list(lwd=2)))

DENSITY_DIASTBP <- densityplot(~ Value | Variable, 
                               data = NUMERIC_VARIABLES_postimputation_DIASTBP, 
                               groups = Category,
                               plot.points = FALSE, 
                               ref = TRUE,
                               auto.key = list(adj=1, space="top", columns=1),
                               par.settings = list(superpose.line = list(lwd=2)))

DENSITY_DIASTH <- densityplot(~ Value | Variable, 
                              data = NUMERIC_VARIABLES_postimputation_DIASTH, 
                              groups = Category,
                              plot.points = FALSE, 
                              ref = TRUE,
                              auto.key = list(adj=1, space="top", columns=1),
                              par.settings = list(superpose.line = list(lwd=2)))

DENSITY_LENGTH <- densityplot(~ Value | Variable, 
                              data = NUMERIC_VARIABLES_postimputation_LENGTH, 
                              groups = Category,
                              plot.points = FALSE, 
                              ref = TRUE,
                              auto.key = list(adj=1, space="top", columns=1),
                              par.settings = list(superpose.line = list(lwd=2)))

DENSITY_WEIGHT <- densityplot(~ Value | Variable, 
                              data = NUMERIC_VARIABLES_postimputation_WEIGHT, 
                              groups = Category,
                              plot.points = FALSE, 
                              ref = TRUE,
                              auto.key = list(adj=1, space="top", columns=1),
                              par.settings = list(superpose.line = list(lwd=2)))

DENSITY_BMI <- densityplot(~ Value | Variable, 
                              data = NUMERIC_VARIABLES_postimputation_BMI, 
                              groups = Category,
                              plot.points = FALSE, 
                              ref = TRUE,
                              auto.key = list(adj=1, space="top", columns=1),
                              par.settings = list(superpose.line = list(lwd=2)))

DENSITY_CHOL <- densityplot(~ Value | Variable, 
                              data = NUMERIC_VARIABLES_postimputation_CHOL, 
                              groups = Category,
                              plot.points = FALSE, 
                              ref = TRUE,
                              auto.key = list(adj=1, space="top", columns=1),
                              par.settings = list(superpose.line = list(lwd=2)))

DENSITY_HDL <- densityplot(~ Value | Variable, 
                              data = NUMERIC_VARIABLES_postimputation_HDL, 
                              groups = Category,
                              plot.points = FALSE, 
                              ref = TRUE,
                              auto.key = list(adj=1, space="top", columns=1),
                              par.settings = list(superpose.line = list(lwd=2)))

DENSITY_LDL <- densityplot(~ Value | Variable, 
                              data = NUMERIC_VARIABLES_postimputation_LDL, 
                              groups = Category,
                              plot.points = FALSE, 
                              ref = TRUE,
                              auto.key = list(adj=1, space="top", columns=1),
                              par.settings = list(superpose.line = list(lwd=2)))

DENSITY_TRIG <- densityplot(~ Value | Variable, 
                              data = NUMERIC_VARIABLES_postimputation_TRIG, 
                              groups = Category,
                              plot.points = FALSE, 
                              ref = TRUE,
                              auto.key = list(adj=1, space="top", columns=1),
                              par.settings = list(superpose.line = list(lwd=2)))

DENSITY_HOMOC <- densityplot(~ Value | Variable, 
                              data = NUMERIC_VARIABLES_postimputation_HOMOC, 
                              groups = Category,
                              plot.points = FALSE, 
                              ref = TRUE,
                              auto.key = list(adj=1, space="top", columns=1),
                              par.settings = list(superpose.line = list(lwd=2)))

DENSITY_GLUT <- densityplot(~ Value | Variable, 
                              data = NUMERIC_VARIABLES_postimputation_GLUT, 
                              groups = Category,
                              plot.points = FALSE, 
                              ref = TRUE,
                              auto.key = list(adj=1, space="top", columns=1),
                              par.settings = list(superpose.line = list(lwd=2)))

DENSITY_CREAT <- densityplot(~ Value | Variable, 
                              data = NUMERIC_VARIABLES_postimputation_CREAT, 
                              groups = Category,
                              plot.points = FALSE, 
                              ref = TRUE,
                              auto.key = list(adj=1, space="top", columns=1),
                              par.settings = list(superpose.line = list(lwd=2)))

DENSITY_IMT <- densityplot(~ Value | Variable, 
                              data = NUMERIC_VARIABLES_postimputation_IMT, 
                              groups = Category,
                              plot.points = FALSE, 
                              ref = TRUE,
                              auto.key = list(adj=1, space="top", columns=1),
                              par.settings = list(superpose.line = list(lwd=2)))

DENSITY_PACKYRS <- densityplot(~ Value | Variable, 
                              data = NUMERIC_VARIABLES_postimputation_PACKYRS, 
                              groups = Category,
                              plot.points = FALSE, 
                              ref = TRUE,
                              auto.key = list(adj=1, space="top", columns=1),
                              par.settings = list(superpose.line = list(lwd=2)))

             ncol = 4) 

# Evaluating the plausibility of the
# AREG-imputed values for the
# numerical variables

DIABETES_complete <- (DPP$DIABETES[complete.cases(DPP$DIABETES)])



DIABETES_values <- c(DIABETES_complete,

DIABETES_labels <- c(rep("Original",length(DIABETES_complete)),

DIABETES_postimputation <- cbind(DIABETES_values,

DIABETES_postimputation <- as.data.frame(DIABETES_postimputation)

colnames(DIABETES_postimputation) <- c("Value",

DIABETES_postimputation_proportion <- as.data.frame(prop.table(table(DIABETES_postimputation), 2))

DIABETES_postimputation_proportion$Category <- factor(DIABETES_postimputation_proportion$Category,

DIABETES_postimputation_proportion$Variable <- rep("DIABETES",nrow(DIABETES_postimputation_proportion))

BAR_DIABETES <- barchart(Freq ~ Category | Variable,
         groups = Value,
         ylab = "Proportion",
         auto.key = list(adj=1, space="top", columns=2))

STENOSIS_complete <- (DPP$STENOSIS[complete.cases(DPP$STENOSIS)])



STENOSIS_values <- c(STENOSIS_complete,

STENOSIS_labels <- c(rep("Original",length(STENOSIS_complete)),

STENOSIS_postimputation <- cbind(STENOSIS_values,

STENOSIS_postimputation <- as.data.frame(STENOSIS_postimputation)

colnames(STENOSIS_postimputation) <- c("Value",

STENOSIS_postimputation_proportion <- as.data.frame(prop.table(table(STENOSIS_postimputation), 2))

STENOSIS_postimputation_proportion$Category <- factor(STENOSIS_postimputation_proportion$Category,

STENOSIS_postimputation_proportion$Variable <- rep("STENOSIS",nrow(STENOSIS_postimputation_proportion))

BAR_STENOSIS <- barchart(Freq ~ Category | Variable,
         groups = Value,
         ylab = "Proportion",
         auto.key = list(adj=1, space="top", columns=2))

ALBUMIN_complete <- (DPP$ albumin [complete.cases(DPP$albumin)])

DPP.AREGIMPUTED_aregImpute_ALBUMIN <- as.data.frame(DPP.AREGIMPUTED$imputed$ albumin)


ALBUMIN_values <- c(ALBUMIN_complete,

ALBUMIN_labels <- c(rep("Original",length(ALBUMIN_complete)),

ALBUMIN_postimputation <- cbind(ALBUMIN_values,

ALBUMIN_postimputation <- as.data.frame(ALBUMIN_postimputation)

colnames(ALBUMIN_postimputation) <- c("Value",

ALBUMIN_postimputation_proportion <- as.data.frame(prop.table(table(ALBUMIN_postimputation), 2))

ALBUMIN_postimputation_proportion$Category <- factor(ALBUMIN_postimputation_proportion$Category,

ALBUMIN_postimputation_proportion$Variable <- rep("ALBUMIN",nrow(ALBUMIN_postimputation_proportion))

BAR_ALBUMIN <- barchart(Freq ~ Category | Variable,
         groups = Value,
         ylab = "Proportion",
         auto.key = list(adj=1, space="top", columns=3))

SMOKING_complete <- (DPP$ SMOKING [complete.cases(DPP$SMOKING)])



SMOKING_values <- c(SMOKING_complete,

SMOKING_labels <- c(rep("Original",length(SMOKING_complete)),

SMOKING_postimputation <- cbind(SMOKING_values,

SMOKING_postimputation <- as.data.frame(SMOKING_postimputation)

colnames(SMOKING_postimputation) <- c("Value",

SMOKING_postimputation_proportion <- as.data.frame(prop.table(table(SMOKING_postimputation), 2))

SMOKING_postimputation_proportion$Category <- factor(SMOKING_postimputation_proportion$Category,

SMOKING_postimputation_proportion$Variable <- rep("SMOKING",nrow(SMOKING_postimputation_proportion))

BAR_SMOKING <- barchart(Freq ~ Category | Variable,
         groups = Value,
         ylab = "Proportion",
         auto.key = list(adj=1, space="top", columns=3))

ALCOHOL_complete <- (DPP$ alcohol [complete.cases(DPP$alcohol)])

DPP.AREGIMPUTED_aregImpute_ALCOHOL <- as.data.frame(DPP.AREGIMPUTED$imputed$alcohol)


ALCOHOL_values <- c(ALCOHOL_complete,

ALCOHOL_labels <- c(rep("Original",length(ALCOHOL_complete)),

ALCOHOL_postimputation <- cbind(ALCOHOL_values,

ALCOHOL_postimputation <- as.data.frame(ALCOHOL_postimputation)

colnames(ALCOHOL_postimputation) <- c("Value",

ALCOHOL_postimputation_proportion <- as.data.frame(prop.table(table(ALCOHOL_postimputation), 2))

ALCOHOL_postimputation_proportion$Category <- factor(ALCOHOL_postimputation_proportion$Category,

ALCOHOL_postimputation_proportion$Variable <- rep("ALCOHOL",nrow(ALCOHOL_postimputation_proportion))

BAR_ALCOHOL <- barchart(Freq ~ Category | Variable,
         groups = Value,
         ylab = "Proportion",
         auto.key = list(adj=1, space="top", columns=3))

             ncol = 2)

1.2.5 Model Specification

Missing data imputation evaluation using full model specification:

[A] Certain variables were initially excluded for modelling in order to (1) reduce potential multicollinearity among predictors (those which reported high variance inflation factor values); (2) remove variables which were minimally associated to the outcome based from initial data exploration (those which reported low Wald chi-squared values); and (3) only retain important and standard risk factors (those which have been previously shown as significant clinical survival predictors based from expert recommendations and/or literature review) :
     [A.1] DIASTH variable (numeric)
     [A.2] DIASBP variable (numeric)
     [A.3] SYSTBP variable (numeric)
     [A.4] LENGTH variable (numeric)
     [A.5] WEIGHT variable (numeric)
     [A.6] CHOL variable (numeric)
     [A.7] LDL variable (numeric)
     [A.8] TRIG variable (numeric)
     [A.9] GLUT variable (numeric)
     [A.10] PACKYRS variable (numeric)

[B] The variables selected to be a part of the full model comprised of the following:
     [B.1] AGE variable (numeric) coded using its squared value after 50 years [if (AGE>50) then (AGE-50)^2 else 0]
     [B.2] SEX variable (factor)
     [B.3] SMOKING variable (factor)
     [B.4] ALCOHOL variable (factor)
     [B.5] BMI variable (numeric)
     [B.6] SYSTH variable (numeric)
     [B.7] HDL variable (numeric)
     [B.8] DIABETES variable (factor)
     [B.9] CEREBRAL variable (numeric), CARDIAC variable (numeric), AAA variable (numeric) and PERIPH variable (numeric) coded using their linear combination [CEREBRAL + CARDIAC + (2*AAA) + PERIPH] called SUMSCORE_5LEVELS variable (numeric)
     [B.10] HOMOC variable (numeric)
     [B.11] CREAT variable (numeric) coded using its logarithm [log(CREAT)]
     [B.12] ALBUMIN variable (factor)
     [B.13] STENOSIS variable (factor)
     [B.14] IMT variable (numeric)
     [B.15] HOMOC variable (numeric)

[C] The five imputed datasets (aregImputed_1, aregImputed_2, aregImputed_3, aregImputed_4 and aregImputed_5) demonstrated generally stable estimated coefficients for the full cox proportional hazards model. The imputed data from iteration 3 (aregImputed_3) was assigned for the subsequent model selection process.

Code Chunk | Output
# Loading the modelling dataset
# by combining the complete and imputed values

# Combining the complete and 
# 1ST imputation results from AREG



SMART.AREGIMPUTED_1$AAA       <- as.numeric(as.character(SMART.AREGIMPUTED_1$AAA))


# Combining the complete and 
# 2ND imputation results from AREG



SMART.AREGIMPUTED_2$AAA       <- as.numeric(as.character(SMART.AREGIMPUTED_2$AAA))


# Combining the complete and 
# 3RD imputation results from AREG



SMART.AREGIMPUTED_3$AAA       <- as.numeric(as.character(SMART.AREGIMPUTED_3$AAA))


# Combining the complete and 
# 4TH imputation results from AREG



SMART.AREGIMPUTED_4$AAA       <- as.numeric(as.character(SMART.AREGIMPUTED_4$AAA))


# Combining the complete and 
# 5TH imputation results from AREG



SMART.AREGIMPUTED_5$AAA       <- as.numeric(as.character(SMART.AREGIMPUTED_5$AAA))


# Exploring the single imputation
# results using AREG

##  30  Variables      3873  Observations
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
##        n  missing distinct     Info     Mean      Gmd      .05      .10 
##     3873        0     1934        1     1370     1078     98.6    197.0 
##      .25      .50      .75      .90      .95 
##    555.0   1213.0   2165.0   2762.4   3017.4 
## lowest : 0.1  1    2    3    4   , highest: 3451 3452 3463 3465 3466
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
##        n  missing distinct 
##     3873        0        2 
## Value          0     1
## Frequency   3413   460
## Proportion 0.881 0.119
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## SEX 
##        n  missing distinct 
##     3873        0        2 
## Value          1     2
## Frequency   2897   976
## Proportion 0.748 0.252
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## AGE 
##        n  missing distinct     Info     Mean      Gmd      .05      .10 
##     3873        0       62    0.999    59.56    11.94       41       46 
##      .25      .50      .75      .90      .95 
##       52       60       68       73       76 
## lowest : 19 20 23 24 25, highest: 78 79 80 81 82
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
##        n  missing  imputed distinct 
##     3873        0       40        2 
## Value          0     1
## Frequency   3024   849
## Proportion 0.781 0.219
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
##        n  missing distinct     Info      Sum     Mean      Gmd 
##     3873        0        2    0.625     1147   0.2962    0.417 
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
##        n  missing distinct     Info      Sum     Mean      Gmd 
##     3873        0        2     0.74     2160   0.5577   0.4935 
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## AAA 
##        n  missing distinct     Info      Sum     Mean      Gmd 
##     3873        0        2    0.288      416   0.1074   0.1918 
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
##        n  missing distinct     Info      Sum     Mean      Gmd 
##     3873        0        2    0.551      940   0.2427   0.3677 
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
##        n  missing  imputed distinct 
##     3873        0       93        2 
## Value          0     1
## Frequency   3131   742
## Proportion 0.808 0.192
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
##        n  missing  imputed distinct     Info     Mean      Gmd      .05 
##     3873        0     1223      114        1    140.8    22.31      112 
##      .10      .25      .50      .75      .90      .95 
##      117      126      139      153      168      178 
## lowest :  96  97  98  99 100, highest: 206 209 211 212 216
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
##        n  missing  imputed distinct     Info     Mean      Gmd      .05 
##     3873        0     1221       70    0.999    79.72    10.94       65 
##      .10      .25      .50      .75      .90      .95 
##       68       73       79       86       93       97 
## lowest :  46  48  52  53  54, highest: 117 118 120 124 127
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
##        n  missing  imputed distinct     Info     Mean      Gmd      .05 
##     3873        0     1498      132        1    143.1    24.73      111 
##      .10      .25      .50      .75      .90      .95 
##      117      127      140      157      173      183 
## lowest :  79  88  91  93  94, highest: 222 223 228 242 244
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
##        n  missing  imputed distinct     Info     Mean      Gmd      .05 
##     3873        0     1499       77    0.999    81.93    12.92       64 
##      .10      .25      .50      .75      .90      .95 
##       68       74       81       89       97      102 
## lowest :  45  49  50  52  53, highest: 123 125 126 130 136
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
##        n  missing  imputed distinct     Info     Mean      Gmd      .05 
##     3873        0        1       42    0.999     1.74  0.09862     1.59 
##      .10      .25      .50      .75      .90      .95 
##     1.62     1.68     1.75     1.80     1.85     1.88 
## lowest : 1.53 1.54 1.55 1.56 1.57, highest: 1.9  1.91 1.92 1.93 1.94
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
##        n  missing  imputed distinct     Info     Mean      Gmd      .05 
##     3873        0        2       75    0.999    80.99    15.41       59 
##      .10      .25      .50      .75      .90      .95 
##       64       72       80       89       99      104 
## lowest :  50  51  52  53  54, highest: 120 121 122 123 124
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## BMI 
##        n  missing  imputed distinct     Info     Mean      Gmd      .05 
##     3873        0        3      995        1    26.69    4.259    20.96 
##      .10      .25      .50      .75      .90      .95 
##    22.16    24.11    26.30    28.73    31.86    33.90 
## lowest : 18.7  18.71 18.73 18.78 18.81, highest: 39.25 39.43 39.45 39.64 39.8 
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## CHOL 
##        n  missing  imputed distinct     Info     Mean      Gmd      .05 
##     3873        0       18       65    0.999    5.191    1.283      3.5 
##      .10      .25      .50      .75      .90      .95 
##      3.8      4.4      5.1      5.9      6.7      7.2 
## lowest : 2.8 2.9 3   3.1 3.2, highest: 8.8 8.9 9.1 9.2 9.4
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## HDL 
##        n  missing  imputed distinct     Info     Mean      Gmd      .05 
##     3873        0       30      188        1     1.23   0.4031     0.74 
##      .10      .25      .50      .75      .90      .95 
##     0.82     0.96     1.17     1.42     1.73     1.94 
## lowest : 0.58 0.59 0.6  0.61 0.62, highest: 2.46 2.47 2.48 2.49 2.51
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## LDL 
##        n  missing  imputed distinct     Info     Mean      Gmd      .05 
##     3873        0      216      478        1    3.129    1.184     1.52 
##      .10      .25      .50      .75      .90      .95 
##     1.82     2.37     3.05     3.83     4.55     4.98 
## lowest : 1.1  1.11 1.12 1.14 1.15, highest: 6.34 6.37 6.41 6.47 6.6 
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## TRIG 
##        n  missing  imputed distinct     Info     Mean      Gmd      .05 
##     3873        0       28      461        1    1.852    1.093    0.760 
##      .10      .25      .50      .75      .90      .95 
##    0.880    1.120    1.530    2.230    3.120    3.904 
## lowest : 0.56 0.57 0.58 0.59 0.6 , highest: 8.28 8.61 8.68 8.91 8.96
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
##        n  missing  imputed distinct     Info     Mean      Gmd      .05 
##     3873        0      463      255        1    14.17    5.609      8.0 
##      .10      .25      .50      .75      .90      .95 
##      8.8     10.5     13.0     16.2     20.6     24.8 
## lowest : 6.1  6.2  6.3  6.4  6.5 , highest: 35.5 35.9 36.1 37.1 38.3
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## GLUT 
##        n  missing  imputed distinct     Info     Mean      Gmd      .05 
##     3873        0       19      125    0.998    6.333    1.702      4.8 
##      .10      .25      .50      .75      .90      .95 
##      5.0      5.3      5.7      6.5      8.4     10.4 
## lowest : 4.3  4.4  4.5  4.6  4.7 , highest: 17.6 17.7 17.9 18   18.7
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
##        n  missing  imputed distinct     Info     Mean      Gmd      .05 
##     3873        0       17      194        1    98.35    34.53       65 
##      .10      .25      .50      .75      .90      .95 
##       69       78       89      101      118      138 
## lowest :  54  55  56  57  58, highest: 784 799 809 813 825
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## IMT 
##        n  missing  imputed distinct     Info     Mean      Gmd      .05 
##     3873        0       98       99    0.999    0.936   0.2883     0.60 
##      .10      .25      .50      .75      .90      .95 
##     0.65     0.75     0.88     1.07     1.30     1.45 
## lowest : 0.47 0.48 0.5  0.52 0.53, highest: 1.77 1.78 1.8  1.82 1.83
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## albumin 
##        n  missing  imputed distinct 
##     3873        0      207        3 
## Value          1     2     3
## Frequency   3045   696   132
## Proportion 0.786 0.180 0.034
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
##        n  missing  imputed distinct 
##     3873        0       25        3 
## Value          1     2     3
## Frequency    694  2733   446
## Proportion 0.179 0.706 0.115
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## packyrs 
##        n  missing  imputed distinct     Info     Mean      Gmd      .05 
##     3873        0       21      263    0.994    22.64    22.26      0.0 
##      .10      .25      .50      .75      .90      .95 
##      0.0      5.9     19.5     34.2     50.4     62.0 
## lowest : 0   0.3 0.6 0.7 0.8, highest: 100 102 104 110 120
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## alcohol 
##        n  missing  imputed distinct 
##     3873        0       25        3 
## Value          1     2     3
## Frequency    756   412  2705
## Proportion 0.195 0.106 0.698
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
##        n  missing distinct     Info     Mean      Gmd 
##     3873        0        5    0.532    1.311    0.511 
## Value          1     2     3     4     5
## Frequency   2999   605   211    53     5
## Proportion 0.774 0.156 0.054 0.014 0.001
## For the frequency table, variable is rounded to the nearest 0
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
##  30  Variables      3873  Observations
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
##        n  missing distinct     Info     Mean      Gmd      .05      .10 
##     3873        0     1934        1     1370     1078     98.6    197.0 
##      .25      .50      .75      .90      .95 
##    555.0   1213.0   2165.0   2762.4   3017.4 
## lowest : 0.1  1    2    3    4   , highest: 3451 3452 3463 3465 3466
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
##        n  missing distinct 
##     3873        0        2 
## Value          0     1
## Frequency   3413   460
## Proportion 0.881 0.119
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## SEX 
##        n  missing distinct 
##     3873        0        2 
## Value          1     2
## Frequency   2897   976
## Proportion 0.748 0.252
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## AGE 
##        n  missing distinct     Info     Mean      Gmd      .05      .10 
##     3873        0       62    0.999    59.56    11.94       41       46 
##      .25      .50      .75      .90      .95 
##       52       60       68       73       76 
## lowest : 19 20 23 24 25, highest: 78 79 80 81 82
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
##        n  missing  imputed distinct 
##     3873        0       40        2 
## Value          0     1
## Frequency   3024   849
## Proportion 0.781 0.219
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
##        n  missing distinct     Info      Sum     Mean      Gmd 
##     3873        0        2    0.625     1147   0.2962    0.417 
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
##        n  missing distinct     Info      Sum     Mean      Gmd 
##     3873        0        2     0.74     2160   0.5577   0.4935 
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## AAA 
##        n  missing distinct     Info      Sum     Mean      Gmd 
##     3873        0        2    0.288      416   0.1074   0.1918 
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
##        n  missing distinct     Info      Sum     Mean      Gmd 
##     3873        0        2    0.551      940   0.2427   0.3677 
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
##        n  missing  imputed distinct 
##     3873        0       93        2 
## Value          0     1
## Frequency   3130   743
## Proportion 0.808 0.192
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
##        n  missing  imputed distinct     Info     Mean      Gmd      .05 
##     3873        0     1223      114        1    140.7    21.96      112 
##      .10      .25      .50      .75      .90      .95 
##      117      126      138      153      167      177 
## lowest :  96  97  98  99 100, highest: 206 209 211 212 216
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
##        n  missing  imputed distinct     Info     Mean      Gmd      .05 
##     3873        0     1221       70    0.999    79.85    10.89       65 
##      .10      .25      .50      .75      .90      .95 
##       68       73       79       86       93       97 
## lowest :  46  48  52  53  54, highest: 117 118 120 124 127
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
##        n  missing  imputed distinct     Info     Mean      Gmd      .05 
##     3873        0     1498      132        1    143.1    24.78      111 
##      .10      .25      .50      .75      .90      .95 
##      117      127      140      157      173      183 
## lowest :  79  88  91  93  94, highest: 222 223 228 242 244
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
##        n  missing  imputed distinct     Info     Mean      Gmd      .05 
##     3873        0     1499       77    0.999    82.13    12.95       64 
##      .10      .25      .50      .75      .90      .95 
##       68       74       81       90       97      102 
## lowest :  45  49  50  52  53, highest: 123 125 126 130 136
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
##        n  missing  imputed distinct     Info     Mean      Gmd      .05 
##     3873        0        1       42    0.999     1.74  0.09862     1.59 
##      .10      .25      .50      .75      .90      .95 
##     1.62     1.68     1.75     1.80     1.85     1.88 
## lowest : 1.53 1.54 1.55 1.56 1.57, highest: 1.9  1.91 1.92 1.93 1.94
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
##        n  missing  imputed distinct     Info     Mean      Gmd      .05 
##     3873        0        2       75    0.999    80.99    15.41       59 
##      .10      .25      .50      .75      .90      .95 
##       64       72       80       89       99      104 
## lowest :  50  51  52  53  54, highest: 120 121 122 123 124
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## BMI 
##        n  missing  imputed distinct     Info     Mean      Gmd      .05 
##     3873        0        3      995        1    26.69    4.258    20.96 
##      .10      .25      .50      .75      .90      .95 
##    22.16    24.11    26.30    28.73    31.86    33.90 
## lowest : 18.7  18.71 18.73 18.78 18.81, highest: 39.25 39.43 39.45 39.64 39.8 
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## CHOL 
##        n  missing  imputed distinct     Info     Mean      Gmd      .05 
##     3873        0       18       65    0.999    5.191    1.283      3.5 
##      .10      .25      .50      .75      .90      .95 
##      3.8      4.4      5.1      5.9      6.7      7.2 
## lowest : 2.8 2.9 3   3.1 3.2, highest: 8.8 8.9 9.1 9.2 9.4
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## HDL 
##        n  missing  imputed distinct     Info     Mean      Gmd      .05 
##     3873        0       30      188        1     1.23   0.4031     0.74 
##      .10      .25      .50      .75      .90      .95 
##     0.82     0.96     1.17     1.42     1.73     1.94 
## lowest : 0.58 0.59 0.6  0.61 0.62, highest: 2.46 2.47 2.48 2.49 2.51
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## LDL 
##        n  missing  imputed distinct     Info     Mean      Gmd      .05 
##     3873        0      216      478        1    3.129    1.186     1.52 
##      .10      .25      .50      .75      .90      .95 
##     1.82     2.37     3.05     3.83     4.55     4.97 
## lowest : 1.1  1.11 1.12 1.14 1.15, highest: 6.34 6.37 6.41 6.47 6.6 
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## TRIG 
##        n  missing  imputed distinct     Info     Mean      Gmd      .05 
##     3873        0       28      461        1    1.852    1.093    0.760 
##      .10      .25      .50      .75      .90      .95 
##    0.880    1.120    1.530    2.230    3.120    3.904 
## lowest : 0.56 0.57 0.58 0.59 0.6 , highest: 8.28 8.61 8.68 8.91 8.96
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
##        n  missing  imputed distinct     Info     Mean      Gmd      .05 
##     3873        0      463      255        1     14.1    5.525     8.00 
##      .10      .25      .50      .75      .90      .95 
##     8.80    10.50    12.90    16.00    20.48    24.60 
## lowest : 6.1  6.2  6.3  6.4  6.5 , highest: 35.5 35.9 36.1 37.1 38.3
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## GLUT 
##        n  missing  imputed distinct     Info     Mean      Gmd      .05 
##     3873        0       19      125    0.998    6.335    1.704      4.8 
##      .10      .25      .50      .75      .90      .95 
##      5.0      5.3      5.7      6.5      8.4     10.4 
## lowest : 4.3  4.4  4.5  4.6  4.7 , highest: 17.6 17.7 17.9 18   18.7
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
##        n  missing  imputed distinct     Info     Mean      Gmd      .05 
##     3873        0       17      194        1    98.34    34.54     65.0 
##      .10      .25      .50      .75      .90      .95 
##     69.2     78.0     89.0    101.0    118.0    138.0 
## lowest :  54  55  56  57  58, highest: 784 799 809 813 825
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## IMT 
##        n  missing  imputed distinct     Info     Mean      Gmd      .05 
##     3873        0       98       99    0.999   0.9359   0.2887     0.60 
##      .10      .25      .50      .75      .90      .95 
##     0.65     0.75     0.88     1.07     1.30     1.47 
## lowest : 0.47 0.48 0.5  0.52 0.53, highest: 1.77 1.78 1.8  1.82 1.83
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## albumin 
##        n  missing  imputed distinct 
##     3873        0      207        3 
## Value          1     2     3
## Frequency   3040   695   138
## Proportion 0.785 0.179 0.036
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
##        n  missing  imputed distinct 
##     3873        0       25        3 
## Value          1     2     3
## Frequency    696  2731   446
## Proportion 0.180 0.705 0.115
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## packyrs 
##        n  missing  imputed distinct     Info     Mean      Gmd      .05 
##     3873        0       21      263    0.994     22.7    22.32      0.0 
##      .10      .25      .50      .75      .90      .95 
##      0.0      5.9     19.5     34.2     51.3     62.0 
## lowest : 0   0.3 0.6 0.7 0.8, highest: 100 102 104 110 120
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## alcohol 
##        n  missing  imputed distinct 
##     3873        0       25        3 
## Value          1     2     3
## Frequency    754   408  2711
## Proportion 0.195 0.105 0.700
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
##        n  missing distinct     Info     Mean      Gmd 
##     3873        0        5    0.532    1.311    0.511 
## Value          1     2     3     4     5
## Frequency   2999   605   211    53     5
## Proportion 0.774 0.156 0.054 0.014 0.001
## For the frequency table, variable is rounded to the nearest 0
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
##  30  Variables      3873  Observations
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
##        n  missing distinct     Info     Mean      Gmd      .05      .10 
##     3873        0     1934        1     1370     1078     98.6    197.0 
##      .25      .50      .75      .90      .95 
##    555.0   1213.0   2165.0   2762.4   3017.4 
## lowest : 0.1  1    2    3    4   , highest: 3451 3452 3463 3465 3466
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
##        n  missing distinct 
##     3873        0        2 
## Value          0     1
## Frequency   3413   460
## Proportion 0.881 0.119
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## SEX 
##        n  missing distinct 
##     3873        0        2 
## Value          1     2
## Frequency   2897   976
## Proportion 0.748 0.252
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## AGE 
##        n  missing distinct     Info     Mean      Gmd      .05      .10 
##     3873        0       62    0.999    59.56    11.94       41       46 
##      .25      .50      .75      .90      .95 
##       52       60       68       73       76 
## lowest : 19 20 23 24 25, highest: 78 79 80 81 82
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
##        n  missing  imputed distinct 
##     3873        0       40        2 
## Value          0     1
## Frequency   3024   849
## Proportion 0.781 0.219
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
##        n  missing distinct     Info      Sum     Mean      Gmd 
##     3873        0        2    0.625     1147   0.2962    0.417 
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
##        n  missing distinct     Info      Sum     Mean      Gmd 
##     3873        0        2     0.74     2160   0.5577   0.4935 
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## AAA 
##        n  missing distinct     Info      Sum     Mean      Gmd 
##     3873        0        2    0.288      416   0.1074   0.1918 
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
##        n  missing distinct     Info      Sum     Mean      Gmd 
##     3873        0        2    0.551      940   0.2427   0.3677 
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
##        n  missing  imputed distinct 
##     3873        0       93        2 
## Value         0    1
## Frequency  3136  737
## Proportion 0.81 0.19
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
##        n  missing  imputed distinct     Info     Mean      Gmd      .05 
##     3873        0     1223      114        1    140.7    22.07      112 
##      .10      .25      .50      .75      .90      .95 
##      117      126      139      153      167      177 
## lowest :  96  97  98  99 100, highest: 206 209 211 212 216
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
##        n  missing  imputed distinct     Info     Mean      Gmd      .05 
##     3873        0     1221       70    0.999    79.71    10.75       65 
##      .10      .25      .50      .75      .90      .95 
##       68       73       79       86       92       97 
## lowest :  46  48  52  53  54, highest: 117 118 120 124 127
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
##        n  missing  imputed distinct     Info     Mean      Gmd      .05 
##     3873        0     1498      132        1      143    24.67      111 
##      .10      .25      .50      .75      .90      .95 
##      117      127      141      156      172      182 
## lowest :  79  88  91  93  94, highest: 222 223 228 242 244
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
##        n  missing  imputed distinct     Info     Mean      Gmd      .05 
##     3873        0     1499       77    0.999    82.15       13       64 
##      .10      .25      .50      .75      .90      .95 
##       68       74       81       90       97      102 
## lowest :  45  49  50  52  53, highest: 123 125 126 130 136
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
##        n  missing  imputed distinct     Info     Mean      Gmd      .05 
##     3873        0        1       42    0.999     1.74  0.09862     1.59 
##      .10      .25      .50      .75      .90      .95 
##     1.62     1.68     1.75     1.80     1.85     1.88 
## lowest : 1.53 1.54 1.55 1.56 1.57, highest: 1.9  1.91 1.92 1.93 1.94
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
##        n  missing  imputed distinct     Info     Mean      Gmd      .05 
##     3873        0        2       75    0.999    80.99    15.41       59 
##      .10      .25      .50      .75      .90      .95 
##       64       72       80       89       99      104 
## lowest :  50  51  52  53  54, highest: 120 121 122 123 124
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## BMI 
##        n  missing  imputed distinct     Info     Mean      Gmd      .05 
##     3873        0        3      995        1    26.69    4.257    20.96 
##      .10      .25      .50      .75      .90      .95 
##    22.16    24.11    26.30    28.73    31.86    33.90 
## lowest : 18.7  18.71 18.73 18.78 18.81, highest: 39.25 39.43 39.45 39.64 39.8 
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## CHOL 
##        n  missing  imputed distinct     Info     Mean      Gmd      .05 
##     3873        0       18       65    0.999    5.191    1.283      3.5 
##      .10      .25      .50      .75      .90      .95 
##      3.8      4.4      5.1      5.9      6.7      7.2 
## lowest : 2.8 2.9 3   3.1 3.2, highest: 8.8 8.9 9.1 9.2 9.4
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## HDL 
##        n  missing  imputed distinct     Info     Mean      Gmd      .05 
##     3873        0       30      188        1     1.23   0.4028     0.74 
##      .10      .25      .50      .75      .90      .95 
##     0.82     0.96     1.17     1.42     1.73     1.94 
## lowest : 0.58 0.59 0.6  0.61 0.62, highest: 2.46 2.47 2.48 2.49 2.51
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## LDL 
##        n  missing  imputed distinct     Info     Mean      Gmd      .05 
##     3873        0      216      478        1    3.128    1.186    1.520 
##      .10      .25      .50      .75      .90      .95 
##    1.820    2.370    3.050    3.830    4.550    4.984 
## lowest : 1.1  1.11 1.12 1.14 1.15, highest: 6.34 6.37 6.41 6.47 6.6 
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## TRIG 
##        n  missing  imputed distinct     Info     Mean      Gmd      .05 
##     3873        0       28      461        1    1.853    1.093    0.760 
##      .10      .25      .50      .75      .90      .95 
##    0.880    1.130    1.540    2.230    3.120    3.914 
## lowest : 0.56 0.57 0.58 0.59 0.6 , highest: 8.28 8.61 8.68 8.91 8.96
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
##        n  missing  imputed distinct     Info     Mean      Gmd      .05 
##     3873        0      463      255        1    14.12    5.548     8.00 
##      .10      .25      .50      .75      .90      .95 
##     8.80    10.50    13.00    16.00    20.50    24.64 
## lowest : 6.1  6.2  6.3  6.4  6.5 , highest: 35.5 35.9 36.1 37.1 38.3
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## GLUT 
##        n  missing  imputed distinct     Info     Mean      Gmd      .05 
##     3873        0       19      125    0.998     6.33    1.698      4.8 
##      .10      .25      .50      .75      .90      .95 
##      5.0      5.3      5.7      6.5      8.4     10.4 
## lowest : 4.3  4.4  4.5  4.6  4.7 , highest: 17.6 17.7 17.9 18   18.7
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
##        n  missing  imputed distinct     Info     Mean      Gmd      .05 
##     3873        0       17      194        1    98.34    34.56       64 
##      .10      .25      .50      .75      .90      .95 
##       69       78       89      101      118      138 
## lowest :  54  55  56  57  58, highest: 784 799 809 813 825
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## IMT 
##        n  missing  imputed distinct     Info     Mean      Gmd      .05 
##     3873        0       98       99    0.999   0.9368   0.2895     0.60 
##      .10      .25      .50      .75      .90      .95 
##     0.65     0.75     0.88     1.07     1.30     1.47 
## lowest : 0.47 0.48 0.5  0.52 0.53, highest: 1.77 1.78 1.8  1.82 1.83
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## albumin 
##        n  missing  imputed distinct 
##     3873        0      207        3 
## Value          1     2     3
## Frequency   3040   696   137
## Proportion 0.785 0.180 0.035
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
##        n  missing  imputed distinct 
##     3873        0       25        3 
## Value          1     2     3
## Frequency    695  2731   447
## Proportion 0.179 0.705 0.115
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## packyrs 
##        n  missing  imputed distinct     Info     Mean      Gmd      .05 
##     3873        0       21      263    0.994    22.62    22.24      0.0 
##      .10      .25      .50      .75      .90      .95 
##      0.0      5.9     19.5     34.2     50.4     62.0 
## lowest : 0   0.3 0.6 0.7 0.8, highest: 100 102 104 110 120
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## alcohol 
##        n  missing  imputed distinct 
##     3873        0       25        3 
## Value          1     2     3
## Frequency    759   410  2704
## Proportion 0.196 0.106 0.698
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
##        n  missing distinct     Info     Mean      Gmd 
##     3873        0        5    0.532    1.311    0.511 
## Value          1     2     3     4     5
## Frequency   2999   605   211    53     5
## Proportion 0.774 0.156 0.054 0.014 0.001
## For the frequency table, variable is rounded to the nearest 0
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
##  30  Variables      3873  Observations
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
##        n  missing distinct     Info     Mean      Gmd      .05      .10 
##     3873        0     1934        1     1370     1078     98.6    197.0 
##      .25      .50      .75      .90      .95 
##    555.0   1213.0   2165.0   2762.4   3017.4 
## lowest : 0.1  1    2    3    4   , highest: 3451 3452 3463 3465 3466
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
##        n  missing distinct 
##     3873        0        2 
## Value          0     1
## Frequency   3413   460
## Proportion 0.881 0.119
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## SEX 
##        n  missing distinct 
##     3873        0        2 
## Value          1     2
## Frequency   2897   976
## Proportion 0.748 0.252
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## AGE 
##        n  missing distinct     Info     Mean      Gmd      .05      .10 
##     3873        0       62    0.999    59.56    11.94       41       46 
##      .25      .50      .75      .90      .95 
##       52       60       68       73       76 
## lowest : 19 20 23 24 25, highest: 78 79 80 81 82
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
##        n  missing  imputed distinct 
##     3873        0       40        2 
## Value         0    1
## Frequency  3022  851
## Proportion 0.78 0.22
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
##        n  missing distinct     Info      Sum     Mean      Gmd 
##     3873        0        2    0.625     1147   0.2962    0.417 
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
##        n  missing distinct     Info      Sum     Mean      Gmd 
##     3873        0        2     0.74     2160   0.5577   0.4935 
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## AAA 
##        n  missing distinct     Info      Sum     Mean      Gmd 
##     3873        0        2    0.288      416   0.1074   0.1918 
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
##        n  missing distinct     Info      Sum     Mean      Gmd 
##     3873        0        2    0.551      940   0.2427   0.3677 
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
##        n  missing  imputed distinct 
##     3873        0       93        2 
## Value          0     1
## Frequency   3135   738
## Proportion 0.809 0.191
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
##        n  missing  imputed distinct     Info     Mean      Gmd      .05 
##     3873        0     1223      114        1    140.4    21.93    112.0 
##      .10      .25      .50      .75      .90      .95 
##    117.0    126.0    138.0    152.0    167.0    176.4 
## lowest :  96  97  98  99 100, highest: 206 209 211 212 216
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
##        n  missing  imputed distinct     Info     Mean      Gmd      .05 
##     3873        0     1221       70    0.999    79.66    10.82       65 
##      .10      .25      .50      .75      .90      .95 
##       68       73       79       86       92       97 
## lowest :  46  48  52  53  54, highest: 117 118 120 124 127
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
##        n  missing  imputed distinct     Info     Mean      Gmd      .05 
##     3873        0     1498      132        1    143.2    24.87      111 
##      .10      .25      .50      .75      .90      .95 
##      117      127      141      157      173      183 
## lowest :  79  88  91  93  94, highest: 222 223 228 242 244
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
##        n  missing  imputed distinct     Info     Mean      Gmd      .05 
##     3873        0     1499       77    0.999    82.17    13.01       64 
##      .10      .25      .50      .75      .90      .95 
##       68       74       81       90       97      102 
## lowest :  45  49  50  52  53, highest: 123 125 126 130 136
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
##        n  missing  imputed distinct     Info     Mean      Gmd      .05 
##     3873        0        1       42    0.999     1.74  0.09862     1.59 
##      .10      .25      .50      .75      .90      .95 
##     1.62     1.68     1.75     1.80     1.85     1.88 
## lowest : 1.53 1.54 1.55 1.56 1.57, highest: 1.9  1.91 1.92 1.93 1.94
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
##        n  missing  imputed distinct     Info     Mean      Gmd      .05 
##     3873        0        2       75    0.999    80.99    15.41       59 
##      .10      .25      .50      .75      .90      .95 
##       64       72       80       89       99      104 
## lowest :  50  51  52  53  54, highest: 120 121 122 123 124
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## BMI 
##        n  missing  imputed distinct     Info     Mean      Gmd      .05 
##     3873        0        3      995        1    26.69    4.257    20.96 
##      .10      .25      .50      .75      .90      .95 
##    22.17    24.11    26.30    28.73    31.86    33.90 
## lowest : 18.7  18.71 18.73 18.78 18.81, highest: 39.25 39.43 39.45 39.64 39.8 
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## CHOL 
##        n  missing  imputed distinct     Info     Mean      Gmd      .05 
##     3873        0       18       65    0.999    5.191    1.283      3.5 
##      .10      .25      .50      .75      .90      .95 
##      3.8      4.4      5.1      5.9      6.7      7.2 
## lowest : 2.8 2.9 3   3.1 3.2, highest: 8.8 8.9 9.1 9.2 9.4
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## HDL 
##        n  missing  imputed distinct     Info     Mean      Gmd      .05 
##     3873        0       30      188        1     1.23   0.4029     0.74 
##      .10      .25      .50      .75      .90      .95 
##     0.82     0.96     1.17     1.42     1.73     1.94 
## lowest : 0.58 0.59 0.6  0.61 0.62, highest: 2.46 2.47 2.48 2.49 2.51
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## LDL 
##        n  missing  imputed distinct     Info     Mean      Gmd      .05 
##     3873        0      216      478        1    3.128    1.187     1.51 
##      .10      .25      .50      .75      .90      .95 
##     1.82     2.37     3.05     3.83     4.55     4.98 
## lowest : 1.1  1.11 1.12 1.14 1.15, highest: 6.34 6.37 6.41 6.47 6.6 
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## TRIG 
##        n  missing  imputed distinct     Info     Mean      Gmd      .05 
##     3873        0       28      461        1    1.853    1.093    0.760 
##      .10      .25      .50      .75      .90      .95 
##    0.880    1.130    1.540    2.230    3.120    3.914 
## lowest : 0.56 0.57 0.58 0.59 0.6 , highest: 8.28 8.61 8.68 8.91 8.96
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
##        n  missing  imputed distinct     Info     Mean      Gmd      .05 
##     3873        0      463      255        1    14.07    5.533      8.0 
##      .10      .25      .50      .75      .90      .95 
##      8.8     10.5     12.9     16.0     20.4     24.8 
## lowest : 6.1  6.2  6.3  6.4  6.5 , highest: 35.5 35.9 36.1 37.1 38.3
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## GLUT 
##        n  missing  imputed distinct     Info     Mean      Gmd      .05 
##     3873        0       19      125    0.998    6.333    1.702      4.8 
##      .10      .25      .50      .75      .90      .95 
##      5.0      5.3      5.7      6.5      8.4     10.4 
## lowest : 4.3  4.4  4.5  4.6  4.7 , highest: 17.6 17.7 17.9 18   18.7
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
##        n  missing  imputed distinct     Info     Mean      Gmd      .05 
##     3873        0       17      194        1     98.4     34.6     65.0 
##      .10      .25      .50      .75      .90      .95 
##     69.2     78.0     89.0    101.0    118.0    138.4 
## lowest :  54  55  56  57  58, highest: 784 799 809 813 825
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## IMT 
##        n  missing  imputed distinct     Info     Mean      Gmd      .05 
##     3873        0       98       99    0.999   0.9366   0.2889     0.60 
##      .10      .25      .50      .75      .90      .95 
##     0.65     0.75     0.88     1.07     1.30     1.47 
## lowest : 0.47 0.48 0.5  0.52 0.53, highest: 1.77 1.78 1.8  1.82 1.83
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## albumin 
##        n  missing  imputed distinct 
##     3873        0      207        3 
## Value          1     2     3
## Frequency   3046   689   138
## Proportion 0.786 0.178 0.036
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
##        n  missing  imputed distinct 
##     3873        0       25        3 
## Value          1     2     3
## Frequency    696  2731   446
## Proportion 0.180 0.705 0.115
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## packyrs 
##        n  missing  imputed distinct     Info     Mean      Gmd      .05 
##     3873        0       21      263    0.994    22.64    22.26     0.00 
##      .10      .25      .50      .75      .90      .95 
##     0.00     5.90    19.50    34.20    51.12    62.00 
## lowest : 0   0.3 0.6 0.7 0.8, highest: 100 102 104 110 120
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## alcohol 
##        n  missing  imputed distinct 
##     3873        0       25        3 
## Value          1     2     3
## Frequency    755   411  2707
## Proportion 0.195 0.106 0.699
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
##        n  missing distinct     Info     Mean      Gmd 
##     3873        0        5    0.532    1.311    0.511 
## Value          1     2     3     4     5
## Frequency   2999   605   211    53     5
## Proportion 0.774 0.156 0.054 0.014 0.001
## For the frequency table, variable is rounded to the nearest 0
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
##  30  Variables      3873  Observations
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
##        n  missing distinct     Info     Mean      Gmd      .05      .10 
##     3873        0     1934        1     1370     1078     98.6    197.0 
##      .25      .50      .75      .90      .95 
##    555.0   1213.0   2165.0   2762.4   3017.4 
## lowest : 0.1  1    2    3    4   , highest: 3451 3452 3463 3465 3466
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
##        n  missing distinct 
##     3873        0        2 
## Value          0     1
## Frequency   3413   460
## Proportion 0.881 0.119
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## SEX 
##        n  missing distinct 
##     3873        0        2 
## Value          1     2
## Frequency   2897   976
## Proportion 0.748 0.252
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## AGE 
##        n  missing distinct     Info     Mean      Gmd      .05      .10 
##     3873        0       62    0.999    59.56    11.94       41       46 
##      .25      .50      .75      .90      .95 
##       52       60       68       73       76 
## lowest : 19 20 23 24 25, highest: 78 79 80 81 82
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
##        n  missing  imputed distinct 
##     3873        0       40        2 
## Value          0     1
## Frequency   3023   850
## Proportion 0.781 0.219
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
##        n  missing distinct     Info      Sum     Mean      Gmd 
##     3873        0        2    0.625     1147   0.2962    0.417 
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
##        n  missing distinct     Info      Sum     Mean      Gmd 
##     3873        0        2     0.74     2160   0.5577   0.4935 
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## AAA 
##        n  missing distinct     Info      Sum     Mean      Gmd 
##     3873        0        2    0.288      416   0.1074   0.1918 
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
##        n  missing distinct     Info      Sum     Mean      Gmd 
##     3873        0        2    0.551      940   0.2427   0.3677 
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
##        n  missing  imputed distinct 
##     3873        0       93        2 
## Value          0     1
## Frequency   3127   746
## Proportion 0.807 0.193
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
##        n  missing  imputed distinct     Info     Mean      Gmd      .05 
##     3873        0     1223      114        1    140.3    21.97      112 
##      .10      .25      .50      .75      .90      .95 
##      116      126      138      152      167      176 
## lowest :  96  97  98  99 100, highest: 206 209 211 212 216
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
##        n  missing  imputed distinct     Info     Mean      Gmd      .05 
##     3873        0     1221       70    0.999    79.78    10.93       65 
##      .10      .25      .50      .75      .90      .95 
##       68       73       79       86       93       97 
## lowest :  46  48  52  53  54, highest: 117 118 120 124 127
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
##        n  missing  imputed distinct     Info     Mean      Gmd      .05 
##     3873        0     1498      132        1    142.9    24.88      110 
##      .10      .25      .50      .75      .90      .95 
##      117      127      140      156      172      183 
## lowest :  79  88  91  93  94, highest: 222 223 228 242 244
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
##        n  missing  imputed distinct     Info     Mean      Gmd      .05 
##     3873        0     1499       77    0.999    82.12    12.93       64 
##      .10      .25      .50      .75      .90      .95 
##       68       74       81       89       97      102 
## lowest :  45  49  50  52  53, highest: 123 125 126 130 136
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
##        n  missing  imputed distinct     Info     Mean      Gmd      .05 
##     3873        0        1       42    0.999     1.74  0.09862     1.59 
##      .10      .25      .50      .75      .90      .95 
##     1.62     1.68     1.75     1.80     1.85     1.88 
## lowest : 1.53 1.54 1.55 1.56 1.57, highest: 1.9  1.91 1.92 1.93 1.94
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
##        n  missing  imputed distinct     Info     Mean      Gmd      .05 
##     3873        0        2       75    0.999       81    15.41       59 
##      .10      .25      .50      .75      .90      .95 
##       64       72       80       89       99      104 
## lowest :  50  51  52  53  54, highest: 120 121 122 123 124
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## BMI 
##        n  missing  imputed distinct     Info     Mean      Gmd      .05 
##     3873        0        3      995        1    26.69    4.257    20.96 
##      .10      .25      .50      .75      .90      .95 
##    22.17    24.11    26.30    28.73    31.86    33.90 
## lowest : 18.7  18.71 18.73 18.78 18.81, highest: 39.25 39.43 39.45 39.64 39.8 
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## CHOL 
##        n  missing  imputed distinct     Info     Mean      Gmd      .05 
##     3873        0       18       65    0.999    5.191    1.283      3.5 
##      .10      .25      .50      .75      .90      .95 
##      3.8      4.4      5.1      5.9      6.7      7.2 
## lowest : 2.8 2.9 3   3.1 3.2, highest: 8.8 8.9 9.1 9.2 9.4
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## HDL 
##        n  missing  imputed distinct     Info     Mean      Gmd      .05 
##     3873        0       30      188        1    1.229   0.4026     0.74 
##      .10      .25      .50      .75      .90      .95 
##     0.82     0.96     1.17     1.42     1.73     1.94 
## lowest : 0.58 0.59 0.6  0.61 0.62, highest: 2.46 2.47 2.48 2.49 2.51
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## LDL 
##        n  missing  imputed distinct     Info     Mean      Gmd      .05 
##     3873        0      216      478        1    3.129    1.185     1.52 
##      .10      .25      .50      .75      .90      .95 
##     1.82     2.37     3.05     3.83     4.55     4.98 
## lowest : 1.1  1.11 1.12 1.14 1.15, highest: 6.34 6.37 6.41 6.47 6.6 
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## TRIG 
##        n  missing  imputed distinct     Info     Mean      Gmd      .05 
##     3873        0       28      461        1    1.853    1.092    0.760 
##      .10      .25      .50      .75      .90      .95 
##    0.880    1.130    1.540    2.230    3.120    3.914 
## lowest : 0.56 0.57 0.58 0.59 0.6 , highest: 8.28 8.61 8.68 8.91 8.96
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
##        n  missing  imputed distinct     Info     Mean      Gmd      .05 
##     3873        0      463      255        1    14.19    5.641      8.0 
##      .10      .25      .50      .75      .90      .95 
##      8.8     10.5     13.0     16.1     20.7     25.5 
## lowest : 6.1  6.2  6.3  6.4  6.5 , highest: 35.5 35.9 36.1 37.1 38.3
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## GLUT 
##        n  missing  imputed distinct     Info     Mean      Gmd      .05 
##     3873        0       19      125    0.998    6.334    1.701     4.80 
##      .10      .25      .50      .75      .90      .95 
##     5.00     5.30     5.70     6.50     8.48    10.40 
## lowest : 4.3  4.4  4.5  4.6  4.7 , highest: 17.6 17.7 17.9 18   18.7
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
##        n  missing  imputed distinct     Info     Mean      Gmd      .05 
##     3873        0       17      194        1    98.38     34.6     64.0 
##      .10      .25      .50      .75      .90      .95 
##     69.0     78.0     89.0    101.0    118.0    138.4 
## lowest :  54  55  56  57  58, highest: 784 799 809 813 825
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## IMT 
##        n  missing  imputed distinct     Info     Mean      Gmd      .05 
##     3873        0       98       99    0.999   0.9361   0.2889     0.60 
##      .10      .25      .50      .75      .90      .95 
##     0.65     0.75     0.88     1.07     1.30     1.47 
## lowest : 0.47 0.48 0.5  0.52 0.53, highest: 1.77 1.78 1.8  1.82 1.83
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## albumin 
##        n  missing  imputed distinct 
##     3873        0      207        3 
## Value          1     2     3
## Frequency   3040   692   141
## Proportion 0.785 0.179 0.036
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
##        n  missing  imputed distinct 
##     3873        0       25        3 
## Value          1     2     3
## Frequency    694  2730   449
## Proportion 0.179 0.705 0.116
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## packyrs 
##        n  missing  imputed distinct     Info     Mean      Gmd      .05 
##     3873        0       21      263    0.994    22.65    22.28     0.00 
##      .10      .25      .50      .75      .90      .95 
##     0.00     5.90    19.50    34.20    51.12    62.00 
## lowest : 0   0.3 0.6 0.7 0.8, highest: 100 102 104 110 120
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## alcohol 
##        n  missing  imputed distinct 
##     3873        0       25        3 
## Value          1     2     3
## Frequency    757   411  2705
## Proportion 0.195 0.106 0.698
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
##        n  missing distinct     Info     Mean      Gmd 
##     3873        0        5    0.532    1.311    0.511 
## Value          1     2     3     4     5
## Frequency   2999   605   211    53     5
## Proportion 0.774 0.156 0.054 0.014 0.001
## For the frequency table, variable is rounded to the nearest 0
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Formulating the FULL
# Cox Proportional Hazards Model
# Using the combined complete and 
# 1ST imputation results from AREG

SMART.AREGIMPUTED_1$alcohol <- as.factor(SMART.AREGIMPUTED_1$alcohol)
SMART.AREGIMPUTED_1$albumin <- as.factor(SMART.AREGIMPUTED_1$albumin)

dd <- datadist(SMART.AREGIMPUTED_1)


COXPH.FULL.COMPLETE.AREGIMPUTED_1 <-cph(Surv(TEVENT,EVENT) ~  ifelse(AGE>50, (AGE-50)^2,0) +
                                 SEX +
                                 SMOKING +
                                 alcohol +
                                 BMI +
                                 SYSTH +
                                 SYSTBP +
                                 DIASTH +
                                 DIASTBP +
                                 WEIGHT +
                                 LENGTH +
                                 CHOL +
                                 LDL +
                                 DIABETES +
                                 SUMSCORE_5LEVELS +
                                 HOMOC +
                                 log(CREAT) +
                                 albumin +
                                 STENOSIS +
                                 IMT +
                                 TRIG +
                                 GLUT +
                               data = SMART.AREGIMPUTED_1,
##                 Wald Statistics          Response: Surv(TEVENT, EVENT) 
##  Factor           Chi-Square d.f. P     
##  AGE               36.78      1   <.0001
##  SEX                0.88      1   0.3477
##  SMOKING            0.13      2   0.9381
##  alcohol            1.83      2   0.4004
##  BMI                0.70      1   0.4029
##  SYSTH              0.27      1   0.6059
##  SYSTBP             0.01      1   0.9269
##  DIASTH             2.02      1   0.1556
##  DIASTBP            0.18      1   0.6745
##  WEIGHT             1.28      1   0.2575
##  LENGTH             0.64      1   0.4242
##  CHOL               0.14      1   0.7100
##  LDL                0.19      1   0.6664
##  HDL                0.00      1   0.9978
##  DIABETES           0.17      1   0.6790
##  SUMSCORE_5LEVELS  34.66      1   <.0001
##  HOMOC              0.01      1   0.9157
##  CREAT             18.21      1   <.0001
##  albumin            9.55      2   0.0084
##  STENOSIS           2.29      1   0.1302
##  IMT                9.33      1   0.0023
##  TRIG               0.14      1   0.7067
##  GLUT               2.83      1   0.0922
##  packyrs            5.29      1   0.0214
##  TOTAL            328.92     27   <.0001
##              Effects              Response : Surv(TEVENT, EVENT) 
##  Factor           Low    High   Diff. Effect     S.E.     Lower 0.95 Upper 0.95
##  AGE               52.00  68.00 16.00  0.4359300 0.071877  0.2950500  0.576800 
##   Hazard Ratio     52.00  68.00 16.00  1.5464000       NA  1.3432000  1.780300 
##  BMI               24.11  28.73  4.62  0.4127800 0.493520 -0.5545000  1.380100 
##   Hazard Ratio     24.11  28.73  4.62  1.5110000       NA  0.5743600  3.975100 
##  SYSTH            127.00 157.00 30.00 -0.0614390 0.119090 -0.2948400  0.171960 
##   Hazard Ratio    127.00 157.00 30.00  0.9404100       NA  0.7446500  1.187600 
##  SYSTBP           126.00 153.00 27.00 -0.0105570 0.115110 -0.2361700  0.215050 
##   Hazard Ratio    126.00 153.00 27.00  0.9895000       NA  0.7896500  1.239900 
##  DIASTH            74.00  89.00 15.00  0.1512000 0.106460 -0.0574710  0.359860 
##   Hazard Ratio     74.00  89.00 15.00  1.1632000       NA  0.9441500  1.433100 
##  DIASTBP           73.00  86.00 13.00 -0.0410810 0.097805 -0.2327800  0.150610 
##   Hazard Ratio     73.00  86.00 13.00  0.9597500       NA  0.7923300  1.162500 
##  WEIGHT            72.00  89.00 17.00 -0.6868900 0.606660 -1.8759000  0.502160 
##   Hazard Ratio     72.00  89.00 17.00  0.5031400       NA  0.1532100  1.652300 
##  LENGTH             1.68   1.80  0.12  0.3213700 0.402110 -0.4667600  1.109500 
##   Hazard Ratio      1.68   1.80  0.12  1.3790000       NA  0.6270300  3.032800 
##  CHOL               4.40   5.90  1.50 -0.5446400 1.464600 -3.4152000  2.325900 
##   Hazard Ratio      4.40   5.90  1.50  0.5800500       NA  0.0328700 10.236000 
##  LDL                2.37   3.83  1.46  0.6199000 1.438000 -2.1985000  3.438300 
##   Hazard Ratio      2.37   3.83  1.46  1.8587000       NA  0.1109600 31.135000 
##  HDL                0.96   1.42  0.46 -0.0012456 0.455170 -0.8933600  0.890870 
##   Hazard Ratio      0.96   1.42  0.46  0.9987600       NA  0.4092800  2.437300 
##  SUMSCORE_5LEVELS   1.00   5.00  4.00  1.3307000 0.226020  0.8876800  1.773700 
##   Hazard Ratio      1.00   5.00  4.00  3.7836000       NA  2.4295000  5.892400 
##  HOMOC             10.50  16.20  5.70 -0.0052107 0.049239 -0.1017200  0.091297 
##   Hazard Ratio     10.50  16.20  5.70  0.9948000       NA  0.9032800  1.095600 
##  CREAT             78.00 101.00 23.00  0.1653600 0.038752  0.0894030  0.241310 
##   Hazard Ratio     78.00 101.00 23.00  1.1798000       NA  1.0935000  1.272900 
##  IMT                0.75   1.07  0.32  0.1772100 0.058007  0.0635150  0.290900 
##   Hazard Ratio      0.75   1.07  0.32  1.1939000       NA  1.0656000  1.337600 
##  TRIG               1.12   2.23  1.11  0.1800500 0.478510 -0.7578200  1.117900 
##   Hazard Ratio      1.12   2.23  1.11  1.1973000       NA  0.4686900  3.058500 
##  GLUT               5.30   6.50  1.20  0.0593030 0.035222 -0.0097303  0.128340 
##   Hazard Ratio      5.30   6.50  1.20  1.0611000       NA  0.9903200  1.136900 
##  packyrs            5.90  34.20 28.30  0.1585500 0.068926  0.0234600  0.293650 
##   Hazard Ratio      5.90  34.20 28.30  1.1718000       NA  1.0237000  1.341300 
##  SEX - 2:1          1.00   2.00    NA -0.1524500 0.162350 -0.4706500  0.165750 
##   Hazard Ratio      1.00   2.00    NA  0.8586000       NA  0.6246000  1.180300 
##  SMOKING - 1:2      2.00   1.00    NA -0.0262960 0.161320 -0.3424800  0.289890 
##   Hazard Ratio      2.00   1.00    NA  0.9740500       NA  0.7100000  1.336300 
##  SMOKING - 3:2      2.00   3.00    NA  0.0602720 0.201840 -0.3353300  0.455880 
##   Hazard Ratio      2.00   3.00    NA  1.0621000       NA  0.7151000  1.577600 
##  alcohol - 1:3      3.00   1.00    NA  0.1474700 0.121360 -0.0903840  0.385330 
##   Hazard Ratio      3.00   1.00    NA  1.1589000       NA  0.9135800  1.470100 
##  alcohol - 2:3      3.00   2.00    NA -0.0417340 0.148450 -0.3326900  0.249220 
##   Hazard Ratio      3.00   2.00    NA  0.9591200       NA  0.7169900  1.283000 
##  DIABETES - 1:0     1.00   2.00    NA  0.0645840 0.156090 -0.2413400  0.370510 
##   Hazard Ratio      1.00   2.00    NA  1.0667000       NA  0.7855700  1.448500 
##  albumin - 2:1      1.00   2.00    NA  0.2609800 0.117980  0.0297510  0.492210 
##   Hazard Ratio      1.00   2.00    NA  1.2982000       NA  1.0302000  1.635900 
##  albumin - 3:1      1.00   3.00    NA  0.5620000 0.208220  0.1538900  0.970110 
##   Hazard Ratio      1.00   3.00    NA  1.7542000       NA  1.1664000  2.638200 
##  STENOSIS - 1:0     1.00   2.00    NA  0.1637700 0.108210 -0.0483250  0.375870 
##   Hazard Ratio      1.00   2.00    NA  1.1779000       NA  0.9528200  1.456300
##              AGE            SEX=2        SMOKING=2        SMOKING=3 
##         1.422223         1.839738         1.917030         1.535045 
##        alcohol=2        alcohol=3              BMI            SYSTH 
##         1.439301         1.576363        63.830100         3.778977 
##           SYSTBP           DIASTH          DIASTBP           WEIGHT 
##         3.466886         3.098436         2.731506        89.258836 
##           LENGTH             CHOL              LDL              HDL 
##        34.868141       499.517309       446.035588        46.254999 
##       DIABETES=1 SUMSCORE_5LEVELS            HOMOC            CREAT 
##         2.268709         1.173653         1.521747         1.920921 
##        albumin=2        albumin=3       STENOSIS=1              IMT 
##         1.194679         1.573030         1.206110         1.329620 
##             TRIG             GLUT          packyrs 
##       117.623369         2.191857         1.355974
## Cox Proportional Hazards Model
## cph(formula = Surv(TEVENT, EVENT) ~ ifelse(AGE > 50, (AGE - 50)^2, 
##     0) + SEX + SMOKING + alcohol + BMI + SYSTH + SYSTBP + DIASTH + 
##     SUMSCORE_5LEVELS + HOMOC + log(CREAT) + albumin + STENOSIS + 
##     IMT + TRIG + GLUT + packyrs, data = SMART.AREGIMPUTED_1, 
##     x = T, y = T, surv = T)
##                        Model Tests      Discrimination    
##                                                Indexes    
## Obs      3873    LR chi2    291.65      R2       0.087    
## Events    460    d.f.           27    R2(27,3873)0.066    
## Center 8.2501    Pr(> chi2) 0.0000     R2(27,460)0.437    
##                  Score chi2 362.97      Dxy      0.395    
##                  Pr(> chi2) 0.0000                        
##                  Coef    S.E.   Wald Z Pr(>|Z|)
## AGE               0.0014 0.0002  6.06  <0.0001 
## SEX=2            -0.1524 0.1623 -0.94  0.3477  
## SMOKING=2         0.0263 0.1613  0.16  0.8705  
## SMOKING=3         0.0866 0.2445  0.35  0.7232  
## alcohol=2        -0.1892 0.1673 -1.13  0.2581  
## alcohol=3        -0.1475 0.1214 -1.22  0.2243  
## BMI               0.0893 0.1068  0.84  0.4029  
## SYSTH            -0.0020 0.0040 -0.52  0.6059  
## SYSTBP           -0.0004 0.0043 -0.09  0.9269  
## DIASTH            0.0101 0.0071  1.42  0.1556  
## DIASTBP          -0.0032 0.0075 -0.42  0.6745  
## WEIGHT           -0.0404 0.0357 -1.13  0.2575  
## LENGTH            2.6781 3.3509  0.80  0.4242  
## CHOL             -0.3631 0.9764 -0.37  0.7100  
## LDL               0.4246 0.9849  0.43  0.6664  
## HDL              -0.0027 0.9895  0.00  0.9978  
## DIABETES=1        0.0646 0.1561  0.41  0.6790  
## SUMSCORE_5LEVELS  0.3327 0.0565  5.89  <0.0001 
## HOMOC            -0.0009 0.0086 -0.11  0.9157  
## CREAT             0.6399 0.1500  4.27  <0.0001 
## albumin=2         0.2610 0.1180  2.21  0.0270  
## albumin=3         0.5620 0.2082  2.70  0.0070  
## STENOSIS=1        0.1638 0.1082  1.51  0.1302  
## IMT               0.5538 0.1813  3.05  0.0023  
## TRIG              0.1622 0.4311  0.38  0.7067  
## GLUT              0.0494 0.0294  1.68  0.0922  
## packyrs           0.0056 0.0024  2.30  0.0214
# After removing variables which are:
# High multicollinearity contributors
# Non-standard risk factors
# Minimal predictors of survival outcome based from initial exploration
# Minimal predictors of survival outcome based from domain knowledge and literature

COXPH.FULL.AREGIMPUTED_1 <-cph(Surv(TEVENT,EVENT) ~  ifelse(AGE>50, (AGE-50)^2,0) +
                                 SEX +
                                 SMOKING +
                                 alcohol +
                                 BMI +
                                 SYSTH +
                                 DIABETES +
                                 SUMSCORE_5LEVELS +
                                 HOMOC +
                                 log(CREAT) +
                                 albumin +
                                 STENOSIS +
                               data = SMART.AREGIMPUTED_1,
##                 Wald Statistics          Response: Surv(TEVENT, EVENT) 
##  Factor           Chi-Square d.f. P     
##  AGE               37.92      1   <.0001
##  SEX                0.15      1   0.6941
##  SMOKING            1.83      2   0.3998
##  alcohol            1.31      2   0.5189
##  BMI                3.06      1   0.0802
##  SYSTH              0.24      1   0.6232
##  HDL                5.61      1   0.0178
##  DIABETES           3.62      1   0.0570
##  SUMSCORE_5LEVELS  35.39      1   <.0001
##  HOMOC              0.01      1   0.9047
##  CREAT             16.77      1   <.0001
##  albumin            9.89      2   0.0071
##  STENOSIS           2.56      1   0.1099
##  IMT                8.73      1   0.0031
##  TOTAL            314.86     17   <.0001
##              Effects              Response : Surv(TEVENT, EVENT) 
##  Factor           Low    High   Diff. Effect    S.E.     Lower 0.95 Upper 0.95
##  AGE               52.00  68.00 16.00  0.422220 0.068568  0.2878300  0.556610 
##   Hazard Ratio     52.00  68.00 16.00  1.525300       NA  1.3335000  1.744800 
##  BMI               24.11  28.73  4.62 -0.114360 0.065359 -0.2424600  0.013741 
##   Hazard Ratio     24.11  28.73  4.62  0.891940       NA  0.7846900  1.013800 
##  SYSTH            127.00 157.00 30.00  0.032049 0.065222 -0.0957840  0.159880 
##   Hazard Ratio    127.00 157.00 30.00  1.032600       NA  0.9086600  1.173400 
##  HDL                0.96   1.42  0.46 -0.173710 0.073314 -0.3174000 -0.030015 
##   Hazard Ratio      0.96   1.42  0.46  0.840540       NA  0.7280400  0.970430 
##  SUMSCORE_5LEVELS   1.00   5.00  4.00  1.327400 0.223150  0.8900700  1.764800 
##   Hazard Ratio      1.00   5.00  4.00  3.771400       NA  2.4353000  5.840500 
##  HOMOC             10.50  16.20  5.70  0.005793 0.048361 -0.0889930  0.100580 
##   Hazard Ratio     10.50  16.20  5.70  1.005800       NA  0.9148500  1.105800 
##  CREAT             78.00 101.00 23.00  0.155040 0.037857  0.0808410  0.229240 
##   Hazard Ratio     78.00 101.00 23.00  1.167700       NA  1.0842000  1.257600 
##  IMT                0.75   1.07  0.32  0.168820 0.057133  0.0568450  0.280800 
##   Hazard Ratio      0.75   1.07  0.32  1.183900       NA  1.0585000  1.324200 
##  SEX - 2:1          1.00   2.00    NA -0.053230 0.135340 -0.3184900  0.212030 
##   Hazard Ratio      1.00   2.00    NA  0.948160       NA  0.7272400  1.236200 
##  SMOKING - 1:2      2.00   1.00    NA -0.183620 0.144760 -0.4673500  0.100120 
##   Hazard Ratio      2.00   1.00    NA  0.832250       NA  0.6266600  1.105300 
##  SMOKING - 3:2      2.00   3.00    NA  0.066860 0.200970 -0.3270300  0.460750 
##   Hazard Ratio      2.00   3.00    NA  1.069100       NA  0.7210600  1.585300 
##  alcohol - 1:3      3.00   1.00    NA  0.126340 0.120810 -0.1104500  0.363130 
##   Hazard Ratio      3.00   1.00    NA  1.134700       NA  0.8954300  1.437800 
##  alcohol - 2:3      3.00   2.00    NA -0.029509 0.147220 -0.3180500  0.259030 
##   Hazard Ratio      3.00   2.00    NA  0.970920       NA  0.7275700  1.295700 
##  DIABETES - 1:0     1.00   2.00    NA  0.208900 0.109740 -0.0061847  0.423990 
##   Hazard Ratio      1.00   2.00    NA  1.232300       NA  0.9938300  1.528000 
##  albumin - 2:1      1.00   2.00    NA  0.264540 0.117310  0.0346040  0.494470 
##   Hazard Ratio      1.00   2.00    NA  1.302800       NA  1.0352000  1.639600 
##  albumin - 3:1      1.00   3.00    NA  0.562210 0.205920  0.1586100  0.965820 
##   Hazard Ratio      1.00   3.00    NA  1.754600       NA  1.1719000  2.626900 
##  STENOSIS - 1:0     1.00   2.00    NA  0.170850 0.106860 -0.0385980  0.380290 
##   Hazard Ratio      1.00   2.00    NA  1.186300       NA  0.9621400  1.462700
##              AGE            SEX=2        SMOKING=2        SMOKING=3 
##         1.299339         1.278601         1.543592         1.412798 
##        alcohol=2        alcohol=3              BMI            SYSTH 
##         1.422216         1.562523         1.108005         1.152175 
##              HDL       DIABETES=1 SUMSCORE_5LEVELS            HOMOC 
##         1.209756         1.121312         1.156664         1.473997 
##            CREAT        albumin=2        albumin=3       STENOSIS=1 
##         1.847485         1.181861         1.539938         1.175423 
##              IMT 
##         1.303815
## Cox Proportional Hazards Model
## cph(formula = Surv(TEVENT, EVENT) ~ ifelse(AGE > 50, (AGE - 50)^2, 
##     0) + SEX + SMOKING + alcohol + BMI + SYSTH + HDL + DIABETES + 
##     SUMSCORE_5LEVELS + HOMOC + log(CREAT) + albumin + STENOSIS + 
##     IMT, data = SMART.AREGIMPUTED_1, x = T, y = T, surv = T)
##                        Model Tests      Discrimination    
##                                                Indexes    
## Obs      3873    LR chi2    276.30      R2       0.082    
## Events    460    d.f.           17    R2(17,3873)0.065    
## Center 3.1178    Pr(> chi2) 0.0000     R2(17,460)0.431    
##                  Score chi2 347.73      Dxy      0.392    
##                  Pr(> chi2) 0.0000                        
##                  Coef    S.E.   Wald Z Pr(>|Z|)
## AGE               0.0013 0.0002  6.16  <0.0001 
## SEX=2            -0.0532 0.1353 -0.39  0.6941  
## SMOKING=2         0.1836 0.1448  1.27  0.2047  
## SMOKING=3         0.2505 0.2345  1.07  0.2855  
## alcohol=2        -0.1559 0.1663 -0.94  0.3488  
## alcohol=3        -0.1263 0.1208 -1.05  0.2957  
## BMI              -0.0248 0.0141 -1.75  0.0802  
## SYSTH             0.0011 0.0022  0.49  0.6232  
## HDL              -0.3776 0.1594 -2.37  0.0178  
## DIABETES=1        0.2089 0.1097  1.90  0.0570  
## SUMSCORE_5LEVELS  0.3319 0.0558  5.95  <0.0001 
## HOMOC             0.0010 0.0085  0.12  0.9047  
## CREAT             0.6000 0.1465  4.10  <0.0001 
## albumin=2         0.2645 0.1173  2.25  0.0241  
## albumin=3         0.5622 0.2059  2.73  0.0063  
## STENOSIS=1        0.1708 0.1069  1.60  0.1099  
## IMT               0.5276 0.1785  2.95  0.0031
# Formulating the FULL
# Cox Proportional Hazards Model
# Using the combined complete and 
# 2ND imputation results from AREG

SMART.AREGIMPUTED_2$alcohol <- as.factor(SMART.AREGIMPUTED_2$alcohol)
SMART.AREGIMPUTED_2$albumin <- as.factor(SMART.AREGIMPUTED_2$albumin)

dd <- datadist(SMART.AREGIMPUTED_2)


COXPH.FULL.COMPLETE.AREGIMPUTED_2 <-cph(Surv(TEVENT,EVENT) ~  ifelse(AGE>50, (AGE-50)^2,0) +
                                 SEX +
                                 SMOKING +
                                 alcohol +
                                 BMI +
                                 SYSTH +
                                 SYSTBP +
                                 DIASTH +
                                 DIASTBP +
                                 WEIGHT +
                                 LENGTH +
                                 CHOL +
                                 LDL +
                                 DIABETES +
                                 SUMSCORE_5LEVELS +
                                 HOMOC +
                                 log(CREAT) +
                                 albumin +
                                 STENOSIS +
                                 IMT +
                                 TRIG +
                                 GLUT +
                               data = SMART.AREGIMPUTED_2,
##                 Wald Statistics          Response: Surv(TEVENT, EVENT) 
##  Factor           Chi-Square d.f. P     
##  AGE               35.47      1   <.0001
##  SEX                0.46      1   0.4990
##  SMOKING            0.06      2   0.9682
##  alcohol            1.70      2   0.4283
##  BMI                0.75      1   0.3850
##  SYSTH              1.60      1   0.2055
##  SYSTBP             3.89      1   0.0485
##  DIASTH             0.04      1   0.8409
##  DIASTBP            1.88      1   0.1708
##  WEIGHT             1.34      1   0.2479
##  LENGTH             0.69      1   0.4045
##  CHOL               0.08      1   0.7736
##  LDL                0.12      1   0.7307
##  HDL                0.01      1   0.9305
##  DIABETES           0.09      1   0.7655
##  SUMSCORE_5LEVELS  36.02      1   <.0001
##  HOMOC              0.09      1   0.7672
##  CREAT             15.96      1   0.0001
##  albumin           11.13      2   0.0038
##  STENOSIS           2.17      1   0.1411
##  IMT               10.54      1   0.0012
##  TRIG               0.09      1   0.7673
##  GLUT               3.16      1   0.0753
##  packyrs            5.60      1   0.0180
##  TOTAL            332.03     27   <.0001
##              Effects              Response : Surv(TEVENT, EVENT) 
##  Factor           Low    High   Diff. Effect    S.E.     Lower 0.95  Upper 0.95
##  AGE               52.00  68.00 16.00  0.427070 0.071709  0.28652000  0.5676200
##   Hazard Ratio     52.00  68.00 16.00  1.532800       NA  1.33180000  1.7641000
##  BMI               24.11  28.73  4.62  0.430730 0.495820 -0.54105000  1.4025000
##   Hazard Ratio     24.11  28.73  4.62  1.538400       NA  0.58214000  4.0654000
##  SYSTH            127.00 157.00 30.00  0.151300 0.119500 -0.08291300  0.3855200
##   Hazard Ratio    127.00 157.00 30.00  1.163300       NA  0.92043000  1.4704000
##  SYSTBP           126.00 153.00 27.00 -0.223730 0.113390 -0.44597000 -0.0014791
##   Hazard Ratio    126.00 153.00 27.00  0.799530       NA  0.64020000  0.9985200
##  DIASTH            74.00  90.00 16.00 -0.022334 0.111270 -0.24041000  0.1957500
##   Hazard Ratio     74.00  90.00 16.00  0.977910       NA  0.78630000  1.2162000
##  DIASTBP           73.00  86.00 13.00  0.128540 0.093857 -0.05542000  0.3124900
##   Hazard Ratio     73.00  86.00 13.00  1.137200       NA  0.94609000  1.3668000
##  WEIGHT            72.00  89.00 17.00 -0.704430 0.609600 -1.89920000  0.4903500
##   Hazard Ratio     72.00  89.00 17.00  0.494390       NA  0.14968000  1.6329000
##  LENGTH             1.68   1.80  0.12  0.336580 0.403770 -0.45478000  1.1279000
##   Hazard Ratio      1.68   1.80  0.12  1.400200       NA  0.63458000  3.0893000
##  CHOL               4.40   5.90  1.50 -0.422550 1.468700 -3.30110000  2.4560000
##   Hazard Ratio      4.40   5.90  1.50  0.655370       NA  0.03684200 11.6580000
##  LDL                2.37   3.83  1.46  0.495510 1.439800 -2.32650000  3.3175000
##   Hazard Ratio      2.37   3.83  1.46  1.641300       NA  0.09763400 27.5930000
##  HDL                0.96   1.42  0.46 -0.039806 0.456530 -0.93459000  0.8549800
##   Hazard Ratio      0.96   1.42  0.46  0.960980       NA  0.39275000  2.3513000
##  SUMSCORE_5LEVELS   1.00   5.00  4.00  1.357300 0.226150  0.91409000  1.8006000
##   Hazard Ratio      1.00   5.00  4.00  3.885900       NA  2.49450000  6.0533000
##  HOMOC             10.50  16.00  5.50  0.014223 0.048052 -0.07995600  0.1084000
##   Hazard Ratio     10.50  16.00  5.50  1.014300       NA  0.92316000  1.1145000
##  CREAT             78.00 101.00 23.00  0.155110 0.038821  0.07902000  0.2312000
##   Hazard Ratio     78.00 101.00 23.00  1.167800       NA  1.08220000  1.2601000
##  IMT                0.75   1.07  0.32  0.188340 0.058019  0.07462800  0.3020600
##   Hazard Ratio      0.75   1.07  0.32  1.207200       NA  1.07750000  1.3526000
##  TRIG               1.12   2.23  1.11  0.142450 0.481340 -0.80096000  1.0859000
##   Hazard Ratio      1.12   2.23  1.11  1.153100       NA  0.44890000  2.9620000
##  GLUT               5.30   6.50  1.20  0.061953 0.034827 -0.00630670  0.1302100
##   Hazard Ratio      5.30   6.50  1.20  1.063900       NA  0.99371000  1.1391000
##  packyrs            5.90  34.20 28.30  0.165940 0.070146  0.02845400  0.3034200
##   Hazard Ratio      5.90  34.20 28.30  1.180500       NA  1.02890000  1.3545000
##  SEX - 2:1          1.00   2.00    NA -0.109690 0.162250 -0.42770000  0.2083200
##   Hazard Ratio      1.00   2.00    NA  0.896110       NA  0.65201000  1.2316000
##  SMOKING - 1:2      2.00   1.00    NA -0.017550 0.161910 -0.33488000  0.2997800
##   Hazard Ratio      2.00   1.00    NA  0.982600       NA  0.71542000  1.3496000
##  SMOKING - 3:2      2.00   3.00    NA  0.043922 0.201980 -0.35195000  0.4397900
##   Hazard Ratio      2.00   3.00    NA  1.044900       NA  0.70332000  1.5524000
##  alcohol - 1:3      3.00   1.00    NA  0.147610 0.121350 -0.09023100  0.3854400
##   Hazard Ratio      3.00   1.00    NA  1.159100       NA  0.91372000  1.4703000
##  alcohol - 2:3      3.00   2.00    NA -0.024662 0.148250 -0.31522000  0.2658900
##   Hazard Ratio      3.00   2.00    NA  0.975640       NA  0.72963000  1.3046000
##  DIABETES - 1:0     1.00   2.00    NA  0.046684 0.156520 -0.26009000  0.3534600
##   Hazard Ratio      1.00   2.00    NA  1.047800       NA  0.77098000  1.4240000
##  albumin - 2:1      1.00   2.00    NA  0.234650 0.119250  0.00093568  0.4683700
##   Hazard Ratio      1.00   2.00    NA  1.264500       NA  1.00090000  1.5974000
##  albumin - 3:1      1.00   3.00    NA  0.637920 0.202230  0.24155000  1.0343000
##   Hazard Ratio      1.00   3.00    NA  1.892500       NA  1.27320000  2.8131000
##  STENOSIS - 1:0     1.00   2.00    NA  0.159590 0.108420 -0.05291900  0.3721000
##   Hazard Ratio      1.00   2.00    NA  1.173000       NA  0.94846000  1.4508000
##              AGE            SEX=2        SMOKING=2        SMOKING=3 
##         1.415309         1.837522         1.930927         1.547808 
##        alcohol=2        alcohol=3              BMI            SYSTH 
##         1.431119         1.572093        64.453293         3.876986 
##           SYSTBP           DIASTH          DIASTBP           WEIGHT 
##         3.362049         3.035763         2.601137        90.131708 
##           LENGTH             CHOL              LDL              HDL 
##        35.159350       502.529866       449.417395        46.213107 
##       DIABETES=1 SUMSCORE_5LEVELS            HOMOC            CREAT 
##         2.271060         1.170919         1.542203         1.941807 
##        albumin=2        albumin=3       STENOSIS=1              IMT 
##         1.184876         1.614102         1.209187         1.346155 
##             TRIG             GLUT          packyrs 
##       119.680408         2.177683         1.362550
## Cox Proportional Hazards Model
## cph(formula = Surv(TEVENT, EVENT) ~ ifelse(AGE > 50, (AGE - 50)^2, 
##     0) + SEX + SMOKING + alcohol + BMI + SYSTH + SYSTBP + DIASTH + 
##     SUMSCORE_5LEVELS + HOMOC + log(CREAT) + albumin + STENOSIS + 
##     IMT + TRIG + GLUT + packyrs, data = SMART.AREGIMPUTED_2, 
##     x = T, y = T, surv = T)
##                        Model Tests      Discrimination    
##                                                Indexes    
## Obs      3873    LR chi2    298.32      R2       0.089    
## Events    460    d.f.           27    R2(27,3873)0.068    
## Center 8.4099    Pr(> chi2) 0.0000     R2(27,460)0.446    
##                  Score chi2 372.48      Dxy      0.397    
##                  Pr(> chi2) 0.0000                        
##                  Coef    S.E.   Wald Z Pr(>|Z|)
## AGE               0.0013 0.0002  5.96  <0.0001 
## SEX=2            -0.1097 0.1623 -0.68  0.4990  
## SMOKING=2         0.0175 0.1619  0.11  0.9137  
## SMOKING=3         0.0615 0.2454  0.25  0.8022  
## alcohol=2        -0.1723 0.1681 -1.02  0.3054  
## alcohol=3        -0.1476 0.1213 -1.22  0.2238  
## BMI               0.0932 0.1073  0.87  0.3850  
## SYSTH             0.0050 0.0040  1.27  0.2055  
## SYSTBP           -0.0083 0.0042 -1.97  0.0485  
## DIASTH           -0.0014 0.0070 -0.20  0.8409  
## DIASTBP           0.0099 0.0072  1.37  0.1708  
## WEIGHT           -0.0414 0.0359 -1.16  0.2479  
## LENGTH            2.8049 3.3647  0.83  0.4045  
## CHOL             -0.2817 0.9791 -0.29  0.7736  
## LDL               0.3394 0.9862  0.34  0.7307  
## HDL              -0.0865 0.9925 -0.09  0.9305  
## DIABETES=1        0.0467 0.1565  0.30  0.7655  
## SUMSCORE_5LEVELS  0.3393 0.0565  6.00  <0.0001 
## HOMOC             0.0026 0.0087  0.30  0.7672  
## CREAT             0.6002 0.1502  4.00  <0.0001 
## albumin=2         0.2347 0.1192  1.97  0.0491  
## albumin=3         0.6379 0.2022  3.15  0.0016  
## STENOSIS=1        0.1596 0.1084  1.47  0.1411  
## IMT               0.5886 0.1813  3.25  0.0012  
## TRIG              0.1283 0.4336  0.30  0.7673  
## GLUT              0.0516 0.0290  1.78  0.0753  
## packyrs           0.0059 0.0025  2.37  0.0180
# After removing variables which are:
# High multicollinearity contributors
# Non-standard risk factors
# Minimal predictors of survival outcome based from initial exploration
# Minimal predictors of survival outcome based from domain knowledge and literature

COXPH.FULL.AREGIMPUTED_2 <-cph(Surv(TEVENT,EVENT) ~  ifelse(AGE>50, (AGE-50)^2,0) +
                                 SEX +
                                 SMOKING +
                                 alcohol +
                                 BMI +
                                 SYSTH +
                                 DIABETES +
                                 SUMSCORE_5LEVELS +
                                 HOMOC +
                                 log(CREAT) +
                                 albumin +
                                 STENOSIS +
                               data = SMART.AREGIMPUTED_2,
##                 Wald Statistics          Response: Surv(TEVENT, EVENT) 
##  Factor           Chi-Square d.f. P     
##  AGE               36.20      1   <.0001
##  SEX                0.15      1   0.6996
##  SMOKING            1.81      2   0.4040
##  alcohol            1.25      2   0.5347
##  BMI                2.77      1   0.0959
##  SYSTH              1.01      1   0.3157
##  HDL                5.80      1   0.0161
##  DIABETES           2.84      1   0.0919
##  SUMSCORE_5LEVELS  35.74      1   <.0001
##  HOMOC              0.18      1   0.6730
##  CREAT             14.49      1   0.0001
##  albumin           11.33      2   0.0035
##  STENOSIS           2.63      1   0.1046
##  IMT                9.41      1   0.0022
##  TOTAL            318.65     17   <.0001
##              Effects              Response : Surv(TEVENT, EVENT) 
##  Factor           Low    High   Diff. Effect    S.E.     Lower 0.95 Upper 0.95
##  AGE               52.00  68.00 16.00  0.412890 0.068624  0.2783900  0.547400 
##   Hazard Ratio     52.00  68.00 16.00  1.511200       NA  1.3210000  1.728700 
##  BMI               24.11  28.73  4.62 -0.109170 0.065571 -0.2376900  0.019344 
##   Hazard Ratio     24.11  28.73  4.62  0.896580       NA  0.7884500  1.019500 
##  SYSTH            127.00 157.00 30.00  0.066168 0.065951 -0.0630930  0.195430 
##   Hazard Ratio    127.00 157.00 30.00  1.068400       NA  0.9388600  1.215800 
##  HDL                0.96   1.42  0.46 -0.176910 0.073475 -0.3209200 -0.032900 
##   Hazard Ratio      0.96   1.42  0.46  0.837860       NA  0.7254800  0.967640 
##  SUMSCORE_5LEVELS   1.00   5.00  4.00  1.333000 0.222970  0.8959500  1.770000 
##   Hazard Ratio      1.00   5.00  4.00  3.792300       NA  2.4496000  5.870800 
##  HOMOC             10.50  16.00  5.50  0.020056 0.047525 -0.0730920  0.113200 
##   Hazard Ratio     10.50  16.00  5.50  1.020300       NA  0.9295200  1.119900 
##  CREAT             78.00 101.00 23.00  0.144220 0.037890  0.0699530  0.218480 
##   Hazard Ratio     78.00 101.00 23.00  1.155100       NA  1.0725000  1.244200 
##  IMT                0.75   1.07  0.32  0.174920 0.057034  0.0631390  0.286710 
##   Hazard Ratio      0.75   1.07  0.32  1.191200       NA  1.0652000  1.332000 
##  SEX - 2:1          1.00   2.00    NA -0.052169 0.135210 -0.3171800  0.212840 
##   Hazard Ratio      1.00   2.00    NA  0.949170       NA  0.7282000  1.237200 
##  SMOKING - 1:2      2.00   1.00    NA -0.184270 0.144830 -0.4681400  0.099591 
##   Hazard Ratio      2.00   1.00    NA  0.831710       NA  0.6261700  1.104700 
##  SMOKING - 3:2      2.00   3.00    NA  0.060750 0.201060 -0.3333200  0.454820 
##   Hazard Ratio      2.00   3.00    NA  1.062600       NA  0.7165400  1.575900 
##  alcohol - 1:3      3.00   1.00    NA  0.119670 0.120890 -0.1172600  0.356600 
##   Hazard Ratio      3.00   1.00    NA  1.127100       NA  0.8893500  1.428500 
##  alcohol - 2:3      3.00   2.00    NA -0.040309 0.147650 -0.3297000  0.249080 
##   Hazard Ratio      3.00   2.00    NA  0.960490       NA  0.7191400  1.282900 
##  DIABETES - 1:0     1.00   2.00    NA  0.185690 0.110160 -0.0302130  0.401600 
##   Hazard Ratio      1.00   2.00    NA  1.204100       NA  0.9702400  1.494200 
##  albumin - 2:1      1.00   2.00    NA  0.230480 0.118490 -0.0017567  0.462710 
##   Hazard Ratio      1.00   2.00    NA  1.259200       NA  0.9982400  1.588400 
##  albumin - 3:1      1.00   3.00    NA  0.636100 0.199770  0.2445500  1.027700 
##   Hazard Ratio      1.00   3.00    NA  1.889100       NA  1.2771000  2.794500 
##  STENOSIS - 1:0     1.00   2.00    NA  0.174090 0.107260 -0.0361370  0.384320 
##   Hazard Ratio      1.00   2.00    NA  1.190200       NA  0.9645100  1.468600
##              AGE            SEX=2        SMOKING=2        SMOKING=3 
##         1.299593         1.276089         1.544960         1.418226 
##        alcohol=2        alcohol=3              BMI            SYSTH 
##         1.417444         1.560499         1.109009         1.190620 
##              HDL       DIABETES=1 SUMSCORE_5LEVELS            HOMOC 
##         1.209404         1.124695         1.158816         1.507124 
##            CREAT        albumin=2        albumin=3       STENOSIS=1 
##         1.869956         1.170582         1.576933         1.182581 
##              IMT 
##         1.309736
## Cox Proportional Hazards Model
## cph(formula = Surv(TEVENT, EVENT) ~ ifelse(AGE > 50, (AGE - 50)^2, 
##     0) + SEX + SMOKING + alcohol + BMI + SYSTH + HDL + DIABETES + 
##     SUMSCORE_5LEVELS + HOMOC + log(CREAT) + albumin + STENOSIS + 
##     IMT, data = SMART.AREGIMPUTED_2, x = T, y = T, surv = T)
##                        Model Tests      Discrimination    
##                                                Indexes    
## Obs      3873    LR chi2    280.67      R2       0.084    
## Events    460    d.f.           17    R2(17,3873)0.066    
## Center 3.1607    Pr(> chi2) 0.0000     R2(17,460)0.436    
##                  Score chi2 355.08      Dxy      0.393    
##                  Pr(> chi2) 0.0000                        
##                  Coef    S.E.   Wald Z Pr(>|Z|)
## AGE               0.0013 0.0002  6.02  <0.0001 
## SEX=2            -0.0522 0.1352 -0.39  0.6996  
## SMOKING=2         0.1843 0.1448  1.27  0.2033  
## SMOKING=3         0.2450 0.2349  1.04  0.2969  
## alcohol=2        -0.1600 0.1673 -0.96  0.3389  
## alcohol=3        -0.1197 0.1209 -0.99  0.3222  
## BMI              -0.0236 0.0142 -1.66  0.0959  
## SYSTH             0.0022 0.0022  1.00  0.3157  
## HDL              -0.3846 0.1597 -2.41  0.0161  
## DIABETES=1        0.1857 0.1102  1.69  0.0919  
## SUMSCORE_5LEVELS  0.3332 0.0557  5.98  <0.0001 
## HOMOC             0.0036 0.0086  0.42  0.6730  
## CREAT             0.5581 0.1466  3.81  0.0001  
## albumin=2         0.2305 0.1185  1.95  0.0518  
## albumin=3         0.6361 0.1998  3.18  0.0015  
## STENOSIS=1        0.1741 0.1073  1.62  0.1046  
## IMT               0.5466 0.1782  3.07  0.0022
# Formulating the FULL
# Cox Proportional Hazards Model
# Using the combined complete and 
# 3RD imputation results from AREG

SMART.AREGIMPUTED_3$alcohol <- as.factor(SMART.AREGIMPUTED_3$alcohol)
SMART.AREGIMPUTED_3$albumin <- as.factor(SMART.AREGIMPUTED_3$albumin)

dd <- datadist(SMART.AREGIMPUTED_3)


COXPH.FULL.COMPLETE.AREGIMPUTED_3 <-cph(Surv(TEVENT,EVENT) ~  ifelse(AGE>50, (AGE-50)^2,0) +
                                 SEX +
                                 SMOKING +
                                 alcohol +
                                 BMI +
                                 SYSTH +
                                 SYSTBP +
                                 DIASTH +
                                 DIASTBP +
                                 WEIGHT +
                                 LENGTH +
                                 CHOL +
                                 LDL +
                                 DIABETES +
                                 SUMSCORE_5LEVELS +
                                 HOMOC +
                                 log(CREAT) +
                                 albumin +
                                 STENOSIS +
                                 IMT +
                                 TRIG +
                                 GLUT +
                               data = SMART.AREGIMPUTED_3,
##                 Wald Statistics          Response: Surv(TEVENT, EVENT) 
##  Factor           Chi-Square d.f. P     
##  AGE               36.90      1   <.0001
##  SEX                0.75      1   0.3869
##  SMOKING            0.35      2   0.8388
##  alcohol            1.46      2   0.4817
##  BMI                0.68      1   0.4083
##  SYSTH              0.15      1   0.6983
##  SYSTBP             0.44      1   0.5070
##  DIASTH             0.66      1   0.4168
##  DIASTBP            0.19      1   0.6599
##  WEIGHT             1.27      1   0.2590
##  LENGTH             0.59      1   0.4439
##  CHOL               0.55      1   0.4581
##  LDL                0.65      1   0.4218
##  HDL                0.09      1   0.7588
##  DIABETES           0.19      1   0.6617
##  SUMSCORE_5LEVELS  34.76      1   <.0001
##  HOMOC              0.06      1   0.8014
##  CREAT             17.68      1   <.0001
##  albumin            7.20      2   0.0274
##  STENOSIS           3.01      1   0.0825
##  IMT                7.65      1   0.0057
##  TRIG               0.56      1   0.4530
##  GLUT               2.49      1   0.1143
##  packyrs            5.86      1   0.0155
##  TOTAL            320.20     27   <.0001
##              Effects              Response : Surv(TEVENT, EVENT) 
##  Factor           Low    High   Diff. Effect    S.E.     Lower 0.95 Upper 0.95
##  AGE               52.00  68.00 16.00  0.435920 0.071766  0.295260   0.57658  
##   Hazard Ratio     52.00  68.00 16.00  1.546400       NA  1.343500   1.77990  
##  BMI               24.11  28.73  4.62  0.406580 0.491680 -0.557090   1.37030  
##   Hazard Ratio     24.11  28.73  4.62  1.501700       NA  0.572870   3.93640  
##  SYSTH            127.00 156.00 29.00  0.045244 0.116720 -0.183520   0.27401  
##   Hazard Ratio    127.00 156.00 29.00  1.046300       NA  0.832330   1.31520  
##  SYSTBP           126.00 153.00 27.00 -0.074237 0.111870 -0.293510   0.14503  
##   Hazard Ratio    126.00 153.00 27.00  0.928450       NA  0.745640   1.15610  
##  DIASTH            74.00  90.00 16.00  0.088751 0.109310 -0.125490   0.30299  
##   Hazard Ratio     74.00  90.00 16.00  1.092800       NA  0.882060   1.35390  
##  DIASTBP           73.00  86.00 13.00  0.041562 0.094439 -0.143530   0.22666  
##   Hazard Ratio     73.00  86.00 13.00  1.042400       NA  0.866290   1.25440  
##  WEIGHT            72.00  89.00 17.00 -0.681140 0.603430 -1.863800   0.50155  
##   Hazard Ratio     72.00  89.00 17.00  0.506040       NA  0.155080   1.65130  
##  LENGTH             1.68   1.80  0.12  0.306690 0.400570 -0.478400   1.09180  
##   Hazard Ratio      1.68   1.80  0.12  1.358900       NA  0.619770   2.97960  
##  CHOL               4.40   5.90  1.50 -0.991960 1.336800 -3.612000   1.62810  
##   Hazard Ratio      4.40   5.90  1.50  0.370850       NA  0.026997   5.09420  
##  LDL                2.37   3.83  1.46  1.054400 1.312500 -1.518100   3.62690  
##   Hazard Ratio      2.37   3.83  1.46  2.870100       NA  0.219120  37.59400  
##  HDL                0.96   1.42  0.46  0.127730 0.416070 -0.687750   0.94322  
##   Hazard Ratio      0.96   1.42  0.46  1.136200       NA  0.502700   2.56820  
##  SUMSCORE_5LEVELS   1.00   5.00  4.00  1.337900 0.226920  0.893180   1.78270  
##   Hazard Ratio      1.00   5.00  4.00  3.811200       NA  2.442900   5.94580  
##  HOMOC             10.50  16.00  5.50  0.011972 0.047590 -0.081302   0.10525  
##   Hazard Ratio     10.50  16.00  5.50  1.012000       NA  0.921920   1.11100  
##  CREAT             78.00 101.00 23.00  0.162680 0.038689  0.086847   0.23850  
##   Hazard Ratio     78.00 101.00 23.00  1.176700       NA  1.090700   1.26930  
##  IMT                0.75   1.07  0.32  0.160880 0.058184  0.046842   0.27492  
##   Hazard Ratio      0.75   1.07  0.32  1.174500       NA  1.048000   1.31640  
##  TRIG               1.13   2.23  1.10  0.327860 0.436890 -0.528420   1.18410  
##   Hazard Ratio      1.13   2.23  1.10  1.388000       NA  0.589540   3.26790  
##  GLUT               5.30   6.50  1.20  0.055650 0.035244 -0.013426   0.12473  
##   Hazard Ratio      5.30   6.50  1.20  1.057200       NA  0.986660   1.13280  
##  packyrs            5.90  34.20 28.30  0.172410 0.071214  0.032828   0.31198  
##   Hazard Ratio      5.90  34.20 28.30  1.188200       NA  1.033400   1.36610  
##  SEX - 2:1          1.00   2.00    NA -0.141230 0.163230 -0.461150   0.17869  
##   Hazard Ratio      1.00   2.00    NA  0.868290       NA  0.630560   1.19570  
##  SMOKING - 1:2      2.00   1.00    NA -0.024508 0.161910 -0.341850   0.29283  
##   Hazard Ratio      2.00   1.00    NA  0.975790       NA  0.710460   1.34020  
##  SMOKING - 3:2      2.00   3.00    NA  0.110050 0.198790 -0.279580   0.49967  
##   Hazard Ratio      2.00   3.00    NA  1.116300       NA  0.756100   1.64820  
##  alcohol - 1:3      3.00   1.00    NA  0.133760 0.120890 -0.103180   0.37071  
##   Hazard Ratio      3.00   1.00    NA  1.143100       NA  0.901960   1.44880  
##  alcohol - 2:3      3.00   2.00    NA -0.029839 0.147830 -0.319570   0.25990  
##   Hazard Ratio      3.00   2.00    NA  0.970600       NA  0.726460   1.29680  
##  DIABETES - 1:0     1.00   2.00    NA  0.068163 0.155790 -0.237180   0.37351  
##   Hazard Ratio      1.00   2.00    NA  1.070500       NA  0.788850   1.45280  
##  albumin - 2:1      1.00   2.00    NA  0.188130 0.119630 -0.046335   0.42259  
##   Hazard Ratio      1.00   2.00    NA  1.207000       NA  0.954720   1.52590  
##  albumin - 3:1      1.00   3.00    NA  0.532280 0.209570  0.121520   0.94303  
##   Hazard Ratio      1.00   3.00    NA  1.702800       NA  1.129200   2.56770  
##  STENOSIS - 1:0     1.00   2.00    NA  0.187470 0.107970 -0.024146   0.39908  
##   Hazard Ratio      1.00   2.00    NA  1.206200       NA  0.976140   1.49050
##              AGE            SEX=2        SMOKING=2        SMOKING=3 
##         1.420179         1.859980         1.945645         1.558441 
##        alcohol=2        alcohol=3              BMI            SYSTH 
##         1.426484         1.568374        63.258403         3.781325 
##           SYSTBP           DIASTH          DIASTBP           WEIGHT 
##         3.316955         3.055128         2.581655        88.682439 
##           LENGTH             CHOL              LDL              HDL 
##        34.592113       414.210018       374.656141        38.295659 
##       DIABETES=1 SUMSCORE_5LEVELS            HOMOC            CREAT 
##         2.249795         1.180905         1.455960         1.929293 
##        albumin=2        albumin=3       STENOSIS=1              IMT 
##         1.184010         1.626924         1.203558         1.339445 
##             TRIG             GLUT          packyrs 
##        99.397839         2.164191         1.362993
## Cox Proportional Hazards Model
## cph(formula = Surv(TEVENT, EVENT) ~ ifelse(AGE > 50, (AGE - 50)^2, 
##     0) + SEX + SMOKING + alcohol + BMI + SYSTH + SYSTBP + DIASTH + 
##     SUMSCORE_5LEVELS + HOMOC + log(CREAT) + albumin + STENOSIS + 
##     IMT + TRIG + GLUT + packyrs, data = SMART.AREGIMPUTED_3, 
##     x = T, y = T, surv = T)
##                        Model Tests      Discrimination    
##                                                Indexes    
## Obs      3873    LR chi2    289.89      R2       0.086    
## Events    460    d.f.           27    R2(27,3873)0.066    
## Center 8.2833    Pr(> chi2) 0.0000     R2(27,460)0.435    
##                  Score chi2 357.27      Dxy      0.393    
##                  Pr(> chi2) 0.0000                        
##                  Coef    S.E.   Wald Z Pr(>|Z|)
## AGE               0.0014 0.0002  6.07  <0.0001 
## SEX=2            -0.1412 0.1632 -0.87  0.3869  
## SMOKING=2         0.0245 0.1619  0.15  0.8797  
## SMOKING=3         0.1346 0.2424  0.56  0.5789  
## alcohol=2        -0.1636 0.1666 -0.98  0.3260  
## alcohol=3        -0.1338 0.1209 -1.11  0.2685  
## BMI               0.0880 0.1064  0.83  0.4083  
## SYSTH             0.0016 0.0040  0.39  0.6983  
## SYSTBP           -0.0027 0.0041 -0.66  0.5070  
## DIASTH            0.0055 0.0068  0.81  0.4168  
## DIASTBP           0.0032 0.0073  0.44  0.6599  
## WEIGHT           -0.0401 0.0355 -1.13  0.2590  
## LENGTH            2.5558 3.3380  0.77  0.4439  
## CHOL             -0.6613 0.8912 -0.74  0.4581  
## LDL               0.7222 0.8990  0.80  0.4218  
## HDL               0.2777 0.9045  0.31  0.7588  
## DIABETES=1        0.0682 0.1558  0.44  0.6617  
## SUMSCORE_5LEVELS  0.3345 0.0567  5.90  <0.0001 
## HOMOC             0.0022 0.0087  0.25  0.8014  
## CREAT             0.6295 0.1497  4.20  <0.0001 
## albumin=2         0.1881 0.1196  1.57  0.1158  
## albumin=3         0.5323 0.2096  2.54  0.0111  
## STENOSIS=1        0.1875 0.1080  1.74  0.0825  
## IMT               0.5027 0.1818  2.77  0.0057  
## TRIG              0.2981 0.3972  0.75  0.4530  
## GLUT              0.0464 0.0294  1.58  0.1143  
## packyrs           0.0061 0.0025  2.42  0.0155
# After removing variables which are:
# High multicollinearity contributors
# Non-standard risk factors
# Minimal predictors of survival outcome based from initial exploration
# Minimal predictors of survival outcome based from domain knowledge and literature

COXPH.FULL.AREGIMPUTED_3 <-cph(Surv(TEVENT,EVENT) ~  ifelse(AGE>50, (AGE-50)^2,0) +
                                 SEX +
                                 SMOKING +
                                 alcohol +
                                 BMI +
                                 SYSTH +
                                 DIABETES +
                                 SUMSCORE_5LEVELS +
                                 HOMOC +
                                 log(CREAT) +
                                 albumin +
                                 STENOSIS +
                               data = SMART.AREGIMPUTED_3,
##                 Wald Statistics          Response: Surv(TEVENT, EVENT) 
##  Factor           Chi-Square d.f. P     
##  AGE               37.94      1   <.0001
##  SEX                0.12      1   0.7269
##  SMOKING            2.25      2   0.3250
##  alcohol            1.11      2   0.5753
##  BMI                2.88      1   0.0899
##  SYSTH              1.69      1   0.1939
##  HDL                6.08      1   0.0137
##  DIABETES           3.15      1   0.0761
##  SUMSCORE_5LEVELS  36.05      1   <.0001
##  HOMOC              0.24      1   0.6207
##  CREAT             15.67      1   0.0001
##  albumin            7.32      2   0.0257
##  STENOSIS           3.43      1   0.0642
##  IMT                6.57      1   0.0103
##  TOTAL            311.06     17   <.0001
##              Effects              Response : Surv(TEVENT, EVENT) 
##  Factor           Low    High   Diff. Effect    S.E.     Lower 0.95 Upper 0.95
##  AGE               52.00  68.00 16.00  0.421290 0.068396  0.287240   0.555340 
##   Hazard Ratio     52.00  68.00 16.00  1.523900       NA  1.332700   1.742500 
##  BMI               24.11  28.73  4.62 -0.111310 0.065642 -0.239960   0.017347 
##   Hazard Ratio     24.11  28.73  4.62  0.894660       NA  0.786660   1.017500 
##  SYSTH            127.00 156.00 29.00  0.083927 0.064609 -0.042704   0.210560 
##   Hazard Ratio    127.00 156.00 29.00  1.087500       NA  0.958200   1.234400 
##  HDL                0.96   1.42  0.46 -0.181520 0.073610 -0.325790  -0.037244 
##   Hazard Ratio      0.96   1.42  0.46  0.834000       NA  0.721960   0.963440 
##  SUMSCORE_5LEVELS   1.00   5.00  4.00  1.338700 0.222960  0.901750   1.775700 
##   Hazard Ratio      1.00   5.00  4.00  3.814200       NA  2.463900   5.904600 
##  HOMOC             10.50  16.00  5.50  0.023263 0.047004 -0.068862   0.115390 
##   Hazard Ratio     10.50  16.00  5.50  1.023500       NA  0.933460   1.122300 
##  CREAT             78.00 101.00 23.00  0.150200 0.037942  0.075835   0.224570 
##   Hazard Ratio     78.00 101.00 23.00  1.162100       NA  1.078800   1.251800 
##  IMT                0.75   1.07  0.32  0.146240 0.057032  0.034457   0.258020 
##   Hazard Ratio      0.75   1.07  0.32  1.157500       NA  1.035100   1.294400 
##  SEX - 2:1          1.00   2.00    NA -0.047213 0.135210 -0.312210   0.217790 
##   Hazard Ratio      1.00   2.00    NA  0.953880       NA  0.731830   1.243300 
##  SMOKING - 1:2      2.00   1.00    NA -0.193240 0.144660 -0.476770   0.090286 
##   Hazard Ratio      2.00   1.00    NA  0.824280       NA  0.620780   1.094500 
##  SMOKING - 3:2      2.00   3.00    NA  0.105120 0.197840 -0.282640   0.492880 
##   Hazard Ratio      2.00   3.00    NA  1.110800       NA  0.753790   1.637000 
##  alcohol - 1:3      3.00   1.00    NA  0.114520 0.120600 -0.121850   0.350880 
##   Hazard Ratio      3.00   1.00    NA  1.121300       NA  0.885280   1.420300 
##  alcohol - 2:3      3.00   2.00    NA -0.030120 0.147370 -0.318970   0.258730 
##   Hazard Ratio      3.00   2.00    NA  0.970330       NA  0.726900   1.295300 
##  DIABETES - 1:0     1.00   2.00    NA  0.195840 0.110430 -0.020590   0.412270 
##   Hazard Ratio      1.00   2.00    NA  1.216300       NA  0.979620   1.510200 
##  albumin - 2:1      1.00   2.00    NA  0.194770 0.118990 -0.038447   0.427990 
##   Hazard Ratio      1.00   2.00    NA  1.215000       NA  0.962280   1.534200 
##  albumin - 3:1      1.00   3.00    NA  0.525450 0.207680  0.118400   0.932500 
##   Hazard Ratio      1.00   3.00    NA  1.691200       NA  1.125700   2.540900 
##  STENOSIS - 1:0     1.00   2.00    NA  0.197860 0.106910 -0.011678   0.407410 
##   Hazard Ratio      1.00   2.00    NA  1.218800       NA  0.988390   1.502900
##              AGE            SEX=2        SMOKING=2        SMOKING=3 
##         1.295338         1.276244         1.553076         1.428452 
##        alcohol=2        alcohol=3              BMI            SYSTH 
##         1.414689         1.560807         1.108995         1.175784 
##              HDL       DIABETES=1 SUMSCORE_5LEVELS            HOMOC 
##         1.214632         1.130052         1.153692         1.418524 
##            CREAT        albumin=2        albumin=3       STENOSIS=1 
##         1.872846         1.172256         1.599649         1.179656 
##              IMT 
##         1.303127
## Cox Proportional Hazards Model
## cph(formula = Surv(TEVENT, EVENT) ~ ifelse(AGE > 50, (AGE - 50)^2, 
##     0) + SEX + SMOKING + alcohol + BMI + SYSTH + HDL + DIABETES + 
##     SUMSCORE_5LEVELS + HOMOC + log(CREAT) + albumin + STENOSIS + 
##     IMT, data = SMART.AREGIMPUTED_3, x = T, y = T, surv = T)
##                        Model Tests      Discrimination    
##                                                Indexes    
## Obs      3873    LR chi2    274.70      R2       0.082    
## Events    460    d.f.           17    R2(17,3873)0.064    
## Center 3.2859    Pr(> chi2) 0.0000     R2(17,460)0.429    
##                  Score chi2 344.55      Dxy      0.391    
##                  Pr(> chi2) 0.0000                        
##                  Coef    S.E.   Wald Z Pr(>|Z|)
## AGE               0.0013 0.0002  6.16  <0.0001 
## SEX=2            -0.0472 0.1352 -0.35  0.7269  
## SMOKING=2         0.1932 0.1447  1.34  0.1816  
## SMOKING=3         0.2984 0.2320  1.29  0.1985  
## alcohol=2        -0.1446 0.1659 -0.87  0.3833  
## alcohol=3        -0.1145 0.1206 -0.95  0.3423  
## BMI              -0.0241 0.0142 -1.70  0.0899  
## SYSTH             0.0029 0.0022  1.30  0.1939  
## HDL              -0.3946 0.1600 -2.47  0.0137  
## DIABETES=1        0.1958 0.1104  1.77  0.0761  
## SUMSCORE_5LEVELS  0.3347 0.0557  6.00  <0.0001 
## HOMOC             0.0042 0.0085  0.49  0.6207  
## CREAT             0.5812 0.1468  3.96  <0.0001 
## albumin=2         0.1948 0.1190  1.64  0.1017  
## albumin=3         0.5255 0.2077  2.53  0.0114  
## STENOSIS=1        0.1979 0.1069  1.85  0.0642  
## IMT               0.4570 0.1782  2.56  0.0103
# Formulating the FULL
# Cox Proportional Hazards Model
# Using the combined complete and 
# 4TH imputation results from AREG

SMART.AREGIMPUTED_4$alcohol <- as.factor(SMART.AREGIMPUTED_4$alcohol)
SMART.AREGIMPUTED_4$albumin <- as.factor(SMART.AREGIMPUTED_4$albumin)

dd <- datadist(SMART.AREGIMPUTED_4)


COXPH.FULL.COMPLETE.AREGIMPUTED_4 <-cph(Surv(TEVENT,EVENT) ~  ifelse(AGE>50, (AGE-50)^2,0) +
                                 SEX +
                                 SMOKING +
                                 alcohol +
                                 BMI +
                                 SYSTH +
                                 SYSTBP +
                                 DIASTH +
                                 DIASTBP +
                                 WEIGHT +
                                 LENGTH +
                                 CHOL +
                                 LDL +
                                 DIABETES +
                                 SUMSCORE_5LEVELS +
                                 HOMOC +
                                 log(CREAT) +
                                 albumin +
                                 STENOSIS +
                                 IMT +
                                 TRIG +
                                 GLUT +
                               data = SMART.AREGIMPUTED_4,
##                 Wald Statistics          Response: Surv(TEVENT, EVENT) 
##  Factor           Chi-Square d.f. P     
##  AGE               32.02      1   <.0001
##  SEX                0.65      1   0.4189
##  SMOKING            0.06      2   0.9706
##  alcohol            1.76      2   0.4157
##  BMI                1.03      1   0.3107
##  SYSTH              0.14      1   0.7122
##  SYSTBP             0.48      1   0.4866
##  DIASTH             1.49      1   0.2221
##  DIASTBP            0.01      1   0.9432
##  WEIGHT             1.72      1   0.1892
##  LENGTH             0.92      1   0.3388
##  CHOL               0.00      1   0.9449
##  LDL                0.00      1   0.9841
##  HDL                0.17      1   0.6797
##  DIABETES           0.19      1   0.6617
##  SUMSCORE_5LEVELS  32.02      1   <.0001
##  HOMOC              2.03      1   0.1541
##  CREAT             16.44      1   0.0001
##  albumin            8.32      2   0.0156
##  STENOSIS           1.89      1   0.1693
##  IMT                9.93      1   0.0016
##  TRIG               0.01      1   0.9395
##  GLUT               3.35      1   0.0673
##  packyrs            5.40      1   0.0202
##  TOTAL            326.89     27   <.0001
##              Effects              Response : Surv(TEVENT, EVENT) 
##  Factor           Low    High   Diff. Effect     S.E.     Lower 0.95 Upper 0.95
##  AGE               52.00  68.00 16.00  0.4076500 0.072045  0.2664400  0.54885  
##   Hazard Ratio     52.00  68.00 16.00  1.5033000       NA  1.3053000  1.73130  
##  BMI               24.11  28.73  4.62  0.5012000 0.494450 -0.4679000  1.47030  
##   Hazard Ratio     24.11  28.73  4.62  1.6507000       NA  0.6263100  4.35060  
##  SYSTH            127.00 157.00 30.00  0.0448550 0.121590 -0.1934600  0.28317  
##   Hazard Ratio    127.00 157.00 30.00  1.0459000       NA  0.8241100  1.32730  
##  SYSTBP           126.00 152.00 26.00 -0.0768050 0.110390 -0.2931600  0.13955  
##   Hazard Ratio    126.00 152.00 26.00  0.9260700       NA  0.7459000  1.14980  
##  DIASTH            74.00  90.00 16.00  0.1377800 0.112850 -0.0833960  0.35895  
##   Hazard Ratio     74.00  90.00 16.00  1.1477000       NA  0.9199900  1.43180  
##  DIASTBP           73.00  86.00 13.00  0.0068640 0.096422 -0.1821200  0.19585  
##   Hazard Ratio     73.00  86.00 13.00  1.0069000       NA  0.8335000  1.21630  
##  WEIGHT            72.00  89.00 17.00 -0.7990600 0.608650 -1.9920000  0.39387  
##   Hazard Ratio     72.00  89.00 17.00  0.4497500       NA  0.1364200  1.48270  
##  LENGTH             1.68   1.80  0.12  0.3853400 0.402830 -0.4041900  1.17490  
##   Hazard Ratio      1.68   1.80  0.12  1.4701000       NA  0.6675200  3.23770  
##  CHOL               4.40   5.90  1.50  0.1124800 1.626600 -3.0756000  3.30060  
##   Hazard Ratio      4.40   5.90  1.50  1.1191000       NA  0.0461620 27.12800  
##  LDL                2.37   3.83  1.46 -0.0317260 1.590600 -3.1492000  3.08580  
##   Hazard Ratio      2.37   3.83  1.46  0.9687700       NA  0.0428860 21.88400  
##  HDL                0.96   1.42  0.46 -0.2087600 0.505560 -1.1996000  0.78212  
##   Hazard Ratio      0.96   1.42  0.46  0.8115900       NA  0.3013000  2.18610  
##  SUMSCORE_5LEVELS   1.00   5.00  4.00  1.2765000 0.225590  0.8343900  1.71870  
##   Hazard Ratio      1.00   5.00  4.00  3.5842000       NA  2.3034000  5.57720  
##  HOMOC             10.50  16.00  5.50  0.0641290 0.045001 -0.0240710  0.15233  
##   Hazard Ratio     10.50  16.00  5.50  1.0662000       NA  0.9762200  1.16450  
##  CREAT             78.00 101.00 23.00  0.1523000 0.037558  0.0786910  0.22591  
##   Hazard Ratio     78.00 101.00 23.00  1.1645000       NA  1.0819000  1.25350  
##  IMT                0.75   1.07  0.32  0.1836600 0.058280  0.0694360  0.29789  
##   Hazard Ratio      0.75   1.07  0.32  1.2016000       NA  1.0719000  1.34700  
##  TRIG               1.13   2.23  1.10 -0.0404980 0.533860 -1.0869000  1.00590  
##   Hazard Ratio      1.13   2.23  1.10  0.9603100       NA  0.3372800  2.73420  
##  GLUT               5.30   6.50  1.20  0.0641980 0.035088 -0.0045735  0.13297  
##   Hazard Ratio      5.30   6.50  1.20  1.0663000       NA  0.9954400  1.14220  
##  packyrs            5.90  34.20 28.30  0.1662400 0.071570  0.0259670  0.30652  
##   Hazard Ratio      5.90  34.20 28.30  1.1809000       NA  1.0263000  1.35870  
##  SEX - 2:1          1.00   2.00    NA -0.1310400 0.162110 -0.4487700  0.18668  
##   Hazard Ratio      1.00   2.00    NA  0.8771800       NA  0.6384200  1.20520  
##  SMOKING - 1:2      2.00   1.00    NA -0.0013686 0.161460 -0.3178100  0.31508  
##   Hazard Ratio      2.00   1.00    NA  0.9986300       NA  0.7277400  1.37040  
##  SMOKING - 3:2      2.00   3.00    NA  0.0488110 0.201850 -0.3468100  0.44443  
##   Hazard Ratio      2.00   3.00    NA  1.0500000       NA  0.7069400  1.55960  
##  alcohol - 1:3      3.00   1.00    NA  0.1445200 0.120930 -0.0925020  0.38154  
##   Hazard Ratio      3.00   1.00    NA  1.1555000       NA  0.9116500  1.46450  
##  alcohol - 2:3      3.00   2.00    NA -0.0393420 0.147710 -0.3288400  0.25016  
##   Hazard Ratio      3.00   2.00    NA  0.9614200       NA  0.7197600  1.28420  
##  DIABETES - 1:0     1.00   2.00    NA  0.0680540 0.155510 -0.2367400  0.37285  
##   Hazard Ratio      1.00   2.00    NA  1.0704000       NA  0.7892000  1.45190  
##  albumin - 2:1      1.00   2.00    NA  0.2732000 0.117180  0.0435270  0.50287  
##   Hazard Ratio      1.00   2.00    NA  1.3142000       NA  1.0445000  1.65350  
##  albumin - 3:1      1.00   3.00    NA  0.4784600 0.209270  0.0683080  0.88862  
##   Hazard Ratio      1.00   3.00    NA  1.6136000       NA  1.0707000  2.43180  
##  STENOSIS - 1:0     1.00   2.00    NA  0.1494800 0.108760 -0.0636870  0.36266  
##   Hazard Ratio      1.00   2.00    NA  1.1612000       NA  0.9383000  1.43710
##              AGE            SEX=2        SMOKING=2        SMOKING=3 
##         1.423801         1.834715         1.936069         1.535325 
##        alcohol=2        alcohol=3              BMI            SYSTH 
##         1.429097         1.569112        64.065892         3.937466 
##           SYSTBP           DIASTH          DIASTBP           WEIGHT 
##         3.435346         3.206930         2.673371        89.404506 
##           LENGTH             CHOL              LDL              HDL 
##        35.040767       611.492448       544.551054        56.706677 
##       DIABETES=1 SUMSCORE_5LEVELS            HOMOC            CREAT 
##         2.251743         1.164305         1.432342         1.777291 
##        albumin=2        albumin=3       STENOSIS=1              IMT 
##         1.178710         1.552418         1.212514         1.352500 
##             TRIG             GLUT          packyrs 
##       149.510494         2.164995         1.379450
## Cox Proportional Hazards Model
## cph(formula = Surv(TEVENT, EVENT) ~ ifelse(AGE > 50, (AGE - 50)^2, 
##     0) + SEX + SMOKING + alcohol + BMI + SYSTH + SYSTBP + DIASTH + 
##     SUMSCORE_5LEVELS + HOMOC + log(CREAT) + albumin + STENOSIS + 
##     IMT + TRIG + GLUT + packyrs, data = SMART.AREGIMPUTED_4, 
##     x = T, y = T, surv = T)
##                        Model Tests      Discrimination    
##                                                Indexes    
## Obs      3873    LR chi2    296.57      R2       0.088    
## Events    460    d.f.           27    R2(27,3873)0.067    
## Center 9.3809    Pr(> chi2) 0.0000     R2(27,460)0.443    
##                  Score chi2 363.32      Dxy      0.402    
##                  Pr(> chi2) 0.0000                        
##                  Coef    S.E.   Wald Z Pr(>|Z|)
## AGE               0.0013 0.0002  5.66  <0.0001 
## SEX=2            -0.1310 0.1621 -0.81  0.4189  
## SMOKING=2         0.0014 0.1615  0.01  0.9932  
## SMOKING=3         0.0502 0.2444  0.21  0.8373  
## alcohol=2        -0.1839 0.1667 -1.10  0.2702  
## alcohol=3        -0.1445 0.1209 -1.20  0.2321  
## BMI               0.1085 0.1070  1.01  0.3107  
## SYSTH             0.0015 0.0041  0.37  0.7122  
## SYSTBP           -0.0030 0.0042 -0.70  0.4866  
## DIASTH            0.0086 0.0071  1.22  0.2221  
## DIASTBP           0.0005 0.0074  0.07  0.9432  
## WEIGHT           -0.0470 0.0358 -1.31  0.1892  
## LENGTH            3.2112 3.3569  0.96  0.3388  
## CHOL              0.0750 1.0844  0.07  0.9449  
## LDL              -0.0217 1.0894 -0.02  0.9841  
## HDL              -0.4538 1.0990 -0.41  0.6797  
## DIABETES=1        0.0681 0.1555  0.44  0.6617  
## SUMSCORE_5LEVELS  0.3191 0.0564  5.66  <0.0001 
## HOMOC             0.0117 0.0082  1.43  0.1541  
## CREAT             0.5894 0.1453  4.06  <0.0001 
## albumin=2         0.2732 0.1172  2.33  0.0197  
## albumin=3         0.4785 0.2093  2.29  0.0222  
## STENOSIS=1        0.1495 0.1088  1.37  0.1693  
## IMT               0.5739 0.1821  3.15  0.0016  
## TRIG             -0.0368 0.4853 -0.08  0.9395  
## GLUT              0.0535 0.0292  1.83  0.0673  
## packyrs           0.0059 0.0025  2.32  0.0202
# After removing variables which are:
# High multicollinearity contributors
# Non-standard risk factors
# Minimal predictors of survival outcome based from initial exploration
# Minimal predictors of survival outcome based from domain knowledge and literature

COXPH.FULL.AREGIMPUTED_4 <-cph(Surv(TEVENT,EVENT) ~  ifelse(AGE>50, (AGE-50)^2,0) +
                                 SEX +
                                 SMOKING +
                                 alcohol +
                                 BMI +
                                 SYSTH +
                                 DIABETES +
                                 SUMSCORE_5LEVELS +
                                 HOMOC +
                                 log(CREAT) +
                                 albumin +
                                 STENOSIS +
                               data = SMART.AREGIMPUTED_4,
##                 Wald Statistics          Response: Surv(TEVENT, EVENT) 
##  Factor           Chi-Square d.f. P     
##  AGE               31.66      1   <.0001
##  SEX                0.08      1   0.7798
##  SMOKING            1.53      2   0.4659
##  alcohol            1.32      2   0.5159
##  BMI                3.03      1   0.0816
##  SYSTH              1.97      1   0.1606
##  HDL                5.63      1   0.0177
##  DIABETES           3.77      1   0.0521
##  SUMSCORE_5LEVELS  33.70      1   <.0001
##  HOMOC              3.03      1   0.0816
##  CREAT             14.89      1   0.0001
##  albumin            7.74      2   0.0208
##  STENOSIS           2.04      1   0.1537
##  IMT                8.53      1   0.0035
##  TOTAL            315.74     17   <.0001
##              Effects              Response : Surv(TEVENT, EVENT) 
##  Factor           Low    High   Diff. Effect    S.E.     Lower 0.95 Upper 0.95
##  AGE               52.00  68.00 16.00  0.388080 0.068969  0.2529000  0.523250 
##   Hazard Ratio     52.00  68.00 16.00  1.474100       NA  1.2878000  1.687500 
##  BMI               24.11  28.73  4.62 -0.114050 0.065492 -0.2424100  0.014314 
##   Hazard Ratio     24.11  28.73  4.62  0.892210       NA  0.7847300  1.014400 
##  SYSTH            127.00 157.00 30.00  0.092473 0.065911 -0.0367100  0.221660 
##   Hazard Ratio    127.00 157.00 30.00  1.096900       NA  0.9639600  1.248100 
##  HDL                0.96   1.42  0.46 -0.174110 0.073384 -0.3179400 -0.030275 
##   Hazard Ratio      0.96   1.42  0.46  0.840210       NA  0.7276500  0.970180 
##  SUMSCORE_5LEVELS   1.00   5.00  4.00  1.289000 0.222030  0.8538400  1.724200 
##   Hazard Ratio      1.00   5.00  4.00  3.629200       NA  2.3487000  5.607900 
##  HOMOC             10.50  16.00  5.50  0.076810 0.044099 -0.0096231  0.163240 
##   Hazard Ratio     10.50  16.00  5.50  1.079800       NA  0.9904200  1.177300 
##  CREAT             78.00 101.00 23.00  0.143120 0.037091  0.0704260  0.215820 
##   Hazard Ratio     78.00 101.00 23.00  1.153900       NA  1.0730000  1.240900 
##  IMT                0.75   1.07  0.32  0.167110 0.057217  0.0549680  0.279250 
##   Hazard Ratio      0.75   1.07  0.32  1.181900       NA  1.0565000  1.322100 
##  SEX - 2:1          1.00   2.00    NA -0.037842 0.135330 -0.3030800  0.227390 
##   Hazard Ratio      1.00   2.00    NA  0.962860       NA  0.7385400  1.255300 
##  SMOKING - 1:2      2.00   1.00    NA -0.167830 0.143840 -0.4497600  0.114090 
##   Hazard Ratio      2.00   1.00    NA  0.845500       NA  0.6377800  1.120900 
##  SMOKING - 3:2      2.00   3.00    NA  0.056140 0.200990 -0.3377900  0.450070 
##   Hazard Ratio      2.00   3.00    NA  1.057700       NA  0.7133400  1.568400 
##  alcohol - 1:3      3.00   1.00    NA  0.126330 0.120170 -0.1092000  0.361860 
##   Hazard Ratio      3.00   1.00    NA  1.134700       NA  0.8965500  1.436000 
##  alcohol - 2:3      3.00   2.00    NA -0.029610 0.146650 -0.3170400  0.257820 
##   Hazard Ratio      3.00   2.00    NA  0.970820       NA  0.7283000  1.294100 
##  DIABETES - 1:0     1.00   2.00    NA  0.213620 0.109970 -0.0019123  0.429140 
##   Hazard Ratio      1.00   2.00    NA  1.238100       NA  0.9980900  1.535900 
##  albumin - 2:1      1.00   2.00    NA  0.273640 0.116500  0.0452980  0.501980 
##   Hazard Ratio      1.00   2.00    NA  1.314700       NA  1.0463000  1.652000 
##  albumin - 3:1      1.00   3.00    NA  0.431190 0.207600  0.0242960  0.838080 
##   Hazard Ratio      1.00   3.00    NA  1.539100       NA  1.0246000  2.311900 
##  STENOSIS - 1:0     1.00   2.00    NA  0.153770 0.107790 -0.0574970  0.365040 
##   Hazard Ratio      1.00   2.00    NA  1.166200       NA  0.9441200  1.440600
##              AGE            SEX=2        SMOKING=2        SMOKING=3 
##         1.310056         1.278569         1.536609         1.410042 
##        alcohol=2        alcohol=3              BMI            SYSTH 
##         1.413500         1.549665         1.106940         1.173223 
##              HDL       DIABETES=1 SUMSCORE_5LEVELS            HOMOC 
##         1.206997         1.125698         1.143414         1.378802 
##            CREAT        albumin=2        albumin=3       STENOSIS=1 
##         1.735913         1.165891         1.528349         1.190245 
##              IMT 
##         1.315947
## Cox Proportional Hazards Model
## cph(formula = Surv(TEVENT, EVENT) ~ ifelse(AGE > 50, (AGE - 50)^2, 
##     0) + SEX + SMOKING + alcohol + BMI + SYSTH + HDL + DIABETES + 
##     SUMSCORE_5LEVELS + HOMOC + log(CREAT) + albumin + STENOSIS + 
##     IMT, data = SMART.AREGIMPUTED_4, x = T, y = T, surv = T)
##                        Model Tests      Discrimination    
##                                                Indexes    
## Obs      3873    LR chi2    280.66      R2       0.084    
## Events    460    d.f.           17    R2(17,3873)0.066    
## Center 3.3281    Pr(> chi2) 0.0000     R2(17,460)0.436    
##                  Score chi2 349.00      Dxy      0.402    
##                  Pr(> chi2) 0.0000                        
##                  Coef    S.E.   Wald Z Pr(>|Z|)
## AGE               0.0012 0.0002  5.63  <0.0001 
## SEX=2            -0.0378 0.1353 -0.28  0.7798  
## SMOKING=2         0.1678 0.1438  1.17  0.2433  
## SMOKING=3         0.2240 0.2342  0.96  0.3389  
## alcohol=2        -0.1559 0.1658 -0.94  0.3470  
## alcohol=3        -0.1263 0.1202 -1.05  0.2932  
## BMI              -0.0247 0.0142 -1.74  0.0816  
## SYSTH             0.0031 0.0022  1.40  0.1606  
## HDL              -0.3785 0.1595 -2.37  0.0177  
## DIABETES=1        0.2136 0.1100  1.94  0.0521  
## SUMSCORE_5LEVELS  0.3223 0.0555  5.81  <0.0001 
## HOMOC             0.0140 0.0080  1.74  0.0816  
## CREAT             0.5539 0.1435  3.86  0.0001  
## albumin=2         0.2736 0.1165  2.35  0.0188  
## albumin=3         0.4312 0.2076  2.08  0.0378  
## STENOSIS=1        0.1538 0.1078  1.43  0.1537  
## IMT               0.5222 0.1788  2.92  0.0035
# Formulating the FULL
# Cox Proportional Hazards Model
# Using the combined complete and 
# 5TH imputation results from AREG

SMART.AREGIMPUTED_5$alcohol <- as.factor(SMART.AREGIMPUTED_5$alcohol)
SMART.AREGIMPUTED_5$albumin <- as.factor(SMART.AREGIMPUTED_5$albumin)

dd <- datadist(SMART.AREGIMPUTED_5)


COXPH.FULL.COMPLETE.AREGIMPUTED_5 <-cph(Surv(TEVENT,EVENT) ~  ifelse(AGE>50, (AGE-50)^2,0) +
                                 SEX +
                                 SMOKING +
                                 alcohol +
                                 BMI +
                                 SYSTH +
                                 SYSTBP +
                                 DIASTH +
                                 DIASTBP +
                                 WEIGHT +
                                 LENGTH +
                                 CHOL +
                                 LDL +
                                 DIABETES +
                                 SUMSCORE_5LEVELS +
                                 HOMOC +
                                 log(CREAT) +
                                 albumin +
                                 STENOSIS +
                                 IMT +
                                 TRIG +
                                 GLUT +
                               data = SMART.AREGIMPUTED_5,
##                 Wald Statistics          Response: Surv(TEVENT, EVENT) 
##  Factor           Chi-Square d.f. P     
##  AGE               35.82      1   <.0001
##  SEX                0.69      1   0.4062
##  SMOKING            0.08      2   0.9595
##  alcohol            2.09      2   0.3509
##  BMI                0.80      1   0.3712
##  SYSTH              0.53      1   0.4685
##  SYSTBP             1.28      1   0.2581
##  DIASTH             0.09      1   0.7600
##  DIASTBP            0.44      1   0.5092
##  WEIGHT             1.39      1   0.2376
##  LENGTH             0.76      1   0.3844
##  CHOL               0.26      1   0.6099
##  LDL                0.21      1   0.6498
##  HDL                0.74      1   0.3886
##  DIABETES           0.10      1   0.7462
##  SUMSCORE_5LEVELS  33.23      1   <.0001
##  HOMOC              0.02      1   0.8773
##  CREAT             15.93      1   0.0001
##  albumin           14.22      2   0.0008
##  STENOSIS           1.98      1   0.1590
##  IMT                8.67      1   0.0032
##  TRIG               0.25      1   0.6152
##  GLUT               2.79      1   0.0950
##  packyrs            4.68      1   0.0305
##  TOTAL            328.34     27   <.0001
##              Effects              Response : Surv(TEVENT, EVENT) 
##  Factor           Low    High   Diff. Effect     S.E.     Lower 0.95 Upper 0.95
##  AGE               52.00  68.00 16.00  0.4301400 0.071865  0.289280   0.570990 
##   Hazard Ratio     52.00  68.00 16.00  1.5375000       NA  1.335500   1.770000 
##  BMI               24.11  28.73  4.62  0.4403300 0.492380 -0.524720   1.405400 
##   Hazard Ratio     24.11  28.73  4.62  1.5532000       NA  0.591720   4.077100 
##  SYSTH            127.00 156.00 29.00  0.0844850 0.116530 -0.143920   0.312890 
##   Hazard Ratio    127.00 156.00 29.00  1.0882000       NA  0.865960   1.367400 
##  SYSTBP           126.00 152.00 26.00 -0.1252400 0.110750 -0.342300   0.091818 
##   Hazard Ratio    126.00 152.00 26.00  0.8822800       NA  0.710140   1.096200 
##  DIASTH            74.00  89.00 15.00  0.0319010 0.104430 -0.172780   0.236580 
##   Hazard Ratio     74.00  89.00 15.00  1.0324000       NA  0.841330   1.266900 
##  DIASTBP           73.00  86.00 13.00  0.0640560 0.097036 -0.126130   0.254240 
##   Hazard Ratio     73.00  86.00 13.00  1.0662000       NA  0.881500   1.289500 
##  WEIGHT            72.00  89.00 17.00 -0.7144200 0.604960 -1.900100   0.471290 
##   Hazard Ratio     72.00  89.00 17.00  0.4894800       NA  0.149550   1.602100 
##  LENGTH             1.68   1.80  0.12  0.3486800 0.400830 -0.436950   1.134300 
##   Hazard Ratio      1.68   1.80  0.12  1.4172000       NA  0.646010   3.109000 
##  CHOL               4.40   5.90  1.50  0.7892000 1.546700 -2.242200   3.820600 
##   Hazard Ratio      4.40   5.90  1.50  2.2016000       NA  0.106230  45.631000 
##  LDL                2.37   3.83  1.46 -0.6877900 1.515000 -3.657100   2.281500 
##   Hazard Ratio      2.37   3.83  1.46  0.5026900       NA  0.025808   9.791300 
##  HDL                0.96   1.42  0.46 -0.4164300 0.483040 -1.363200   0.530310 
##   Hazard Ratio      0.96   1.42  0.46  0.6594000       NA  0.255850   1.699500 
##  SUMSCORE_5LEVELS   1.00   5.00  4.00  1.3091000 0.227090  0.863980   1.754100 
##   Hazard Ratio      1.00   5.00  4.00  3.7027000       NA  2.372600   5.778500 
##  HOMOC             10.50  16.10  5.60  0.0071533 0.046316 -0.083623   0.097930 
##   Hazard Ratio     10.50  16.10  5.60  1.0072000       NA  0.919780   1.102900 
##  CREAT             78.00 101.00 23.00  0.1488100 0.037288  0.075728   0.221900 
##   Hazard Ratio     78.00 101.00 23.00  1.1605000       NA  1.078700   1.248400 
##  IMT                0.75   1.07  0.32  0.1701200 0.057789  0.056857   0.283390 
##   Hazard Ratio      0.75   1.07  0.32  1.1855000       NA  1.058500   1.327600 
##  TRIG               1.13   2.23  1.10 -0.2556900 0.508600 -1.252500   0.741160 
##   Hazard Ratio      1.13   2.23  1.10  0.7743900       NA  0.285780   2.098400 
##  GLUT               5.30   6.50  1.20  0.0588280 0.035239 -0.010239   0.127900 
##   Hazard Ratio      5.30   6.50  1.20  1.0606000       NA  0.989810   1.136400 
##  packyrs            5.90  34.20 28.30  0.1556900 0.071942  0.014681   0.296690 
##   Hazard Ratio      5.90  34.20 28.30  1.1685000       NA  1.014800   1.345400 
##  SEX - 2:1          1.00   2.00    NA -0.1345300 0.161970 -0.451990   0.182920 
##   Hazard Ratio      1.00   2.00    NA  0.8741200       NA  0.636360   1.200700 
##  SMOKING - 1:2      2.00   1.00    NA -0.0140640 0.161680 -0.330940   0.302820 
##   Hazard Ratio      2.00   1.00    NA  0.9860300       NA  0.718250   1.353700 
##  SMOKING - 3:2      2.00   3.00    NA  0.0520460 0.198480 -0.336970   0.441060 
##   Hazard Ratio      2.00   3.00    NA  1.0534000       NA  0.713930   1.554400 
##  alcohol - 1:3      3.00   1.00    NA  0.1590900 0.121030 -0.078122   0.396300 
##   Hazard Ratio      3.00   1.00    NA  1.1724000       NA  0.924850   1.486300 
##  alcohol - 2:3      3.00   2.00    NA -0.0402250 0.147920 -0.330130   0.249680 
##   Hazard Ratio      3.00   2.00    NA  0.9605700       NA  0.718830   1.283600 
##  DIABETES - 1:0     1.00   2.00    NA  0.0505060 0.156070 -0.255380   0.356390 
##   Hazard Ratio      1.00   2.00    NA  1.0518000       NA  0.774620   1.428200 
##  albumin - 2:1      1.00   2.00    NA  0.2777100 0.118500  0.045455   0.509960 
##   Hazard Ratio      1.00   2.00    NA  1.3201000       NA  1.046500   1.665200 
##  albumin - 3:1      1.00   3.00    NA  0.6964900 0.197790  0.308820   1.084200 
##   Hazard Ratio      1.00   3.00    NA  2.0067000       NA  1.361800   2.956900 
##  STENOSIS - 1:0     1.00   2.00    NA  0.1528100 0.108490 -0.059828   0.365450 
##   Hazard Ratio      1.00   2.00    NA  1.1651000       NA  0.941930   1.441200
##              AGE            SEX=2        SMOKING=2        SMOKING=3 
##         1.418819         1.831725         1.955859         1.544054 
##        alcohol=2        alcohol=3              BMI            SYSTH 
##         1.435126         1.571437        63.692998         3.876737 
##           SYSTBP           DIASTH          DIASTBP           WEIGHT 
##         3.436950         3.081005         2.682241        88.457160 
##           LENGTH             CHOL              LDL              HDL 
##        34.762923       558.992648       495.027328        52.120441 
##       DIABETES=1 SUMSCORE_5LEVELS            HOMOC            CREAT 
##         2.257665         1.183474         1.509397         1.793220 
##        albumin=2        albumin=3       STENOSIS=1              IMT 
##         1.192460         1.610680         1.211036         1.337456 
##             TRIG             GLUT          packyrs 
##       134.677350         2.172496         1.385593
## Cox Proportional Hazards Model
## cph(formula = Surv(TEVENT, EVENT) ~ ifelse(AGE > 50, (AGE - 50)^2, 
##     0) + SEX + SMOKING + alcohol + BMI + SYSTH + SYSTBP + DIASTH + 
##     SUMSCORE_5LEVELS + HOMOC + log(CREAT) + albumin + STENOSIS + 
##     IMT + TRIG + GLUT + packyrs, data = SMART.AREGIMPUTED_5, 
##     x = T, y = T, surv = T)
##                        Model Tests      Discrimination    
##                                                Indexes    
## Obs      3873    LR chi2    293.29      R2       0.087    
## Events    460    d.f.           27    R2(27,3873)0.066    
## Center 8.4236    Pr(> chi2) 0.0000     R2(27,460)0.439    
##                  Score chi2 368.04      Dxy      0.396    
##                  Pr(> chi2) 0.0000                        
##                  Coef    S.E.   Wald Z Pr(>|Z|)
## AGE               0.0013 0.0002  5.99  <0.0001 
## SEX=2            -0.1345 0.1620 -0.83  0.4062  
## SMOKING=2         0.0141 0.1617  0.09  0.9307  
## SMOKING=3         0.0661 0.2412  0.27  0.7840  
## alcohol=2        -0.1993 0.1671 -1.19  0.2329  
## alcohol=3        -0.1591 0.1210 -1.31  0.1887  
## BMI               0.0953 0.1066  0.89  0.3712  
## SYSTH             0.0029 0.0040  0.72  0.4685  
## SYSTBP           -0.0048 0.0043 -1.13  0.2581  
## DIASTH            0.0021 0.0070  0.31  0.7600  
## DIASTBP           0.0049 0.0075  0.66  0.5092  
## WEIGHT           -0.0420 0.0356 -1.18  0.2376  
## LENGTH            2.9056 3.3403  0.87  0.3844  
## CHOL              0.5261 1.0311  0.51  0.6099  
## LDL              -0.4711 1.0376 -0.45  0.6498  
## HDL              -0.9053 1.0501 -0.86  0.3886  
## DIABETES=1        0.0505 0.1561  0.32  0.7462  
## SUMSCORE_5LEVELS  0.3273 0.0568  5.76  <0.0001 
## HOMOC             0.0013 0.0083  0.15  0.8773  
## CREAT             0.5759 0.1443  3.99  <0.0001 
## albumin=2         0.2777 0.1185  2.34  0.0191  
## albumin=3         0.6965 0.1978  3.52  0.0004  
## STENOSIS=1        0.1528 0.1085  1.41  0.1590  
## IMT               0.5316 0.1806  2.94  0.0032  
## TRIG             -0.2324 0.4624 -0.50  0.6152  
## GLUT              0.0490 0.0294  1.67  0.0950  
## packyrs           0.0055 0.0025  2.16  0.0305
# After removing variables which are:
# High multicollinearity contributors
# Non-standard risk factors
# Minimal predictors of survival outcome based from initial exploration
# Minimal predictors of survival outcome based from domain knowledge and literature

COXPH.FULL.AREGIMPUTED_5 <-cph(Surv(TEVENT,EVENT) ~  ifelse(AGE>50, (AGE-50)^2,0) +
                                 SEX +
                                 SMOKING +
                                 alcohol +
                                 BMI +
                                 SYSTH +
                                 DIABETES +
                                 SUMSCORE_5LEVELS +
                                 HOMOC +
                                 log(CREAT) +
                                 albumin +
                                 STENOSIS +
                               data = SMART.AREGIMPUTED_5,
##                 Wald Statistics          Response: Surv(TEVENT, EVENT) 
##  Factor           Chi-Square d.f. P     
##  AGE               36.75      1   <.0001
##  SEX                0.23      1   0.6330
##  SMOKING            1.54      2   0.4621
##  alcohol            1.65      2   0.4376
##  BMI                2.85      1   0.0913
##  SYSTH              0.73      1   0.3927
##  HDL                5.79      1   0.0161
##  DIABETES           2.87      1   0.0902
##  SUMSCORE_5LEVELS  34.24      1   <.0001
##  HOMOC              0.12      1   0.7297
##  CREAT             14.31      1   0.0002
##  albumin           14.00      2   0.0009
##  STENOSIS           2.29      1   0.1301
##  IMT                8.16      1   0.0043
##  TOTAL            319.93     17   <.0001
##              Effects              Response : Surv(TEVENT, EVENT) 
##  Factor           Low    High   Diff. Effect    S.E.     Lower 0.95 Upper 0.95
##  AGE               52.00  68.00 16.00  0.417560 0.068876  0.282560   0.552550 
##   Hazard Ratio     52.00  68.00 16.00  1.518300       NA  1.326500   1.737700 
##  BMI               24.11  28.73  4.62 -0.110470 0.065425 -0.238700   0.017763 
##   Hazard Ratio     24.11  28.73  4.62  0.895420       NA  0.787650   1.017900 
##  SYSTH            127.00 156.00 29.00  0.054260 0.063487 -0.070172   0.178690 
##   Hazard Ratio    127.00 156.00 29.00  1.055800       NA  0.932230   1.195700 
##  HDL                0.96   1.42  0.46 -0.176580 0.073406 -0.320450  -0.032708 
##   Hazard Ratio      0.96   1.42  0.46  0.838130       NA  0.725820   0.967820 
##  SUMSCORE_5LEVELS   1.00   5.00  4.00  1.309800 0.223860  0.871080   1.748600 
##   Hazard Ratio      1.00   5.00  4.00  3.705600       NA  2.389500   5.746600 
##  HOMOC             10.50  16.10  5.60  0.015627 0.045224 -0.073011   0.104260 
##   Hazard Ratio     10.50  16.10  5.60  1.015700       NA  0.929590   1.109900 
##  CREAT             78.00 101.00 23.00  0.137640 0.036383  0.066330   0.208950 
##   Hazard Ratio     78.00 101.00 23.00  1.147600       NA  1.068600   1.232400 
##  IMT                0.75   1.07  0.32  0.161310 0.056455  0.050656   0.271960 
##   Hazard Ratio      0.75   1.07  0.32  1.175000       NA  1.052000   1.312500 
##  SEX - 2:1          1.00   2.00    NA -0.064458 0.135000 -0.329050   0.200140 
##   Hazard Ratio      1.00   2.00    NA  0.937580       NA  0.719600   1.221600 
##  SMOKING - 1:2      2.00   1.00    NA -0.167940 0.144060 -0.450300   0.114420 
##   Hazard Ratio      2.00   1.00    NA  0.845410       NA  0.637440   1.121200 
##  SMOKING - 3:2      2.00   3.00    NA  0.058064 0.197470 -0.328970   0.445100 
##   Hazard Ratio      2.00   3.00    NA  1.059800       NA  0.719670   1.560600 
##  alcohol - 1:3      3.00   1.00    NA  0.139280 0.120460 -0.096822   0.375380 
##   Hazard Ratio      3.00   1.00    NA  1.149400       NA  0.907720   1.455500 
##  alcohol - 2:3      3.00   2.00    NA -0.039480 0.147280 -0.328150   0.249190 
##   Hazard Ratio      3.00   2.00    NA  0.961290       NA  0.720260   1.283000 
##  DIABETES - 1:0     1.00   2.00    NA  0.186040 0.109820 -0.029193   0.401270 
##   Hazard Ratio      1.00   2.00    NA  1.204500       NA  0.971230   1.493700 
##  albumin - 2:1      1.00   2.00    NA  0.280910 0.117820  0.049979   0.511840 
##   Hazard Ratio      1.00   2.00    NA  1.324300       NA  1.051200   1.668400 
##  albumin - 3:1      1.00   3.00    NA  0.673130 0.195120  0.290710   1.055500 
##   Hazard Ratio      1.00   3.00    NA  1.960400       NA  1.337400   2.873500 
##  STENOSIS - 1:0     1.00   2.00    NA  0.162680 0.107470 -0.047954   0.373320 
##   Hazard Ratio      1.00   2.00    NA  1.176700       NA  0.953180   1.452500
##              AGE            SEX=2        SMOKING=2        SMOKING=3 
##         1.309269         1.272356         1.552807         1.413467 
##        alcohol=2        alcohol=3              BMI            SYSTH 
##         1.422649         1.556864         1.108079         1.161651 
##              HDL       DIABETES=1 SUMSCORE_5LEVELS            HOMOC 
##         1.212141         1.117513         1.165569         1.443350 
##            CREAT        albumin=2        albumin=3       STENOSIS=1 
##         1.723397         1.179223         1.567982         1.188038 
##              IMT 
##         1.294708
## Cox Proportional Hazards Model
## cph(formula = Surv(TEVENT, EVENT) ~ ifelse(AGE > 50, (AGE - 50)^2, 
##     0) + SEX + SMOKING + alcohol + BMI + SYSTH + HDL + DIABETES + 
##     SUMSCORE_5LEVELS + HOMOC + log(CREAT) + albumin + STENOSIS + 
##     IMT, data = SMART.AREGIMPUTED_5, x = T, y = T, surv = T)
##                        Model Tests      Discrimination    
##                                                Indexes    
## Obs      3873    LR chi2    279.73      R2       0.083    
## Events    460    d.f.           17    R2(17,3873)0.066    
## Center 2.9113    Pr(> chi2) 0.0000     R2(17,460)0.435    
##                  Score chi2 356.53      Dxy      0.394    
##                  Pr(> chi2) 0.0000                        
##                  Coef    S.E.   Wald Z Pr(>|Z|)
## AGE               0.0013 0.0002  6.06  <0.0001 
## SEX=2            -0.0645 0.1350 -0.48  0.6330  
## SMOKING=2         0.1679 0.1441  1.17  0.2437  
## SMOKING=3         0.2260 0.2307  0.98  0.3273  
## alcohol=2        -0.1788 0.1664 -1.07  0.2826  
## alcohol=3        -0.1393 0.1205 -1.16  0.2476  
## BMI              -0.0239 0.0142 -1.69  0.0913  
## SYSTH             0.0019 0.0022  0.85  0.3927  
## HDL              -0.3839 0.1596 -2.41  0.0161  
## DIABETES=1        0.1860 0.1098  1.69  0.0902  
## SUMSCORE_5LEVELS  0.3275 0.0560  5.85  <0.0001 
## HOMOC             0.0028 0.0081  0.35  0.7297  
## CREAT             0.5326 0.1408  3.78  0.0002  
## albumin=2         0.2809 0.1178  2.38  0.0171  
## albumin=3         0.6731 0.1951  3.45  0.0006  
## STENOSIS=1        0.1627 0.1075  1.51  0.1301  
## IMT               0.5041 0.1764  2.86  0.0043
# Consolidating all coefficients from the
# FULL Cox Proportional Hazards Model
# Using the combined complete and 
# 1ST to 5TH imputation results from AREG

(COXPH.FULL.AREGIMPUTED_12345.Coefficients <- rbind(coef(COXPH.FULL.AREGIMPUTED_1),
##              AGE       SEX=2 SMOKING=2 SMOKING=3  alcohol=2  alcohol=3
## [1,] 0.001319438 -0.05323006 0.1836178 0.2504782 -0.1558516 -0.1263426
## [2,] 0.001290295 -0.05216943 0.1842736 0.2450232 -0.1599791 -0.1196699
## [3,] 0.001316533 -0.04721299 0.1932424 0.2983591 -0.1446361 -0.1145161
## [4,] 0.001212739 -0.03784236 0.1678314 0.2239712 -0.1559366 -0.1263267
## [5,] 0.001304874 -0.06445816 0.1679385 0.2260025 -0.1787601 -0.1392797
##              BMI       SYSTH        HDL DIABETES=1 SUMSCORE_5LEVELS       HOMOC
## [1,] -0.02475359 0.001068306 -0.3776243  0.2089031        0.3318611 0.001016311
## [2,] -0.02363049 0.002205609 -0.3845823  0.1856939        0.3332411 0.003646549
## [3,] -0.02409281 0.002894025 -0.3946006  0.1958399        0.3346853 0.004229653
## [4,] -0.02468578 0.003082448 -0.3784896  0.2136157        0.3222527 0.013965456
## [5,] -0.02391059 0.001871029 -0.3838719  0.1860407        0.3274619 0.002790467
##          CREAT albumin=2 albumin=3 STENOSIS=1       IMT
## [1,] 0.5999677 0.2645359 0.5622142  0.1708450 0.5275760
## [2,] 0.5580850 0.2304765 0.6361029  0.1740932 0.5466388
## [3,] 0.5812481 0.1947722 0.5254523  0.1978645 0.4569895
## [4,] 0.5538597 0.2736406 0.4311872  0.1537693 0.5222199
## [5,] 0.5326395 0.2809080 0.6731279  0.1626805 0.5040841
rownames(COXPH.FULL.AREGIMPUTED_12345.Coefficients) <- c("aregImpute_1",

         auto.key = list(columns = 5),
         layout = c(4,5),
         xlab = "Estimated Coefficients",)

1.2.6 Model Selection

[A] Using the imputed data from iteration 3 (aregImputed_3), the full model initially consisted of 14 variables:
     [A.1] AGE variable (numeric) coded using its squared value after 50 years [if (AGE>50) then (AGE-50)^2 else 0] called AGE_SQUAREDAFTER50 variable (numeric)
     [A.2] SEX variable (factor)
     [A.3] SMOKING variable (factor)
     [A.4] ALCOHOL variable (factor)
     [A.5] BMI variable (numeric)
     [A.6] SYSTH variable (numeric)
     [A.7] HDL variable (numeric)
     [A.8] DIABETES variable (factor)
     [A.9] CEREBRAL variable (numeric), CARDIAC variable (numeric), AAA variable (numeric) and PERIPH variable (numeric) coded using their linear combination [CEREBRAL + CARDIAC + (2*AAA) + PERIPH] called SUMSCORE_5LEVELS variable (numeric)
     [A.10] HOMOC variable (numeric)
     [A.11] CREAT variable (numeric) coded using its logarithm [log(CREAT)] called CREAT_LOG variable (numeric)
     [A.12] ALBUMIN variable (factor)
     [A.13] STENOSIS variable (factor)
     [A.14] IMT variable (numeric)

[B] With backward elimination process based on the AIC criterion applied during variable selection, the reduced model eventually consisted of only 9 remaining variables:
     [B.1] AGE variable (numeric) coded using its squared value after 50 years [if (AGE>50) then (AGE-50)^2 else 0] called AGE_SQUAREDAFTER50 variable (numeric)
     [B.2] BMI variable (numeric)
     [B.3] HDL variable (numeric)
     [B.4] DIABETES variable (factor)
     [B.5] CEREBRAL variable (numeric), CARDIAC variable (numeric), AAA variable (numeric) and PERIPH variable (numeric) coded using their linear combination [CEREBRAL + CARDIAC + (2*AAA) + PERIPH] called SUMSCORE_5LEVELS variable (numeric)
     [B.6] CREAT variable (numeric) coded using its logarithm [log(CREAT)] called CREAT_LOG variable (numeric)
     [B.7] ALBUMIN variable (factor)
     [B.8] STENOSIS variable (factor)
     [B.9] IMT variable (numeric)

[C] The reduced model was justified as the inclusion of the variables creating a full model did not show any significant improvement to model fit (p=0.654, Likelihood Ratio Test).

Code Chunk | Output
# Loading the 3RD imputation results from AREG
# for the subsequent model specification

# with 14 variables

COXPH.FULL.AREGIMPUTED_3 <-cph(Surv(TEVENT,EVENT) ~  ifelse(AGE>50, (AGE-50)^2,0) +
                                 SEX +
                                 SMOKING +
                                 alcohol +
                                 BMI +
                                 SYSTH +
                                 HDL +
                                 DIABETES +
                                 SUMSCORE_5LEVELS +
                                 HOMOC +
                                 log(CREAT) +
                                 albumin +
                                 STENOSIS +
                               data = SMART.AREGIMPUTED_3,
##                 Wald Statistics          Response: Surv(TEVENT, EVENT) 
##  Factor           Chi-Square d.f. P     
##  AGE               37.94      1   <.0001
##  SEX                0.12      1   0.7269
##  SMOKING            2.25      2   0.3250
##  alcohol            1.11      2   0.5753
##  BMI                2.88      1   0.0899
##  SYSTH              1.69      1   0.1939
##  HDL                6.08      1   0.0137
##  DIABETES           3.15      1   0.0761
##  SUMSCORE_5LEVELS  36.05      1   <.0001
##  HOMOC              0.24      1   0.6207
##  CREAT             15.67      1   0.0001
##  albumin            7.32      2   0.0257
##  STENOSIS           3.43      1   0.0642
##  IMT                6.57      1   0.0103
##  TOTAL            311.06     17   <.0001
##              Effects              Response : Surv(TEVENT, EVENT) 
##  Factor           Low    High   Diff. Effect    S.E.     Lower 0.95 Upper 0.95
##  AGE               52.00  68.00 16.00  0.421290 0.068396  0.287240   0.555340 
##   Hazard Ratio     52.00  68.00 16.00  1.523900       NA  1.332700   1.742500 
##  BMI               24.11  28.73  4.62 -0.111310 0.065642 -0.239960   0.017347 
##   Hazard Ratio     24.11  28.73  4.62  0.894660       NA  0.786660   1.017500 
##  SYSTH            127.00 156.00 29.00  0.083927 0.064609 -0.042704   0.210560 
##   Hazard Ratio    127.00 156.00 29.00  1.087500       NA  0.958200   1.234400 
##  HDL                0.96   1.42  0.46 -0.181520 0.073610 -0.325790  -0.037244 
##   Hazard Ratio      0.96   1.42  0.46  0.834000       NA  0.721960   0.963440 
##  SUMSCORE_5LEVELS   1.00   5.00  4.00  1.338700 0.222960  0.901750   1.775700 
##   Hazard Ratio      1.00   5.00  4.00  3.814200       NA  2.463900   5.904600 
##  HOMOC             10.50  16.10  5.60  0.023686 0.047858 -0.070114   0.117490 
##   Hazard Ratio     10.50  16.10  5.60  1.024000       NA  0.932290   1.124700 
##  CREAT             78.00 101.00 23.00  0.150200 0.037942  0.075835   0.224570 
##   Hazard Ratio     78.00 101.00 23.00  1.162100       NA  1.078800   1.251800 
##  IMT                0.75   1.07  0.32  0.146240 0.057032  0.034457   0.258020 
##   Hazard Ratio      0.75   1.07  0.32  1.157500       NA  1.035100   1.294400 
##  SEX - 2:1          1.00   2.00    NA -0.047213 0.135210 -0.312210   0.217790 
##   Hazard Ratio      1.00   2.00    NA  0.953880       NA  0.731830   1.243300 
##  SMOKING - 1:2      2.00   1.00    NA -0.193240 0.144660 -0.476770   0.090286 
##   Hazard Ratio      2.00   1.00    NA  0.824280       NA  0.620780   1.094500 
##  SMOKING - 3:2      2.00   3.00    NA  0.105120 0.197840 -0.282640   0.492880 
##   Hazard Ratio      2.00   3.00    NA  1.110800       NA  0.753790   1.637000 
##  alcohol - 1:3      3.00   1.00    NA  0.114520 0.120600 -0.121850   0.350880 
##   Hazard Ratio      3.00   1.00    NA  1.121300       NA  0.885280   1.420300 
##  alcohol - 2:3      3.00   2.00    NA -0.030120 0.147370 -0.318970   0.258730 
##   Hazard Ratio      3.00   2.00    NA  0.970330       NA  0.726900   1.295300 
##  DIABETES - 1:0     1.00   2.00    NA  0.195840 0.110430 -0.020590   0.412270 
##   Hazard Ratio      1.00   2.00    NA  1.216300       NA  0.979620   1.510200 
##  albumin - 2:1      1.00   2.00    NA  0.194770 0.118990 -0.038447   0.427990 
##   Hazard Ratio      1.00   2.00    NA  1.215000       NA  0.962280   1.534200 
##  albumin - 3:1      1.00   3.00    NA  0.525450 0.207680  0.118400   0.932500 
##   Hazard Ratio      1.00   3.00    NA  1.691200       NA  1.125700   2.540900 
##  STENOSIS - 1:0     1.00   2.00    NA  0.197860 0.106910 -0.011678   0.407410 
##   Hazard Ratio      1.00   2.00    NA  1.218800       NA  0.988390   1.502900
## Cox Proportional Hazards Model
## cph(formula = Surv(TEVENT, EVENT) ~ ifelse(AGE > 50, (AGE - 50)^2, 
##     0) + SEX + SMOKING + alcohol + BMI + SYSTH + HDL + DIABETES + 
##     SUMSCORE_5LEVELS + HOMOC + log(CREAT) + albumin + STENOSIS + 
##     IMT, data = SMART.AREGIMPUTED_3, x = T, y = T, surv = T)
##                        Model Tests      Discrimination    
##                                                Indexes    
## Obs      3873    LR chi2    274.70      R2       0.082    
## Events    460    d.f.           17    R2(17,3873)0.064    
## Center 3.2859    Pr(> chi2) 0.0000     R2(17,460)0.429    
##                  Score chi2 344.55      Dxy      0.391    
##                  Pr(> chi2) 0.0000                        
##                  Coef    S.E.   Wald Z Pr(>|Z|)
## AGE               0.0013 0.0002  6.16  <0.0001 
## SEX=2            -0.0472 0.1352 -0.35  0.7269  
## SMOKING=2         0.1932 0.1447  1.34  0.1816  
## SMOKING=3         0.2984 0.2320  1.29  0.1985  
## alcohol=2        -0.1446 0.1659 -0.87  0.3833  
## alcohol=3        -0.1145 0.1206 -0.95  0.3423  
## BMI              -0.0241 0.0142 -1.70  0.0899  
## SYSTH             0.0029 0.0022  1.30  0.1939  
## HDL              -0.3946 0.1600 -2.47  0.0137  
## DIABETES=1        0.1958 0.1104  1.77  0.0761  
## SUMSCORE_5LEVELS  0.3347 0.0557  6.00  <0.0001 
## HOMOC             0.0042 0.0085  0.49  0.6207  
## CREAT             0.5812 0.1468  3.96  <0.0001 
## albumin=2         0.1948 0.1190  1.64  0.1017  
## albumin=3         0.5255 0.2077  2.53  0.0114  
## STENOSIS=1        0.1979 0.1069  1.85  0.0642  
## IMT               0.4570 0.1782  2.56  0.0103
##   C Index 
## 0.6952528
# with 14 variables evaluated
# using backward stepwise selection
# resulting to 9 variables

BackwardElimination <- fastbw(COXPH.FULL.AREGIMPUTED_3,

COXPH.BACKWARDELIMINATION.AREGIMPUTED_3 <- update(COXPH.FULL.AREGIMPUTED_3,                                              ~COXPH.FULL.AREGIMPUTED_3$x[,BackwardElimination$parms.kept])

## Cox Proportional Hazards Model
## cph(formula = Surv(TEVENT, EVENT) ~ COXPH.FULL.AREGIMPUTED_3$x[, 
##     BackwardElimination$parms.kept], data = SMART.AREGIMPUTED_3, 
##     x = T, y = T, surv = T)
##                        Model Tests      Discrimination    
##                                                Indexes    
## Obs      3873    LR chi2    269.65      R2       0.080    
## Events    460    d.f.           10    R2(10,3873)0.065    
## Center 2.9008    Pr(> chi2) 0.0000     R2(10,460)0.431    
##                  Score chi2 340.60      Dxy      0.384    
##                  Pr(> chi2) 0.0000                        
##                  Coef    S.E.   Wald Z Pr(>|Z|)
## AGE               0.0013 0.0002  6.47  <0.0001 
## BMI              -0.0249 0.0141 -1.76  0.0780  
## HDL              -0.4111 0.1528 -2.69  0.0071  
## DIABETES=1        0.1896 0.1097  1.73  0.0840  
## SUMSCORE_5LEVELS  0.3452 0.0540  6.39  <0.0001 
## CREAT             0.6076 0.1334  4.56  <0.0001 
## albumin=2         0.2321 0.1176  1.97  0.0485  
## albumin=3         0.5644 0.2060  2.74  0.0061  
## STENOSIS=1        0.2291 0.1051  2.18  0.0293  
## IMT               0.5059 0.1749  2.89  0.0038
COXPH.REDUCED.AREGIMPUTED_3 <-cph(Surv(TEVENT,EVENT) ~  ifelse(AGE>50, (AGE-50)^2,0) +
                                 BMI +
                                 DIABETES +
                                 SUMSCORE_5LEVELS +
                                 log(CREAT) +
                                 albumin +
                                 STENOSIS +
                               data = SMART.AREGIMPUTED_3,

##                 Wald Statistics          Response: Surv(TEVENT, EVENT) 
##  Factor           Chi-Square d.f. P     
##  AGE               41.87      1   <.0001
##  BMI                3.11      1   0.0780
##  HDL                7.24      1   0.0071
##  DIABETES           2.99      1   0.0840
##  SUMSCORE_5LEVELS  40.87      1   <.0001
##  CREAT             20.75      1   <.0001
##  albumin            9.09      2   0.0106
##  STENOSIS           4.75      1   0.0293
##  IMT                8.37      1   0.0038
##  TOTAL            309.72     10   <.0001
##              Effects              Response : Surv(TEVENT, EVENT) 
##  Factor           Low   High   Diff. Effect   S.E.     Lower 0.95 Upper 0.95
##  AGE              52.00  68.00 16.00  0.42636 0.065888  0.2972200  0.555500 
##   Hazard Ratio    52.00  68.00 16.00  1.53170       NA  1.3461000  1.742800 
##  BMI              24.11  28.73  4.62 -0.11510 0.065302 -0.2430900  0.012885 
##   Hazard Ratio    24.11  28.73  4.62  0.89127       NA  0.7842000  1.013000 
##  HDL               0.96   1.42  0.46 -0.18912 0.070306 -0.3269100 -0.051318 
##   Hazard Ratio     0.96   1.42  0.46  0.82769       NA  0.7211500  0.949980 
##  SUMSCORE_5LEVELS  1.00   5.00  4.00  1.38100 0.216010  0.9575800  1.804300 
##   Hazard Ratio     1.00   5.00  4.00  3.97870       NA  2.6054000  6.076000 
##  CREAT            78.00 101.00 23.00  0.15700 0.034464  0.0894550  0.224550 
##   Hazard Ratio    78.00 101.00 23.00  1.17000       NA  1.0936000  1.251800 
##  IMT               0.75   1.07  0.32  0.16190 0.055968  0.0522010  0.271590 
##   Hazard Ratio     0.75   1.07  0.32  1.17570       NA  1.0536000  1.312000 
##  DIABETES - 1:0    1.00   2.00    NA  0.18957 0.109700 -0.0254450  0.404580 
##   Hazard Ratio     1.00   2.00    NA  1.20870       NA  0.9748800  1.498700 
##  albumin - 2:1     1.00   2.00    NA  0.23207 0.117640  0.0014922  0.462640 
##   Hazard Ratio     1.00   2.00    NA  1.26120       NA  1.0015000  1.588300 
##  albumin - 3:1     1.00   3.00    NA  0.56442 0.206000  0.1606600  0.968180 
##   Hazard Ratio     1.00   3.00    NA  1.75840       NA  1.1743000  2.633100 
##  STENOSIS - 1:0    1.00   2.00    NA  0.22905 0.105070  0.0231120  0.434990 
##   Hazard Ratio     1.00   2.00    NA  1.25740       NA  1.0234000  1.545000
## Cox Proportional Hazards Model
## cph(formula = Surv(TEVENT, EVENT) ~ ifelse(AGE > 50, (AGE - 50)^2, 
##     0) + BMI + HDL + DIABETES + SUMSCORE_5LEVELS + log(CREAT) + 
##     albumin + STENOSIS + IMT, data = SMART.AREGIMPUTED_3, x = T, 
##     y = T, surv = T)
##                        Model Tests      Discrimination    
##                                                Indexes    
## Obs      3873    LR chi2    269.65      R2       0.080    
## Events    460    d.f.           10    R2(10,3873)0.065    
## Center 2.9008    Pr(> chi2) 0.0000     R2(10,460)0.431    
##                  Score chi2 340.60      Dxy      0.384    
##                  Pr(> chi2) 0.0000                        
##                  Coef    S.E.   Wald Z Pr(>|Z|)
## AGE               0.0013 0.0002  6.47  <0.0001 
## BMI              -0.0249 0.0141 -1.76  0.0780  
## HDL              -0.4111 0.1528 -2.69  0.0071  
## DIABETES=1        0.1896 0.1097  1.73  0.0840  
## SUMSCORE_5LEVELS  0.3452 0.0540  6.39  <0.0001 
## CREAT             0.6076 0.1334  4.56  <0.0001 
## albumin=2         0.2321 0.1176  1.97  0.0485  
## albumin=3         0.5644 0.2060  2.74  0.0061  
## STENOSIS=1        0.2291 0.1051  2.18  0.0293  
## IMT               0.5059 0.1749  2.89  0.0038
##   C Index 
## 0.6917632
# Formulating the FULL and REDUCED models

COXPH.AREGIMPUTED_3.SurvivalResponse <- "Surv(TEVENT, EVENT)"
COXPH.AREGIMPUTED_3.SurvivalPredictorFull <- c("AGE_SQUAREDAFTER50",
COXPH.AREGIMPUTED_3.SurvivalPredictorReduced <- c("AGE_SQUAREDAFTER50",

           keep_models = TRUE,
           add_dependent_label = FALSE) %>%
  rename("Overall Survival" = label) %>%
  rename(" " = levels) %>%
  rename("  " = all)

Overall Survival HR (univariable) HR (multivariable full) HR (multivariable)
1 AGE_SQUAREDAFTER50 Mean (SD) 189.0 (217.0) 1.00 (1.00-1.00, p<0.001) 1.00 (1.00-1.00, p<0.001) 1.00 (1.00-1.00, p<0.001)
15 SEX 1 2897 (74.8) - - -
16 2 976 (25.2) 0.67 (0.53-0.85, p=0.001) 0.95 (0.73-1.24, p=0.725) -
17 SMOKING 1 695 (17.9) - - -
18 2 2731 (70.5) 1.29 (0.99-1.68, p=0.060) 1.21 (0.91-1.61, p=0.182) -
19 3 447 (11.5) 1.16 (0.74-1.80, p=0.516) 1.35 (0.86-2.12, p=0.199) -
5 alcohol 1 759 (19.6) - - -
6 2 410 (10.6) 1.02 (0.74-1.39, p=0.914) 0.87 (0.63-1.20, p=0.383) -
7 3 2704 (69.8) 0.78 (0.62-0.97, p=0.024) 0.89 (0.70-1.13, p=0.342) -
8 BMI Mean (SD) 26.7 (3.8) 0.98 (0.95-1.00, p=0.052) 0.98 (0.95-1.00, p=0.090) 0.98 (0.95-1.00, p=0.078)
23 SYSTH Mean (SD) 143.0 (22.2) 1.01 (1.01-1.02, p<0.001) 1.00 (1.00-1.01, p=0.194) -
12 HDL Mean (SD) 1.2 (0.4) 0.60 (0.45-0.80, p<0.001) 0.67 (0.49-0.92, p=0.014) 0.66 (0.49-0.89, p=0.007)
10 DIABETES 0 3024 (78.1) - - -
11 1 849 (21.9) 1.47 (1.20-1.80, p<0.001) 1.22 (0.98-1.51, p=0.076) 1.21 (0.97-1.50, p=0.084)
22 SUMSCORE_5LEVELS Mean (SD) 1.3 (0.6) 1.73 (1.57-1.90, p<0.001) 1.40 (1.25-1.56, p<0.001) 1.41 (1.27-1.57, p<0.001)
13 HOMOC Mean (SD) 14.1 (5.4) 1.05 (1.04-1.06, p<0.001) 1.00 (0.99-1.02, p=0.620) -
9 CREAT_LOG Mean (SD) 4.5 (0.3) 2.93 (2.44-3.53, p<0.001) 1.79 (1.34-2.38, p<0.001) 1.83 (1.41-2.38, p<0.001)
2 albumin 1 3040 (78.5) - - -
3 2 696 (18.0) 1.94 (1.56-2.41, p<0.001) 1.22 (0.96-1.53, p=0.101) 1.26 (1.00-1.59, p=0.048)
4 3 137 (3.5) 3.75 (2.70-5.19, p<0.001) 1.69 (1.12-2.54, p=0.012) 1.76 (1.17-2.63, p=0.006)
20 STENOSIS 0 3136 (81.0) - - -
21 1 737 (19.0) 1.75 (1.44-2.12, p<0.001) 1.22 (0.99-1.50, p=0.064) 1.26 (1.02-1.54, p=0.029)
14 IMT Mean (SD) 0.9 (0.3) 3.58 (2.68-4.76, p<0.001) 1.58 (1.11-2.24, p=0.010) 1.66 (1.18-2.34, p=0.004)
# Conducting a likelihood ratio test
# to compare the FULL and REDUCED models
                                 SEX +
                                 SMOKING +
                                 alcohol +
                                 BMI +
                                 SYSTH +
                                 HDL +
                                 DIABETES +
                                 SUMSCORE_5LEVELS +
                                 HOMOC +
                                 CREAT_LOG +
                                 albumin +
                                 STENOSIS +
                               data = SMART.AREGIMPUTED_3)

                                 BMI +
                                 DIABETES +
                                 SUMSCORE_5LEVELS +
                                 CREAT_LOG +
                                 albumin +
                                 STENOSIS +
                               data = SMART.AREGIMPUTED_3)

## Analysis of Deviance Table
##  Cox model: response is  Surv(TEVENT, EVENT)
##    loglik  Chisq Df Pr(>|Chi|)
## 1 -3370.0                     
## 2 -3367.4 5.0507  7     0.6538

1.2.7 Model Performance Estimation

[A] The reduced model containing 9 variables was selected as the final model. The p-values for the Likelihood Ratio Test, Wald Test, and Log-Rank Test were all significant, indicating that the model and the variables used were statistically sound for prediction. All three test statistics were in close agreement with the omnibus null hypothesis (that all of the betas are 0) sufficiently rejected. The concordance statistic which represents model discrimination performance was reasonably high at 0.692.

[B] The variables which were most predictive of the outcome (presence of cardiovascular events) as indicated by the most significant p-values were AGE_SQUAREDAFTER50 (numeric, p-value<0.001), SUMSCORE_5LEVELS (numeric, p-value<0.001) and CREAT_LOG (numeric, p-value<0.001). HDL (numeric, p-value=0.007), albumin (factor, p-values=0.048,0.006), STENOSIS (factor, p-value=0.029) and IMT (numeric, p-value=0.004) were sufficiently predictive variables. While, the BMI (numeric, p-value=0.078) and DIABETES (factor, p-value=0.084) variables were marginally predictive.

[C] 7/9 variables were associated with higher incidence of cardiovascular events. Their individual main effects holding the other variables constant were described as follows :
     [C.1] A 10-year increase in age after 50 (AGE=60; AGE_SQUAREDAFTER50=10^2=100) increases the hazard by 14%.
     [C.2] Having diabetes (DIABETES=1) increases the hazard by 21%.
     [C.3] A 1-unit increase in the incidence of asymptomatic atherosclerosis (SUMSCORE_5LEVELS=1) increases the hazard by 41%.
     [C.4] A 10-unit increase in creatinine (CREAT=10; CREAT_LOG=1) increases the hazard by 83%.
     [C.5] Having micro-albumin (albumin=1(micro)) increases the hazard by 26%, while having macro-albumin (albumin=2(macro)) further increases the hazard by 76%.
     [C.6] Having stenosis (STENOSIS=1) increases the hazard by 26%.
     [C.7] A 1-unit increase in intima-media thickness (IMT=1) increases the hazard by 66%.

[D] 2/9 variables were associated with lower incidence of cardiovascular events. Their individual main effects holding the other variables constant were described as follows :
     [D.1] A 5-unit increase in body mass index (BMI=5) reduces the hazard by 12%.
     [D.2] A 1-unit increase in HDL (HDL=1) reduces the hazard by 66%.

[E] The proportionality assumption was evaluated using the Schoenfeld residuals against the transformed time which showed that:
     [E.1] The Schoenfeld Test global p-value was insignificant indicating that the hazard rate determined from the model and the associated variables remained constant over time. The proportionality hazards assumption was met validating the model.
     [E.2] Individually, the BMI, HDL, DIABETES, CREAT, albumin, STENOSIS and IMT variables showed insignificant Schoenfeld Test p-values indicating no time dependency. However, the AGE_SQUAREDAFTER50 and SUMSCORE_5LEVELS variables were potentially time-dependent given their marginally significant Schoenfeld Test p-values. These variables and their corresponding transformations were maintained with no adjustments in the model due to their relatively minimal effect on the overall results although these observation were noted.

Code Chunk | Output
# Summarizing the FINAL REDUCED model
## Call:
## coxph(formula = Surv(TEVENT, EVENT) ~ AGE_SQUAREDAFTER50 + BMI + 
##   n= 3873, number of events= 460 
##                          coef  exp(coef)   se(coef)      z Pr(>|z|)    
## AGE_SQUAREDAFTER50  0.0013327  1.0013336  0.0002059  6.473 9.62e-11 ***
## BMI                -0.0249103  0.9753974  0.0141344 -1.762  0.07800 .  
## HDL                -0.4112635  0.6628123  0.1528392 -2.691  0.00713 ** 
## DIABETES1           0.1894940  1.2086379  0.1097039  1.727  0.08411 .  
## SUMSCORE_5LEVELS    0.3452748  1.4123780  0.0540046  6.393 1.62e-10 ***
## CREAT_LOG           0.6064023  1.8338220  0.1334447  4.544 5.51e-06 ***
## albumin2            0.2321931  1.2613633  0.1176337  1.974  0.04840 *  
## albumin3            0.5636867  1.7571386  0.2060667  2.735  0.00623 ** 
## STENOSIS1           0.2290771  1.2574389  0.1050720  2.180  0.02924 *  
## IMT                 0.5059860  1.6586202  0.1748953  2.893  0.00381 ** 
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
##                    exp(coef) exp(-coef) lower .95 upper .95
## AGE_SQUAREDAFTER50    1.0013     0.9987    1.0009    1.0017
## BMI                   0.9754     1.0252    0.9487    1.0028
## HDL                   0.6628     1.5087    0.4912    0.8943
## DIABETES1             1.2086     0.8274    0.9748    1.4986
## SUMSCORE_5LEVELS      1.4124     0.7080    1.2705    1.5701
## CREAT_LOG             1.8338     0.5453    1.4118    2.3820
## albumin2              1.2614     0.7928    1.0016    1.5884
## albumin3              1.7571     0.5691    1.1733    2.6315
## STENOSIS1             1.2574     0.7953    1.0234    1.5450
## IMT                   1.6586     0.6029    1.1773    2.3368
## Concordance= 0.692  (se = 0.014 )
## Likelihood ratio test= 269.6  on 10 df,   p=<2e-16
## Wald test            = 309.4  on 10 df,   p=<2e-16
## Score (logrank) test = 340.6  on 10 df,   p=<2e-16
# Describing the main effects
               exponentiate = TRUE) 
Characteristic HR1 95% CI1 p-value
AGE_SQUAREDAFTER50 1.00 1.00, 1.00 <0.001
BMI 0.98 0.95, 1.00 0.078
HDL 0.66 0.49, 0.89 0.007

    1 1.21 0.97, 1.50 0.084
SUMSCORE_5LEVELS 1.41 1.27, 1.57 <0.001
CREAT_LOG 1.83 1.41, 2.38 <0.001

    2 1.26 1.00, 1.59 0.048
    3 1.76 1.17, 2.63 0.006

    1 1.26 1.02, 1.54 0.029
IMT 1.66 1.18, 2.34 0.004
1 HR = Hazard Ratio, CI = Confidence Interval
# Formulating the forest plot
          main = "",
          fontsize = 0.90))

# Plotting the Kaplan-Meier survival curves
                                                                 data = SMART.AREGIMPUTED_3)

                                                      title = "Kaplan-Meier Survival Curve (Final Model)",
                                                      pval = FALSE,
                                                      conf.int = TRUE,
                                                      conf.int.style = "ribbon",
                                                      xlab = "Time (Days)",
                                                      ylab="Estimated Probability (Free of Cardiovascular Events)",
                                                      break.time.by = 365,
                                                      ggtheme = theme_bw(),
                                                      risk.table = "abs_pct",
                                                      risk.table.title="Number at Risk (Estimated Probability)",
                                                      risk.table.y.text.col = FALSE,
                                                      risk.table.y.text = TRUE,
                                                      fontsize = 3,
                                                      ncensor.plot = FALSE,
                                                      surv.median.line = "hv",
                                                      palette = c("#000000"))

      font.title = c(14,"bold"),
      font.x = c(12,"bold"),
      font.y = c(12,"bold"),

# Testing for the proportional hazards assumption
##                      chisq df     p
## AGE_SQUAREDAFTER50  6.2279  1 0.013
## BMI                 0.3371  1 0.561
## HDL                 0.0483  1 0.826
## DIABETES            0.0069  1 0.934
## SUMSCORE_5LEVELS    4.0453  1 0.044
## CREAT_LOG           0.1978  1 0.657
## albumin             2.6737  2 0.263
## STENOSIS            1.4148  1 0.234
## IMT                 0.8929  1 0.345
## GLOBAL             12.0725 10 0.280
# Formulating the graphical verification
# of the proportional hazards assumption test results
# using the scaled Schoenfeld residuals against time
         point.col = "red",
         point.size = 2,
         point.shape = 19,
         point.alpha = 0.50,
  ggtheme = theme_survminer(),
  font.main = c(12,"bold"),
  font.x = c(12,"bold"),
  font.y = c(12,"bold"),

1.2.8 Model Performance Validation

[A] The entire process of model development including variable selection was internally validated using a 200-cycle bootstrap to determine the optimism-adjusted model performance. Results showed that:
     [A.1] Only 183 random seeds of the 200 cycles resulted to valid models. 17 of the random seeds did not generate final models potentially due to the unmet AIC criterion applied during model selection.
     [A.2] Optimism in terms of model discrimination using the concordance statistic was estimated to be reasonably low at 0.035. In effect, the optimism-adjusted concordance statistic was computed to be 0.657 from the previously determined optimistic value of 0.692. Results indicate that the overfitting effects during model development were minimal.

Code Chunk | Output
# Implementing internal cross validation

# Determining the performance of the
# Model formulated from original data
# And evaluated on original data

ICV_Survival <- Surv(time=ICV_Data$TEVENT, event=ICV_Data$EVENT)
ICV_Original_CoxPH_Full <- cph(ICV_Survival ~ AGE_SQUAREDAFTER50 +
                                 SEX +
                                 SMOKING +
                                 alcohol +
                                 BMI +
                                 SYSTH +
                                 HDL +
                                 DIABETES +
                                 SUMSCORE_5LEVELS +
                                 HOMOC +
                                 CREAT_LOG +
                                 albumin +
                                 STENOSIS +

ICV_Original_CoxPH_Backward <- fastbw(ICV_Original_CoxPH_Full,

ICV_Original_CoxPH_Reduced <- update(ICV_Original_CoxPH_Full,

ICV_Original_CoxPH_Reduced_Coef <- as.data.frame(coef(ICV_Original_CoxPH_Reduced))

ICV_Original_CoxPH_Full_CoefAdjusted <- ICV_Original_CoxPH_Full$x[,(colnames(ICV_Original_CoxPH_Full$x) %in% rownames(ICV_Original_CoxPH_Reduced_Coef))]

ICV_OriginalOnOriginal_CoxPH_Reduced.LP <- ICV_Original_CoxPH_Full_CoefAdjusted %*% coef(ICV_Original_CoxPH_Reduced)

ICV_OriginalOnOriginal_CoxPH_Reduced.Concordance <- rcorr.cens(-as.numeric(ICV_OriginalOnOriginal_CoxPH_Reduced.LP),ICV_Original_CoxPH_Reduced$y)[1]

## [1] 0.6917632
# Conducting bootstrap validation

# Generating a random number list
RandomSeedList <- (sample.int(99999999,200))
## [1] 200
ICV_BootstrapOnBootstrap_CoxPH_Reduced.Concordance.List <- c()
ICV_BootstrapOnOriginal_CoxPH_Reduced.Concordance.List <- c()
ICV_CoxPH_Reduced.Concordance.Optimism.List <- c()
ProcessedSeed.List <- c()

# Implementing the bootstrap cycles

for (r in 1:length(RandomSeedList)) {

  # Generating the bootstrap data
  (SelectedSeed <- as.integer(RandomSeedList[r]))
  ICV_BootstrapRow <- sample(nrow(ICV_Data),
  ICV_BootstrapData <- ICV_Data[ICV_BootstrapRow,]
  ICV_BootstrapSurvival <- Surv(time=ICV_BootstrapData$TEVENT, event=ICV_BootstrapData$EVENT)
  # Formulating the FULL
  # Cox Proportional Hazards Model
  # Using the bootstrap data
  ICV_Bootstrap_CoxPH_Full <- cph(ICV_Survival ~ AGE_SQUAREDAFTER50 +
                                    SEX +
                                    SMOKING +
                                    alcohol +
                                    BMI +
                                    SYSTH +
                                    HDL +
                                    DIABETES +
                                    SUMSCORE_5LEVELS +
                                    HOMOC +
                                    CREAT_LOG +
                                    albumin +
                                    STENOSIS +
  # Conducting variable selection
  # Backward elimination
  ICV_Bootstrap_CoxPH_Backward <- fastbw(ICV_Bootstrap_CoxPH_Full,
  # Ignoring instances when no 
  # Reduced model is formulated 
  # Due to failure to meet
  # The final model criterion

  if(is.null(ICV_Bootstrap_CoxPH_Backward$factors.kept)!=TRUE) {
    (ProcessedSeed <- as.integer(RandomSeedList[r]))
    print(paste0("Implementing bootstrap cycle ",r))
    # Formulating the REDUCED
    # Cox Proportional Hazards Model
    # Using the bootstrap data
    ICV_Bootstrap_CoxPH_Reduced <- update(ICV_Bootstrap_CoxPH_Full,
                                          ~ICV_Bootstrap_CoxPH_Full$x[,ICV_Bootstrap_CoxPH_Backward$parms.kept, drop = FALSE])
    ICV_Bootstrap_CoxPH_Reduced_Coef <- as.data.frame(coef(ICV_Bootstrap_CoxPH_Reduced))
    ICV_Bootstrap_CoxPH_Full_CoefAdjusted <- ICV_Bootstrap_CoxPH_Full$x[,(colnames(ICV_Bootstrap_CoxPH_Full$x) %in% rownames(ICV_Bootstrap_CoxPH_Reduced_Coef)), drop = FALSE]
    # Determining the performance of the
    # Model formulated from bootstrap data
    # And evaluated on bootstrap data
    ICV_BootstrapOnBootstrap_CoxPH_Reduced.LP <- ICV_Bootstrap_CoxPH_Full_CoefAdjusted %*% coef(ICV_Bootstrap_CoxPH_Reduced)
    ICV_BootstrapOnBootstrap_CoxPH_Reduced.Concordance <- rcorr.cens(-as.numeric(ICV_BootstrapOnBootstrap_CoxPH_Reduced.LP),ICV_Bootstrap_CoxPH_Reduced$y)[1]
    ICV_Original_CoxPH_Full_CoefAdjusted <- ICV_Original_CoxPH_Full$x[,(colnames(ICV_Original_CoxPH_Full$x) %in% rownames(ICV_Bootstrap_CoxPH_Reduced_Coef)), drop = FALSE]
    # Determining the performance of the
    # Model formulated from bootstrap data
    # And evaluated on original data
    ICV_BootstrapOnOriginal_CoxPH_Reduced.LP <- ICV_Original_CoxPH_Full_CoefAdjusted %*% coef(ICV_Bootstrap_CoxPH_Reduced)
    ICV_BootstrapOnOriginal_CoxPH_Reduced.Concordance <- rcorr.cens(-as.numeric(ICV_BootstrapOnOriginal_CoxPH_Reduced.LP),ICV_Original_CoxPH_Reduced$y)[1]
    # Computing for the individual 
    # Estimated performance optimism
    ICV_CoxPH_Reduced.Concordance.Optimism <- ICV_BootstrapOnBootstrap_CoxPH_Reduced.Concordance - ICV_BootstrapOnOriginal_CoxPH_Reduced.Concordance
    ProcessedSeed.List <- append(ProcessedSeed.List,ProcessedSeed)
    ICV_BootstrapOnBootstrap_CoxPH_Reduced.Concordance.List <- append(ICV_BootstrapOnBootstrap_CoxPH_Reduced.Concordance.List,ICV_BootstrapOnBootstrap_CoxPH_Reduced.Concordance[[1]])
    ICV_BootstrapOnOriginal_CoxPH_Reduced.Concordance.List <- append(ICV_BootstrapOnOriginal_CoxPH_Reduced.Concordance.List,ICV_BootstrapOnOriginal_CoxPH_Reduced.Concordance[[1]])
    ICV_CoxPH_Reduced.Concordance.Optimism.List <- append(ICV_CoxPH_Reduced.Concordance.Optimism.List,ICV_CoxPH_Reduced.Concordance.Optimism)
## [1] "Implementing bootstrap cycle 1"
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## [1] "Implementing bootstrap cycle 189"
## [1] "Implementing bootstrap cycle 190"
## [1] "Implementing bootstrap cycle 191"
## [1] "Implementing bootstrap cycle 192"
## [1] "Implementing bootstrap cycle 193"
## [1] "Implementing bootstrap cycle 194"
## [1] "Implementing bootstrap cycle 195"
## [1] "Implementing bootstrap cycle 196"
## [1] "Implementing bootstrap cycle 197"
## [1] "Implementing bootstrap cycle 198"
## [1] "Implementing bootstrap cycle 199"
## [1] "Implementing bootstrap cycle 200"
# Consolidating all the individual 
# Estimated performance optimism

ICV_CoxPH_Reduced.Concordance.EstimatedOptimismSummary <- cbind(seq(1:length(ProcessedSeed.List)),

ICV_CoxPH_Reduced.Concordance.EstimatedOptimismSummary <- as.data.frame(ICV_CoxPH_Reduced.Concordance.EstimatedOptimismSummary)

colnames(ICV_CoxPH_Reduced.Concordance.EstimatedOptimismSummary) <- c("Item",
                                                                      "Random Seed",

##  Item Random Seed Bootstrap      Test      Optimism
##     1    24357954 0.5543502 0.4566681  0.0976821298
##     2    65725996 0.5476381 0.5391635  0.0084746534
##     3    70053462 0.5398864 0.5608731 -0.0209866759
##     4    78017548 0.5162009 0.4729145  0.0432863839
##     5    84420140 0.5356534 0.5500449 -0.0143914874
##     6      606720 0.5438464 0.4830998  0.0607466176
##     7    10029333 0.5383122 0.4388762  0.0994360240
##     8     9876518 0.5246633 0.4485447  0.0761185569
##     9    82419514 0.5459457 0.4777053  0.0682403640
##    10    42862636 0.5586620 0.4933852  0.0652767149
##    11    54910456 0.5326734 0.6241630 -0.0914895863
##    12    63139597 0.5352076 0.4459614  0.0892461485
##    13    53332617 0.5595355 0.6232712 -0.0637357448
##    14     8034413 0.5375183 0.5113660  0.0261523609
##    15    52415042 0.5568198 0.5863339 -0.0295141053
##    16    14954495 0.5091375 0.6082396 -0.0991020789
##    17    41054996 0.5345242 0.6044238 -0.0698996254
##    18    70033269 0.5119724 0.5514553 -0.0394828673
##    19    57006029 0.5330833 0.5468488 -0.0137654541
##    20    15249657 0.5327894 0.6456055 -0.1128161218
##    21    15020852 0.5250868 0.3917604  0.1333264482
##    22    58737737 0.5351302 0.4565334  0.0785967572
##    23    47064181 0.5476764 0.4646823  0.0829940045
##    24    29510608 0.5223479 0.4874980  0.0348499476
##    25     2926223 0.5109874 0.3973687  0.1136186820
##    26    15597395 0.5238630 0.5483488 -0.0244858201
##    27    17565909 0.5185945 0.4932924  0.0253020292
##    28    53494443 0.5649787 0.5852961 -0.0203174207
##    29    60222957 0.5369637 0.6057860 -0.0688222657
##    30    70635560 0.5272916 0.6026313 -0.0753396549
##    31    48609906 0.5386576 0.4724031  0.0662544371
##    32    40534381 0.5448233 0.6009747 -0.0561514600
##    33    61196946 0.5227492 0.5196900  0.0030591920
##    34    68587780 0.5586833 0.4889976  0.0696857913
##    35    93490098 0.5155689 0.3973687  0.1182001905
##    36    82482027 0.5508948 0.5883103 -0.0374155014
##    37    81130178 0.5467641 0.5072917  0.0394724031
##    38    15641896 0.5287548 0.5904109 -0.0616560948
##    39    15033507 0.5453697 0.4837054  0.0616642842
##    40    95751689 0.5480139 0.4724695  0.0755443897
##    41    74283531 0.5213188 0.5312816 -0.0099628475
##    42    63712377 0.5579731 0.5223402  0.0356329443
##    43    31672772 0.5186395 0.5270855 -0.0084459905
##    44    88691650 0.5139201 0.4634307  0.0504894070
##    45    79451861 0.5650720 0.4812422  0.0838297772
##    46    90232912 0.5523498 0.4151870  0.1371627223
##    47    94043774 0.5180631 0.5349004 -0.0168373851
##    48    80510746 0.5347594 0.5500968 -0.0153373619
##    49    34102210 0.5871710 0.5835190  0.0036520128
##    50    17883462 0.5533584 0.4601823  0.0931761456
##    51     8772866 0.5452878 0.5443860  0.0009017428
##    52    87703613 0.5435862 0.3638459  0.1797402690
##    53    53348271 0.5564627 0.4044912  0.1519714136
##    54    24011095 0.5215326 0.3926762  0.1288564063
##    55    31341514 0.5379983 0.5029177  0.0350806154
##    56    80187434 0.5188556 0.5321097 -0.0132540722
##    57    43745901 0.5388941 0.5172778  0.0216163489
##    58    93922134 0.5156527 0.4729145  0.0427381497
##    59    66126492 0.5582502 0.4220120  0.1362382312
##    60    37431387 0.5105821 0.6026313 -0.0920491946
##    61    20990637 0.5549485 0.4915636  0.0633849659
##    62    81273149 0.5466236 0.3620047  0.1846188704
##    63    77598731 0.5386171 0.5100611  0.0285559467
##    64    10644229 0.5100029 0.3917604  0.1182425024
##    65    40926246 0.5427359 0.4835425  0.0591933633
##    66    80877223 0.5468970 0.5319482  0.0149488209
##    67    97912308 0.5436062 0.4014721  0.1421341367
##    68    31028144 0.5625228 0.4528942  0.1096286294
##    69     5257245 0.5424447 0.4108594  0.1315852929
##    70    59004516 0.5140184 0.5270855 -0.0130670811
##    71    34088822 0.5222488 0.5029177  0.0193310543
##    72    25666373 0.5553139 0.5673718 -0.0120579663
##    73    68623095 0.5616174 0.5434524  0.0181649762
##    74    63482681 0.5213092 0.5452823 -0.0239730733
##    75    76784074 0.5267115 0.3881025  0.1386090595
##    76    42512786 0.5118164 0.5196900 -0.0078736432
##    77    95549440 0.5655770 0.5394619  0.0261150536
##    78    13442618 0.5359978 0.4574561  0.0785417063
##    79     3819300 0.5238134 0.4803100  0.0435034027
##    80    74985875 0.5379478 0.5489198 -0.0109719623
##    81    94058848 0.5310678 0.5071976  0.0238702510
##    82     3110705 0.5623713 0.5370547  0.0253165882
##    83    34050107 0.5555959 0.5230932  0.0325027776
##    84    49851621 0.5284372 0.5672595 -0.0388222566
##    85      665609 0.5521291 0.6269742 -0.0748451068
##    86    79266495 0.5228111 0.4067401  0.1160709492
##    87    54231681 0.5446294 0.3953778  0.1492516263
##    88    33345182 0.5455184 0.5097709  0.0357475957
##    89    28525383 0.5509790 0.4883096  0.0626693043
##    90    48257725 0.5442941 0.5154579  0.0288362058
##    91    42446822 0.5564012 0.5429529  0.0134483427
##    92    45803378 0.5436713 0.4308251  0.1128461496
##    93    75002096 0.5202301 0.3973687  0.1228613181
##    94    43813903 0.5396526 0.5064173  0.0332352730
##    95    29858393 0.5431358 0.5049937  0.0381420823
##    96    75727172 0.5311697 0.5766541 -0.0454843251
##    97    81424081 0.5450912 0.5197719  0.0253193180
##    98     6960366 0.5302170 0.6243704 -0.0941534127
##    99     6160576 0.5704856 0.5235049  0.0469807085
##   100    19881212 0.5294031 0.4659226  0.0634805088
##   101    38081837 0.5410120 0.5681717 -0.0271596558
##   102     1300489 0.5146258 0.5514553 -0.0368295051
##   103    74339302 0.5436249 0.5724038 -0.0287788801
##   104    63614203 0.5558585 0.5149798  0.0408787033
##   105     9353482 0.5478802 0.5898317 -0.0419515134
##   106    70489628 0.5318149 0.4886864  0.0431285106
##   107    94299495 0.5407540 0.3793616  0.1613923964
##   108    78365082 0.5570113 0.4786430  0.0783683642
##   109    51232997 0.5332589 0.5455266 -0.0122677057
##   110    41328046 0.5176613 0.3973687  0.1202925796
##   111    90269939 0.5302311 0.5355729 -0.0053417569
##   112    76384369 0.5151686 0.4012478  0.1139207795
##   113    46582891 0.5263412 0.3756296  0.1507116125
##   114    20718053 0.5336356 0.6164226 -0.0827869949
##   115    36855289 0.5529581 0.4798063  0.0731517230
##   116    14162817 0.5592630 0.4606368  0.0986261844
##   117    83427810 0.5615706 0.5260432  0.0355273921
##   118    47754877 0.5437141 0.5357717  0.0079423431
##   119    96086577 0.5088295 0.5831400 -0.0743105216
##   120    23368041 0.5326061 0.3771182  0.1554878465
##   121    95652738 0.5375484 0.6082396 -0.0706912664
##   122    68085408 0.5349036 0.6156401 -0.0807364627
##   123    50435170 0.5410930 0.3969029  0.1441901285
##   124    72969291 0.5499562 0.5945811 -0.0446248941
##   125    39789576 0.5385506 0.5497778 -0.0112271982
##   126    70949671 0.5328445 0.5512574 -0.0184129327
##   127    28105689 0.5374746 0.3735121  0.1639624999
##   128    31067917 0.5451062 0.6248859 -0.0797796690
##   129    31401285 0.5551856 0.5191559  0.0360296747
##   130    36989444 0.5328276 0.3928864  0.1399412002
##   131    54475311 0.5655765 0.5235172  0.0420593403
##   132    75412473 0.5603522 0.4886381  0.0717140302
##   133    37666917 0.5403496 0.5066957  0.0336538418
##   134    92034563 0.5247866 0.6073238 -0.0825372185
##   135    64331799 0.5483060 0.5233357  0.0249703590
##   136    23895688 0.5393810 0.4336873  0.1056936277
##   137    72574901 0.5482064 0.5387577  0.0094487358
##   138    18762241 0.5596488 0.3924892  0.1671595466
##   139    76873985 0.5299231 0.5368263 -0.0069032005
##   140    22587402 0.5649705 0.4925085  0.0724619944
##   141    38632436 0.5136449 0.5514553 -0.0378104120
##   142    64784435 0.5732559 0.5167559  0.0564999641
##   143    40113223 0.5479252 0.5213320  0.0265932230
##   144    38821276 0.5143160 0.5029177  0.0113982655
##   145    29759834 0.5372913 0.4708544  0.0664368785
##   146    17904630 0.5506232 0.5496991  0.0009240361
##   147    42121783 0.5675506 0.4567932  0.1107574003
##   148    83221723 0.5283198 0.5995470 -0.0712272164
##   149    92199625 0.5230217 0.4364572  0.0865645783
##   150    11287975 0.5439220 0.5357189  0.0082030386
##   151    59525042 0.5346921 0.6067055 -0.0720133978
##   152    99933470 0.5212920 0.5069287  0.0143632795
##   153      449880 0.5343195 0.3917604  0.1425590751
##   154      843264 0.5432454 0.5305391  0.0127062930
##   155    45102456 0.5225750 0.4731356  0.0494393453
##   156    52544982 0.5290751 0.4924803  0.0365947426
##   157    24716042 0.5169548 0.6243704 -0.1074156743
##   158    11469175 0.5553580 0.5539526  0.0014053903
##   159    32654802 0.5533853 0.6116696 -0.0582843411
##   160    22701179 0.5313403 0.5945106 -0.0631702219
##   161    79657253 0.5346243 0.4433276  0.0912966807
##   162    55157417 0.5202242 0.5369032 -0.0166790569
##   163    80567238 0.5400093 0.5480367 -0.0080274217
##   164    35206940 0.5272666 0.5468515 -0.0195849253
##   165    56067189 0.5339541 0.5822565 -0.0483023850
##   166    61002397 0.5409392 0.5107176  0.0302215776
##   167     7344359 0.5282352 0.3491360  0.1790992217
##   168    36103481 0.5301925 0.3857844  0.1444080573
##   169    38501127 0.5236255 0.4531512  0.0704742476
##   170     9605557 0.5375807 0.3823767  0.1552039476
##   171    96305721 0.5351266 0.5369032 -0.0017766426
##   172    96556339 0.5504812 0.4951191  0.0553620939
##   173    55917499 0.5369041 0.4557687  0.0811354680
##   174    33175807 0.5340506 0.4327883  0.1012622579
##   175    20310397 0.5304154 0.5218889  0.0085265195
##   176    69353345 0.5121749 0.3961544  0.1160204480
##   177    61139070 0.5349114 0.4352515  0.0996598674
##   178    39016431 0.5330901 0.4406019  0.0924882369
##   179    22331385 0.5162823 0.3926762  0.1236060976
##   180    36657309 0.5439242 0.5944177 -0.0504935017
##   181    89633602 0.5124902 0.3973687  0.1151214350
##   182    91643999 0.5157113 0.4255803  0.0901310575
##   183      333980 0.5361666 0.4947092  0.0414574202
# Computing for the mean of the individual 
# Estimated performance optimism

(ICV_CoxPH_Reduced.Concordance.Optimism <- mean(ICV_CoxPH_Reduced.Concordance.Optimism.List))
## [1] 0.03508444
# Determining the optimism-adjusted 
# Model performance

(ICV_CoxPH_Reduced.Concordance.OptimismAdjusted <- ICV_OriginalOnOriginal_CoxPH_Reduced.Concordance - ICV_CoxPH_Reduced.Concordance.Optimism)  
##   C Index 
## 0.6566788

1.2.9 Model Presentation

[A] The reduced model was graphically represented by a nomogram which could generate the survival (probability of being free of a cardiovascular event) for an individual case given the following clinical variables :
     [A.1] AGE variable (numeric) coded using its squared value after 50 years [if (AGE>50) then (AGE-50)^2 else 0]
     [A.2] BMI variable (numeric)
     [A.3] HDL variable (numeric)
     [A.4] DIABETES variable (factor)
     [A.5] CEREBRAL variable (numeric), CARDIAC variable (numeric), AAA variable (numeric) and PERIPH variable (numeric) coded using their linear combination [CEREBRAL + CARDIAC + (2*AAA) + PERIPH] called SUMSCORE_5LEVELS variable (numeric)
     [A.6] CREAT variable (numeric) coded using its logarithm [log(CREAT)]
     [A.7] ALBUMIN variable (factor)
     [A.8] STENOSIS variable (factor)
     [A.9] IMT variable (numeric)

Code Chunk | Output
COXPH.REDUCED.AREGIMPUTED_3 <-cph(Surv(TEVENT,EVENT) ~  ifelse(AGE>50, (AGE-50)^2,0) +
                                 BMI +
                                 DIABETES +
                                 SUMSCORE_5LEVELS +
                                 log(CREAT) +
                                 albumin +
                                 STENOSIS +
                               data = SMART.AREGIMPUTED_3,

dd <- datadist(SMART.AREGIMPUTED_3)


                                                 fun=list(function(x) COXPH.REDUCED.AREGIMPUTED_3.PreNomogram(365,x),
                                                          function(x) COXPH.REDUCED.AREGIMPUTED_3.PreNomogram(730,x),
                                                          function(x) COXPH.REDUCED.AREGIMPUTED_3.PreNomogram(1095,x),
                                                          function(x) COXPH.REDUCED.AREGIMPUTED_3.PreNomogram(1460,x),
                                                          function(x) COXPH.REDUCED.AREGIMPUTED_3.PreNomogram(1825,x),
                                                          function(x) COXPH.REDUCED.AREGIMPUTED_3.PreNomogram(2190,x),
                                                          function(x) COXPH.REDUCED.AREGIMPUTED_3.PreNomogram(2555,x),
                                                          function(x) COXPH.REDUCED.AREGIMPUTED_3.PreNomogram(2920,x),
                                                          function(x) COXPH.REDUCED.AREGIMPUTED_3.PreNomogram(3285,x)),
                                                 funlabel=c("1-Year Survival",
                                                            "2-Year Survival",
                                                            "3-Year Survival",
                                                            "4-Year Survival",
                                                            "5-Year Survival",
                                                            "6-Year Survival",
                                                            "7-Year Survival",
                                                            "8-Year Survival",
                                                            "9-Year Survival"),


1.3 Model Validity Evaluation

1.3.1 Internal Overfitting

Internal overfitting was effectively managed by using a sufficiently large sample size in the study, considering literature and previous research results in the choice of candidate predictors and employing an objective selection of the final predictors.

1.3.2 External Generalizability

Although, external generalizability was not particularly assessed in the study, a large set of predictors representing important domains related to the subject matter was considered to ensure that the predictions made from the model are valid for plausibly related populations.

2. Summary

3. References

[Book] Clinical Prediction Models by Ewout Steyerberg
[Book] Survival Analysis: A Self-Learning Text by David Kleinbaum and Mitchel Klein
[Book] Applied Survival Analysis Using R by Dirk Moore
[Book] Regression Modeling Strategies by Frank Harrell
[Book] R for Health Data Science by Ewen Harrison and Riinu Pius
[Book] Supervised Machine Learning by Michael Foley
[Book] Data Science for Biological, Medical and Health Research by Thomas Love
[R Package] survival by Terry Therneau
[R Package] survminer by Alboukadel Kassambara
[R Package] mice by Gerko Vink and Stef van Buuren
[R Package] foreign by R Core Team
[R Package] rms by Frank Harrell
[R Package] Hmisc by Frank Harrell and Charles Dupont
[R Package] VIM by Matthias Templ
[R Package] gridExtra by Baptiste Auguie
[R Package] finalfit by Ewen Harrison
[R Package] knitr by Yihui Xie
[R Package] dplyr by Hadley Wickham
[R Package] gtsummary by Daniel Sjoberg
[R Package] tidyr by Hadley Wickham
[R Package] purrr by Lionel Henry
[R Package] moments by Lukasz Komsta and Frederick Novomestky
[R Package] lattice by Deepayan Sarkar
[Article] Survival Analysis by Lisa Sullivan
[Article] Survival Analysis in R by Emily Zabor
[Article] Assessment of Discrimination in Survival Analysis by R-Studio Team
[Article] Cox Proportional-Hazards Regression by MedCalc Team
[Article] Cox Proportional-Hazards Model by R Studio Team
[Article] Exploring Time To Event / Survival Data by Thomas Love
[Article] Survival Analysis by Alboukadel Kassambara
[Article] Survival Analysis with R by Joseph Rickert
[Article] Cox Model Assumptions by Alboukadel Kassambara
[Article] Understanding Predictions in Survival Analysis by Scikit Team
[Publication] Standards for Reporting Diagnostic Accuracy Studies (STARD): Explanation and Elaboration by Patrick Bosuyt (British Medical Journal)
[Publication] Transparent Reporting of a Multivariable Prediction Model for Individual Prognosis Or Diagnosis (TRIPOD): Explanation and Elaboration by Karel Moons (Annals of Internal Medicine)
[Publication] A Tool to Assess Risk of Bias and Applicability of Prediction Model Studies (PROBAST): Explanation and Elaboration by Karel Moons (Annals of Internal Medicine)
[Publication] Guide to Presenting Clinical Prediction Models for Use in Clinical Settings by Laura J Bonnett, Kym Snell, Gary Collins and Richard Riley (British Medical Journal)
[Publication] Survival Analysis Part I: Basic Concepts and First Analyses by Taane Clark (British Journal of Cancer)
[Publication] Survival Analysis Part II: Multivariate Data Analysis – An Introduction to Concepts and Methods by Mike Bradburn (British Journal of Cancer)
[Publication] Survival Analysis Part III: Multivariate Data Analysis – Choosing a Model and Assessing its Adequacy and Fit by Mike Bradburn (British Journal of Cancer)
[Publication] Survival Analysis Part IV: Further Concepts and Methods in Survival Analysis by Taane Clark (British Journal of Cancer)
[Tutorial] Survival Analysis / Time-To-Event Analysis in R by Heidi Seibold (Datacamp)